The Joyful Mom Podcast

75: How Do I Know if I'm Grieving Correctly?

Megan Hillukka

Is there a correct way of grieving? This is the common question a grieving mother would ask. We often compare our grieving to other’s experiences.

In this episode, we are going to know if there is a correct way of handling grief.

Episode Pointers :

  • Each of us have our own path .We have different experiences and  different relationships.
  • There is a strong narrative that we all grieve differently in a sense that anyone can grieve in whatever way and it’s correct, or it’s okay.
  • Grief is normal and it will come and go the rest of your life. It seems like the questions come up when you have been doing fine, managing day to day, feeling like maybe you are doing okay with this whole grief thing, and all sudden something triggers the tears and the pain. 
  • Then you start to wonder, did I ever grieve at all? How come it’s so painful? Am I doing this correctly? Is it supposed to be like this. And yes- that  will happen. That will happen the rest of your life. 
  • So when the waves come, let go of the judgement and the questions, it’s supposed to be there and it’s okay that it’s there. There is nothing wrong with the way you are grieving because a wave has come over you. Grief will come in waves the rest of your life.

  • I like to share this image of a person called grief has come to walk beside you. Right away I fought this person called grief. They were invisible to everyone else but I was very aware of them every second of every day. I didn’t want grief to be there. I tried to ignore the person, I tried to run, but none of that worked. Then, I began to relax and be okay with the person there, and now, I’m very comfortable with grief being a part of my life. I walk with and carry grief and I will the rest of my life. 

 Grief is normal, and you get to decide how you want to ride the waves of it.

If you want to apply for a spot for 1:1 Grief Coaching, go to

If you are a grieving mother and looking for others who know the pain of child loss, come join my free Grieving Moms Community Facebook group: