Graining In

#135: Dustin Small | Forager

Graining In Season 3 Episode 35

Wooooh, get your learnin' pants on for this one! We're joined but BB3R's very own Dustin Small, an integral member of our small Milo staff and as we've come to find out, a pretty damn knowledgable forager. We get into the inspiring story of how Dustin found foraging and turned it into a very viable revenue stream for his family; run through Maine's foraging season from Ramps to Hen of the Woods; the not-as-difficult-as-it-seems-but-still-dangerous act of identifying mushrooms in the wild; and  merely scrap the iceberg tip on the simply astounding (under)world of the wonder-fungus (and lifeblood of mushrooms in addition to seemingly everything) that is mycelium. Simply put, this is a must listen, regardless of your curiosity towards mushrooms, because they matter to this planet a lot more than most of us realize.  
................. ............................. ...........Music: "Mountain Climb" by Jake Hill