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Vaccine Mandates

CMF Season 7 Episode 3

In our first episode of 2022, we're looking once again at Covid vaccines. On 31 January 2022, the British Government announced that it was suspending its policy of mandatory Covid vaccinations for all health and social care staff in England. Various professional bodies, from the Royal College of Nursing to the Royal College of GPs, had opposed this. CMF's Associate CEO, Dr John Greenall, launched an open letter in January to the Secretary of State for Health, Sajid Javid, asking for a pause and rethink. But not everyone agrees, and there has been debate among CMF members who take a variety of positions on the issue. Indeed, across society, almost anything to do with Covid vaccinations seems to lead to often ill-tempered debate, generating more heat than light!

So, John and Steve decided to sit down, chat through the issues, and ask how we can better listen to and understand one another.

CMF's blogs on Covid vaccines can be found at cmf.li/vaccination
CMF file #73 - Vaccines at cmf.li/3e2pCsa
other CMF COVID-19 resources at cmf.li/covid19Res

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