Dinosaur Man

News & Reviews: Ghost In The Shell & Raw

April 20, 2017 Dinosaur Man Nerdcast
Dinosaur Man
News & Reviews: Ghost In The Shell & Raw
Show Notes
Our midweek news and reviews show covers two films and a whole bunch of news, primarily casting and crew news for a variety of projects from Marvel and Harry Potter. Reviewed this week is the much discussed 'Ghost In The Shell' adaptation, is the film as controversial as it's being made out to be? Andy has the full scoop. Alex has seen 'Raw', the debut feature from writer/director Julia Ducournau. Is it another contender for film of the year? Only time will tell. Find us at Dinosaur Man Nerdcast on Facebook or @DinosaurMan15 on Twitter. Like what you're hearing? Subscribe to the podcast to ensure you get all the episodes as they're released and give us a rating in the process. Why not tell a friend about the podcast, get them to tell 4 more friends, and those friends to tell 4 more each, it's not a pyramid scheme, honestly.