Skilled Trades Playbook by At Your Best
Skilled Trades Playbook by At Your Best
Ep. 026 - Continuing education for those who go through the FAME program (Federation for Advanced Mfg. Ed.) You can also earn a Bachelor's degree in Business Mgmt. or Lean Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt., while working, typically paid for by employers.
In this episode you'll listen to my conversation with Jimmy Croan, who on behalf of Northwood University, works with the FAME program to offer program graduates - who will already have earned an Associate's degree - the opportunity extend their education with a Bachelor's degree in on of two distinct tracks: Business Management or Lean Operations and Supply Chain Management.
The FAME career and education pathway is designed to be flexible as a "hop-on, hop-off" education tracks that even offer the opportunity to earn a Master's degree - all while working and where costs are typically covered with employers' tuition reimbursement funds.
For more information on FAME Program, please click here
Please feel free to send me you comments as well as any ideas on how I can improve the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series on Twitter to @aybcareers or you can email me at jcarosso@AtYourBest.com
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To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com
Thanks a lot, Juan Carosso