The Dirt Life

Vision Canopies Kyle Ahrensberg, Katie Vernola, Eric Everly, Bryan Moore, & Ken Johnson

May 31, 2022 Offroad, UTV’s, Racing, Dunes, BTS, Sponsorship - Podcast & Live Show Episode 131

Racing is a tough battle, but when you give back to the industry you love it makes it that much better!  Having good people around you in life always makes things better and Kyle Ahrensberg has a lot of those people.  He and his company Vision Canopies support the offroad community whenver possible.  His SXS racing career is just getting started and the future is bright for this program!

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Welcome to the dirt life show with your host, George Hamil. Yeah, what is up ladies and gentlemen, Happy Memorial Day to everybody. Thank you all the servicemen and women for making the ultimate sacrifice. Tonight's show, we have episode 131 of the dirt life show, man, it's gonna be an awesome show for you guys tonight, tons of cool things to talk about great guests. We are at the vision canopy shop with Kyle Ehrenburg. And right next to him is Eric, he really attempt media and we got some other awesome guests that we're going to talk with tonight. Like Katie Rinoa is gonna come on the show, we got Ken Johnson and one of your homies Brian Moore do it for be more be more Obion. So thank you guys very much for joining us really appreciate it. I'm Georgie Hamill, the host of the dirt life show. So we got the lines will be open, you guys can hit the share button. Hang out with us all night and let us know what kind of questions you have. We're going to talk about different stuff like basically like presenting yourself really well at the races at the dunes wherever you are with, you know, branding and stuff like that. So that'll be pretty cool. We're going to talk with Eric a little bit about stuff that he's done in the past and videos and things like that Ken Johnson is going to come on talk a little bit more about that stuff. But the thing that I'm most passionate about that we're going to talk about some racing, Baja 500 is going on right now. I think Eric's gonna go down there. I just got back, I'll probably end up going this week. So it's going to be a really, really fun show. So any of you guys that want to ask some questions, just jump jump in and ask us anything you guys have for all these guys. So, man, it's been cool, man. I've known you for just over a year. Now. I think Kyle and it's been cool to see and understand the things that you're able to do with the off road community. And now you're really putting your passion towards racing. You've raised quite a bit in the past. And I'm just happy to have you on the show, dude. Yeah. Thanks for having me. It's a little mic a little closer. There you go. Yeah, yeah, it's been fun this year with getting in the cars and trying the new short course racing to new to me shows racing and that kind of desert racing for a while and doing more of that now with Yeah, and like adventuring into side by sides instead of trucks and all that stuff. So it'll be cool to get a little bit more of your backstory to and I will How do you know, Eric? Well, actually, Eric and I have known each other our whole lives. We were neighbors growing up since we were not talking since you were a wee lad. Yeah. And yeah, we've been super good friends super close for my whole life. 34 years now. So it's been a good round. I'm sure there's been a lot of fun stories in between too. All right. So let's, let's go through some of the well which I'm talking about sponsored stuff, but let's go through and thank some of our sponsors. First I'd like to thank vision canopies for coming on board with the show really appreciate you Kyle and, you know, supporting the off road community through the dirt life. I really really am thankful that you you know, want to be a part of it too. Yeah, no, thanks for having us. We like being a part of it. It keeps us in the sport and it's it's fun Yeah. And it helps everybody to write like it helps us to bring this broadcast to people and you know, people can ask questions and talk and and you know, help with their program. So not only do I appreciate you being part of the show, but at least sharing your story as well because it's going to help a lot of people so thank you. Thank you guys at KMC wheels effects tires, we really appreciate them coming on board. It's since the beginning. Thank you guys over at Motul if you guys need any multiple products evolution power sports and other sponsor of the show has oil change kits you can get them for things like cars race car back here is desert car for your car your side by side and and those kits are so awesome because you can just pick out a kid that's relatable to your car and go and change your oil gives you the best products possible so thank you to multiple and thank you to evolution power sports for being part of the show. I want to thank the guys who resolved your racing products as well. And the guys over a shock therapy hit up shock therapy and go get yourself the RAD improvement system or Tom dirt life show sent your use of code dirt life show at shock therapy Thank you to the guys over at crowd heat. I think Josh has joined us so what's up Josh, how are you? Thank you very much for being part of the show. If you guys need any of the promo code transmissions good McCall. Let them know that dirt life sent you those things reduce all kinds of weight and all kinds of drag in your UTV which makes more horsepower eco absolutely so yeah, get yourself pro my transmission or anything else that you need. They can also heat treat or you know, do some work on your axle, CVS, all that stuff. So thank you very much Josh for being part of the show. You guys should share the show you guys can always communicate with us anytime through YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, any of those channels. And if you're driving down the road, always hit up the shows on iTunes or Spotify. That way you can listen To the shows, let us know what you guys want to hear to what do you think we can do better. So we really appreciate that. Alright, so today's show, we will definitely throw a shout out Happy Memorial Day to everybody, like I said that made the ultimate sacrifice. They're the ones that give us the freedom to be able to go out and do all this racing and all this fun stuff in the United States. So we really appreciate everybody that's in the armed forces who, who doesn't now and who's also made the ultimate sacrifice. Jared, like I said, share the show. And let's see here. Oh, yeah. The Baja 500 is coming up this week. Are you gonna go down there? Caller you Eric. I'll be down there. Yeah, I'm gonna miss this one. The schedules have been hectic lately. So yeah, yeah. Have you ever done any pre reading down there? Or are you embraced it? Yeah, yeah, we reached 1000. Last year. Right after we got the desert, this desert car. And we Nico and Katie prepped it in like two weeks, but super last minute. And dude for 1200 75 miles. Yeah. And we went, we had a really