Creatives in Bloom

Bloo(M)ing: Surviving COVID 19 & Finding Your Purpose in 2020

Martina Lindo Season 2 Episode 23

Welcome to Season 2! 

We will talk a lot this season about blooming into your best self so you can be the light the world needs.

We introduce 2 new segments this season, Pop the Culture and Lessons in Bloom. 

In this segment, Pop the Culture I share my opinion and thoughts about current events happening in culture, society, and media. 

In Lessons in Bloom, I use this section to share about topics facing millennials in our day to day and issues our generation has to overcome. 

From losing Kobe, Australian brush fires, and COVID 19, it feels like we just need a reset in 2020. In this episode, we talk about finding your purpose and 5 steps you can take to get there. 

Finding purpose and pursuing your passion is better with friends. This season we will focus on developing and strengthening our Full Bloom community.  

Thanks for listening and don’t forget to rate, subscribe, and review this podcast. 

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Welcome to full bloom Podcast for millennials on a journey to finding purpose and pursuing passion. My name is Martina Lindo and I believe we can learn from each other's experiences and hopefully help each other to bloom and grow into the people we were always meant to be. Your journey to full bloom starts right now back and 2020 but low key I'm just like, can we just start this year over again? Because literally, since it's just been one for lack of a better word disaster after another. Look what is happening in 2020. But I don't guess I'm just happy to be here. Happy to be alive. Happy that I have not been infected by the Corona virus because y'all it is getting really Um hey, I've missed you. Are we happy to be back? I'm just huh? So many things to share so many new excitements. Just just just so much. So before we get into everything, I guess we just need to do some housecleaning. Housekeeping, housecleaning. Um, so we got some new stuff going on on full bloom this season. First things first. Let me introduce you to our new segments. If you didn't listen to the season to trailer, I'm seat. Full Bloom will now be split into two episodes per week. So there's going to be the episode on Mondays with me and we'll be having a few segments on the show. So let me introduce you to two new ones that I'm really excited about, because I think I get a lot of questions all the time about just my opinion on different things. And I've been trying to figure out a good way to incorporate them into the show. And I think I came up with a good plan. So the 1st 1 is the new excitement is going to be called Pop the Culture, and basically it's kind of like I kind of like what it sounds like a section about what's happening in pop culture in our world, in the news, just in general. So today we're gonna talk a lot about the Corona virus and kind of just what it's met two people and kind of how it's affected us in terms of how we live our life, right, and also we're gonna go back a little bit because there's a few things that have happened, but I definitely can't ignore, and I definitely want to talk about it. So then the second segment that we're introducing this season is called Lessons in Bloom, and that's basically conversations with me. Well, not really conversations, but more things that I've been learning and things that I want to share. It'll be more topical things that I know that are specifically pertaining to millennials. And I think their conversations that I haven't been ableto have on the show because, you know, the interviews are really important. And they're just really they can be wrong sometimes. So I don't want you guys to be sitting here for two hours listening to you and then listen to another, you know? I mean, so I thought this would be a good way to one giving more content and to just, you know, be super relevant with the things that we talked about. So we're just gonna jump right into it to today's first episode, Season two and happened Thio purpose, right? So, for today's purpose rant, I'm gonna tell you guys a story, and the story is one I found out about Kobe Bryant. I was at church and I was kind of just scrolling on my phone, you know, like we all do. And then it started, like popping up on my screen, and I understand it's been like two months since this happened. However, it's literally taken me that long to process this whole thing. And I thought about doing, like, a show an episode for him on the 24th when they did the memorial and I just I could not bring myself to do it. And first, I'm sorry for song. Will Harass be getting over a cold? Not the Corona. Just a cold hand. I thought about it, and I just couldn't because it was just crazy to me to think that leg he literally was just starting his life. You know, I mean, and I know this is kind of a really sad way to start the season, but it's also very reflective of what we're gonna be talking a lot about, because we just never know Y'all, you're literally here today, gone tomorrow. And he had such a tremendous body of work in his short life that is just like I was immediately pushed into action. There was so many things that I was putting off things that I was like, Oh, I have time or I'll do it later. But like, y'all know, we don't have time. You don't have later. All you have is right now and you have to be proactive and intentional about making sure that right now happens. You can't just, like, win your way through life. And honestly, that is what I've been doing. I had no structure, no plan. Like I mean, obviously you think about things. You plan ahead a little bit. But I wasn't really being intentional with the planning, you know what I mean? So after I found out, I was I was really devastated because I mean, my husband, that he really looks up to him, and it just it was really, really heartbreaking. And to see him grieve and to see our tow watch our generation grieve. I mean, because I don't think that we as a generation have suffered this kind of loss. Yet we've definitely lost some iconic people in our generation or that our generation