Girl Talk With Pops

If he's not happy he will leave you

March 13, 2020 Girl Talk With Pops Season 2 Episode 1

Love is not the only thing that keeps two people in a relationship. People break up with partners they really love, all the time. Pops transitioned out of a relationship last year so in this episode Brittney picks his brain about what keeps men in long lasting relationships and what makes them leave. Feelings of excitement and happiness are at the core of their conversation, although Brittney doesn't necessarily agree with Pops' POV. One thing they do both agree on is that evolution is not only inevitable in relationships, but it's required-- of both partners.

His quick dating advice to women for lasting love is: Keep it fun, keep it spicy, and "KEEP THAT SAME ENERGY". (His words exactly, haha.)

Tag us on Instagram @girltalkwithpops while you're listening! Or find us on Facebook @girltalkwithpops. We *always* want to hear what you have to say, plus Pops likes a good debate. ;)  

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