William's Podcast

Tribute To My Little Brother Rev.Stephen Andre Gittens was captured and framed in publication 255 and verbalised in Podcast 141 in ISBN978-976-96824-3-6

February 04, 2022 William Anderson Gittens Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural Practitioner, Publisher,CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015 Season 1 Episode 1

According to My eldest brother Shurland Anthony Mayers “My Little Brother Stephen Andre Gittens that’s what I called Stephen, and he would respond yes Doc. So much so that Laura asked him if I was a doctor). Stephen was a humble young man who didn’t seek the spotlight; he preferred to sit in the back ground. When I left Barbados, Stephen was 18 years old so I only heard about his sermons from relatives and friends who paid glowing tributes to him. Such as “we could do with him in the USA he would be great; I would listen to him all day; he must perform my marriage ceremony; when I die I want him to conduct my service.” I would convey these sentiments to him and he would give his famous chuckle and say behave yourself.

Stephen loved sports dearly, especially cricket; and as a youngster he would spend all day playing cricket during summer vacation. Our mum would have great difficulty getting him to come inside to eat. I took Stephen to Kensington Oval to see Australia Vs the West Indies. He never forgot that occasion and would give me a ball by ball description of the events that occurred that day including how my co-workers from the Post Office and I reacted to the events of the day. Stephen loved to debate and would debate you on any subject, but make sure you have you facts before you start. Many nights when I am home for vacation Stephen, Arnott, William and I, would sometimes have lengthy and lively debates, on all types of topics. Sometimes Emerald would join us. Being the oldest brother I always felt it was my duty to protect my younger siblings. It’s ironic that when my siblings and I played church I was always the priest or pastor, but as life would have it, it was Stephen, My Little Brother, who grew up and became a pastor. I loved My Little Brother dearly, the way he lived his life was the perfect example of the way I had envisioned myself living. Over the years Stephen and I became very, very close, we would talk on the phone for hours at night. So much that Laura would always tease him by asking him if he had just finished his session. We had our last session on Thursday night it lasted more than 1 1⁄2 hours. This was a short session which ended with me saying to him “go take your rest, we will talk later, you sound tired, I love you, stay strong, stay safe. I was planning to call him on Saturday night. I sent him a text at 7:37

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Podcast 188 Recognition Ceremony Dr.William Anderson Gittens D.D.©2024

Letter Dr. Ronal E.Frzier, Th.dCommittee Dr. of Divinity Faculty Chair

Master s International University Chair

Masters International University of Divity

Rmarks Dr. William Anderson GittensD.D.& Mrs. Magnola Gittens

Mr. Karl King

Mr. Andrew Platizky

Mr. Shurlnad Mayers

Bishop Carl Dixon & Pastor Angela Dixon

Abundant Grace & Truth Congregation Scripture Br. Carl Eijah Dixon

Prasise & Worsip Sis. Ember Dixon Solo Min. Charles Dixon
Dr.William Anderson Gittens D.D.
Sunday July 21, 2024, 10:am
Acceptance as a fellow Doctor of Divinity, D.D.,
Master's International University of Divinity
Class of 2024
Officiating Minister: Bishop Carl Dixon
Venue :Abundant Grace Truth Church,
100 Palisade Avenue,Westwood, NJ.07666
(201) 375 -0163
I wish to express gratitude to the Creator for guiding me and my late parents, Charles and Ira Gittens, for their guidance and creative expression. Thanks to those who assisted me along this journey namely my Beloved wife Magnola Gittens, my Brothers Shurland, Charles, Ricardo, Arnott, Stephen, Sisters Emerald, Marcella, Cheryl, Cousins Joy Mayers, Kevin and Ernest Mayers, Donna Archer, Avis Dyer, Jackie Clarke, Uncles Clifford, Leonard Mayers, David Bruce, and Collin Rock. My child...