Creatives in Bloom

Bloo(M)ing COVID 19: Adapting to the New Normals

March 23, 2020 Martina Lindo Season 2 Episode 25

In this episode, I give 5 tips on how to survive the coronavirus and preserve your mental state. These are strange and interesting times and now more than ever we need to hold on to family, friends, and God up above to keep us from losing faith.

We will pull through as the human race but we have to take care of ourselves in the process!

Here is a list of different hobbies that will make you money!

Here are some for people looking for a passion or passion project! 

Thanks for listening and don't forget to rate, subscribe, and review this podcast in Apple.

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Welcome to full bloom Podcast for millennials on a journey to finding purpose and pursuing passion. My name is Martina Lindo, and I believe we can learn from each other's experiences and hopefully help each other to bloom and grow into the people we were always meant to be. Your journey to full bloom starts right now. Hello. Hello, friends. And welcome to another episode of full bloom on you're listening to blooming conversations with me and today we are totally focused on covert 19 the current virus. So we're gonna interrupt our regularly scheduled topic and talk aboutthe talk about how it's driving our life. Talk about just talk about it. So first and foremost, I get it like there's just so many things that we don't understand about what is happening right now, and so I kind of did a little research so we could get a little background. And the reason why this fire causing so much concern is because it's new. We've never dealt with it before. There's no vaccine, there's nothing really to substantiate how to combat it. And so people are scared and, you know it's been I guess this is going into two weeks of like, real quarantine and like if you, you know, watch the news continuously like it's going toe overwhelm you. So I guess it's ever so. We're gonna just focus on five things that you can do to really not allow yourself to get overwhelmed and anxious about what is happening in this world. Because honestly, you really can like it will overwhelm you. It will put you in a state of fear and frustration and anxiety, and it's just not. It's not a good place to be, and I get it. We've never I don't think our generation has ever dealt with anything like this before. Literally like, stores are half empty shelves from Rhoda, Rhoda Rho, no toilet paper and no paper towels. No hand sanitizer like I work for an industrial supply company, and we haven't had masked for weeks, So I get it like the world that we live in right now. It's crazy times, and it's really overwhelming. I even felt myself getting a little anxious today, which is not like me, but I just I had to step back and say, You know, Martina, you know who you trust in? You know who's you are, and you know there's purpose and everything that happens in our life. So you shouldn't allow this kind of fear to cripple you the way that it waas. And so I just wanted to come on today and you know, for today's episode instead of I was gonna talk about, you know, overcoming self doubt, which we will next week. But I think a lot of people need to be pointed in the right direction in a lot of ways. And I guess for the public Culture section I will still do that because I will say, and this is it's a welcome to pop culture. Ah, lot of people have found so much joy through this process, the like I've been on. I mean, like most of us living on the Internet right now, and so many people have, like, started These, like TIC talks with their will not start a tick tocks but doing tick talks with their family. And like these, I mean, Tic tac is always one thing. But now that people have more time to spend together, I think that it's just creating such a sense of community online that I don't think was there before. I mean, it's always kind of been there, but now it's just like it's very intentional because people have more time to spend at home. And so now they're like doing things to connect with their families. So I think it's a beautiful thing. I think it's wonderful when technology conservatives in a way that we didn't think before and I even saw the black part collective. They shouted out the Atlanta market and they're doing a digital meet up like a digital, a digital market. And so you basically signed up for their email list and you can shop, you know, together with all these different people, there's going to be a deejay and performances all in a virtual space, which I just think it's so dope the way that our culture, our world, allows us to adapt, tow any situation. I mean, even on Sunday, like I was able to still go to church and not go to church, I, you know, did live streaming and you know you could still like we were still singing like we were there and you could still feel God's presence, and I mean, that's not to say it's the exact same as being connected to people. But you don't have to allow, like the idea of social distancing to make you feel so overwhelmed that you, you know, clam up or you stop pursuing things that make you happy or you stop doing things that bring you joy out of fear and out of like feeling Oh, this is the end. There's nothingto live or another dramatic but you know, so I guess for our lessons in Bloom today, let's just jump right into it. Okay? So first things first, let's get a few of these out of the way. I'm not even gonna count them as part of the five because they're just things that you need to dio first thing. Follow the rules. I've been reading a lot of articles about, like people who are just blatantly not, you know, following the authorities. I get it. It's cool to be a rebel, but it's not cool to die, so don't get sick by not following the rules. And also don't be selfish by spreading the virus if you have it, because a lot of people don't realize that it can live in your body for up to 14 days without even seeing symptoms. And so you don't want to be walking around with this thing and then pass it on to somebody else unknowingly. So, yeah, stay inside. Isolate yourself if you have to. You don't go out unless you absolutely have to, like, just follow the rules. Don't be that guy. Also, do not watch the news for more