Mountainview Church Audio
Mountainview Church Audio
By Faith, Gideon (Heroes of Faith, Ep. 15 - Message Audio)
God calls people to live difficult lived, there is no way around it. A life of faith entails self-sacrifice. It entails sharing the Gospel with people who often reject it and you as a messenger. We are called to live lives that honor God, despite the negative effects that may have on our reputation. Let's face it, being actively Christian and being obedient to the word of God is going to cost you.
This week we're looking at the call and faith of a man named Gideon. He had an incredible calling on his life, a call to take serious risks. Bigger risks, I'll add, than most of us can even imagine in our own lives. Understandably, before Gideon is ready to go, he is looking to God to be sure of his calling. He goes to God, looking for a miracle. It's this miracle, and it's implications on our life that we are going to be examining this week.
#God #Bible #Jesus #Christ #Faith #FaithHeroes #Heroes #Hebrews #Hebrews11 #Gideon #Judges #Miracles
Mountainview Church carries the necessary Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI) license to play and perform the contained Christian worship songs. And all track recordings have been purchased with the coinciding public performance permissions. Background music was acquired royalty-free and available for public use at FreeMusicArchive.org, listed below.