You Winning Life

Ep. 11-Hoss Pratt: Real Estate Guru, Trainer and Author

Jason Wasser, LMFT Season 1 Episode 11

After this episode, you will no longer have any excuses to live a successful life. Whether you are 16  or 45 years old, if you commit to a goal and the right mindset, the right people will come into your life to help you get there. 

Hoss Pratt is the CEO and founder of Hoss Pratt International, the premier resource for agents and firms that want to take their business to the next level. This renowned coaching and training firm helps clientʼs build better real estate businesses.

What separates Hoss from all other  real estate coaches, trainers, and so-called ‘gurus’ is his ability to get results FAST. He’s presented over 1,100 sold-out webinars and online events, conducted over 1,300 live seminars in 48 states, knocked on over 100,000 doors, made over 200,000 prospecting/sales calls, presented at 2,150 kitchen tables, and personally trained thousands of successful agents and industry professionals.

Show notes:

  • The importance of finding a mentor to teach you street smarts and mindset.
  • "Start a business because profits are better than wages".
  • How to take control of your destiny.
  • You can be a 16 year old kid and make $100k a year.
  • Why you need to make a plan to sell your business to go on to bigger things.
  • Make sure your environment is what you want to be a product of.
  • Sometimes you need to move to some place radically different from what you grew up with to be successful.
  • If you pick a goal, you need to set a date to hold you accountable.
  • How to focus on your fearlessness.
  • Your life and business needs to have a spiritual side to it or you wont be happy.
  • Entrepreneurship is about personal development and growth.
  • How to teach your kids core values as part of family culture

Learn more about Business Finishing School and the Business Growth Summit:

Buy Hoss Pratt's book: "Listing Boss"

Jason can be reached for therapy, coaching, alternative medicine and speaking engagements at
Reach out to him to set up a free consultations to tackle your goals.
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Speaker 1:

This is the you winning life podcast, your number one source for mastering a positive existence. Each episode we'll be interviewing exceptional people, giving you empowering insights and guiding you to extraordinary outcomes. Learn from specialists in the worlds of integrative and natural wellness, spirituality, psychology, and entrepreneurship. So you too can be winning light. Now here's your host, licensed marriage and family therapist, certified neuro emotional technique, practitioner and certified entrepreneur coach Jason Watser.

Speaker 2:

Everybody, welcome back to the you winning life podcast. I'm here with a really amazing guests. Uh, he's the CEO and founder of Hoss Pratt international. He's an author, he's a realtor coach, trainer. If you have any interest in the world of real estate, this is the episode that you are gonna want to grab your pen, take out a notepad, open up your Google docs, and take some serious notes. Unless you're driving in that case, there'll be on replay over and over again for you. So really want to welcome Hoss Pratt. Thanks so much for joining us today. It's great to be here, Jason. So I know we met less than a year ago, briefly after the business fishing schools business growth summit. And one of the things that I really loved about your story is your story is the place of where you went from being from a small town, right? And having to go from the small town to the big town to make a massive risk. So please share us a little bit about that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Jason, you know, for me, all odds were stacked against me. You know, I was a, I grew up in Northwest Missouri. Um, I worked on a dairy farm, barely made it through high school, didn't go to college, and I was lost man. I was like one of those kids that were in just a small Midwest town that, that, you know, I thought I was always different. I always had an ambition to be successful, but I don't really know how to apply it. And about that time, there's a guy that came into my life, his name was Jimbo. And as a teenager and a Jimbo was a millionaire. His family invented the hay baler and uh, his, he was wealthy. Man. And like he didn't like anybody, but for whatever reason, he liked this 16 year old kid, man. And, uh, and he taught me a lot. I mean, I talked to the guy every day. I was at his house every day we talk business, we talk, you know, street smarts that we talked mindset and, and he just really had an impact on me. And, uh, he gave me several pieces of advice and one of the pieces of advice he gave me early on was he said, start a business because profits are better than wages. And you see, I always wanted my success to be in my hands. I didn't want like to give it to somebody else. I didn't want to invest it in a company for 40 years and then get laid off. And, you know, I have no control. And so to me it was always important that I was in control of my destiny. And, uh, Jimbo played a great, huge part in that. So as a teenager I started Pratt lawns and uh, I started cold calling the white pages of the phone in the winter and I racked up a hundred lawns my first year, went and got my first business loan. Um, you know, I didn't know what a lawnmower by the way when I was getting the loans. And that's one of the lessons I think in business. You always go get the lawns first before you go get the loan. And, and I started mowing grass and I did that for years. I was making six figures, the teenager in that small town in Missouri. And uh, yeah, I mean that was my first, that was where it all started for me.

Speaker 2:

So how are you lucky enough to get Jimbo into your life? Cause I know one of the things that I love talking about in our community of entrepreneurs talking about is finding that right

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

right? And your ways of doing it. One is like hiring a coach, but you are really lucky as a teenager to have someone in your life who was an adult who has already been successful.

