Back from the Abyss: Psychiatry in Stories

Craig Plays Goalie-- The Psychedelics Today interview

Craig Heacock MD Season 2 Episode 11

The podcast Psychedelics Today recently released a two part interview with Will Hall, an author, podcaster, therapist, and voice of the anti-psychiatry community. This BFTA episode came about after Dr. H reached out to the hosts of PT and asked for a counterpoint to Will's complete dismissal of psychiatry as a meaningful part of the mental health treatment community. 

Here Dr. H  presents a more nuanced, balanced, and hopeful perspective, one that recognizes the harm that psychiatrists and other physicians have caused in the past and continue to cause today, while also asking that we try to lean into the positive, to identify and celebrate what works for people, to reject the black/white thinking that calls for tearing down systems which are, by their very nature, messy and imperfect, just as we humans are messy and imperfect. 

Psychedelics Today

Dr. H and BFTA