William's Podcast

Podcast 154 A Bajan’s Colourful Economy © 2022 ISBN978-976-96893-5-0

August 31, 2022 William Anderson Gittens ,Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural Practitioner, Publisher, 2022 Preliminary Candidacy Status for the Doctor of Divinity, D.D. CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Season 1 Episode 1
William's Podcast
Podcast 154 A Bajan’s Colourful Economy © 2022 ISBN978-976-96893-5-0
Show Notes Chapter Markers

Podcast 154 A Bajan’s Colourful Economy © 2022 ISBN978-976-96893-5-0
A Bajan’s Colourful Economy © 2022 is a literary device which was captured and framed  in 7 chapters in publication 287 in 187 pages and verbalised in ISBN978-976-96893-5-0 in  Podcast 154.Historical moments and different demands brought a variety of economic theory change, bounded to different rationalities according to sapub.org.This thinking exuded and excited my intellectual passion and motivated me to employ the thesaurus module. This module functions as a metaphor for the lens. This lens helped me to recognise that (a) The word economy’s  functions in the capacity as  a mode of care (b) the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and (c) protection of someone or something according to dictionary.com such as A Bajan’s Colourful Economy© 2022ISBN978-976-96893-5-0. During my academic career in pursuance of a Bachelors Degree in Media Arts at New Jersey City University one of my core courses was Economics. I became very fascinated about this discipline because I had the opportunity to study the production and distribution of resources, goods, and services by collecting according to bls.gov/ooh/life-physical-and-social-science issues. and analyzing data, researching trends, and evaluating economic issues. In light of this admission I feel comfortable , occupying this space. As a Media Practitioner who sees colours in everything around me and every moment of the day I am forced to stop and analyse the impact each of these colours is having on me. Whether it’s the calming effect of blue skies and fields of green, or the drooling effect of inducing red and yellow of my local fast food restaurants and supermarkets, each colour has a meaning and taps into emotions. There’s a whole science (and art) in the meanings of colours. As Media Arts Specialist it’s essential to be conscious and be aware of these colour meanings since it help me to choose my colours wisely as I tap into the magical power of colour symbolism according to  a view espoused by to Anna Lundberg.Podcast 154 A Bajan’s Colourful Economy© 2022

ISBN 978-976-96893-5-0 

was filmed by 

 William Anderson Gittens of 

Devgro Media Arts Services®2015

On Location

Special Thanks To My Wife

Magnola Gittens For Consent To Capture and Framed Flowers and Plants in her  Garden “Thorsby” Saint Michael, Bridgetown Barbados

Special thanks to the Creator for his guidance and choosing me as a conduit to express the creative gifts he has given me and my late parents Charles and Ira Gittens.  

Thanks to those who assisted me along this journey namely my Beloved wife Magnola Gittens, my Brothers Shurland, Charles, Ricardo, Arnott, Stephen, Sisters Emerald, Marcella, Cheryl, Cousins Joy Mayers, Kevin and Ernest Mayers, Donna Archer, Avis Dyer, Jackie Clarke, Uncles Clifford, Leonard Mayers, 

David Bruce, Collin Rock. 

My children Laron and Lisa.  Well-wishers Mr.and Mrs. Andrew Platizky, Mr. Matthew Sutton, Mr.& Mrs. Gordon Alleyne, Mr. Juan

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This theoretical conversation explored the historical context of Christianity's doctrine of creation. It is important to note that these doctrines are global citizens religious principles, while the theories are conclusions based on accumulated evidence focusing on Genesis 1:1 and Revelation 1:8, addressing debates on creation days, earth's age, and evolution.

The research indicates that Jesus' statements affirm God's independence and faith, as depicted in the discourse "Doctrine Is Part of The Christian Culture" ©2024 ” captured in publication 317 and ventilated in ISBN978-976-97146-9-4and framed in podcast 177

A Bajan’s Colourful Economy © 2022