Speaker 3:

I think usually here's how it works. Usually, usually you need to hire the coach to get the results, then you'll attract the mentor. I don't think you find mentors, you attract them and you attract them by being in pursuit. You know? And it's the law of attraction. It's the people that come into your life that you attract at the moments that you need them. And I think that's the right way to look at it. You know, look it back with Jimbo, like you know, I don't know why he came into my life. All I know is it's like there's been people like Jimbo that have came into my life because I've always been passionately pursuing a purpose and, and I think that God put him in my life because I look back, I mean I look at my family today, man. I look at my, what I do for a living. Like God put that man in my life. Like there's no other way around it. Like, cause here's what he did. He said, hos you need, I'd mowed grass for years. And then he goes, you ready for the next step? I go, what do I do, Jim? Bogus. It's time to sell it. I'm like, what do you mean sell it like we did it buddy? Like you know, like I'm rich. You know, I'm making six figures at teenagers, like you know it and he goes, it's time to sell it and move. I'm like, why? He goes, because you become a product of your environment. So make sure your environments, when you want to become a product of like, well, what do you mean? He goes, you need to be in an environment of millionaires. You need to be where money flows. You need to be where the economy is growing. You need to be where people get it. And I go, where's that? He goes, move to Texas. I said, why? He goes, you belong there. You belong in Dallas, Texas. And I said, Jim, I've never been there buddy. I've never been out of the state of Missouri. He goes, let's go. And he took me on my first airplane ride and um, was 19 and uh, flew down to Dallas on a weekend. It was like 115 degrees here in August. And we drove around, we ran a Cadillac Deville, drove around, you know, listening to Sammy Kershaw in the, in the car, man. Like I, I was like, just blown away, you know, this small town kid come into this big city and look at it all the opportunity and he just sought my, he goes, you want to move here? Don't just say, yes sir, I'm going to move. He goes, when do you want to move? I go, I don't know. I go by this winter. He goes, you can't just do that. You gotta set the day. You go set the date. And I said, November 15th, I'm moving. And he goes, okay, make the call. And uh, he knew I knew what that meant. And I called my brother Brad and I said, Brad, I'm moving to Texas on November 15th. I'm going to give you first right of refusal to buy Pratt lawns. And um, Oh, if you want it, you know, I'll train you and you can buy it. And he goes, I'll take it. And so I flew back home, trained my brother Brad to take over the lawn service, got prepared, and I moved to Dallas with my suitcase and my 36 inch JVC TV. And I drove. I drove nine hours to Texas at left at two 30 in the morning. And I never went home. I never went back. I came here to go make something of myself and I didn't know a single soul here. Nobody got my 400 square foot apartment. Got there. And I remember sitting in that apartment and when I first got here and I remember just sitting around thinking, man, I could be anybody. I want to be here. I could be anyone. Nobody knows me. I could go to the grocery store, nobody knows me. I can go anywhere. And like the freedom that I felt in that moment, man was like, it changed me. Like it, it was huge. And uh, yeah,

Speaker 2:

you're like, you always had that fearlessness inside of you. Cause I know, right. We can see the people that we meet that they're the more timid or the more tentative right to not take that to Nick. Not take that step right. And then time will pass and they'll miss the opportunities. But it sounds to me like you've always been able to just jump to that next next step. Or has there been a time in your life where you really did struggle with that tentativeness and that decision making and the fear of jumping all in?

Speaker 3:

That's a great question. You know, one thing I've always been grateful for is my youth. So like I remember then being so grateful as a teenager and like I'm a teenager and I got it. I'm a teenager and I own my own business and, and I, I'm a teenager and I have a mentor like Jimbo and I and I. And so I always, I always looked at my youth that way. Like today, you know, I'm 37 you know, I feel like I'm 90 you know, I'm an old soul, you know, I mean, but I have a 37 but like, it's by youth that I always looked at it like I had nothing to lose. And I have a saying, it's one life fully lived and, and my life will be fully lived and I will live my life legendary and I'm going to do everything I possibly can to leave this world better than I found it. And I'm gonna lay my fear out there on the line to be used as a tool and an used as a, as a for good. And I'm going to surrender to that process. And, and for me, I've always had that mindset like, I'm going to go for it. I'm going to do whatever it takes. I'm going to, I'm going to go against the grain, I'm going to do what is unorthodox. And so from early on, Jason, I always remember thinking that way. So like me leaving like a successful business and moving away, like there was no security in that for me, man. Like there's no security in st Joe, Missouri making six figures and, and I'm willing at every level to walk away from whatever I've built for something more. And I think that's the distinction. You know, every, you know, as my, we get into it, you're going to hear many of that stories where I've had to away from everything I built into the unknown. And, and I think that's what makes me crazy is I'm willing to do it. Dude. I will walk away from everything I've built right now, Jason. I swear to God I will and I will go and I don't care. There is no, I have no security in what I've built. All my security is, is being willing to be used as a tool. And you step into that next level.

