For The Love of Improv
For The Love of Improv
Stage Acting in Improv
To be or not to be? That is the question that William Shakespeare asked, but in this 7th episode of Season 2 of For The Love of Improv, we are asking: To act or not to act in improv?! Amelia Giles, improv teacher and player at Reno Improv is the perfect guest to answer this question and many more about the relationship between acting and improvising! She is a seasoned actor who began in the theater AND THEN came over to improv so she should know the answer to questions like: Are improvisers actors? Should improvisers study acting to improve their skills? What skills can theater actors teach improvisers? Join us as we talk to Amelia about “Acting & Improv” Afterall, as Shakespeare himself would say: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players…”
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