Your Career Podcast with Jane Jackson

12 STRESS LESS during Career Change

July 12, 2015 Jane Jackson

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Episode 12:Change can be pretty scary.Whether you're dissatisfied with your job, facing a redundancy or an organisational restructure, career challenges are inevitable. Yet when they hit they can leave you confused, anxious, fearful and stressed. This emotional roller coaster can erode your self-confidence and create confusion about what to do next.Why do most of us resist change?1. We fear the unknown2. We fear a loss of control3. We feel it's really bad timingSo what can be done about this risk of a crisis of confidence? Jane discusses the essential strategies to regain control, rebuild self-confidence and get rid of the stress of change. There are 3 strategies that work so listen in and enjoy the conversation!If you need more assistance, you can find the book, Navigating Career Crossroads, at or you can join the Navigating Career Crossroads Forum in LinkedIn Groups where you can gain advice not only from Jane, but from recruiters, other coaches, HR professionals and share your experience with other job seekers.Warmest wishes, Jane

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