Speaker 2:

So you were how old when this, when this decision was made,

Speaker 3:

uh, as a team, when I moved to Texas, Texas, yeah. As a teenager, I didn't go to college. I barely, you know, I was on my own at 16. I got kicked out of my house when I was a 16 year old and I was, I was, you know, rough around the edges back then. I was a good kid, but I was wild, you know, like, you know, they said hostas, you're going to be in jail or be a millionaire. You know, that was me

Speaker 2:

and thankfully it was the millionaires and I very much relate to that story cause I, I barely graduated high school. I wasn't a bad kid. I just didn't, I just didn't have that connection. Nothing really interests me. There was some family dynamics going on. My parents are going through a major divorce and I barely graduated high school with a 1.8 GPA. So here I am now or as a therapist, as a coach, working with business owners and entrepreneurs. Like with my last, a client that was here right before our call, like we were talking about what the next step is from them. They are working for a government and they want to create something on the side. I'm like this is a miracle.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And I pointed to the setup for the podcast. I'm like, because of that, that's led me to do this, to now have contact with people like you and the other people in our circles like Matt Minero and other people that we're we're friends with. That would never have been fathomable to me as a 16 1718 year old kid who was on scholarship who lived in a neighborhood where people were getting their, you know, really wealthy families and I wasn't to see that I've become something that I want to become. And I think the key beautiful thing is that your fearlessness to take those steps really is what I want people out there to hear. Yes. Like is there some insight you can share? Because like I said, this sounds like it comes really naturally to you. Was there ever a place in your life where you did, I mean we all have self doubt, we all have, right? Those moments of hesitation. But was there a moment in your life where you feel like that really turned on for you from where it was, where maybe you did have those, those limitations of self doubt you were stuck more in your head versus I'm willing to burn the bridges to get it done.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, those are going to be, I'm gonna touch on two things here cause I want to add to what you said with you know where you are and you know where I am. And let me tell you something about, did you plan to be doing what you were doing when you were a teenager? Right, exactly. Me neither. So like I, this weekend I have a nephew, you know what I meant to wear my nephews, I love my nephews. You know, like I look at them like me up there in Missouri, you know, just trying to bring them some insights, you know, changing the way they think. And I remember I had a conversation, my nephew, he's down at my Lake house and we're sitting on the back porch and, and he goes, uncle Haas, I don't know what I want to be when I get all least 14 years old. This kid's a state champion wrestler, he's a stud athlete and you know, he's a little mouthy know, but he's a wrestler and you know, he's like, he's just like, I was back then, you know? And he goes, but I don't know what I want to be and I need to know. I go, listen, you're 14 I want you to understand something. I said, did you think that I, whenever I was in high school that I would be doing what I'm doing now? I mean, do you think that I thought that I would be an author and I would be a speaker and you know, I would go on to coach thousands of people to help generate millions of dollars. Like listen, the I, there's no way I could have ever, ever, ever fathom that there is no way I could have even fathom not living where I was. Like, I didn't know I at that time, like you know I wanted to be a DJ on a radio station like I wanted to be. I remember one time I wanted to be a tornado chaser cause I watched the movie twister, right? I remember I wanted to be a doctor. I wanted to be and I had no clue. I said, here's what I've learned and this is for all of our audiences. So important. You never know where that path of you being B, being committed and surrender to that process is going to take you. It's so much bigger than you could ever fricking imagine. So you'll never know where you're going. You, you know that where you're going is going to be good, it's going to make a difference. But to sit back and think in 10 years and 20 years you're going to be somewhere. This is what I want you to. What I've learned is you don't need to worry about that. The only thing you need to worry about is becoming the best you that you could be today. And like truly working on yourself and, and, and, and being put in a place of unknown unchartered waters. Where were you at the rise to the occasion you have to grow, wound become, you have to have faith. You have to because you put it on the line. What happens when you have that and you take those steps every day, you don't need to worry about where the, where the where that's gonna lead you. It's gonna lead you to the greatest place you could ever be. So to sit back and think, Oh, this is where I want to be. How am I going to get there? To me it's the wrong mindset. Don't worry about that. Start right now with your actions today. Do it again tomorrow. Grow every day and that path and five years in 10 years, just like me, dude, it happened to me. It's happened to me multiple times. I can't believe I am where I am today. I freaking can't believe it. Like can't. The only reason, and the only reason I ended up here is because everyday I did the actions that I need to needed to do to become the best Hoss product and possibly fricking be everyday weeding the garden, growing. What's holding me back? Who do I need to weed out? What do I need to weed out? What habits that I create? What do I need to grow? And just always doing this. And like for me, that's the distinction, Jason, is that buddy that's life and like, you know, I'm a, you know, I believe there's a God and I believe in, in, in, in success. I think success is spiritual. And I've experienced that. Like you don't have to have it all figured out. You just need to have yourself figured out.