Girl Talk With Pops

Men Don't Like Women to Challenge Them

Girl Talk With Pops Season 3 Episode 12

I have this theory that men don’t like to be challenged. I’ve found myself asking men questions that make them uncomfortable. Not sure if it has been because they’re not expecting them or ready to answer, but some of my questions have caused men to shut down conversations I’ve tried to start. 

What’s at the root of it, though? In today’s episode, I discuss this with Pops and relate it back to the book I mentioned last week in episode 11. We talk about how differently men and women perceive unsolicited advice and approach problem-solving. We also touch on how growing older or getting deeper into the relationship can give you a new, more mature perspective of it all.

We hope you enjoy what you hear today. If you do, let other people know by writing us a review and rating our podcast on Apple with five stars. And if you haven’t already, make sure you hit the subscribe button so you won’t miss a single episode!

In this episode:

[02:22] - Brittney asks Pops about how she challenges him.

[04:52] - When faced with tough or uncomfortable questions, men who seem to shut down just aren’t ready to face their truth.

[07:41] - Brittney shares where she believes she’s found issues in her communications with men.

[08:47] - Brittney gives Pops an example to determine how he’d feel getting unsolicited advice from a lady friend.

[14:37] - Does Pops agree that men’s modus operandi is to offer solutions?

[16:42] - Women can ask men questions in the wrong way. Painting it as “I” versus “we” makes a difference.

[18:17] - Sometimes women just want to vent their problems without the need for men to present solutions.

[19:49] - Brittney reveals the eye-opening revelation she had about her approach to asking challenging questions.

[21:40] - There’s a technique in relationships to re-frame how to approach advising men in a way that doesn’t put them on the defense.

[25:49] - Men only want advice when they ask for it. Pops emphasizes this with a simple, everyday example.

[29:37] - In time, partners don’t have to work as much on adjusting to each other in their relationship.

[32:29] - Some people don’t recognize their problem or issue, and that’s the bigger problem.

Links and Resources:

Summary of Men are From Mars, Women Are From Venus by John Gray

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