Chuck Shute Podcast

John Corabi (ex- Motley Crue, Ratt, Dead Daisies)

July 29, 2022 John Corabi Season 4 Episode 266

John Corabi is a singer, guitarist and author. He has been the singer of Motley Crue and The Dead Daisies and a guitarist for Ratt, and has his own solo career. His new book “Horseshoes and Hand Grenades” is on par with Motley Crue’s “The Dirt”, which he was also a part of. We cover a lot in this episode including his review of seeing the Crue with Vince, being at the Viper Room the night River Phoenix died, making out with Sandra Bullock, why it took two years to make the Motley 94 record and more! 

00:00 - Intro
00:45 - Payment for "The Dirt" 
02:28 - John's Review of Crue with Vince 
07:38 - No Response From Nikki & Tommy 
13:30 - Relationship with Vince Neil 
16:50 - Sandra Bullock & Dennis Leary 
20:27 - River Phoenix & The Viper Room 
25:23 - Making the Motley Crue 94 Record 
29:25 - Accomplishments Vs. Close Calls 
34:10 - Fredo the Squirrel 
36:54 - Outro 

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Chuck Shute:

Hey guys, today we have one of my all time favorite people on the planet here on the show John karate. He's super talented musician, great guy and super entertaining guests. He's got a new book out now called horseshoes and hand grenades. It's really entertaining stuff. Even if you're just a casual rock fan. I think this is a great read. It's on par with the Motley Crue book the dirt, and we're just going to scratch the surface on a few things in this interview, including his opinion of seeing Motley live with vents. Being at the Viper Room The Day River Phoenix died making out with Sandra Bullock and more stay right there Okay, so first question, thing that I read your book, the book is amazing. Everyone needs to go out and fucking buy it even if they're not a hardcore fan of you. Like I am like, it's just there's so many good rock'n'roll stories. But the first question payment for the book, the dirt, the other book that you're in, you only asked for sign copies. But what do you think that you could have got for that? When you could you've gotten like, 1% of everything that thing made? Or did they make an offer at all?

John Corabi:

No, they I mean, they offered to pay me but I just, I just kind of, you know, I was like, no, just, you know, give me 12 copies of the book and have the other three guys sign it or forget to have them sign it. And I literally just wanted like 10 or 12 copies of the books, I give one of my son, one of my dad, one to a few friends, my wife, whatever. And, you know, unfortunately, it didn't happen. So once again, I negotiated something with Molly's management, and they didn't follow through with it. So, you know, it is what it is.

Chuck Shute:

Okay, so that way, I was just curious about taxes. I was like, Dude, if even you got like, 1% of everything, the book and the movie and all that stuff, that would have been a lot of money. Right, hello.

John Corabi:

You play? Well, that's that's accountant. My accountant always tells me to keep my mouth shut when it comes to negotiating. Because I'm the guy that goes, Oh, how much you want for those boots? 150. Okay, my, my bottom offers 200. So she goes, your negotiating skills are fucking horrible. So just now shut up.

Chuck Shute:

Right. So one thing I noticed throughout like, and I've listened to a lot of interviews with you, too, you know, you've been on my show. Throughout the book, everything I've known about you, I always think like this, you're a good guy. Like you're always a good guy. You're kind. You're nice. You're always trying to do the right thing, trying to help people. The only part in the book that shocked me, that I thought that it seemed out of character for you, is when you go to see the crew with with Vince for the first time and you're backstage with Tommy. And he asks, Hey, what do you think of the show? And you said, I think you've flown? You phoned it in and Aerosmith blew you off the stage? Do you think on a subconscious level? Maybe you did that? I don't think you did on purpose. But do you think maybe subconsciously, that was your kind of like revenge for like them kicking you out of the band and kind of kicking to the curb? And this is your way of saying fuck you. You suck? No,

