Creatives in Bloom

The Miseducation of a Generation: Dear White People, Time's Up

Martina Lindo Season 2 Episode 32

So over the last few weeks, we've seen another onslaught of black bodies killed and disregarded by police using excessive force and abusing their power while ignoring their oath to protect and serve. 

However, the death of George Floyd I believe is the straw that broke the camels back, America, not just black America has said enough is enough. 

We are tired of being tired. Black people in America are tired. We are tired of having to live a country our ancestors built. 

So in this episode, I share a messenger to our generation, particularly White American's who voice has the power to truly affect change. It's time for you to make it a personal priority to educate yourself and understand the history and force of systemic racism in this country. Then make an active effort to do something about it. 

And Black people, whether we want to or not, we have to hold our white counterparts accountable. We can't let those passive-aggressive and insensitive comments slide. We can't be manipulated anymore by white tears. 

Please don't misunderstand, this is a message of unity and solidarity. We as millennials have inherited a really crappy world and it's unfortunately now our job to clean it up. 

I've seen messages from corporations and businesses at every level showing support and sending messages of hope. However, that's not enough. We are fighting against a mentality that has been passed down for more than 400 years. The change will not happen overnight. But we have to be committed to seeing and being the change we want to see.

We are in this together, for the sake of our future and the sake of future generations. Time's Up, we have to get it right.