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Active Cyber™ Interviews Djenana Campara - CEO of KDM Analytics - On How Integrated Software Assurance Can Reduce Cyber Risk

October 28, 2021 Chris Daly of Active Cyber

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 Assuring the secure adoption of a new technology, assessing your software supply chain for risks, hunting for vulnerabilities in your infrastructure are all complex and challenging tasks - but ones that are critical to securing your business or government agency. Having specialized, automated tools that are seamlessly integrated using standard methods and interfaces can significantly reduce the complexity of these activities while increasing speed to capability. In particular, leveraging a software assurance ecosystem of integrated tools has proven to be an effective approach to managing security needs at an industrial scale. One example of a standards-based software assurance ecosystem effort can be found at the Open Management Group in the form of the System Assurance Platform Level Task Force. Headed by Djenana Campara of KDM Analytics, the Task Force aims to establish a common framework for analysis and exchange of information related to system assurance and trustworthiness. Ms. Campara has incorporated the work of this Task Force into her company's products that provide risk analytics. I was intrigued by how she combined risk analytics and model-based systems engineering to provide enterprise level risk assessments and thought the subject was worth exploring, especially given how risk management approaches are really moving to the forefront of needs given the software supply chain problems that seem to be coming up on a regular basis. So check out this Active Cyber™ podcast with Ms. Campara.