than an hour a day because, like I said before, it's going toe overwhelm you listening to that like, I have CNN and Fox and like different news outlets that alert on my phone, and I literally had to turn it off because if I keep reading this, it feels like we're in the last days literally, which, if you ask my pastor, she'll tell, you know, thes air the end of time saints. But don't spend too much sign reading the news because it's gonna overwhelm me. It's gonna frustrate you. It's gonna put your put you in a state of mind that you just don't need to be in it. It's just it's just a lot. All right, so let's get into it. First things first. Use this time to reconnect to your passion or hobby like a lot of us have free time now, like I know for me, my husband and I both of our gyms are closed down and most things are close down. Grocery stores are closing earlier. You can't go to the restaurant. You can't go to the movies, all that. So if there's something that you've been wanting to do, start doing it now like pick it up. If you were interested in writing, if you're interested in song writing, if you wanted to start a business, start doing research on how to do it. If you want to learn and you skill like now is the time to really invest in doing the research and whatever that is you're trying to do. And then if you can begin to execute it, you know, still obeying the rules of social distancing, Of course. And you know, just just allow yourself to be creative in that way, but also allow yourself the freedom to start expressing yourself in a new way with the time that you have. If you used to read a lot now, the time to read like there's just so many things that you could do if you like to paint like just just allow yourself to be inspired is what I really mean is like reconnect to that passion that you had. You have whatever it is just like really allow yourself now to put yourself in the frame of mind that, you know, it feels like the end of the world. But it doesn't have to be because I'm doing the thing that I love. Look at the bright side, right? And if you're one of those people who doesn't know what they're passionate about or what they love to do, I've included a link in this of Elissa hobbies that you can just randomly start picking up like I mean, finding fun things to do is as easy as you make it like if you focus on being like isolated are locked up, then it's gonna feel like that. I know for me I have friends who love board games and they love like it's actually really funny. They play these like adventure games that go on for hours. I I, for one, will not be playing that, however, that's, you know something that they love to do. So buy some board games or get some card games or, I don't know, just get creative guys. But there's a list, and you can use that to kind of help you get started. So the second thing is, I know I am so, so, so guilty of this, and I think I take it for granted. My grandmother is still alive, and I do not call her as much as I need Thio. So during this time, when I have, you know, more free time on my hands, call your family members that you haven't spoken to in a while. Check in with people, make sure everybody's doing okay. Like hearing from a familiar, loving voice. It really could make a world of a difference to somebody in this time, even connecting two friends that you've like lust lost touch with over the years. And it's not because you don't care about them anymore, but it's really because you just literally don't have time. But now you do like I know for me. I spent so I have haven't been in the car for more than an hour, and it has been glorious. So I think that you really should use this time to just check in with people say, Hey, what's up? How you doing? The next thing you should really consider is taking extra care of yourself. And you would think that this is like a given. But now is not the time toe, like overwhelm yourself with things or burden yourself down because we don't know how long this is gonna be. So we want to make sure that our we keep ourselves in the right state of mind in the right frame of mind. So really develop a self care routine like just do it for me. It's developing that looks like having a solid plan in the morning when I wake up. So I'm being more intentional about getting up praying, drinking my tea, you know, reading and just having a few moments to myself before I begin the day. And honestly, it's it's not easy, like I have a friend who we and you know I need to call her after this because we have not been doing it. But we are supposed to be holding each other accountable to getting up at 6 30 every morning to kind of start the day. So we're up before the kids. She has three kids. I only have one. But, you know, it's still a practice that I want to continue as I have more Children. Um and so really, just figuring out. Okay, what does that look like for me? So I have that hour to 45 minutes in the morning where it's just me kind of checking in with myself, like, Okay, how are you feeling this morning? Like, what's on your mind And then after that, like, really just taking the time to get ready for the day. Like because I work from home five days now, I literally probably shouldn't tell you this, but I'm going to literally did not put on pants last week. And it's just like after I got the Wednesday Thursday I was like, Okay, Martina, you're really bumming that you need to get up, get just do your hair, like at least put a ponytail holder on in or something. Because, you know, like, how you how you look is a reflection of how you're gonna feel like in terms of just taking care of yourself. So just take that extra time, take that extra time to really connect to being good to yourself. So, you know, whatever that looks like, Just do it. You know, practice that self care routine. But give it a extra set of hands throughout this time where we're, like, you know, kind of shut in. So this next one, you know, even if you aren't a Christian or super religious, you know, you need to spend time in prayer and meditation, connect to God and the that part of you on the inside that's telling you. Okay, what are you supposed to be doing? I know For me, my relationship with God is the most important thing. And over the last few years, I have neglected it so badly. And