For The Love of Improv
Once upon a time, there were some adults adulting – working, pushing buttons, scrolling their lives away. Suddenly, one of them said, “Hey! Let’s play!” And so they made stuff up and they played. “Yes, And… For The Love of Improv, let’s keep playing together, forever!” they declared and skipped, hopped and summersaulted into the sunset. For The Love of Improv is a podcast dedicated to adults who are interested in discovering the freedom of play – making stuff up, talking in a silly voice, moving your elbow weird, dancing like a monkey, laughing, pretending.
For The Love of Improv
Taylor Riedeman | Character Building
Jesi Wicks & Katie Welsh
Season 1
Episode 2
On August 9th, we discuss character building. We delve deep into things like building a platform and how to use emotion and physicality to create a character. Listen as our guest, Taylor Riedeman, demonstrates some of her quirky and out-of-the-box characters and explains how she conceptualizes them. Our history segment presents the story of the birth of Saturday Night Live (yup, improvisers started that sh*t!) along with a Gilda Radner quote that brings out our inner child. Finally, we have a special improv game in store for you that might be a tad naughty (how’s that for a teaser?!).
Visit ForTheLoveOfImprov.com for more!