John Corabi:

no, because Tommy said to me. He said to me, what did you because I you have to remember, I had never seen modeling before I joined the band. Obviously, see them when I was in the band because I was part of the band. Right. And so he sent me he I think Tommy texted me and sent me tickets to there. They were playing at the Hollywood Bowl. And you know, he was throwing sticks at me while he was on stage. He was kidding with me. The whole time. I went backstage. And I saw Nikki and Mick and I saw everybody. And I went in to Tommy's dressing room. And Tommy gave me a hug. And he said, What did you think? And I was like, wow, you know, and he said, dude, honestly, what did you think? And I was like, I mean, I was a little nervous about saying it. But I said, Listen, dude, like, you know, you had flame throwers and midgets and like all this other stuff. And you guys just seem like you found it in. I was looking around the audience as well. And I was seeing people, like literally get up to go buy a beer like they. It was just it was just a weird night. I said to him, I think you guys phoned it in. And a bunch of 70 year olds just walked on stage and handed you guys your You're asked on a platter. And I stand by that today, Aerosmith came out on stage with just a row of amps. They had nothing no pyro. It was just lights. And, and the guys kicking ass. And they were getting amazing. And so he asked, I told him

Chuck Shute:

I don't I don't disagree with you have your right to have your opinion. Absolutely. But don't you think he didn't really want to hear that? I mean, it's kind of like when you're your wife or your girlfriend says, Do I look fat in these pants? You don't actually tell them? They look fat in the pants. Like you say, No, you look beautiful, honey. No,

John Corabi:

but see, that's the difference. I'm not. I really don't give a shit. Ask me a question. You know, it's, it's funny, like, even still to this day, like I had bands that will send me a track or send me a song. And they go, Hey, man, what did you think? And I just had a buddy of mine do it a couple, like a week ago. He sent me a track. And he said, Hey, I would really like your opinion on this. And he sent me the track. And I was listening to it. And I thought it was a good song. But I he said, you know, any feedback? And I go, Are you going to feel weird about this? And he said, No, I said, I think the intro is too long. I think you need to cut the intro back a little bit. And you need to get to the fucking vocals way sooner. And he was like, he didn't take any. He didn't take anything. And even my wife. If my wife said to me, Hey, do these pants make me look fat? I wouldn't say yes. But I would figure out another way to say maybe you should wear that other dress that you were those other pants because they you look fucking awesome. And then the last time I saw you know, whatever. Yeah. So, you know, again, like, if you asked me a question, and tell me to be honest. Like normally if I went Tommy asked me. Hey, how did we sound? I would have just went yeah, it was called. Do you know what I mean? I wouldn't. But he said, be blunt, be honest. And I fucking told him.

Chuck Shute:

Well, he did kind of ask for it there. Yeah. So now that you also said, I think I heard this. This was not in the book. But I heard you say in an interview that, that you're upset with Nikki and Tommy because when you texted them about the issue with your son, where your son was having some drug issues, you texted them because their motley crew they know about drugs, they went through that stuff. And they did not respond. Do you think that upset you? Do you think though, that maybe, I mean, I don't know what it's like to be in Motley Crue. Like how many texts phone calls, emails and things do they get? I mean, do you think they just didn't even see it? Or they just got bombarded and forgot about it? I

John Corabi:

