Follow up Audit: Reviewing Agencies’ Implementation of Selected Performance Audit Recommendations [April 2023]
The Rundown with Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit
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The Rundown with Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit
Follow up Audit: Reviewing Agencies’ Implementation of Selected Performance Audit Recommendations [April 2023]
Apr 25, 2023

This audit evaluated whether 3 agencies and the Board of Education had implemented 7 previous audit recommendations. The Kansas Department of Education (KSDE) fully implemented 1 of 3 recommendations from our 2019 audit evaluating at-risk student counts, weights and expenditures. KSDE partially implemented the other recommendation, and the Board of Education did not implement the third recommendation. The Kansas Department of Agriculture partially implemented all 3 recommendations from our 2020 audit evaluating the agency's price verification inspection process. We could not evaluate whether the Kansas Department of Commerce implemented a recommendation from our 2020 Angel Investor Tax Credit Program audit.