looked up to, but to say, somebody in our generation who was as influential and, you know, just lead as legendary as Kobe Bryant was. I don't think we can. And if if we if we can, I'm sorry, no disrespect. But for me and just seeing, like, I think this was one of the first time I've seen, like men in our generation, like Grieve the way they could. They did when he passed away. And I think the the sadness was just deepened with the loss of his daughter and all those other people that were on the helicopter. And I just hold that as we continue into this year, because you all this year has been well, it's been a train wreck like, and I'm not saying that it's not going to get better because it is, it's things are definitely gonna turn around. I read something somewhere that was like 2020 was written by Stephen King, and I think that's so accurate because it just feels like one horror after the next. I mean, can we catch a break? But I think amidst you know Kobe's passing and now dealing with this virus that you know is really threatening the stability of our life. We are looking or I guess we're in the in the face of one of the worst recessions that this country has ever seen. And you know, it's terrifying because we are already in so much debt as a generation, and you can't help but, like, you know, get a little fearful about what is gonna happen. But I know me as a woman of faith and somebody who believes firmly that everything happens for a reason. I think that we all and this is me getting to the purpose of my rant. Sorry. By the way, this is a way for us to really be reflective one and spend more time with our family two and three, you know, really think about what are the things that are important to us? One of the things that we want to do in our life that are going to leave that legacy where every time somebody mentions Kobe Bryant, now they're gonna think about hard work. They're gonna think about discipline. They're gonna think about all of the things that he did for his community. They're gonna think about you know, the great dad that he waas you know, those are the things that are top of mind. Yes, he was a superstar. Basketball player. But in the grand scheme of things, that's not really that big of a deal, because it's the life that he lived. And it was the person that he was that made his athleticism something so aspiring. So I just really want you all to think about it because we need to survive. Like, literally. I'm just here thinking about all of the things that could potentially happen because of this virus, and it's really can be a daunting, a daunting thing to dwell on. So I'm just here hoping that we can spread some hope. I just listened to this. What is it? Twitter? Twitter? I don't use Twitter is mine. Sorry, guys, whatever. But there was, ah post on Twitter with this family that lives in gym in China and they're from Jamaica. Hey, shout out to my people and you know, it was just a family of four and they were just sharing their experience. I'm gonna link it in the show notes because I think everybody should go listen to it. It's just filled with so much hope, like they're talking about the fact that, yes, the Corona virus is spreading. But if you just you know, take the necessary precautions, spend more time with your family like it was just a really nice moment. You know what I mean? It wasn't anything like really spectacular that they were saying, but it's just the fact that these people, our family coming together, trying to spread hope and give other people encouragement I've seen over the last few days last few weeks, the country really come together in a way that I don't think I've seen in our generation as of yet. So it's it's really encouraging, and it's really inspiring. So I just hope the all take this opportunity, take all this free time and just be jolted into action. I know a lot of people who own businesses are kind of scrambling to because they're just like, you know, what am I going to do now? But now is really the time to reach out to people and and figure out what they want to do because I think people are realizing now you no job security is not really a thing. You need to build your own legacy. You need to build your own wealth that when it comes to it, you know you can be able to support and sustain yourself with your own sources of income and your own resource is because you could lose your job at any time. And, you know, it's really unfortunate what's happening. And I really pray that we as a people, you know, we recover in a really, really grand way. Um, I hope that somebody is encouraged by that, and I hope that you really take the time. I think the biggest thing that we can take is, you know, just from this whole experience is just really be reflective off the person that you want to be with the time that you're given, because you could literally lose your life in an instant and I could be, you know, nothing that you did. It's just the way that life works. And so you just have to be super, super, super intentional. And I love the Oprah's doing this year with her 2020 vision tour. Um, definitely gonna figure out a way to do that with full bloom in our own way, because I think it's so necessary. I've been having a lot of conversations with people, and people in general want to have a clear vision about their life. They want to understand what they're doing. They want to know their purpose. They want to know how they conserve, and they want to know how they can be successful. And so I think finding your passion and and coming into yourself it's just It's just so important. It's so, so, so important. So that's the end of my purpose. Rent for today It was very long but still necessary. So just take courage during these uncertain times. You know, they're saying 6 to 8 weeks at least, where you need to avoid crowds of 10 people or more. 10 guys. You can literally hold your hands up, and that's 10 people that you can spend time with safely. So don't get overwhelmed. Don't freak out. Let's just pray. So going into the public culture section for today. So let me explain this, So each week you'll either get a life hack or popular