Indie Author Weekly

116: It's okay if you aren't writing—pep talk

June 15, 2021 Sagan Morrow Episode 117

Have you ever felt guilty because you feel like you *should* be writing, but you’re not doing it? Well, that’s exactly what we’re discussing on today’s episode of Indie Author Weekly!  

This is the podcast for indie authors, aspiring authors, and curious bookworms who want the inside scoop, tips and motivation, and behind-the-scenes journey of writing and self-publishing books.    

TUNE IN NOW to get some encouragement and a writing pep talk if you are feeling guilty or ashamed about not writing...  

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Hello and welcome back to Indie Author Weekly! This is the podcast for indie authors, aspiring authors, and curious bookworms who want the inside scoop, tips and motivation, and the behind-the-scenes journey of writing and self-publishing books. I’m your host, Sagan Morrow (or @Saganlives on Twitter & Instagram), and I’m a productivity strategist and an author of polyamorous romcoms.

Now, have you ever felt guilty because you feel like you *should* be writing, but you’re not doing it? Well, that’s exactly what we’re discussing on today’s episode of Indie Author Weekly!

For new and returning listeners, you can now get all Indie Author Weekly podcast episodes—plus updates on my writing projects—delivered directly to your inbox each week at… link is in the show notes.

Now let’s get into this episode of the Indie Author Weekly podcast. Today, I want to give you a little pep talk or encouragement if you’re feeling guilty—specifically, if you’re feeling guilty that maybe you aren’t writing right now. Maybe you think you should be writing, but you aren’t doing it. 

It’s okay if you aren’t writing right now. For whatever reason that might be. 

Maybe it’s because you’re distracted by a bunch of other things going on in your life or business.

Maybe it’s because you’re just not in the writing mood, and you lack inspiration.

Or it could be because you want to prioritize other projects at this time, or because you don’t have the capacity or bandwidth or time or energy for writing, or because you have major imposter syndrome, or because you’ve got a hand cramp.

You could be in a position like me, where you are focusing your time and energy and creative resources on building a strong financial foundation for your business, so that you will have 10x MORE time and energy and creative resources for writing once all of that is in place—maybe you, too, would like to write at the moment, but you know that you need to press “pause” on it in order to give yourself that much more opportunity to write in the coming months.

Maybe it’s all of those reasons, or a completely other reason for why you aren’t writing right now. Maybe you don’t even know why you aren’t writing right now.

At the end of the day, the reason for why you aren’t writing isn’t so relevant—the point is, you AREN’T writing. 

If you are feeling guilty or ashamed that you aren’t writing, then take a breath.

Release the guilt. Release the shame. And remember: We write for enjoyment. We write because being creative and tapping into our inspiration brings us joy. We write because writing can be self-soothing and cathartic and a creative outlet and a pleasure and a way to change the world or get our thoughts on paper or share a sliver of our imagination with the world. 

If you aren’t in the space for that—or if you aren’t writing, for whatever reason—that happens. It happens to all of us. It happens, at some point or another, for every writer. It doesn’t make you less than. It doesn’t make you any less of a writer. It doesn’t mean anything about your worth and value and legitimacy as a writer.

It’s okay if you aren’t writing right now.

It’s okay.


There. That’s a weight off the shoulders, isn’t it?

Now: If you are stuck, and you aren’t writing, but you WANT to be writing, or you have a deadline that’s looming, then, you know, it’s probably, maybe, a good idea to shift into more of a writing zone. Sure. In that case, tune into Episode 93 of this Indie Author Weekly podcast, which features a writing meditation to help you more easily, smoothly get into the right headspace for writing. 

A couple more options are to tune into Episode 65, which features 10 tips for how to beat writer’s block, or Episode 75, which provides you with the #1 thing you can do to make writing easier on yourself. 

Those episodes—episode 93, episode 65, and episode 75—are great resources if you need to meet a writing deadline or if you really do WANT to be writing right now. 

But that’s probably not why you’re listening to THIS episode at this moment. If, at this moment, you need permission to *not* write, then consider this your permission slip! You don’t need to feel guilty or ashamed about it.

It’s okay if you aren’t writing right now. 

You’ll come back to it. You WILL start writing again. You are in a unique situation: no one else is in your shoes. Just because you see other people writing, doesn’t mean that you should drop everything and force yourself to do it.

You can feel back into it at your own pace. Every writer’s journey is going to be a little different. Everyone is going to have their ups and downs. Let go of the guit and the shame. You have permission to do things in your own way. You have permission to NOT write, at this moment, for whatever reason. 


Doesn’t that feel so much better, to release the guilt and the shame? I feel better. 

It’s okay if you’re not writing right now. You are still a writer. Even if you’re not writing at this particular moment in time. It’s okay.

And that, my friend, is a wrap for today’s episode of Indie Author Weekly! Access the show notes for this episode, including all links and additional resources, at

Thank you so much for tuning in. Please take 2 minutes to rate and review Indie Author Weekly on Apple Podcasts—I really appreciate your support. 

Until next week, this is Sagan Morrow, signing off the Indie Author Weekly podcast.

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