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. So you're really talking about what I love talking about with my clients is the concept of core values, right? When we met at business finishing school, everything goes back and Rick's world, right, too. What are your core values and how you're making decisions from that. And the one thing that I realized, so a little bit of my backstory was right, I, I'm a, my family is a third generation furniture business and I'm the only sibling not in it because I went into this healer natural decision by the way, drew right there. They're killing it and you're doing amazing stuff but they're also on one side consumed by the business. Right? And, and, and it's an incredible and they're passionate about it and they love it and they can't see themselves doing anything differently. And I've always been the person that wants to connect in deep meaningful ways with other people. And this idea of making decisions from core values is something that I want to share with everybody out there. But the idea that I also want to go back to something you said before is like when you're willing to burn something down, is that the idea that if we're going to build something, we want to build something that's sellable, right? That you don't become your business rate. Cause you can, you can have people that can take over for you and do your workshops and train under you. And agents that are under you that you don't want it to be all around you, cause then you don't have that freedom that you want to create it. Right. And the idea that you also touched on, which is like 10 years from now, I don't know what I'm going to be doing. You might be bigger, better, hopefully, than just being in my, my static office. But I think that key idea of core values of the spiritual side of things has to be their law of attraction universe, God Carmo, she, whatever we want to call it. Those are the things that I think that people lose out on. And my biggest takeaway that I've learned three years ago when a buddy of mine convinced me, it took him a year and a half to two years to convince me to go to a business growth summit from business finishing school two years asking me to go, I'm not an entrepreneur, I'm a therapist, I'm not a business guy. That was my mindset. I don't need to know all that people are gonna want to work with me because of my personality. I finally went, spent the weekend with Rick, right? And I walked on like, Holy crap, I'm an entrepreneur. Yeah. And I realized that through my work now with my clients, that entrepreneurship is a personal development platform. Absolutely. And I think you're an example of that. I'm trying to be an example of that. I want to share with our listeners out there that if you run your core values, like you're doing your priorities, you're picking and weeding who you letting into your life, who you're getting out of your life. Spirituality as a, as a focus is, do you believe that there's going to be exponential when people can be successful without, without doing that, but do you think that there's gonna be exponential, simpler success with that? Without what? Without, if you don't have your core values clear, if you are letting people into your life that are bringing chaos, you can still be successful. Yes. You're going to be happy. You won't be fulfilled.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'll get, I'll just say everybody between the eyes, you will not be fulfilled if you don't have a spiritual side to. This won't happen. I, every person I've ever met that didn't, was not fulfilled, was not happy. Like I've done this. There's a component to it. Like it's not about success, it's about fulfillment. Like whatever it is you're missing, it'd be fulfilled. Like it's about one life fully lived, fulfilled and, and you don't want to get it wrong. Like you don't want to, you know, spend 30 years of your life trying to build a business. But in the process, you know, you've destroyed every relationship you've ever had in life, right? Like, so to me it's important that you keep an open mind. And I think as an entrepreneur, that's key is because it is about personal growth. Being an entrepreneur is about, it's all personal growth. It's about growing, right? Like, you know, you aren't because you're going to have to learn to grow. Even if you grow and become a CEO, you still have to learn all the things you gotta learn to be CEO to grow and through that process. So I'm with you being, you know, personal development is something that, it changed my life. It's what got me out of where I, you know, where I came from and um, and it led me to a fulfilled life because, you know, I became, you know, a different person and I continue to grow and I continue to work on it. Man. Like I mean, just last night I was sitting out, you know, with my wife and I'm sitting there journaling, right? I'm just writing things. Why? It's just personal development. Like I'm just, it's, it's in me and I think that that's an important thing for everybody is to go within and to develop yourself and to keep an open mind in that process.

