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COVID Vaccines

CMF Season 5 Episode 8

In the last few weeks, we have been hearing some exciting news about vaccines for COVID-19, with at least three showing signs of being very effective at preventing infection and one now licensed for use here in the UK. Could this be the 'magic bullet' that will take us out of the COVID crisis? 

But is there another side to the story? Will everyone have access to a vaccine, and will all of those who have the chance actually take it? And are there ethical questions in how these vaccines have been produced?

 A lot of misinformation is out there, and it is easy to get confused or misled by false stories. To help us make sense of the news about COVID vaccines, I am talking to Dr Tim Jenkins, who has many years of experience working with viruses and the development of medicines and vaccinations.

 CMF is producing a range of resources to explore the issues raised in this podcast, so if you want to dig deeper, visit our COVID-19 resources page at  https://www.cmf.org.uk/resources/covid-19-resources/

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