Find Your WAI with Lindsey Means
Hey Gorgeous, Welcome to the Find Your WAI podcast where we are answering the question “Who Am I?” which is what WAI stands for. I’m your host, Lindsey Means, Biz Alchemist + Human Design Expert. 👸 I help soulpreneurs step into their royal Empress birthright by embodying their Human Design, activating biz alchemy, and cultivating Sacred Union within. I’m so grateful you’re here, now let’s get started!
Find Your WAI with Lindsey Means
#105 - Aquarius Season 2024: Ceremonies, Magic, and Inner Healing
Join Lindsey in this magical recap of Aquarius season 2024, where themes of self-worth, values, and visionary expansion took center stage. Through deeply personal stories, Lindsey shares her transformative experiences, including powerful ceremonies, profound masculine healing, and lessons in letting go of expectations.
Discover how Human Design, ayahuasca ceremonies, and intentional practices helped her embrace collective consciousness, channel dragon energy, and step deeper into her feminine flow. From the challenges of emotional waves to the beauty of sacred union, this episode is packed with insights for anyone looking to align with their higher self and live more intentionally.
- CLICK HERE to start your 7-day free trial for the Empress Sanctuary and then get access to these courses:
- CLICK HERE for the Human Design Weather Guide
- CLICK HERE for the Empress Method
- CLICK HERE for the 4x4 Method: A New Way To Manifest
- CLICK HERE for the "STI's aren't spread, they are transmitted" post by Brandon Bozarth
- CLICK HERE for the Devoted Lover, Not His Mother course by Amy Ebinger
- CLICK HERE to connect with one of my mentors, Ashley Brianna Eve
- CLICK HERE for Relationship Sessions
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(Transcribed by TurboScribe.ai. Go Unlimited to remove this message.) Hello gorgeous, welcome to the Find Your Way podcast where we are answering the question, who am I? Which is what WAI stands for. I'm your host, Lindsay Means, business alchemist and human design expert. I help women step into their royal empress birthright by embodying their human design, creating alchemy in their lives with ceremony and rituals, and cultivating sacred union within by harmonizing masculine and feminine energies. I'm so grateful that you're here, now let's get started. Hello gorgeous, welcome to the Aquaria season 2024 recap. So the theme for this cycle was the second house, gates 19 and 13, visionary, rebel, genius, intellectual, future, cutting edge, collective consciousness. My focuses were values, money, income, self-worth, pleasure, possession, security, sensuality, and what I was watching out for was stubbornness, rebelling, disruption, and challenges to overcome. Now if you are new to this series, you can go back. I think I started with Libra season and this is part of my 4x4 method, a new way to manifest. So I channeled this a couple of years ago and it is manifesting with your intuition, plant medicine, oracle cards, your inner child, and it is so much fucking fun. And this is how I remember my life, else I would forget everything. And so I've been doing this since a child. I used my calendar as my diary and I wrote down things pretty much every single day so that I can remember. And I'm going through this process because I have realized that I live a wild life. I think that I go on more adventures and do more things and do a lot of healing and do XYZ that not a lot of people do. And so my goal, my intention for this is to give you lessons from my stories. This is a big part of my human design. I have gate 33 and gate 13 and gate 33 is part of my part of my life purpose is to really distill stories from the past in a way that's beneficial for the collective. And so that's what I'm doing here. So Aquarius season in 2024 started on January 20th and I had a beautiful human design meetup with my friends, Amanda and Taylor. They are both projectors and they are incredible. And it was a really interesting experience to be around a bunch of human design nerds. They were way nerdier than me and it was really fun and a really cool experience. And it was really fun to just connect with my soul sisters. And I love these women and we talk about human design and we learn so much about human design from each other and it's so cool and oh my god my cat has escaped so BRB. I'm back but Ziggy is not back but she will come back eventually. Cat problems. Okay so then that night I met up with my sex magic partner. Now the interesting thing about this sex magic partner is that he showed up in my life like a week after I sat with Ayahuasca for the first time. And he is a 3-5 ego manifester and we met at a tantric speed dating event. And we had a beautiful experience for like three months and I basically went over to his house every week and we were friends with benefits essentially is what it was. But it was so magical like my nervous system had never relaxed with a man before in bed other than with him. And he was just a really beautiful masculine presence in my life. And after about three months it started feeling like boring relationship sex but we weren't even in a relationship. And so the line three their bonding strategy is bonds are made to be broken. And he essentially we both it was kind of a mutual thing I think we just kind of separated. And so he popped into my life again and we had a lot of fun catching up and making out. I didn't put having sex on here so I guess we didn't have sex but he was a really good makeout person and if you know anything about me you know that