Girl Talk With Pops

Healing from Daddy Issues (Part 1)

Girl Talk With Pops Season 3 Episode 2

We love talking to other women about their relationships with their fathers and how those relationships impact their lives. In this episode, we have a special guest and fellow former Howard University alumna: Ms. Reid of

We love talking to other women about their relationships with their fathers and how those relationships impact their lives. In this episode, we have a special guest and fellow Howard University alumna: Ms. Reid of and The Discussion Room podcast.

Ms. Reid is the product of teen parents and for years thought that being smart, happy, and social meant exemption from suffering any daddy issues. However, being both a teacher and a storyteller, she saw herself more and more in the youth she encountered in the educational field, hurting from relationships they never had and watching them fail with their fathers.

Then one day, she was hit with the realization that she’d buried some issues with her birth father and didn’t recognize other issues, because they didn’t come in a form society told her to expect. Thanks to that epiphany, the types of stories she told changed and her blog was born!

Today, Ms. Reid discusses the specific issues she’s faced with her biological father (and other father figures) in recent years. We cover how difficult it can be to stop communication with your father altogether, what it’s like to have a father who denies you and how to heal and recover from that, and how daddy issues contribute to trust issues all-around.

We hope you enjoy what you hear today. If you do, let other people know by writing us a review and rating our podcast on Apple with five stars. And if you haven’t already, make sure you hit the subscribe button so you won’t miss a single episode!

In this episode:

[03:16] - How does Ms. Reid define her relationship with her father figures? This is still a work-in-progress with her biological father.

[06:39] - At 17, Ms. Reid got a court letter in the mail that no child wants to read. Hear the heartbreaking message it conveyed.

[08:34] - Ms. Reid describes a recent awkward incident that felt like an insult to injury.

[11:35] - Ms. Reid discusses the challenging relationship that triggered issues with her biological father and caused her to reach out to him by phone.

[13:48] - Everything happening for a reason is an idea that’s come up on this podcast previously. Brittney asks for Pops’ perspective on this, as it relates to Ms. Reid’s story.

[20:04] - In the past, Pops has recommended writing a letter for women who want to get something across to their dad.

[22:54] - Hear the response Ms. Reid received when she asked her father a few years ago what he wanted to do, work-wise.

[24:29] - Ms. Reid reveals that she put off telling her dad about her pregnancy for months. She didn’t share this publically and was very selective about who she told privately.

[29:55] - In a tough spot due to financial circumstances, Ms. Reid recalls a surprisingly supportive conversation she had with her grandfather.

[33:31] - They say "it takes a village to raise a child." Ms. Reid very much believes that she’s a product of such a village.

Links and Resources:

Daaamn Daddy

@daaamndaddy on Instagram

The Discussion Room podcast