
The Future of Transport: How to Breathe Air into the Congested City? Go-Ahead Group and Jericho Chambers discuss

Jericho Chambers

Is private car ownership defunct? With road space limited and road usage growing, the debate on congestion and air quality in cities is heated. While opinions vary on what is to be done, people agree that a breakthrough is needed. Will it be a matter of P2P platforms, a technological overhaul of systems and modes of transport, policy reform - or a combination of the three? Journalist Matthew Gwyther talks to some of the leading thinkers and players in this space. Answering these and other transport and air-quality questions: Isabel Dedring, Global Transport Lead at ARUP; Nick Lester-Davis, Vice-Chair, European Road Transport Research Advisory; Jonathan Hampson, General Manager, Zipcar; Frank Kelly, Professor of Environmental Health, King's College London; and David Brown, CEO, Go-Ahead Group.

Jericho Conversations is one of a number of initiatives that spontaneously emerged during the first COVID lockdown – part of a determination to use moments of crisis to pivot towards a better, fairer, more equitable and sustainable future for all. By popular demand, we have reignited the series to help find surprising and refreshing solutions and insights into a world in constant flux. Each conversation – led by an expert speaker – is designed to keep Jericho communities engaged and thinking about “what comes next?” for business and society.