I love making out oh my god. So then the next day I was connected to the emotional wave. So if you're like what the fuck does that mean? This is the human design weather. And I have a course in the Empress Sanctuary about this and I will pop a link in the show notes if you want to check it out. All you have to do is start your seven day free trial to get access. And they're just like mercury goes into retrograde. The there is human design weather and every day the weather shifts and you're you can be connected to new energy. And so that day I was connected to the emotional wave. I have a open undefined solar plexus and I was connected to the wave and I was experiencing it. And so I was just having a chill day and I had a like a movie day and I just kind of relaxed. And then the next day so here's what happens oftentimes with the emotional wave is I get exhausted. Like that's not energy that I'm used to and there's that's a motor center in human design. Emotions are exhausting. They're so far I don't know how you emotional authorities do it all damn day every day. It never ends. And so a lot of times when I'm connected to the wave I'm like like I have no fucking energy to do anything. And then the next day or like hours later it shifts into some different part of the emotions and I have all the energy to do the things. And so it looks like the next day that's what happened. I had a creative getting shit done day was flowing and was feeling really good and I had some a couple more days like that. And then my flight left to go sit with ayahuasca. This would have been the fifth weekend. Yeah the fifth weekend. And so it was beautiful. I connected with my friends Lydia and Seven did a magical breathwork ceremony. I got to meet Seven for the first time and one of the first things that they said to me was you do know you're a dragon right? And I was like yep. And it was just really really really fucking cool to have someone that I've never met pull that out of me and like like tap into that. And so with that weekend my intentions were sacred union within womb magic and pleasure and all of that happened. I connected with my galactic guides who showed me this universe that I'm creating. Connected with my dragon aspect LD Dancery and it was super powerful. So my intentions were to connect with dragons and I think that's when I was activating the dragon and with everyone. Brought the dragon into the community during that sit for damn sure. And every single time I sat with ayahuasca on the second night I always get into this channeling mode this mediumship mode and I go to some world and I guess I've been creating this world for a while and it's so fucking fun and very magical. And so then the next day oh this is a fun story. So for the past two probably two sits so every the first night is always like the intensity the healing the purging the kind of like if you want to say darker heavier night and then night two we kind of start off that way finish whatever we started night one and then we move into mediumship. And so this is when the the floor is open towards the end of the night and you can sing a song you can share a poem you can channel and whatever. And so for the past two times I was really wanting to sing and I've always like one of my things as a kid was like to be in a band and to sing but I like was always a scared of my voice. And when a couple of episodes back I can't remember what season it was I went to a I think I probably talked about it I went to a sweat lodge and they sang this song and it's called humble. And in that moment I was like I'm bringing this song to my people because it was basically like three lines and you just say it over and over and over again. And so I told my mentor I was like I want to sing so make sure you call me out if I don't volunteer. And so I was it was a heavy night and so like I didn't want to volunteer and then my mentor was like Lindsay it's your turn. I was like okay and so I like there's like 20 people here and I've never sang in front of that many people before. I did karaoke one time in front of some friends like five friends and that was terrifying. And so to for me to sing in front of a group of 20 people who a lot of them are musicians I was like oh my god so scared. And so I started singing it and it was so fucking magical it was probably one of the most magical nights of my life and everyone was getting into it and it was so much fun and the afterwards everyone was you've never sang before like what the hell like that that's gonna be a staple. And so it was just really really fun to do that and to respond and to bring my magic into the ceremony. And so then the next day was the worst fucking day of my life like I got so sick so fucking sick and I didn't even know if I was flying home and I didn't even know if I was gonna be able to drive myself home. I think I was sick for like a week like it was a lot and this is something that happens with healing. When you do a lot of emotional, spiritual, psychic healing your body is kind of the last to catch up. And so I the word I think I probably just used it but sick is a four letter word in my world. I believe that if you are sick I call it under the weather but if you get under the weather it's because your body is calibrating. It's because you haven't listened to your body and it's the last straw your body is like bitch like you we've been telling you to slow the fuck down so we're gonna force you to slow the fuck down. And then I do believe in like allergies or like you know things being passed around but I think it's the