William's Podcast


William Anderson Gittens, Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural Practitioner, Publisher, Podcaster, CEO Devgro Media Arts Services®2015,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015 Season 1 Episode 1

PODCAST 137 WHEN THE MOON MEETS CULTURE A WAY OF LIFE COPYRIGHT2021ISBN 979-8-88525-624-7.mp3Theoretically speaking my mental processes were activated because I wanted  to gain knowledge and comprehension regarding the pertinent question whether we need the moon? Given the specifics and relevance of this topic I will juxtapose the same  against Henry Little’s statement “for almost the entirety of man’s recorded 50,000- year history the moon has been unattainable provides scope for the reason why I am investigating the same so as ascertain how global citizens think and the processes involved. Now that I have established context at this juncture let me categorically state from the outset that I am not an astronomer but an Author, Cinematographer, Media Arts Specialist, License Cultural Practitioner, Podcaster and Publisher who has a keen interest in protecting and preserving the natural environment in nature and the world. In pursuance of research I unearthed the fact that  Guido Masé had captured and framed in detail the fact that  Life on earth would be quite different without our natural satellite. Most would agree that the daily rising and falling of the moon, along with the monthly waxing and waning cycles, have effects on our oceans and seas. The tides are crucial to life: tidal pools, sheltered and renewed in rhythm with these cycles, catalyzed some of the first stable ecologies and still represent unique niches. On the other hand in all plausibility all things being considered we might owe our very existence to it because its pull of gravity might have set our plate tectonics in motion. To further elucidate this point as I continue navigating this space I have discovered that the stark reality is that without plate tectonics, our planet might be more like Venus, toasty and dead. It raises the level of the world's oceans towards the equator.  in spite of this through the chronicle lens I have also gleaned that that historically speaking in this ambience the usual English proper name for Earth's natural satellite is simply the Moon, with a capital M. The noun moon is derived from Old English mōna, which (like all its Germanic cognates) stems from Proto-Germanic *mēnōn,which in turn comes from Proto-Indo-European *mēnsis "month" (from earlier *mēnōt, genitive *mēneses) which may be related to the verb "measure" (of time). Occasio

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Podcast 188 Recognition Ceremony Dr.William Anderson Gittens D.D.©2024

Letter Dr. Ronal E.Frzier, Th.dCommittee Dr. of Divinity Faculty Chair

Master s International University Chair

Masters International University of Divity

Rmarks Dr. William Anderson GittensD.D.& Mrs. Magnola Gittens

Mr. Karl King

Mr. Andrew Platizky

Mr. Shurlnad Mayers

Bishop Carl Dixon & Pastor Angela Dixon

Abundant Grace & Truth Congregation Scripture Br. Carl Eijah Dixon

Prasise & Worsip Sis. Ember Dixon Solo Min. Charles Dixon
Dr.William Anderson Gittens D.D.
Sunday July 21, 2024, 10:am
Acceptance as a fellow Doctor of Divinity, D.D.,
Master's International University of Divinity
Class of 2024
Officiating Minister: Bishop Carl Dixon
Venue :Abundant Grace Truth Church,
100 Palisade Avenue,Westwood, NJ.07666
(201) 375 -0163
I wish to express gratitude to the Creator for guiding me and my late parents, Charles and Ira Gittens, for their guidance and creative expression. Thanks to those who assisted me along this journey namely my Beloved wife Magnola Gittens, my Brothers Shurland, Charles, Ricardo, Arnott, Stephen, Sisters Emerald, Marcella, Cheryl, Cousins Joy Mayers, Kevin and Ernest Mayers, Donna Archer, Avis Dyer, Jackie Clarke, Uncles Clifford, Leonard Mayers, David Bruce, and Collin Rock. My child...