Your Career Podcast with Jane Jackson

How to Navigate Your Career in 2022

Jane Jackson : Career Management Coach | LinkedIn | Branding | Job Search | Resume | Job Interviews | Career Coach Episode 227

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In today’s changing employment landscape it's a challenge to navigate your career effectively to ensure career growth and job satisfaction.  

In this episode of Your Career Podcast, you will find the essential elements to get clear on what you really want in your career and then how to develop a strong personal brand within your workplace and attract the opportunities you desire.

What we'll cover:

  • How to gain career clarity so you know what really makes you tick at work
  • How to identify the value you bring and the solutions you provide in the workplace
  • How to build a strong network and brand online

Listen to this inspiring episode and then, download my [FREE] PDF template I've created as a special gift to you for listening today.  It includes 2 important exercises to complete to help  project you towards your desired job.

My Navigating Your Career Accomplishment Identification and Profile Summary templates will guide you to identify the RESULTS you've achieved, the SOLUTIONS you provide at work and guide you to create a powerful POSITIONING STATEMENT for your LinkedIn Profile and Resumé.  The link to download this gift is below. 

CORPORATE TRAINING: Would your colleagues in your organisation benefit from career development training face-to-face or via webinar?  

Let’s have an exploratory chat about your needs.  Go to  and book in for a chat. I’d love to speak with you! 

CAREER SUPPORT: Do you want to make a career change or land that promotion you know you deserve?   

For ON DEMAND  career support when you need it, my CAREER SUCCESS PROGRAM  will ensure you successfully manage and grow your career.  

Take control of your career and make things happen your way.  

Until next time stay well and be happy!


Link to FREE download: 

Accomplishment Identification Exercise and Profile Summary Template  

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