don't know. Doesn't matter to me. The bottom line of it is now, now, look, at the end of the day, Tommy and I are fine. Tommy still texts me. texts. He, we contact each other on Instagram. But I didn't do anything until Tommy reached out to me first. And, you know, and said, Hey, crab, how you been? Blah, blah, blah, whatever. Or they're I posted something and he made a comment about it. And then I and then I reached out. I wasn't mad at them. I was a little disappointed in the fact that if you want to be upset with me, awesome. I, you know, c'est la vie. But you watched my kid grow up. I reached out to them. I did not ask them for money. I did not ask them for anything. What I asked them for was, hey, you guys have dealt with heroin addiction. How do I handle this? I got nothing from Nikki at all. No response. No, nothing. And Tommy just wrote back. He just wrote back one word he just said like wasn't like oh shit, dude. Sorry. Like, fuck, are you kidding me? Ian's taken drugs, you know, blah, blah, nothing. He just wrote rehab. No, like rehab. You know, good luck, Tommy. Like nothing. He just wrote rehab, saying I was just like, Man, how like, you know, especially I was I was a little bummed out with Tommy because Tommy's the one that got in his first drum set. Um, he's the one that even looked, he looked up to. And I just said, You know what? I have reached out to those guys on multiple occasions. I reached out to Nikki when he divorced Donna de Eriko. I reached out to Tommy when the kid died in his pool. I reached out to Tommy when he went to prison. I reached out to Tommy, you know, and all those guys multiple times, and I never got a response. And but I thought, maybe if they realized that there was something wrong with my son, they would just go Hey, dude, here, like, call this counselor, or hey, this guy is a really good counselor. Here's how he can help you figure it out. The they didn't respond. Okay, c'est la vie. I just said, Fuck it, whatever. I'm not. I'm done with those guys. I won't ever bother them again. I won't ever call them again. I won't forget it. But now it was funny. I talked to another gentleman named Gary Corbett, who was the keyboard player, Cinderella for and I knew Gary, but I didn't really know Him know him. I called dairy because Gary had also had some issues in the past with drugs. And I reached out to Gary and I told him what happened. I said, Hey, my son's shooting her when he was coming coming out to Nashville. He wants to get his life together. And Gary Corbett was at my house an hour later, with a package full of these things called that it was called Suboxone. It's an opiate blocker. He told me how to distribute it to me, and he told me if I need anything, please give him a call. He was so supportive. And he had never even met me in. And I had only met him a few times, like on tours. But it at least he reached out to me, he was literally at my house in an hour and willing to help out and that I will never forget. Now we all know Gary has since passed on. That it I will never forget the fact that I asked my what I thought were my friends to help me out. Not even with money. Hey, do you have a phone number for a counselor or something that I could reach out to? And I didn't get anything. So I'm like, Alright, whatever it is what it is dude, like, you know, I'm not angry about it. But I just I have like, a very good long memory. You know what I mean? So it is what it is. You know, I kind of figured out like I can I can write to Tommy, I won't ever bring it up. Hey, how's it gone? How's your wife? You know, and I, if you remember I even kind of went to bat with for him on the Tommy Tommy show. I love Tommy. You know, and but we you know, listen, we're all like brothers. We love each other. We hate each other, you know, whatever it is. But, you know, that's my story. I'm sticking to it.

Chuck Shute:

Okay, so that's what those guys and then you and Mick are cool. And all that. And then but the thing with Vince Neil, that is so puzzling. I mean, it starts off good that you know you guys are you're basically cool. Your friends. You even talk about doing a tour together, which I'd fucking go see. I think it'd be amazing. But then years later, you see him. And he now there's I think it's one of four things that happens either he doesn't recognize you. He was pretending he didn't know you. Or he was so high or fucked up that he didn't know what the hell was going on. Or the last thing which I hope this is not what's going on. I hope it's not a case of like the David Cassidy thing where he just drank so much that he got like dementia or whatever. What do you think it was?

John Corabi:

I'm gonna go with one and three. You know what I mean? I think he you know, he didn't, it didn't click right away. But he was also he was also a little inebriated. Okay. We were at a, you know, Sammy Hagar was doing this beach batch out in Huntington Beach. And, you know, there was definitely some partying going on. With all of us. I mean, I remember sammies people. I had my coach, they're right next to Sammys liquor company, they had a coach. So I literally my wife and I drove across country for the thing. We were hanging out. My manager was involved in the concert. So we went out we're hanging it was just just to go have a fun weekend. And, you know, I know at one point Sammys people came, came over and loaded my coach up with the Santos. Mezcal tequila that he was. He was promoting, to I'm sure there was some drinking involved as well. And Vince, it didn't. It just didn't click. You know, I don't hold it against Vince. Last year when we did the monsters on the mountain thing, obviously, when Vince fell off the stage, I went the next day. slaughter was playing. And I went the next day to talk to Mark and and Dana, just to ask how Vince was doing. And as soon as they opened the door, they're like, Oh, hey, crabby man. Hey, Vince was looking for you. He's, we're on the schedule. He was looking for you and asked where you were. So he could say hi to you. So I think it was just a thing at that one. Where Vince just had maybe a little too much to drink. And he didn't put two and two together. That it was me now mind you as well. You can see my beard maybe he didn't recognize me again. But