Speaker 2:

So you're saying for all the people out there, right, if you're just focused is the dollar bills in the bank account? We're missing the whole point.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Dude, listen, let me tell you something about Jason. I make a lot of money and I always have, but I've never like been obsessed with the money because I've never had man, like I'm telling you, the money comes like it comes as long as I'm doing the things that I need to be doing, the money comes. So if I'm always focused on the money, the money, the money and money, it just, it's the wrong mindset.

Speaker 2:

So the relationships, the connections, the spirituality, those are the top three.

Speaker 3:

And you growing, you're growing. Yeah. Yeah. If you grow, money will come. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

So then how do we, how do we help the people that are listening, these young, emerging adults, these young professionals, these new entrepreneurs or people who are deciding, maybe I'm in a, in a, maybe they're a realtor and they're wanting to create something else. They want to create their own brokerage or whatever it may be. What do they really, truly need? Like what are those first steps to realize like, Hey, I don't know if I'm in the right vertical. I don't know from the right platform. I don't even know if I'm in the right fields or I don't know if I'm working for the right boss or the right agency. Like what are some of the things that they can ask themselves to help figure those things out?

Speaker 3:

You know, there's some there, I'm writing a book right now called skillion air and it's for, it's for anybody, but it's really for the young person, that person, you know, the thing that any young person needs to be focused on is developing skills. They don't need to be focused on do I work for the right person? Like listen, who cares who you work for as long as the opportunity is allowing you to build skills. So for example, selling is a skill that I think everybody needs to have. Like, listen man, you're a therapist though buddy. And you just hit the head that epitome. You know that, that epiphany that you're an entrepreneur, right? And it's like yeah, cause you still have to be, you know, grow that business. You still have to sell your services and

Speaker 2:

I have to call like, you know, closing the deals, right? And I have to make sure that the people I'm working with are in alignment with the core values of the people I want to spend my time with in my office during the day.

Speaker 3:

Right? So like for me it's about this, it's about you need to develop skills and it's about the first skill you develop is selling. You know, Jimbo, you would tell me this, he goes, you know, you need to get it, you need a master selling. And he didn't tell me this, but I discovered this. Here's how you master selling is you get in a place where you have to sell repetitiously. So like when I moved to Texas, I got a job as I was in my 400 square foot apartment, not knowing what I was going to do. I got a job going door to door as a door to door salesman and I would knock a hundred doors a day and I would not every door, every floor and I would not cherry pick. And I would pitch, I would speak to a hundred people a day and I would and, and, and it would be hot outside and I'd be just going, just going into a higher eyes, going from the four, seven to 13 to 15 to 19 back down to three. Why? Cause we're skipping floors. So security doesn't kick us out, right? No soliciting and buildings and, but here's what that taught me, Jason. It taught me selling like I've mastered selling, going door to door. And let me tell you something. That skill set me free. Um, I, there's nothing I can't do because of that skill. And so the first thing I would do is you need to be good at selling, communicating, and, and find the job that's gonna that's gonna enable you to be a, to be in that place, to grow that skill.

Speaker 2:

So how much would you say that that person has to believe in the product? Right? There's people out there who are, um, in a field that they don't buy in, they don't believe in, but it's a sales-based field. How much of that does that play out, do you think in your mind, in your, in your perspective? Yeah.

Speaker 3:

You know, it's important. Okay. But it's not everything. I'll give you an example. I was selling a$45 spa coupon door door, right? If we would do a promotion with a spa and we'd say, we're going to get, we're going to get all these 500 people to come into the spa for free and it's going to, we're going to give them for services, no haircut, highlight mini manicure, little mini petty. Right? And I would go sell women and men. I didn't care if men would buy them for their wives or kids or gifts. And yeah, I believe in that$45 spot coupon. Uh, here's what I made myself believe in it. All right? Meaning I knew most people didn't do anything with it. Most people never used a single visit, you know? Uh, you know, is that my responsibility? No. If somebody used all four visits, would it be worth it? Absolutely. Like they would get value. So like there's products like that that like you're selling that if they use it, that it will work. Right? Like if for example, I sell info products, I have many courses I've sold online. Let me tell you something. If I have no problem selling my courses, some people do because they think, Oh well nobody's going to go through it anyway. I don't care if you go through it because the value has been established the moment that you bought it. If you go through it, Jason, that's up to you. It's not up to me. I believe in that product if you go through it, right, but it's up to you to do it. But I'm going to sell it to you and I'm going to sell it with passion. And so I think that when it comes to believing as somebody product E you know you don't necessarily, you're what they do with your product is not your responsibility. And if you, if you go there and you make it your responsibility, then it's the wrong way to think because it's your, it's not, your job is to sell that product because your product works if people use it.

Speaker 2:

So what about those people who are going from conference to conference, they're buying products over and over again. It's the, they think it's gonna be their next silver bullet. And yet they, they just never follow through. They never follow up. Right. And I find this a lot like in the chiropractic world, they find a lot with realtors, um, in the general entrepreneur space. But like, like it's always the next thing that's gonna be the silver bullet. What do you think, is that one thing that's holding or are the few things that are holding people back from investing and actually taking that next step in opening up your program, opening up that, that DVD, whatever it might be.

Speaker 3:

Here's my advice. It's not more information you need, it's more skills that you need. And so the only way that you're going to develop those skills is applying that information that you bought, the information that you gained at the seminar. And you know, so I have a, a framework I follow is the four levels of skills. Number one is you don't know what you don't know right now you don't. That's why you got to keep an open mind. Cause I listen you, there's things you don't know, right. This universe works in ways that you like. If you think you know how it all works, you're insane, right? There's so much that happens in the background that the human mind just cannot comprehend. So we gotta keep an open mind to is is once you know something, some people go to a seminar, they hear it, they know that, Oh, I know that. And they hear it and they just think that they know it. But that's the mistake because is where the magic happened and that is experiencing what you know. You must experience what it is, you know, in the trenches, in the marketplace, in the streets, over and over and over again to where it number four becomes a skill. And, and that experience part is oftentimes it's in a hundred calls a day. It's in knocking, you know, a a hundred doors. It's in every door, every floor. It's in writing the book. It's in. Go into the cave and creating the course. It's sitting here and recording this podcast and experiencing it and going for it. That's where the magic is. So don't worry about developing the skill. The skill will be the byproduct of you experiencing what it is, you know. So out of all of those things, look at experience, be obsessed with just doing the work. That's the reason I'm talking to you today is because I've always been the guy who's the fricking work dude. Like I, I will go, I will go to the cave and I will start outlining my book. I will write my book, I will write the course. Like I talked about, I told my wife this yesterday. We were talking about somebody, I said, honey, you know why I am the way I am? Because where I've been the last two days, she goes in your office like that's right. You know what I've been doing, writing my course two days in the jungle by myself, like no seminars to go to, nobody to make me feel better. Like it is lonely, Jason. It's, it's me and my thoughts and, and going deep into thinking and like applying what I know and like, and, and in that process, to me, that's where all the magic happens. You know, it happens in the cave. It happens when I was selling real estate, you know, and I would make calls from nine to noon every fricking day. I was the only agent that did it, but I did it. And that's why I was successful. When I do went on the road and did seminars, I did three seminars a day, five days a week in different places. I'd done over a thousand seminars in 48 States. Why? Because for me, I like to, I like to be in the jungle and the jungle is where it's at and, and there's freedom in the jungle. And I think that that's the thing that most people avoid, man, is they're trying to go to the seminar to avoid the jungle. They think the product is going to keep them away from the jungle. And pretty soon they've wasted 10 years of not being in the jungle. Now they have no skills and now they, they're mindsets Jack. So then they look at people who did go to the jungle for 10 years and then they start judging them and then they got to tell themselves a story to make themselves feel better. You see how all this works. You know you're a therapist, right? Yup. I've never done therapy buddy, but I always said a great salesman could be a therapist. You get what I'm saying? I got it figured out on that. Yeah, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no. As I, as I'm hearing you talk about this, right, and you sitting there being locked away, putting all this stuff down on paper where organizing, right? Planning a program, planning a course, planning a workshop, planning a book, how do you keep it all organized? Because I think that's one of the things that this idea of instant gratification holds us all back from is that we're going to, it's the book is magical. You're gonna pop out the courses magically gonna pop out. The followers that we want to engage with and social media is instantly going to show up. What are some of your tips and tricks to help you organize it all?

Speaker 3:

I thrive in the chaos. Okay. I don't, I don't, uh, I don't look for organization. So like, you know, I, I, I was once told that money flows in chaos and you gotta be willing to be okay in the chaos. And, and so for me, it's, uh, you know, that's how I like to do things. I, I don't, I don't have to have everything planned out. I'm not an analytical thinker either, though. I know some analytical thinkers listening would have to have it all planned out. I just go, um, and I just go, I, I go with my instincts, I go with the direction I create in the direction I want to be, and I'm always working towards where I want to be working towards that message, like skilling or I'm writing that book because it was a, it was, it's on my heart. Like it's, the message is in me and it seems right and, and right. And so for me, as long as I'm, and that's the spiritual side. Like, I think that, you know, I feel like I'm being led right where I am being led, I'm being led to the next level. I'm being led with the next book, the next message, the next audience. And so for that, for me, I mean I've just, I just lean into it and, and I know it's going to be sloppy in the middle. Let me tell you something about a book. Let's say if you want to write a book, and I've written a book, this book right here, boom, great book. If you're in real estate, this is, you know, if you're not in real estate, this is a great book, over 165 star reviews. It's the number one international bestseller. Like if you told my people from st Joe that this book would come out of me, they'd tell you you're on drugs, you know, but like that's personal growth. But here's what happens. This book existed. It started with a title then, and then the title started with the subtitle. And then I went in and I wrote the 12 chapters. Just not, not, not the wrote the chapter, but what would the 12 chapters be to this book? You see, here's what happens. You think you can write a book, but the book doesn't happen until you begin writing the book. And when you begin writing the book, that's when the things come to you. The title comes to you, the subtitle, the chapters, what's gonna go in the chapters? How are we going to leverage it? So all that stuff comes into you in the jungle. You can't just sit back and say, where's my book? The finding is reserved for the seekers. So the only way you're going to write the book is by going and leaning into that process. And the book will come out of you. But here's the thing about that process. At no time did it feel organized, me writing my book. At no time did it feel like the book was complete at every time. It felt sloppy. It felt messy. It felt, uh, convoluted. And, and it wasn't until the book was finally done where it was printed, where I opened up that box at the very end when they shipped me this book that I look at it and I felt like it was a completed project. So some people want it, that completed project and the process you see that like they want the book written when they came up with the title and not me. Like I know that as long as I lean into that process, the end result will be the physical results. Right. And that's how it is in creating, that's how it is in, you know, in anytime you create anything it's always going to be sloppy.

Speaker 2:

So if someone were following you for a week, what would they kind of see you doing? Like on a day to day basis? Cause I know your hands are in so many different projects. So for those of people out there who don't know all the things you got your hands up, what would they see you doing?