culture. It won't be, too, unless I'm just like I have two things that I want to talk about. But we're gonna be talking about public culture today, and I want to talk about something that you're also going to hear about on the bonus episode that I'm going to post today or with this episode rather about the four year old girl who I know. Everybody saw this, who went on the shade room and was talking about the fact that she thinks she's ugly and as a dark skinned woman, not only in my dark skin, but I'm plus size. And so that's like two notches. You know, to some people, to me, I'm just like girl No, I embrace every part of me. It was not an easy journey to get here, but I do. But just listening to this little girl lament about the fact that she has. She thinks she's ugly because it's just it was really, really heartbreaking. And I guess in terms of just what culture, the media society, my parents of grand parents, the values and the things that are being thrown at us UN instilled really make it hard for you to carve out your identity without it being washed with opinion and bias and all the things that are not for you and I. My husband and I were talking about this, and I think there was somebody else I can't remember who was in the room, but we're all saying, like this little girl Heard somebody say that to her as a child, you don't know those kind of things like unless you're hearing it from other people unless somebody said it to you are unless you picked it up from somewhere. So I think this is a lesson that we need to be very, very conscious about. How we how we speak into our Children's lives, like the things that we say to them, the things that we pass on to them. I know for me there's still things that on dealing with that I learned as a child about myself, and they were talked to me. It wasn't always intentional, but there were things that could have been avoided if somebody was being a little bit more conscious of how the message is that they were putting out into the world or being received by the little ears in the room or the things that they were watching or just it's it's so many things that we do unconsciously, that send messages that tell us that we're not good enough or things that there's just a lot of things that you are doing that you might not even realize that's damaging somebody and that are creating little Arianna is in the world. So as we pop the culture today, just think about that. Think about Arianna. Every time you want to say something crazy every time you want to tell a dark skinned girl you're pretty for a dark skinned girl. No, she's just pretty, period. So a few weeks ago, I waas excited to share that I was a speaker at part fest, and it was really an exciting opportunity that has opened the doors for so many other opportunities that I'm excited to share and, you know, as they come about and I decided that for the first episode for season two, I would actually share the presentation that I gave while it was there. So I'm gonna break it down. So for our lessons and bloom today we are going to be talking about how to find purpose, and these are things that we've definitely talked about on the show before. But I think bringing them together as an actionable plan to find your purpose is something that I think and honestly, today's the first day of the year. For me, it's the first day of spring. Um, which is one of my favorite seasons. I can't decide between spring and fall, but I love flowers. I love the process of blooming, So we're just gonna go with spring, and today is the first day. So here is how I think you should pursue your purpose if you don't know what it is. And this is how you can, you know, just start to figure out what it is. So the first thing is to find your why And I think a lot of people say that we use it very loosely in terms of like, Oh, you just got to know what you like, girl. No, it's a lot deeper than that. You need to connect to the thing that motivates you. The thing that drives you every day, whether the person and experience it's got to be tied to something deeper than just something that you can buy because honestly, like, you know, those things go away, but your motivation needs to be. You're why needs to be something that is so intangible in the sense that only it can only be touched by you, if that makes sense. So for me, my, why is it start to a lot of things? One I'm I'm really big on staying connected to God and making sure the things that I do are pleasing to him. And a lot of people will be like, Oh, my gosh starts such a patriarchal mindset. Shut up! First of all, just kidding. Not really. But my wife is so deeply rooted in my faith and the belief that what is for me will be for me, that I use that to motivate me constantly. And so on the flip side, my wife is really just the people around me. It's being an inspiration. It's being a light for somebody because I realized over the last few months, particularly that people are really hurting, that a lot of people go through their daily life with a smile on their face, but with an extremely broken heart. With so much trauma, so much baggage, so much hurt that they've learned to function that way. But they're really, like not in a good place. And I've seen what that mental space has done to people that are very close to me. And so I've really made it a really personal I guess mission to really just be a light for people in any way that I can. Of course, I have my own goals in my own motivations in terms of like, you know, wanting Thio inspire people with my own story. But I just My why is is really for others My why is carrying the burden for people to connect to what they're supposed to do? And you gotta figure that out for yourself. You gotta figure out what is it that's motivating you? Because that's what's gonna set the tone for how you live your life. That's what's gonna set the tone for the way that you make your decisions for the people that you connect to. Because if you're connecting with people who are not gonna push you in the direction of purpose, then you are wasting your time with those people. And that's not to say you can't like, have other