1st incision

Climate change and health

CMF Season 5 Episode 6

Despite everything else in the headlines at the moment, climate change is still one of the biggest stories. It is a subject that evokes strong feelings. Many argue that there is no climate change and it is a grand hoax and a conspiracy; others claim it is a natural phenomenon and nothing to do with human activity, while others point out that the science is incontrovertible. Often this debate generates more heat than light.

But often obscured by the debates is the worrying and very real impact that pollution and climate change are already having on health and the disproportionate way that these impacts are falling on the upon the poorest and most vulnerable parts of global society. 

In this episode, I will be talking with Sara Foot about why Christian health professionals should be concerned about the impact of climate change on health and the provision of healthcare and looking at some ways in which we can begin to address this.


Sarah has written a CMF File that looks at all these issues in more depth - you can find this at https://cmf.li/2I06uPg

 For the science of climate change, see the IPCC site and for a healthcare perspective, Sustainable Healthcare and The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change sites.

For a Christian perspective, see Ruth Valerio's 'Saying Yes to Life' and the website of A Rocha

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