Chuck Shute:

that voice the raspy John corabi voice How could you not recognize that?

John Corabi:

Well, I didn't sing I just I resist backstage just speaking voice

Chuck Shute:

is very distinguishable I

John Corabi:

think well to you. Okay, yeah, obviously you you don't have cable TV. So you you focus on like weird shit, but whatever. Cable TV I've everything. I'm kidding.

Chuck Shute:

Hey, so Okay, here's the other one. I want to ask you. This has nothing to do with Motley Crue, but this is crazy. Okay, obviously Debbie, your wife she is the best kisser in the world. But as the second best kisser Sandra Bullock or what is it like to kiss Sandra Bullock? That's pretty fucking awesome.

John Corabi:

No, no comment. Come on, nothing. No, you know, you know what's funny. Sandra Sandra Bullock was. I was so pissed more than anything. Because I met her when she was doing the Demolition Man. Yeah. And it's it's a long story. I won't go into too much detail. But Tommy and I found out that we were hanging out with Sylvester Stallone. And he was telling us about the movie. And Tommy said, Oh, who's in it? And he goes, Oh, you know, Dennis Leary. And this girl named Sandy. I mean, I don't even think at that point. She was like a huge star yet. We're like, okay, cool. Now you have to remember Dennis had just done a live album called no cure for cancer, comedy record. And he kind of took the piss out of modeling. So we went to Dennis's trailer, and knocked on his door. And as soon as he opened the door, and he saw me and Tommy, he we were all pissing ourselves laughing because he went, gotta hope you guys have a sense of humor. Do you know what I mean? So we we go in? You know, we go in Tommy and Dennis immediately disappeared. I don't know why. I think there might have been some foul play involved. But I was literally just sitting in this trailer with Sandra and we were literally flirting with each other. And hanging out and you know, whatever. And then she went to do the scene. And she said to me, Hey, wait, right here. I'll be back. Some Wheaton, Wheaton, wait, like 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes. So I start walking back to the trailer. And I go to her trailer, and I knock on the door. And this other girl answers her wardrobe assistant, whatever. And she goes, Oh, no, Sandra just left. So I turned around and I walked back to where I was. And when I went up there. Bobby, our guitar tech Bobby yo. He said, Hey, crab, that little actress chick was looking for you. And I go, Where did she go? He goes, I don't know, man. I think she laughed. And I go, Oh, FAK like, I really liked her. And like, there was definitely for me anyway, there was definitely some chemistry there. And so he goes, Yeah, she asked me for your phone number. And I said, Well, did you give it to her? And he goes, No, man, I didn't want to give it to her unless I asked you first. And I was like, Ah, fuck. You know what I mean? And I was so I was so bummed out. because I really liked her like, right when I met her. And you know, so Bobby wouldn't give her the number she left and then she went up to its speed right after that movie and became, you know, global phenomenon.

Chuck Shute:

So yeah, right. Well, yeah, there was another thing that blew my mind. What's the one that got away? Yeah, that's pretty cool. One That Got Away though. Um, the other thing that was so are you actually there? Is that what happened? You were actually at the Viper Room The night that River Phoenix died?

