Change Management Institute Podcast

Powering Performance through Relationships Dr Connie Henson (Webinar Recording)

October 29, 2019 The Change Management Institute

Brain science has demonstrated how our social brain influences the way we think, the decisions we make and ultimately what we do. Change managers that understand the role of the ‘social brain’ are better able to predict reactions of diverse stakeholders and shape their mindset and behaviour to more quickly meet project targets.

In a world where change has become constant, conflict is inevitable. Knowing how to recognise and manage dissenting views early, is the difference between innovative design and implementation versus projects that fail or are slow to meet their objectives.

Business transformation occurs when enough people are committed to a new way of thinking and behaving. Leading transformation or a complex change project requires the ability to influence not just the people who are ‘with you’ but also persuading a diverse range of stakeholders, including those who are more hesitant and even those that are resistant to the shift.

Brain science provides a perspective to help change managers understand and leverage the power of relationships, and also the ability to create the alignment and collaboration necessary to achieve the desired shifts within the business.

Dr. Connie Henson is the author of 'BrainWise Leadership: Practical Neuroscience to Survive and Thrive at Work', the founder and Managing Director of Learning Quest, and the creator of Learning Quest’s science-based Mind Management™ methodology.

Connie has international experience facilitating cultural change and business transformation, and diverse industry experience including corporate, SME, not-for-profit and government