Elmhurst CRC

Daily Dose of the Word of God - Luke 24: 17-24

April 03, 2024 Kyle Olson Season 1 Episode 586
Elmhurst CRC
Daily Dose of the Word of God - Luke 24: 17-24
Show Notes Transcript

Kyle Olson, Technical Director

Kyle Olson 0:05 

Welcome to Elmhurst CRC's daily dose of the Word of God. It's April 3, it's the season of Easter and we're walking the Emmaus road with Jesus. My name is Kyle Olson and I serve here as the Technical Director. Today, I'll be reading from Luke 24, verses 17 through 24.

Kyle Olson  0:26 

Jesus: You two seem deeply engrossed in conversation. What are you talking about as you walk along this road?  They stop walking and just stand there, looking sad. One of them—Cleopas is his name—speaks up.  Cleopas: You must be the only visitor in Jerusalem who hasn’t heard about what’s been going on over the last few days. Jesus: What are you talking about?  Two Disciples: It’s all about the man named Jesus of Nazareth. He was a mighty prophet who did amazing miracles and preached powerful messages in the sight of God and everyone around. Our chief priests and authorities handed Him over to be executed—crucified, in fact. We had been hoping that He was the One—you know, the One who would liberate all Israel and bring God’s promises. Anyway, on top of all this, just this morning—the third day after the execution—some women in our group really shocked us. They went to the tomb early this morning, but they didn’t see His body anywhere. Then they came back and told us they did see something—a vision of heavenly messengers—and these messengers said that Jesus was alive. Some people in our group went to the tomb to check it out, and just as the women had said, it was empty. But they didn’t see Jesus.

Kyle Olson  1:55  

Let's pray. Lord, thank you for your word and thank you for your testimony. Thank you for this conversation of just two ordinary people, hearing amazing things and then ending up finding they are in conversation with Jesus. Lord, as our Sunday celebration is behind us, help us to keep our heads up, looking forward, being a witness and looking for the signs that show that you are always walking next to us. We thank you for all these things. In your name, amen.