Dinosaur Man

Episode 60: NERVE!

December 04, 2016 Dinosaur Man Nerdcast
In this latest episode Alex and Andy look into the problems with the most hyped movie of the year (solely by Andy), Nerve. They investigate why this is Alex's most stupid film of the year and offer improvements for the inevitable sequel. There are spoilers ahead so if you want to avoid those come back once you've seen the film, or don't, it genuinely makes no difference to your enjoyment of this film. What did you think of Nerve? Did we call this one wrong? Let us know at Dinosaur Man Nerdcast on Facebook or @DinosaurMan15 on Twitter. Like what you're hearing? Subscribe to the podcast to ensure you get all the episodes as they're released and give us a rating in the process. Why not tell a friend about the podcast, get them to tell 4 more friends, and those friends to tell 4 more each, it's not a pyramid scheme, honestly.