Speaker 3:

They're going to see me on, uh, every day I coach, I create, I present. Um, yeah. And so for me, every, that's what I do. I coach both in groups and, uh, through streaming coaching, whether I'm, you know, through different organizations or one-on-one. Uh, I would, um, I'd be speaking, presenting, like right now I'm doing this, uh, I've got a a Facebook live show right after this. I'm doing where I do, I go live once a week, every week and have a live show. Uh, and for that, you know, I'm gonna and I'm gonna have several projects I'm writing on. I'm, I'm writing a course right now. I'm writing a book right now. I've got several different partnerships. I've got several affiliates going every day. It's like, well, here's what I love. That's me, man. I'm a, I don't want to call myself ADB cause I think everybody, whatever, dude, I'm an entrepreneur. But like, you know, I liked it, be able to do multiple things like that. I like to speak, I like the ride. I like to coach and I like to work with different people and, and I've just organized my life to where that's what I do every day. Man. It's what I do. I just, you know, wake up and step into my day and what I've built.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And I don't remember them when I first started. You talk one of the most important things for you is your family. Yes. How do you balance that with everything that you got going on here and all that going on there? How do you do that?

Speaker 3:

Nothing's more important than my family. So, uh, I'm not, no, I'm not building a business. Uh, that takes me away from that. My business is simply a vehicle that supports me and, uh, allows me to be in a place to be a leader for my family as a husband and a father. So for me, you know, I've had great mentors and coaches around parenting. You know, I've got, uh, I mean, dude, I, I mean, I've got three daughters and I've got an amazing wife. I'm married to a beautiful Texan girl that I would've never met if I didn't move here. Beautiful. I'm like, you know, from where I'm from, if she wouldn't have been up there, you know, they, they're not like that up there where I'm from. So I, she married her. She's my best friend. And for me, man, it's that, it's just, you know, being intentional with this moment in my life, where do I want my business to be? And I don't look like my, I don't, my business is not my life. It truly isn't. And like, like I said, I would leave it all today, uh, in for something bigger, just, you know, as I surrender to that process. But, you know, for my family, it's about changing the family tree. Um, raising leaders. I tell my kids every day, you know, you're a leader. Uh, I tell them every day I love him. I'm proud of him. And, and um, for me it's about not raising my kids, but it's raising my grandkids through my kids. So that distinction for me is what defines me as a parent, as I'm raising my grandkids. And, uh, and that's really my legacy man. Like when I'm gone, like, you're going to see me through my kids, like, they, they're like me, dude. They are like, yo, they got, they're going to be, I don't know what they're going to be doing, but they're going to be doing something big. Yeah. And I don't care what they do, Jason, I don't. So like they can do anything. And to me like at your family wanted you to be in the furniture business. My family want to be in the wanting me to be in the insurance business and I think it's important with our kids to not put them in a place that you know, like just because we did it, we want them to do it because everybody has their own gifts and, and if we can, you know, raise kids through core values. Let me tell you something, Jason. I have family core values buddy. Not only for my business, but I have family core values right on my wall. Right when you walk down the stairs, 12 feet tall, every one of our core values. And when they walked down the stairs, they see it. When they're not doing, when they're not doing one of those core values, I have them go to the stairs and go read those core values. I'm brainwashing my kids, Jason. That's what I call it, brainwashing them.

Speaker 2:

But on spot on, I was on a call with Jim shields who, I'm not sure if you met at the last summit, who has the 18 summers. Yeah,

Speaker 3:

yeah. He screwed me up with that 18 summers thing too. You only have 18 summers with your kids.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And, and, and it's amazing cause we just had this conversation and we just talked about two of the things you just said where parents don't say enough, I love you. I'm proud of you. So when you hit that, I'm like, Oh man, you're on it. You're doing it. You're living at your proof of it. But that's such a key thing that I love you. I'm proud of you. And I find that a lot of entrepreneurs and people in this space that we're, we're sharing are looking to get that from whoever they're selling to.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Or, you know, for me, I, it's funny, I had this conversation with my brother, you know, and my brother just, you know, he's different than me. Yo. He's a struggled with different things in life and you know, when we were not that I haven't struggled with things, but you know, it's like we've all have our struggles. Right. But like I remember I was talking to him over the weekend cause they came down from Missouri and I said, you know, it's funny that I've learned is everything that I didn't have as a kid that I wanted so bad as what makes me who I am today. Like the fact that my dad never wants told me he loves me, like he didn't and I love my dad. The reason he didn't say he loves me cause his dad and say it to him. Right. The other people like in the 60s and fit of 50 year old, 60 year olds, y'all go tell your fricking kids you love them. There's nothing wrong with expressing love. Right. Jason?

