Girl Talk With Pops

Healing from Daddy Issues (Part 2)

January 24, 2021 Girl Talk With Pops Season 3 Episode 3

How do daddy issues impact romantic relationships? What’s it like to be expecting a new child while still healing the relationship with your father? How difficult is it to talk to your parents about parenting, when you don’t trust their opinions or how they’ve shown up for you in the past? In today’s episode, we answer these questions and more in a continuation of our conversation with special guest Ms. Reid of and The Discussion Room podcast.

You’ll hear about Ms. Reid’s limited dating experience as a teenager, including breaking up twice with a cheating high school boyfriend. Abandonment issues, and certain things she didn’t really want to see from parental figures, came into play and made it easy for her to end romantic relationships. 

We also touch on the co-parenting discussion Ms. Reid had with her partner (who already has a child), one non-negotiable aspect of raising her child, the impact of a parent’s age on their kids, and even discuss a bit about blended families. Then the tables turn for a few minutes, where the interviewee becomes the interviewer and asks Pops a question. This, and more family stories and surprising anecdotes, make up the conclusion to our interview.

We hope you enjoy what you hear today. If you do, let other people know by writing us a review and rating our podcast on Apple with five stars. And if you haven’t already, make sure you hit the subscribe button so you won’t miss a single episode!

In this episode:

[01:57] - Ms. Reid explains how she thinks her relationships with her biological dad and other father figures impacted her love life in general.

[04:00] - One particular time, Ms. Reid saw her father do something pretty wild involving a woman who he was dating at the time.

[06:23] - Brittney wonders if having a younger parent impacts kids differently. Ms. Reid believes that this was to her benefit.

[08:59] - Brittney mentions how her own mom (who had her at 18) would warn her against doing certain things at a young age too.

[10:48] - Thinking about father-daughter relations and with a child on the way, Brittney asks Ms. Reid how she thinks about this type of relationship generally? 

[13:55] - Recently, someone asked Ms. Reid’s about her non-negotiables around parenting her expectant child. 

[16:10] - Brittney gives Ms. Reid the floor to ask Pops any questions on her mind. She asks, “What was it like for Pops to co-parent with different people for his kids?”

[19:03] - Someone has to be the bigger person in a co-parenting scenario, whether or not they like the situation. 

[22:51] - What’s the benefit of having a blended family? Pops gives his opinion.

[25:38] - To close it out, Ms. Reid shares her self-reflective work. In 2015, she started dealing with daddy issues (which turned into her blog).

Links and Resources:

Daaamn Daddy

@daaamndaddy on Instagram

The Discussion Room podcast

Girl Talk With Pops

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