Girl Talk With Pops

He Needs to Feel Like a Man

Girl Talk With Pops Season 3 Episode 5

Get ready for a lively discussion this week! I’m super excited for today’s episode. It’s a follow-up of our last episode when Pops and I talked about how black women take care of and help black men before themselves. We aligned on the fact that history is mostly told from the perspective of men and we agreed that women, of the two sexes, are naturally more nurturing.

These two takeaways will drive us into this conversation, but we’ll take it a bit further. One of the things that came up in episode 4 was the concept of black male privilege, which we’ll dig into more today. We’re also excited to welcome our first male guest, another father who we’ve invited to share his thoughts and discuss how they may impact his daughters.

Since many of our discussions center around what Pops learned as a young adult, I think it’ll be valuable to hear a different generational perspective, from a father who’s raising daughters right now. On top of that, this is a family-only affair since our special guest is my cousin and Pops’ nephew, Dana!

We hope you enjoy what you hear today. If you do, let other people know by writing us a review and rating our podcast on Apple with five stars. And if you haven’t already, make sure you hit the subscribe button so you won’t miss a single episode!

In this episode:

[02:32] - Brittney gives a quick recap of the last episode.

[05:06] - Dana introduces himself. He’s been in the military and married for 16 years, with two daughters of his own.

[07:00] - To start with, Brittney gives her definition of black male privilege to make sure everyone’s on the same page.

[08:20] - Do Pops and Dana think that black men are more privileged than black women? 

[10:18] - According to Pops, most women have a greater tendency to stick with their plans and progress whereas men tend to fall back.

[12:19] - Unlike the past, black women aren’t taking no for an answer anymore. 

[14:37] - Dana shares a “male decision” he had to make and Brittney asks him to clarify.

[17:20] - Brittney pushes back on the idea that eventually black women won’t need black men.

[18:50] - While researching, Brittney discovered a checklist by Jewel Woods of how black men are privileged.

[20:08] - Why do men need to feel in charge and assert power? 

[23:23] - Reading African-American history textbooks, we mainly learn about black men. True or false?

[24:40] - Pops believes that more recent history is being written in ways that privilege black women to a greater degree than in the past.

[27:40] - Brittney disagrees and feels that black men will still get more opportunities than black women in the future.

[29:21] - True or false: if a black man is considering a divorce, he knows that he has substantially more marriage and cohabitation options than his spouse?

Links and Resources:

The Black Male Privileges Checklist by Jewel Woods

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