first two the majority of the time especially if you're on a healing journey. And so this is something that I have like a disclaimer for inside of the community. We in in the Empress Sanctuary because we are doing deep healing work like when you're doing the the holy trinity of healing when you're doing all of these things oh my cat's back BRB. Oh she escaped again I don't feel like deleting that. So anyways when you're doing deep healing work the body is sometimes the last to get upgraded. And so I give a little disclaimer like when you're in the Empress Sanctuary you might get under the weather after doing some of this deep healing work and that's just part of it. And so then on the 31st I had a session with this guy Brandon and I'm gonna put him Brandon Bozarth. I'm gonna put him in the show notes. He is awesome. Now he works with Germanic New Medicine and Germanic New Medicine basically says so when I was on the plane and this is a beautiful story of responding to the universe. So when I was on the plane to go to sit with ayahuasca I was on Instagram and someone that I didn't even really know sent me a post by Brandon. And this post I'm gonna link this post because this is what really impacted me. So she gave me something to respond to and the post said STIs are not transmitted they are a product of a psychological they are a byproduct of a psychological conflict. And I was like what? Because I got I tested positive for HSV-2 in 2017 and I'll link that episode below because I'm on a mission to heal it. And so I was using plant medicine ceremony ritual all the things to heal plant medicine or to heal HSV-2. And so the the I was went public and so everyone knew about it and this woman sent this to me and I was like oh my god. And I was reading through the swipe post basically as the plane was taking off and in the caption he was like book a session with me to dive deeper. And I instantly booked I didn't know like like or trust this guy but my whole body was like yes like I've been looking for a solution to heal HSV-2. And on that call he was basically talking about STDs are like I can't remember exactly what he said but it was basically like with STDs the conflict happens and the the outbreak is actually your body healing. And when he was saying that I was like oh my god like think about all the people with STDs or STIs or whatever who are so embarrassed and the shame and all of the things and they the outbreak is actually your body healing. And so I explained my situation to him and he was like for you I feel like you're never gonna have an outbreak again because you know your boundaries. I know exactly when where I got like where the conflict was and who it was with. And so he was talking about how when children when little babies get rashes it's because they want to be touched more or they don't want to be touched. And so it was really a really really powerful thing to learn that. And so he was like you know for you you have really strong boundaries and so you're probably not going to have a option number going over your boundaries and against what your body wants. And for you I feel like when you're in partnership and you're getting everything that you desire in relationships that's when it's going to go away. And because I brought up like I broke out a lot with my ex and I was not sexually satisfied and I wasn't getting what I wanted. And I was like whoa. So I kind of gave up. I guess maybe not. I put on hold the healing process because I believe that when I'm with a partner and I'm getting everything that I want sexually I think it takes like eight weeks then I will have a negative blood test. And so that was really fucking powerful. And then pretty much the rest of the week I was upgrading and resting and then I launched my soul alchemy portal. And oh and so then I had a situation I think I talked about this last time with the the man that I went to Puerto Rico to see Tyson. And I was feeling very irritated by him. And he was like mansplaining things and like trying to give me like insight and input on something. And it felt like he was really braggy. And I was just really confused. It was just really fucking putting like off putting energy. And then I created a reel about it. And he got really upset and he just flipped the fuck out on me. Like it was insane the con like the things that this man said to me. And I like tried to take ownership for it. And I was like you know I didn't even think you knew like looked at my Instagram. So I probably shouldn't have said that. I didn't call him out or name him or tag him or anything like that. But he took so much offense to it. And it was a very interesting experience. And I like I feel like I had a lot of I had a lot of healing around that. I felt like I was in the wrong. And then I remember talking to some friends and they were like no Lindsay you are not in the wrong. Like you do not have to apologize for anything. You are just sharing something. And yeah like I said I was like I should have brought this up to you before I created a reel about it. And I apologize for that. But then it was just like insane insane how he was basically like attacking me and he didn't receive my apologies and blamed me for everything. And I was feeling very relieved to have his energy gone. And I felt like I passed a test with that. And it was just so fucking wild like how it happened. And I learned a lot like I always anytime these things happen I always learn a lot about myself. I'm very I'm very you know I sometimes I say things or I believe things and then I get a I contemplate