Reviewing Kansas's Procedures for Election Security, Part 1 [February 2023]
The Rundown with Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit
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The Rundown with Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit
Reviewing Kansas's Procedures for Election Security, Part 1 [February 2023]
Feb 15, 2023
Legislative Post Audit

This audit reviewed three aspects of elections in Kansas, including training, electronic vote records, and policies and processes in long-term care facilities. 
 With regard to training, we couldn't tell whether county election officers received adequate training and we found most counties either didn't or coun't show they had trained all election workers before the 2022 general election. Each of Kansas’s 105 counties has a county election officer responsible for overseeing all elections in the county. This includes appointing election workers who perform frontline election duties. But state law has almost no requirements related to training county election officers and workers, and no one tracks county election officers’ training. However, county election officers we surveyed still reported feeling well prepared to oversee federal elections.
 With regard to electronic vote records, we found that 6 Kansas counties we reviewed use scanners to record and tally voters’ paper ballots that are also capable of producing digital copies of those ballots. But nothing requires county election officials in Kansas to create or use digital copies, which meant some counties created and used them and others didn't. None of the counties we reviewed made digital copies public. We compared Kansas to 5 other states. Those states generally used digital copies similar to Kansas. However, some other states made them public. 
 Finally, with regard to processes for protecting voting in long-term care facilities, facility and county election officials described having a few basic practices. The national literature on this topic is sparse and much of it dated, but it identified a few practices to address fraud and undue influence. Kansas has a few basic laws related to fraud and undue influence, but nothing specifically for long-term care.