Elmhurst CRC

Sunday's Comin' #164 - Psalm 15:1

Elmhurst CRC Season 1 Episode 164

Caryn Rivadeneira, Director of Care & Worship Planning

Caryn Rivadeneira  0:08 

Welcome to Elmhurst CRC's daily dose of the word of God. It's Thursday, July 14, and Sunday is coming. This is Caryn Rivadeneira. I serve as Director of Care and Worship Planning and I'll be reading Psalm 15, verse 1.

Caryn Rivadeneira  0:21 

Lord, Who may dwell on your sacred tent, who may live on your holy mountain?

Caryn Rivadeneira  0:27 

Our prayer guide this week invites us to imagine the sacred tent and God's holy mountain. And then how this image makes us feel as we see ourselves there in the presence of God. I wonder though, if we can't take this a step further. Let's imagine a second who else we see in this space: our friends, our families, our pets? I sure hope so. But who else? Can we imagine the folks who annoy us, in the sacred tent? Can we see those whose politics or points of view give us hives or causes of grave concern? What about the people who have hurt us - whose decisions or behaviors have left us in tatters? Can we see them in God's sacred tent?

Caryn Rivadeneira  1:12 

Now, Psalm 15 goes on with a list of folks who are there, and indicates who's not. It's a tough list. As we read it, I'm not actually sure who among us would make it. And yet, we know that God's love and grace are big. The life and ministry of Jesus and his work on the cross reveals just how big that sacred tent is. And we know that none of us is worthy to be in that tent - at least, not because of our own right thinking or right actions or behaviors. We don't get in because of our own proper points of view, our stellar moral compasses or exceptional values. No, we are only able to get in and to see ourselves and our friends, our families and our enemies in that tent because God welcomes us into it - if we just follow Jesus. That's the way in.

Caryn Rivadeneira  2:01  

And we know this because while we were yet sinners - as Paul tells us in the book of Romans - Jesus left that high and holy heavenly tent, stretched its roof and sides and brought the whole kingdom down here with him so that we might know the rule and reign of God and take part in it. This is something I hope I never get over. That Jesus, the Son of God, the Creator of the universe, gave up power and privilege to welcome and include us in his kingdom. Amazing. 
If you're struggling to see yourself in that tent - in that sacred space with God - perhaps take a moment to recognize God's presence with you right now, then thank God for that gift.