it. I look back on it and I'm like oh like maybe I was in my ego there. And I course correct. And contemplation is a beautiful a beautiful thing. We talk about this in the EMP technique and the Empress Method and I will link that below. It's really powerful to be able to say okay you know I was out of alignment there and here's how I can get back into alignment. Or oh that's a pattern that I have and now I can do things different. And so it's a really beautiful thing. And so I'm very grateful for that whole situation. And so then let's see what else. I was doing some sort of ceremony feeling like my man is close. Oh then I had this devoted lover not your mother course with this woman. I can't even remember her name but I will link it below. And it was so fucking powerful. This and this was two weeks after my ayahuasca sit. And this was where my masculine healing happened in this. This is a shamanic woman. And in this program she leads you in on a shamanic journey. And that's where I met my inner masculine. And she basically talks about how like your inner masculine and God resided reside in your spine and support you. And then your inner feminine your inner child resigned in your heart. And that's how you co-create sacred union together. And ever since then I've been calling my masculine and God into my spine. I've been calling my inner child into my heart. She has another course called the arrows of life or something like that that I took like a month or so later. And just like trying to tap into the beautiful like in every single moment there is so much fucking magic. Like so much magic in our lives that we are just so disconnected from. And so that was a fucking game changer. Like holy shit I unlocked a lot. I did a lot of healing with that. And then the next day I went to a teal swan workshop. And it was the the lunar new year the new year of the dry or the year of the dragon started that day. And I set the intention to have the most magical day ever. And it was so fucking cool. It was the coolest day of my life. So at this thing I met this guy Vincent. And I just had a really cool conversation with him. And the workshop was really fun. And then I took myself out to eat. And I met this guy Cody and was just like open and flirty and fun and having a lot of having a lot of like experiences and takeaways and things to respond to. And I was so tapped into my feminine energy. And then that night I went out dancing and I met magic Mike. Oh this is such a beautiful experience. I wish I had more of it. So I went to this club and I saw this guy and he he was hot. And I like felt this energetic pull towards him. And so I like try to make myself available. I try to like be very clear of like I'm interested in you come talk to me. And so I like you know was flirting with him I guess. And then I was about to leave and he comes over. And he was like I don't know over six six foot like probably six foot four three or something like that. Super tall dark hair dark eyes like so sexy. And he hit on me in a beautiful way. I can't remember what he did but is beautiful. And so we started talking and I just was like drawn into his energy. And then I think I was like OK I'm gonna go dance now I'll find you later. And he pulled me in for a hug and I melted into this man's arms. And I was just like like like just fucking melted. And I looked up at him and I was like who are you. That was amazing. And he just pulled me into another hug and I felt like time stopped. It felt like we were in an empty room like it was fucking wild. And so I was like whoa. I was like that like who are you. I'm still going to go dance but I'm going to come find you later. And so then I went and danced and then I found him and we ended up talking and I'm a sap what is it sapiosexual. I need mental stimulation to be like physically turned on to someone. And I got that. We had a conversation. We sat in a booth. We started making out. It was really sexy. Then the bar closed and I ended up going to his house. And oh my God like this man. It was like he knew my body. It was so fucking sexy. It's so fucking hot. But my ego my body was willing to do whatever with this man. I probably wouldn't have had like I have a whole thing of like no penetrative sex until I'm in a committed relationship. But if my body is a hell yes. And this is this moment has created this rule because the universe is like here you've been wanting sex magic. You've been wanting sexual energy. This man knows like this man just knows you without knowing you. But I my ego got in the way and I was like no I have to make them wait. I can't I can't orgasm with anyone and blah blah blah. And so I ended up leaving. And then I wanted to recreate it and never talk to him again. And I was like fuck like damn it I cock blocked myself. And so never again if my body is a hell fucking yes I'm gonna do it. I learned my fucking lesson with that one. And so then all the all the Tyson stuff happened. And then and then this was an interesting situation. So I had this download to partner up with a friend of mine and to have her like support me with my business. And the the agreement was 10 percent of my income because I didn't have the funds to be able to full like pay her a specific amount. And because my business at the time was not really doing that well and the majority of my money was coming and the majority of my money from over the last couple years has come from another company that I work for. And so we had this we we drew we had a conversation about it. She was a hell yes. We drew up a contract and that it