Girl Talk With Pops

Men are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

Girl Talk With Pops Season 3 Episode 11

Men and women are inherently different: we communicate differently, we think differently, we even express our emotions differently. Those differences, however natural they are, are often forgotten in relationships. We often want our partners to be more like us which causes frustration when we’re at odds thanks to those differences.

I’ve recognized those differences in my relationship and even started reading a book about how men and women are different, called Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, by John Gray. That book is the impetus for today’s conversation. Pops and I talk about the behavioral and emotional differences between the sexes, and the different emotional needs each has according to Gray’s book and our own experiences. We also touch on the tensions that arise in relationships when partners realize they don’t do things in the same way.

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In this episode:

[03:24] - Brittney begins mentioning some of the fascinating things she’s read from Gray’s book.

[06:54] - In which ways does Pops think men and women are different?

[10:46] - From Brittney’s perspective, men are more sensitive and women are more emotional.

[12:52] - Is it normal for men to disappear for a while after serious conversations to “think,” then pop back up as if nothing happened?

[16:24] - Tension between men and women comes up when we expect the opposite sex to be more like us.

[19:22] - In the past, women were more dependent on men to live their lives. Women today refuse to submit to that kind of thinking.

[22:18] - What happened for Pops to listen more to women in his life?

[27:22] - According to Pops’ philosophy, everything else in a relationship falls into place with emotional understanding.

[29:01] - Relating to someone and understanding them are two different things.

[31:43] - Does Pops agree or disagree with the emotional needs that Gray outlines for men and women?

[33:49] - Men can take fake praise and still feel good, but women know how to sniff that out and need any praise for them to be genuine.

[35:58] - Brittney wraps up the show with a few thoughts about the leaning into the differences they discussed.

Links and Resources:

Summary of Men are From Mars, Women Are From Venus by John Gray

Season 2 episode 2: Do you know your love language?

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