it's just because you as you go through different phases of your life, you start to get more responsibilities. You start to have less time to do things, but something is a priority than you have to prioritize it. But I think for me with God, it's just like because I'm always kind of talking to him. I don't like saying, Oh, I gotta carve out that extra time, but like, no, you need to spend time because that's what's gonna keep you grounded when things get rough, when you feel like you can't take it anymore, you need to be connected to something that's telling you to keep going. Connect to that mitt that strong will of the higher power. You know what I mean? So just really spend time in prayer and and and devotion and just be true to your foundation, so that when things start to really shake up, you have something strong to hold on to because I think it's super important and I don't know how many of them. I think this is. What number four? Oh, no, this is number of five. Okay, so I've number five and then upon this month. So this one's really important guys like Number four was really important praying. But this one is super important because it's gonna affect you. Save your money. Stop doing all the online shopping. Put it away. Delete your Amazon account right now because literally we are headed into a recession. The way things look are looking, you know, God forbid. Hopefully, you know it'll turn around, but that's what it's looking like. And if you are so blessed you still have a job. Save your money stop spending. Did you get on my peas and eyes? And he's there literally because we just don't know. And so you just wanna save your money? I know for me being in the house all the time scrolling on my phone Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Ali all y'all know how to advertise. So I'm constantly being, like, marketed to Hey, Martina, do you want to buy this? Oh, this looks great. Do you want to buy this? No, I don't. Leave me alone and get out of my timeline. So saving Queens guys literally. And also take this, take advantage of all of the discounts and things that you know different. What is it? I mean, different companies are offering, like, you know, mortgages, student loans. Like save on that interest. Y'all do what you do to sign up and get take advantage of it. And, you know, I know for me my husband, Eric, think you want refinancing one of our cars Just cause it's like, why not save some money? Right? So just just do it. Guys, save your money and find resource is online that are gonna give you good tips on what to do and don't just listen to anybody out there because they could mess you up to and a little bonus one. I really think that we should all spend a little time outside like one of my co workers was telling me that they went to Piedmont Park and literally the way that it was described online was that traffic was shoulder to shoulder in the park because so many people are trying to get fresh air and just find something to do. But I think it's a good idea. I mean, do it before they start closing down the recreational parks, too. Like, just go outside, take a walk, connect to nature like smell the fresh air like it's really important to, you know, have a clear mind during this time because there's just so many things that are uncertain. We just don't know what's gonna happen. And I think this is, you know, no matter your political affiliation. I think this is the first time I've seen Donald Trump be as presidential as he's been. He still got a long way to go. Don't get don't get it twisted. But I think even he realizes that these air really serious times, and it's unfortunate that the government has not invested the amount of money in ensuring that we were prepared for this. It's almost feels like there's no apocalypse of 2012 in Atlanta. When the whole city shut down for like, two inches of snow, I was there. It was a hot mess, but that's what this feels like. It just a lack of preparedness. And so there's anything that we as a nation as ah as a human race can take away from it is that we just need to always be prepared for anything. And that's preparedness is also means having an open mind and being okay with things not always looking like what we expected, but just being comfortable with pivoting. And I honestly, I'm telling you, that's like my theme for life right now is just being okay with pivoting like changing the course of what you thought was and should be, and just being okay with going with the flow like being comfortable just finding your finding your ground where your seed will grow. Yeah, because I mean there's certain places where certain seeds won't grow. But based on this, the conditions or the soil type or whatever you need to put it in a place where you know it will grow. So it's just like, you know, with all the uncertainty that's happening in the world, I think it's okay for us to take a step back and take a moment of pause like life is literally on pause right now. Which means that it's okay to stand still. It's okay to not make any hasty decisions. It's okay, not the panic. It's okay to just be in a moment and say, OK, let's get it. How am I gonna do this? How am I going to make my it happen? So y'all let's just keep our heads up, Keep focused on things that make you happy Things that bring you joy. Stay connected as close as you can, you know, as following the guidelines of social distancing, of course, and connected people that make you feel happy to be alive, happy to be here, happy for another moment to be just to bloom. So wherever you are, whoever you are, just continue to follow your path. And don't let this virus don't let this pandemic. Don't let the fear hold you back or keep you from moving forward. And also just be aware of your mental state. Be aware of how you're feeling and don't allow isolation to become isolating like yes, we have to distance ourselves. But social distancing doesn't it means physically distancing yourself. But it doesn't mean that you can't still find ways to connect. So do that connect, reconnect, grow and bloom and just let's make it happen. We've overcome so many things. This'll little virus and go meet the end of us. Thanks for listening, and I hope you'll rate. Subscribe and leave a review for this podcast. See you next week.