Elmhurst CRC

Sunday's Comin' #165 - O Worship the King

Elmhurst CRC Season 1 Episode 165

Gregg DeMey, Lead Pastor

Link to Song:

Gregg DeMey  0:08 

Welcome to Elmhurst CRC's, daily dose of the word of God. It's Friday, July 15 and Sunday is coming. This is Gregg DeMey, and I serve as Lead Pastor at ECRC.

Gregg DeMey  0:17

This Sunday's opening song will be one of the great hymns of the last 200 years: O Worship The King. You may recognize it, the opening verse goes like this: O worship the king, all glorious above, o gratefully sing his power and his love. Our shield and defender, the ancient of days, pavilions and splendor and girded with praise. This hymn was written by Sir Robert Grant, who was born and died in India, a country that in his lifetime had played a major role in the British Empire. Sir Robert was a member of the British Parliament, Judge Advocate General, and the governor of Bombay (Now we call it Mumbai). And he also happened to write 12 hymns. O Worship The King is the only one that outlasted him. As an Englishman, it wasn't a big stretch for Sir Robert to imagine God as a king or a monarch. That's maybe a little bit harder for us as Americans - who elect our leaders - hard for us to remember that maybe God is the almighty simply because he is who he is. He doesn't need our votes or acclamation, but it is right and fitting for us out of gratitude and recognition of reality that we worship, honor, sing to and generally adore the king who is all glorious above.

Gregg DeMey  1:39

On Sunday will be led in singing this hymn by a praise choir. And we'll sing a version that's akin to the one linked in the show notes if you want to hear it in advance and practice at home. It's a version by a fine young songwriter and arranger from Louisiana, a guy named Wendell Kimbrough. Perhaps you can thank God this day for his provision to you and honor God in your prayers, and maybe even songs, simply because He is God, King, all glorious above everything and everybody else.

Gregg DeMey  2:11

Let's pray. Almighty God, I remember today that I am a frail child of dust, and feeble as I am frail. But in you, God, I trust; I have never found you to fail. Your mercies - they're tender and so firm until the end.I love you, God as my maker, my defender, my redeemer, and my friend; through Jesus name, offer these prayers. Amen.