Marketing for Humans

Nurturer Office Hours: Pitfalls and Challenges of Marketing as a Nurturer

January 10, 2020 Christina Frei Episode 21

This week is a little different. It comes from my Office Hours, which I hold once a month on Zoom to highlight some aspect of the different Innate Marketing Genius types, and answer questions from the community about how to market. If you want to attend, just take the Innate Marketing Genius assessment at,  discover your type, and you’ll be notified of the next Office Hours.  This particular recording is from December 2019 where we focused on Nurturers, first by highlighting the strengths of this type, then by showcasing a wonderful career coach, Amy Berenson, and what it’s like for her to market as a Nurturer. And finally a Q&A session that addressed the challenges Nurturers have building their businesses. We were 4 Nurturers sitting on Zoom having a pow wow. 

Video of this Program

Innate Marketing Genius Assessment