John Corabi:

Yeah, Tommy and I went down. And it's it's weird, because I don't remember all of the details. And I don't even remember who we were there to see. All I remember is Tommy asked me to go with him to the Viper. And we went down in a limo. And he was he was on the phone. I think he was on the phone with Johnny Depp. And he was like, Hey, dude. Yeah, we're just getting off the freeway. Yeah, we're coming down Sunset Boulevard. And if you've ever been to the Viper Room, there was a door on Sunset Boulevard. And then there was another door on the side street. And they made arrangements for us to pull up right in front of the club. On sunset. They were going to open the door security guard was going to open the door, just knock on the door. He was waiting for us. As we got out of the car, we, we, you know, we walk kind of walked in between these two cars. And there was this kid like, kind of on the pavement, like, passed out. And we literally stepped over him. And we turned around and we looked at the kid. What but we couldn't see his face. He was just out. And we're just sitting there and we go, I look at this fucking rookie. You know what I mean? Like, can't handle was alcohol Look at this fucking rookie. And we went into the club. Again, I couldn't even tell you who was playing, who wasn't playing. Tommy and I just bellied up to the bar. We started drinking. There was this little kind of private room that Johnny had. We were in the room. And then at the end of the night, we went outside. You know, we're bullshitting. He was bullshitting with Johnny and, you know, we weren't paying attention to anything. And we literally went outside. And Christina Applegate was sitting out front. And as we walked out the door, Tommy kind of looked over to his left, and he saw Christine Apple D crying. So he walked up, he walked over there, I didn't know her. So he walked over to her and he said, Christina, how are you? She goes, Hi. You know, he goes, What's wrong? And she said, Oh, a friend of mine died tonight. And he was like, fuck, man. I'm sorry. Like, I'm really sorry. Like, you know, are you okay? She's like, Yeah, yeah. And somehow they started talking. And she said, it was River Phoenix. And he had, he was in the club, and he had gone outside. And he just died. And, and then it was weird. We got in the car, and we started driving home. And then I looked at Tommy and I go, Dude, I think that guy that we stepped over to get into the club. I think that was him. And we went, Oh, shit. Fuck, yeah, you're right. I think that was him because he had kind of had longer

Chuck Shute:

blonde hair or like helping him at that time, or was he just by himself,

John Corabi:

just outside on the pavement by himself? Oh, shit. And I don't know if his brother came out with him and then ran back into the club. We just happened to walk out he was outside on the curb by himself. And we walked literally stepped over and walked into the club.

Chuck Shute:

I don't think that part was in the book that you stepped over him or maybe I missed it.

John Corabi:

No, it's in there. Okay. Yeah. And not to be morbid or whatever. But we were looking at him like, look at his fucking rookie can handle well, we stepped went inside and, and did our thing. But and even when we came out and saw Christina, we didn't put two and two together yet. We got in the car. We started driving home and we're like, halfway home and we were like, oh shit, dude, I think. I think that guy that we stepped over was River Phoenix. And it was like, oh, Holy shit, yes, you're right. Fuck. Oh my god, like, and we were just, like, kind of felt bad about it like, you know, maybe we could call 911 or we didn't we didn't put two and two together, you know what I mean, we were just late to the party and the party was shown over.

Chuck Shute:

That's crazy. Well, that's, there's so many things that like, kind of got wrapped up in your in your book in terms of like things that I wondered, like one thing I always wondered was Why did it take so fucking long to make up Motley Crue 94 record. And you talk about how these guys would take all these mini vacations like they would. And you were used to working with a screen where you guys would do six days a week, and you had a full time job. And they would sometimes take a month off when they were recording. I thought it was like, they were just working so hard on this album, I didn't know there was all these breaks.