Speaker 2:

If it works, we're going to give you the handshake when they see you as your child versus, yeah,

Speaker 3:

dude, I like, my dad didn't tell me he loved me until I was 20 and then it was like, okay, I love you. And it was like hard to say, right? Yeah. And he never wants said he was proud of me. Never. Like I, you know, I was, I know from everything I've done, it was just as a kid, as a child, I just wanted to be told, Hoss, I love you Haas. I'm proud of you, but here's it. That's what drives me today. Right. Not today, but that's what drove me to leave there to go do something bold was because I just wanted my dad's love. Like at the, if you bought somebody you might be, Oh, that sounds cheesy. Let me Tyson. That's self work. Like every one of us has to do the self work to go work on ourself. That's personal development defined what drives us. You know, what drives me was, this was whenever I was five years old, I w I was driving down the road and we were in a farm truck and we're going down the road and we are delivering some, I think it was, uh, we're delivering mattresses to a guy in town and all of a sudden we hit this bridge. We were on a bridge and I was leaning against the door cause we didn't wear seatbelts then. And I fell out of the truck going down the highway down the road. And I rolled. And as I rolled, I was almost rolled off the bridge into the Creek. And I have a scar right here, crack my head. And, and in that moment, my dad slams on the brakes. He gets out, he runs around, the truck, comes up to me balling and I could just see the fear in like in him. And he comes up and he picks me up and he just is crying and he's holding me. That's the reason I'm driven because I've always wanted to find that love in my dad. And, uh, he wouldn't tell me, but I knew it was there cause I saw it. You see what I'm saying? It's so good do this. But this is, this is the breakthrough stuff,

Speaker 2:

right? And these are the conversations I want people to hear that it's not about your social media followers. It's not about who you're, you know, what parties are going to and where you're living. It's really about these deep, meaningful memories. These deep, meaningful connections is living in your purpose, living in your spirituality, living your core values. And I don't think this is shared enough in our entrepreneurial space.

Speaker 3:

Right, right. Cause a lot of entrepreneurs are like that. You know, we have something to prove, you know, and, but like everything that, that I didn't get, this is the thing with all of us just because my dad didn't say, you know, I got, because he didn't tell me I love you and I'm proud of you and I love he does today. Right. But like, you know, early on he wouldn't. And uh, because it, because of that, now I'm able to do that for my kids. And it took me to go through that pain, right? It's not pain, it's, it's, it's, that's the journey. So I can be an amazing dad so I know what not to do or what to do. And I think that's important. So like you can't blame somebody for what they've done. You got also thank them for what they've done, what they've helped you become

Speaker 2:

100% spot on with that. So as we wrap up our time, the last question I want to ask you is, is what I call the on two feet on one foot question, right? And if you had two minutes to kind of sum up the best, most important thing that if you had two minutes to share with someone and you would never see them again and you want to have them impactful, meaningful, profound influence on them, what might that be?

Speaker 3:

I'm going to tell him that you can do, achieve anything in life and business that you want to achieve and become anything. And you do this by number one, you've got to have the right mindset. Always, always check your mindset. You always got to be growing your mindset, changing your mindset, assessing your mindset has everything starts with your mindset and how you think to as you need models to follow. You didn't. You need coaches, you need mentors, you need products, you need books, you need systems, you need strategies, you need models, models to follow where you're not out there reinventing a model. It's where you can just follow a proven model that works and, and you don't have to worry about, well, all the details of the model because three is, is massive action. You've got to take massive action in life, in business. And the way you do that is by following a proven model. Don't go re-invent the model, but follow a proven model with the right mindset. So here's how, here's the secret to anything. Mindset models, massive action. You can do anything. So if you're not getting results in life, it's because you don't have the right mindset. You don't have a model you're following and you're not taking massive action. So find the model that is going to help you get to where you want to be tuned into things like this to always question and change your mindset. Grow. This is the first law. I mean the fact that they're listening to this is great. This is what changes mindset. And then do your part. Go to the jungle every fricking day. Be in love with going to the place that nobody else is going be at fall in love with that process and take massive action. And that would be my advice if I was standing on one leg.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. And for those out there who don't know you, now that they do know you and they want to get in touch with you, they want to get your book, they want to find your courses, they want to be mentored by you. How can they track you down?

Speaker 3:

Go to listing boss that's L I S T I N G B O S S Go there and check it out. I've got an incredible model for anybody that wants to grow a business and not just in real estate but in any business. Um, go there and check it out. Follow me. You know, I don't know. Think there's only one Hoss Pratt. It's H. O. S. S. P. R. a. T. T. you can find me on that handle it, uh, nearly every show social platform. Go follow me. We've got tons of content videos, stuff like that. Try to help you out there and leave you all better. And I found you and also get my book listing boss. Yeah, go get this. It's a, you can check, you can get it on Amazon or you can go to a listing boss, just pay shipping and handling. It's just seven 95. So go to listing boss and get it there.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. We really want to express a ton of gratitude for you to spend the time today. I know you have this Facebook live shift waiting for you on the other end of this call, but I really appreciate you, um, obviously if anybody out there has any questions, I'm sure they can hit you up. They can hit me up. Um, is there going to be any upcoming events that you're gonna be speaking out in the near a little bit and they

Speaker 3:

be in salt Lake city, I think coming up in September. Um, you can find information there on my social media. Um, you know, but yeah, there's a always doing events, but we've got a big one coming up up there in September.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful. Awesome. Well, we look forward to connecting with you again soon. That's it. Thank you. Awesome. Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

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