Girl Talk With Pops

Things to consider before moving in together

Girl Talk With Pops Season 2 Episode 3

So you love your man and you both want to take it to the next level, well Brittney can relate to that. This week Brittney gets Pops' thoughts on moving in with her boyfriend. As a non-married woman who has never lived with a significant other, she thinks living together is a big deal. Pops has lived with a few girlfriends in the past so she's curious about the big and small things she should be thinking about before making the leap to cohabitat. They discuss what's important to align on before living together, from day-to-day things such as what products to buy, to big things such as why you want to live together at all.

Listen in and tag us on Instagram @girltalkwithpops to let us know if you agree or disagree with our thoughts. Healthy debates welcome. ;)

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