John Corabi:

Now that was just, you know, but again, I think I explained in the book, they wanted to take their time, right? Because their thing, I mean, you got to remember to we took almost a year before it was like seven, eight months before we even started the record. Right? There theory was, you know, there's that old, there's an old thing, they talked about singers that they you know, most singers have LSD, lead singer disease. And that's all they would talk about when Vince was that he had LSD, he was hard to work with he, you know, very, in their words, he was selfish, he would, you know, whatever. And so their thing was, we want to take our time, we want to get to know this guy. We want to just rudely take it slow, before we get out there and throw everybody to the wolves. And you know, realize that this singers got LSD worse than the other guy that we had. So they just wanted to take their time. So there was no rush, there was no sense of urgency during the record. So the guys would literally we would like write three or four songs. And you know, we would do three or four songs, we demoed them up. So we would take like that would that would take like two, two and a half weeks. And then everybody would split, Nikki would go to Hawaii. With his family. Tommy, I remember one time Tommy went to Turtle Island with Heather la playa, they went down there. You know, MC went somewhere. And you know, they just literally kind of they took their time. Again, there was no sense of urgency, they wanted to make sure they were doing the right thing. And they're like, like, I'm not used to work and like this, especially as a singer. You start singing and your voice starts getting stronger, and stronger and stronger. And then you take a month off, and then you got to start over again and start building that muscle back up, right? I fucking hated it.

Chuck Shute:

Cuz I remember as a kid reading about how they said, Oh, Vince doesn't want to work on music. He's not working hard enough. He wants to go race cars, and we want to make music. But it sounded he made he put his album out first. And he had been seen Oh, man thing. And so I just thought that was interesting. Because I was like, Oh, if they really wanted to, I think in hindsight, I think it would have been helped if you guys put that album out a year earlier, because I feel like time was like your enemy like it was the longer you waited, the more the grunge really took a stronghold.

John Corabi:

And again, you know, like, I'm not the type of person to sit here because, like, again, it's shoulda, woulda coulda. Yeah, sure. You can't. At this stage in my life. I can't change something that happened 30 years ago. I can't. We just played the cards the way we played them. It was a losing hand. And I moved on to the next. The next thing, you know, I mean,

Chuck Shute:

it was a winning thing. I love that album. I love that era. I mean, I love it all though. I love all it crew stuff. So I think it's a good thing. I mean, you talked about horseshoes, and hand grenades and all these things that you almost made. I'm like, I think you have more accomplishments and things that you did accomplish them things that you almost accomplished.

John Corabi:

No, but again, like I don't want anybody to take this weird because, yes, I mean, a day doesn't go by that I don't wake up in the morning and go God. Here I am. 3540 years into the music business and I'm still making music. I'm doing books. I'm still, you know, touring. I'm gonna go to Europe for two months at the end of the year. I'm going back to Mac sicko, I'm doing all this shit. Life is awesome. My thing is, and then on the flip side, which I think is kind of normal, you know, everybody, obviously, and anybody that says they don't want more is full of shit. Like, and I've kind of sat there and I've looked. And you know, for an example, if you went to a party, and there was 10 people in that party, and you walked in and went, oh my god, I'm gonna go see Steven Tyler tonight, in a club. Nine out of the 10, or all 10 of them would go, Oh, fuck, I love Steven Tyler, I'm gonna go with you. I've just been this guy that if you went to the same party and said, Oh, I'm gonna go see John karate tonight. I've been this guy that like, six to seven of the people would go, Hmm, why does that name sound familiar? Do you know what I mean? I just die. I'm okay with it.

Chuck Shute:

Right. But I'm just saying like, I'm one of those seven that would I would actually prefer to see you will receive in Thailand. I know. That's crazy. So like, I think that's pretty cool. You should be grateful for that.

