Dinosaur Man

Episode 88: Spider-Man: Homecoming Spoiler Review

July 09, 2017 Dinosaur Man Nerdcast
Alex and Andy are joined this week by long time friend of the podcast Marc Barrett to discuss Spider-Man: Homecoming in all manner of ways, this is a spoiler review so be aware of that if you haven't yet seen the film. We discuss what works for us, what issues we have with it and where we see this partnership leading in the long run. Can Fox strike a similar agreement? Who knows. Did you find Homecoming to be a hit or a miss? Let us know in all the usual places! Find us at Dinosaur Man Nerdcast on Facebook or @DinosaurMan15 on Twitter. Like what you're hearing? Subscribe to the podcast to ensure you get all the episodes as they're released and give us a rating in the process. Why not tell a friend about the podcast, get them to tell 4 more friends, and those friends to tell 4 more each, it's not a pyramid scheme, honestly.