1st incision

A Whole Life Disciple: A bigger gospel?

CMF Season 6 Episode 6

Over the last three weeks, 1st incision has presented the main talks from the 2021 CMF National Conference on 24 April. In last week's episode, Mark Greene of the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity looked at how we can live as a whole-life disciples of Jesus, shaping the culture in the everyday world. 

 In this, the final talk in the series, he asks why we so often think that what we do in our homes, workplaces, at the school gate, and in our neighbourhood does not matter to God? Why do we have a hierarchy of what counts 'spiritual' work in our minds? Drawing from Colossians 1:15​-20 & 3:17​, 23-24,  Mark Greene explores what it means to be a disciple of Christ in the mundane, day-to-day aspects of our lives.

 You can learn more about the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity at licc.org.uk

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