Dating Funnies - Actual stories of dating

Please Make Me Love ME - A great story about One persons path in "Opening" her relationship! Our Guest Emily Gindlesparger penned her Memoir on her journey of an open relationship with her partner and the things she learned about herself along the way.

September 07, 2022
Please Make Me Love ME - A great story about One persons path in "Opening" her relationship! Our Guest Emily Gindlesparger penned her Memoir on her journey of an open relationship with her partner and the things she learned about herself along the way.
Dating Funnies - Actual stories of dating
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Dating Funnies - Actual stories of dating
Please Make Me Love ME - A great story about One persons path in "Opening" her relationship! Our Guest Emily Gindlesparger penned her Memoir on her journey of an open relationship with her partner and the things she learned about herself along the way.
Sep 07, 2022

In Emily's journey she was able to explore her desires and versions of herself she’d previously kept hidden. Her journey of discovery, as she states -  "an undeniable need to let those small, quiet parts of her have a voice. To expose her darkest secrets, no matter how terrifying and, ultimately, to know and love every last part of herself—no matter what it might cost" and in that journey she was able to Love herself, and love who she was, and is today. She became a better partner by agreeing to open her relationship with her primary partner and through  those experiences she was able to learn how to be more open, and less fearful, on what she needs and expects in a relationship.

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In Emily's journey she was able to explore her desires and versions of herself she’d previously kept hidden. Her journey of discovery, as she states -  "an undeniable need to let those small, quiet parts of her have a voice. To expose her darkest secrets, no matter how terrifying and, ultimately, to know and love every last part of herself—no matter what it might cost" and in that journey she was able to Love herself, and love who she was, and is today. She became a better partner by agreeing to open her relationship with her primary partner and through  those experiences she was able to learn how to be more open, and less fearful, on what she needs and expects in a relationship.