Girl Talk With Pops

Dealing with Missed Expectations

Girl Talk With Pops Season 3 Episode 1

It’s been a while, but we’re very excited to be back and starting the new year off with another season! 

To kick things off, we’re picking up right where we left off last season. In our season 2 finale, Pops asked me what he could have done differently or better as a father. So in today’s episode, we really open up the doors of communication: I explain how he could’ve shown up better for me as a child and adult, and he explains his mindset and thought process then and now.

You’ll hear him talk about an incident when I was young where he still thought more selfishly. He acknowledges past and even current mistakes that could’ve created a bigger issue between us. We discuss how it all affected his own parental and romantic relationship skills as an adult.

This episode brings us back to what the show’s really all about--real father-daughter talk. We hope you enjoy what you hear today. If you do, let other people know by writing us a review and rating our podcast on Apple with five stars. And if you haven’t already, make sure you hit the subscribe button so you won’t miss a single episode!

In this episode:

[05:53] - Pops talks about when he wasn’t thinking clearly and allowed things to happen that could’ve driven a wedge between him and his kids.

[07:24] - If you have kids, then your kids are mirroring the person you are too.

[08:42] - Brittney accepts Pops’ apology and remembers being flabbergasted about his wedding taking place so close to her 12th birthday.

[10:31] - As a proponent of healthy blended families, Brittney insists on having a good relationship with any kids of the person you’re dating.

[11:28] - Parents don’t always think about how their kids feel about this situation. They just jump in and start making all these plans based on their own happiness.

[13:14] - Here’s what Pops sees as the more important thing to consider when you have kids and are in the dating game.

[15:22] - A few times in the past (and even in the present), Pops hasn’t followed through after setting an expectation.

[17:19] - While blaming this year on COVID, Pops acknowledges his tendency to not follow through sometimes.

[19:40] - Brittney reveals what triggers her in relationships. She can’t stand it when the man she’s dating does this.

[21:11]- Sometimes, people feel if they ignore something, others around them will too. Not all people are like that, though.

[23:27] - Follow-through is especially important for women. They’ll feel like you don’t care because women feel love through connection and reassurance.

[25:51] - Brittney reminds us that father-daughter relationships shape what daughters look for in and expect from other men in their lives.

[29:10] - Parenting styles differ with each generation. Pops tells us what he didn’t see growing up--from his or others’ parents.

[31:25] - Pops takes it all back to the days of slavery and mentions how and why it was deemed as a sign of strength.

[37:01] - Has Pops’ lack of emotional expression with women been a real conversation in his relationships? What feedback has he received?

Links and Resources:

Girl Talk With Pops

“What men learn about women from having daughters” (Season 2 Finale)

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