John Corabi:

I get it. And I am grateful for it. I am grateful for the fans that I have. But it's like I think you, you always want to do new things. You always want to try new things. You always want to branch out, you want to grow. And I just kind of feel like I've had this bubble of fans. And I am constantly I talked to my manager all the time. And I go, okay, what can I do? That would you know, expand my bubble a little bit, and grow that fan base? How do I let people more people know that I've got new music on Spotify and Amazon and, you know, Apple tunes? And how do I do that? How do I how do I let more people know that I've got a book out. You know, so it's just, you know, as a, as an artist, or as a musician, I want to grow, I want to be able to grow. So I'm always thinking of other things that are a little uncomfortable for me. You know, how can I? How can I do this? How can I how can I grow? I mean, even one of the things that I said I did an acoustic record, you know, seven 810 years ago, and I was telling my manager I said you know, the more I go see some of these country guys. I realized how inspired they were by rock music. Some of these newer country guys, here Keith Durbin's, Chris Stapleton, Eric Church, like all these cats, and then go to send a curiosity, like, why would I be able to go out and do an acoustic set opening for one of those guys? It's different. It's, it's not my, it's not? My, you know, and it's like, I'm kind of taking a chance. But why why wouldn't I be able to do that? I would think that Father, Mother Son, you know, some of the songs that I've written crash, if I had a dime, misunderstood, not misunderstood, well, even the acoustic version and misunderstood or, or loved shine, October morning wind, I think all of those songs would work in that setting. Why wouldn't I be able to do that? Let's try something new. Let's try something different. You know, so it's just, you know, there's, I'm very grateful for what I have. But again, you know, I would like I would like to be able to supersize my fries, you know? Sure. Sure. Yeah, I

Chuck Shute:

hear you. I know, you got to get out of here. Last question. If you could tell me real quick. I was talking to Troy. Patrick. I know you live with him. He's told me he said to ask you about Fredo the squirrel. What is Fredo the squirrel?

John Corabi:

Troy you and I lived together for a minute and he had a girlfriend named Susie. And when I was living there, there was a squirrel I would sit out on the front step. And the squirrel would literally run up to me and just sit right in front of me while I was eating. Like I'd be eating bag of chips or sure I'm like, oh, cool, you know, so I I gave it a potato chip. And ran away and then I went into the house. And I had a can of like mixed nuts. So I just reached in and grabbed a handful. Close the lid boom. And I put these nuts out in in the driveway, for the squirrel. And then it was funny like one day Suzy was at the house and she opened the front door. And she like freaked out. And so we can run it out. And the squirrel was literally on the storm door like on the screen. Literally just spread eagle on the thing like looking in the window. Like, where's those nuts be named Fredo. And it literally came to the house every day, climbed up the screen and storm door and just hung out on the door until we went out and handed it a handful of nuts. And then it would eat to nuts and it would go back up into the tree. So it was just weird. So we had a we had a pet squirrel named Fredo.

Chuck Shute:

That's cool. Okay, well, I know you gotta get to the next interview. People should get the book. It's great. You have two new singles out Casa Bella and your own worst enemy. Both great songs. When is the next those are more music coming in an album or more singles.

John Corabi:

Yeah, I'm trying to get a hold of Marty now to mix the next track. And let's I want to try and get a video together for it and put it out. I've got like, right now, when I'm done these interviews, I've literally got, you know, probably three, four or five new songs on deck that I'm literally working on lyrics and singing and recording. I'm kind of recording myself and then I get them to a certain point and I send them to Marty. So, you know, Marty's got three or four songs in the can done already. And then I've got like a bunch more on deck that, you know, I want to finish up with him. So we'll see how it goes.

Chuck Shute:

Okay, well look forward to that. You have to come back and promote that if you want to. Awesome, buddy. Okay, thanks, John. See you later. Thank you, buddy. Great stuff from John karate. I wish we had more time. But we did cover a lot of ground in our first interview. It's number 121. So check that out. If you haven't already. Get his book, horseshoes and hand grenades. It's out now and check out his new singles cosi Bella, and your own worst enemy. Great songs. And make sure to follow John or subscribe for updates. I don't think John has a specific charity that he's working with at the moment. But he's previously previously worked with Toys for Tots. So if you have money leftover from buying the book, throw some that way or whatever your favorite charity is. Speaking of charity, I'll take your pity if you want to follow me on social media, subscribe to my show or write me a review or rating. I'd appreciate your support. Have a great day and shoot for the moon.

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