Episode #10: Ready? or Not… Teacher Preparedness with Stephanie Koscielski
Classroom Matters
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Classroom Matters
Episode #10: Ready? or Not… Teacher Preparedness with Stephanie Koscielski
Sep 26, 2019 Season 1 Episode 10

Most teachers knew at an early age that education was the career path they wanted to take, but at what cost?  In today’s world of bullying, state and national testing, school violence, and academic standards, it’s no wonder that we are facing a teacher shortage.  At the University of Missouri-St. Louis, Stephanie Koscielski is working diligently to ensure that educators are highly qualified and able to walk into the classroom and achieve academic success.  Using a new technique of student-teaching, called the Studio Schools Model, teacher candidates are given a sort-of on the job reality check of what being a teacher is really all about.  Listen in as Stephanie and I discuss the working components of this student-teaching model and what direction teacher education is going.

In this episode you'll hear...

  • The steps involved in becoming a teacher by today's standards
  • How social media can effect your teaching career
  • The importance of flexibility and adaptability as a teacher