relationships or, you know, but you don't want to be connected to people who aren't ambitious or people who aren't motivated to do better in their life because those people can drag you down. They can have negative outlooks on things. Spend a lot of time just being just being negative, and you don't want the energy in your life. So you want to stay connected to people who will push you towards your wife. So I hope I drove that home. But if my you can ask me about it later, so the second step to finding your purpose is understanding your who are what and in marketing speech that would just be like Find your audience. And again, it's so tight to your purpose being something that's meant to serve other people. Because if you understand who you were created to help and who your purpose is going to serve in the long run, then you'll start looking for opportunities where you can do those things, and then your curiosity, he can naturally cultivate it in line with what you're already supposed to be doing. So I don't know. For example, if you're supposed thio on an ice cream shop, and this is such a random such a random example, but like it was was owner ice cream shop, and you meet somebody who really likes ice cream when you start talking to them about ice cream and they just light up and you start sharing your thoughts and your ideas about what you want to do, and then you, like, develop a relationship with that person. Then you can get into the head and see why they like ice cream and what you know, attacks into that being there. Desert of choice. I don't know, guys, this is so random. But I think you're getting it just, like understand that person because knowing what they need and what they want, I will help you to serve them efficiently. And it will keep you, you know, online and in track for doing what you're supposed to do in the long run. So then the third thing, now this. I think it's so, so, so important. I recently did this exercise for myself, and it was really eye opening in a lot of ways. And it was also really heartbreaking in a lot of ways because you don't realize how negative speech towards yourself can really affect you internally so that everything is identify your internal threats. So those things that are telling you that you can't do it and the things that are telling you that you're not good enough. So for me, when I did this, I just wrote out a list of things that I knew on the inside were scary to me, the things that made me feel like, you know, no girl, you can't do this or the things that I felt were going to stop me from fulfilling my purpose ultimately, or the things that we're going to keep me from pursuing a dream or a passion or an idea. I had so one of the things that I wrote down, and I actually wrote it down three times because, as I was thinking, it just kept coming up in my head was a lack of self confidence, and for a long time that was something that kept me from doing anything because I just constantly was comparing myself to other people and what they were doing. And if what they were doing was similar to what I was doing, or I just spent a lot of time doubting myself talking down to myself. I didn't even realize that's what I was doing until I really took a step back and looked at the bigger picture. in terms of how I had for my identity. And, you know, I realized it was really it was really damaging to me as a person for a long time, that lack of confidence in my ability to do things. So I think you just gotta spend time getting to know yourself, becoming self aware and connecting to the things that you're scared off. And then if you can identify those things, you know, even being afraid of being successful as an internal threat, it's something that tells you, you know, tells your brain that if you do achieve this level of success, then something bad will happen or another example of an internal threat is, you know, uh and I wish I had my list in front of me cause I mean, I'm not afraid to share. I just had a lot of things about the way I was feeling about myself in general. And I think you just have to do things to remind yourself of how far you've come and the life that you want to live. Seeing that in front of you, which I think on the flip side of number three is also creating a vision board creating vision of your life, either whether it's just writing down the words that you identify with or doing it the old fashioned way of cutting out pictures and putting it on a board and looking at it every day until you begin to manifest those things in your life. And I think that visualization is really a key component to achieving unique success because seeing it every day is a way of making it like super, super tangible and and achievable in a lot of ways. I know I've looked at a vision board that I created two years ago. I haven't made a new one because some of those things are still manifesting. But as I continue to move forward and pursuing them, I see them happening so much in my life. So just identify those internal threats and figure out what's stopping you. What's telling you that you can't do it? Um, Number four is connect your passion and your purpose. Now, this is not an easy thing to do for some people because they feel like, well, sometimes when people don't realize that their passion and the purpose are two different things. But to they feel like, you know, your purpose has to be something that's like gonna make you money. Well, actually, on the flip side, your passion is something that needs to make you money. But that's not always the case. And then your purpose is what's going to serve people. So find a way to connect those things, like connect your interest. Um, so let me show I give you an example. So for me, I love screenwriting. That is ultimately what I want to do with my life. Um, I love storytelling. I love the process of storytelling, and I love what storytelling can do for other people. So what I've done is because I don't I haven't found that balance yet of riding, and it's just so much to unpack there. But I've kind of pivoted in my pursuits right now because this podcast allows me to tell stories. This podcast is