was really exciting. It was really exciting to have someone support me because I knew that I would need help if I was going to grow this business. And then the next day I had a DNA astrology session with one of my mentors Ashley Brianna Eve. Now I don't know she does these anymore but I will I will link her in the show notes. And it was really fucking cool like everything that she channeled was really magical. And you know a lot of the sessions that I've had over the years I mean my god I've probably had I don't know how many sessions I've had with people but I've had a lot. And the majority of them are like damn Lindsay like you are here for abundance. You are here in this one. She was like you are here to be the voice of source. Like you are here for big fucking things. Like what are you doing? And I've been on this journey to to unravel that and I feel like I am I feel like I've landed in this moment where I like finally believe how fucking powerful I am. And you are the same way. You are so fucking powerful. You have psychic gifts. You have connections. And you have you have so much more power than you know. And a lot of times it's our power that scares us. It's our potential that scares us. And because it's the unknown and that's natural. It's natural for your body to keep you safe by keeping you stuck in the familiar zone in the safe zone. So that was super powerful. The next day I had a couple session in person and it was so fucking cool. Like every couple sessions that I have done it's the man that I feel like gets the most from it. And it's really fucking cool. This was an emotional authority man and what I shared with him I got feedback later on that that my friend she was like what you shared with him was so powerful. Like it changed his life. And I was like oh it makes me feel so happy to do to do that because I kind of feel bad for emotional emotionally defined men because it's not like societally accepted to have emotions for anyone but especially men. And so that was really cool. And by the way I do offer relationship sessions. So I will put that in the show notes. These are really powerful. They're two week containers and you'll learn all about each other and then you receive DM support for two weeks. It's really powerful. So I will drop that below. And then let's see the next day the last day of Aquarius season I was connected to the 36 35 wave. Oh and I was okay so that wave oh wait is that one yeah that one that wave is has to do with expectation. So when an expectation wasn't met super depressive feelings can happen. And so I was feeling really depressed. I was feeling really depressed that magic mic never hit me up and I was like really upset that I didn't take advantage of some sex magic. And then I was having expectations around I probably the launch the soul alchemy launch because I was calling in 111 souls and I wasn't anywhere near that. I've had some high expectations for business that were unrealistic. So I was crying a lot. I was letting go. I was healing around a belief that what I want gets taken away. I found magic mic. It felt incredible and then gone. And who knows what else was happening around that time. But you know expectations are so big like so fucking big. We have these unrealistic expectations around life love money all of the things and and it's a lot on our systems and when you can just live. I'm currently in my life I am in my detachment era. I'm detached detached from the outcome detached from like of course I'm I'm gonna like like be the creator of my life but I'm gonna be detached on how that actually shows up because I'm so insignificant like so fucking insignificant in the unfolding of my life. Do I think I know better than God? No not anymore. I don't but I used to. And so it's a really beautiful thing. It's a really beautiful thing. Oh man I think my I think my landlord the cat again BRB. Okay she's back finally back mission successful. So anyways to wrap up this conversation I feel like the big themes for Aquarius season was that masculine healing like having the masculine healing with the Tyson experience having the devoted love or not your mother experience like even magic mic and like having all of these things and like expectations not clinging on to how it should be and I've done that. I have since learned recently I've learned that this is something that I do. I have an amazing experience like magic mic and then I want to recreate it. I want it again and every single fucking time the second time is never as good as the first time and it's a disappointment and because I have those expectations instead of just meeting life where it's at like it's such a beautiful thing. We try to recreate the experiences that we had when you know recreate the love recreate the magic recreate this out of the other thing instead of just being present and so that's what I want to leave you with. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I'll talk to you next time. I'm so grateful that you listened to this episode of the Find Your Way podcast. If you want to connect on a deeper level I would love to invite you to start your seven day free trial of the Empress Sanctuary membership. The main focus of this membership is to help you step into your royal empress birthright. We focus on embodying your human design, activating biz alchemy and harmonizing masculine and feminine energies. If you love this episode share it on social media and tag me I'm at lindsaymeans with an underscore. If you like this content subscribe now so you never miss an episode and I'll see you next time.