Back from the Abyss: Psychiatry in Stories

The two loves of her life-- Alcohol, self harm, and the path of recovery

Craig Heacock MD Season 1 Episode 21

If only swimming or meditation were as good as vodka. Unfortunately, the most powerful and rapid-acting coping strategies also tend to be the most damaging and addictive.

Annie learned this the hard way. After her father's death when she just 9 years old, she eventually found two of the most alluring and effective coping strategies, and they made day to day life possible, even manageable. They worked fantastically well, until they didn't. Annie found healing through 12 step groups and also through DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) and now works as a clinical psychologist, sharing her hard-earned wisdom and relentless hope with others.

Dialectical behavior therapy

Effectiveness of Alcoholics Anonymous vs other modalities

Dr. H