open up opportunities for me. And so, in the long run on Archana shift basically so that I can free up my time daily so I can spend more time writing. And this this platform has allowed me to do that in a lot of ways. It's kind of like going backwards to go forward, but for me, that's just kind of the journey that I'm on, you know? So I guess what I'm saying is just like, try to find a way toe, let everything in your life line up in a way that, you know, you're constantly moving forward toward the thing that's gonna make you happy, but also to the thing that's gonna help you to serve people. Because when I look at the grand scheme of all the things I'm doing now everything is connected to storytelling in some way, shape or form my business and marketing all about storytelling, this podcast into space where I'm helping people to tell their stories, telling my own story. And it's just everything lines up in some way, shape or form. And so I think if you're just really self aware, you can connect your purpose and your passion, and then the second the second part of that step is creating goals and a plan to achieve those goals. And a goal is not just something that you write down and say, Oh, I want to do this. You have to put a date to it you've got to put some numbers behind it. How do you quantify this? How do you measure the success when you get there? And so, you know, we've all heard about smart Cole's create smart goals. So things that are measurable, actionable, you know, identify the threats, the opportunities there. I think I just miss swat and smart together, but whatever, um, but just create that plan, that actionable step that you can do to not create, connect your passion and connect your purpose together again. It's a lifelong join me so don't like and I mean, obviously I'm still doing it like I'm only 28 years old, so just don't get Don't get don't get frustrated, guys. It's gonna happen in time. But I think it will only happen if you're intentional about how you live your life and how you pursue your dreams, how you pursue your passions and how you look at what your purpose is. So finally, step five. In this process, it's don't apply pressure, but apply accountability, so hold yourself accountable to the plan that you create. But don't put pressure on yourself to do it overnight. Don't put pressure over on yourself toe. Keep up with everybody else in the world like you're literally walking your own walk on your own path, doing the thing that's gonna get you to what you were created for, so you can't expect it to just, like boom happen overnight. I think I've said this before, but I'll say it again like, you know, every overnight success took 10 years to develop. And that's something that we've seen over and over again with people in media and culture and society is like we look at them and be like, Oh, while they just like Papa was like Nah, brah, these people been putting in the work like I have so many like real examples of people that I've seen, like on the back or not in the back, like in the behind the scenes. And then they were pushed into the front because they've just been so consistent with the work that they're doing every doing there. She's a perfect example. She I mean, I was doing this for a 10 at least 10 plus years before anybody started to recognize her, you know? I mean, Liz Oh, she had her album not just like one Grammys and got all this recognition those songs have been out for. I think she said, like, seven years, like seven years. Guys, not just they didn't She didn't just come on the scene like these are people that have been putting in the work and it takes a lot of work. And I think one of the things that we don't recognize we don't realize is that, you know, a plan can only work if you work it. So you've got to put in the work every single day, every day. You've got to do something to get you closer and closer to what you're supposed to do. And, you know, next week I'm gonna be talking about discipline and in terms of the lessons in bloom and how discipline has become something that I had to fight for And it's frustrating because, you know, it's just it's a lot. So we'll talk about that next week. But just don't apply pressure, Apply accountability. Hold yourself accountable. Get somebody in your life was gonna be like, Hey, did you do X, Y and Z have you finished this? You know, I have friends that we I could I could say her name. She won't like Like I have a friend, Um, Jameel. And she and I are like both in the very creative space. She's an actress, I'm a writer and we're constantly like coming up with these new goals that we have and then, like neither of us will hold each other accountable. And then we'll come back like three weeks later and be like I thought we were going to do this and then we'll, like, kind of go back and forth for a second. But it's like we're both not holding each other accountable. So now I feel like we're in. The benefit is where we're trying to hold each other accountable. So it's just kind of that thing where you just have to be really, really intentional about making it happen for yourself and putting in the work that's required to make it happen. So I hope today in this lesson and bloom that you've learned something that you can apply to your life. Take these five steps and really just just make it happen, whatever your thing is, whatever your dream is, especially not. Look, we have a lot of time on our hands now, y'all, we're gonna be quarantined for a while. We're gonna be like that. Tell him not to go. You don't have to. So take this time to be wise. Get some stuff done. Makes gold right out. Some plans dream big. Think about all the possibilities are out there for whatever it is you're trying to and sit down and really with to make it happen. I'm so happy that you drunk today and please rate this podcast. And please, you can support me by sharing it with a friend. Share some, share it with somebody who you know is looking to find their purpose and probably just doesn't know how. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you again next week. Until then, continue to bloom in your purpose.