good run. And we had a stupid little part failure. And the worst part of the course, that held us back a few hours or quite a few hours, but we got to go in and got all the way to the finish. And yeah, I mean, it was, it was it was fun. I've done it quite a few times. And it's so it was pretty rough last year to what's up Eric Parker's Thank you very much for the compliment. These are some rad dudes right here. So we're gonna get into some stories with these guys. Um, actually, we let's talk about that, because that's one of the first topics I want to talk about was the Baja 500. So Eric usually go down there, kind of cover it with tent media and tell us what do you guys usually do? Yeah. So all of the Toyo Tires, Monster energy content that you see, we produce. I also do all the helicopter coverage for BCI for scores, TV shows, and all that stuff. So I kind of have a whole team down there a team on the ground, you know, shooting pre interviews, and I'm sure you guys are familiar with some of the content you've seen. Seeing the recap videos toile puts out every race or a lot of the Baja races anyway, yeah. So tam media gets to touch a lot of that stuff. It's really cool. Yeah, we have our hands in, and a lot of different things. A lot of irons in the fire, you could say, Yeah, we just tried to kind of play chameleon, you know, kind of fit in wherever we can, whether you need, you know, small, simple stuff or a full blown production, we kind of try to facilitate. Yeah, well, that's cool, though, because a lot of people do need that service. What's up, Joe? How are you? I got to talk to you about some projects that I would like to do with your life. So thanks, Kyle, for lining that up, dude, I appreciate it. And so a little bit of the stuff that that you do gets translated over to helping the off road industry in general. And that's one of the connections that I would like to make today is like, you bring light and you bring visibility to the off road world, right. So if I want to go see a video, it actually exists now instead of like it used to be it didn't. Yeah, and I mean, we've been trying to forge the way with with live production stuff. It's really difficult down to Mexico with connectivity. But obviously with like King of the hammers, we helped forge that whole live production. I've helicopter stuff coming together. Yep. And then over the years, obviously with the mortalities, and the 400 been involved a lot of that stuff. And it's kind of just the kind of the guy behind the scenes that nobody really knows. But the reason we we pushed to have the higher quality content is because I'm passionate about it. i Yeah, this I love this. Kyle's dad's the one to blame for it. He's the one that got us all into it. And we were kids going out to Tierra Del Sol and, you know, just going for wheeling and having fun. And that kind of turned into becoming our lives, you know, yeah, it's, it's well, just like what the show is, it's the your life, right, like it ended up being that way. But I do think it's cool. And that's kind of the way that I think the show is gonna have a lot of that kind of talking is, you guys are so passionate. And you guys do it now. But you don't do it just for yourself. Kyle doesn't do it just for himself. I mean, he races but he does it to support the industry and you do the same thing, right. And I think that's so valuable because the dirt life does the same thing. And I really like that vibe because it makes it so that our audience and the people that are listening to the show, understand who is behind the scenes and who they can ask questions to as well. 100% You know, we kind of the reason I got behind the filming thing was to vicariously live through all these racecar drivers that you know I don't have the budgets like Bagdogra here so you know just kind of put yourself in what you're passionate about and it's one of those you love what you do you never work a day in the life you know? Yeah, totally. And then So Kyle, you kind of had I mean, you guys obviously grew up together going to different off road places and events and stuff like that. What was the time that you were like oh shit, I really want to do this like this is something I'm super into. Oh man since I was a little kid. I always one Yeah. But it's just expensive to do. And it's hard, you know? Yeah. It's like, mindset is like shit if I want to do it I gotta make a lot of money somehow to do it. Yeah, exactly. So, but that gives you the drive though, dude. Yeah, yeah, it does. And so I worked in the industry a lot for a lot of years and do a little bit here and there where I could afford it and stuff like that. And then And then, you know, as business progressed, I was able to do it more and more and, and have more fun with it. Yeah, totally. So we got another guest joining us. Hopefully you can hear us, Brian Moore. What's up, dude? So how are you doing, man? It's good to see you. I'm good. I'm wonderful. So we just talked about technology. And we're talking to work doing using cow Starling setup over here. So we're hoping we're given our fingers crossed, keeping our fingers crossed that it all works out today. So hopefully we can have a good conversation with you. But if for whatever reason it doesn't work out I'll just give you a call and we'll do it through the audio stuff. So all right, so how do you know these hoodlums? I'm actually the law department and I tried to get guys Dallas phone number A Brian, I think we're gonna have to give you a call, man. So jump off Instagram Live. We'll give you a buzz dude. I appreciate. I appreciate it. I wish I wish we could see your face and do the video but doesn't look. bandwidth. Oh, wait, that's working good. Yeah. Let's try that. We can FaceTime There you go. No, that's good. This work and good. Maybe it was just your phone placement. Or Starlink is just hooking us up. But yeah, so you met these hoodlums? How? Yeah, still not happening. There we go. Calling him on his phone. All right, cool. All right, Brian, Hang on one second. I'm just gonna get you connected here. All right, but hold on. So yeah, so it's crazy how everything works out though. Right. Eric is like all these things work out and then you become business partner with Ryan right? Yeah, exactly. How we used to. I remember when we were kids, and Kyle's dad used to volunteer for Mike Jolson ran and Jeep speed stuff. So that was kind of a thinker. Oh Jeep speed stuff now the old 1600 car to 10 car to the woman car. They were doing a jeep. They had it there. Oh, yeah. So why don't you tell us why don't you guys tell us that story? So maybe something like when one of your first memories in off road then Kyle? Oh, yeah, my dad used to go running. It was like a class three. It was the old Conejo off road racing Jeep, the blue yellow red one I think it's a class three or some like that had tons of horsepower but no suspension. So really, yeah, so it's short wheelbase. So they used to get the beat the snot out of that or beat the snot out of themselves in that thing. And then but going out to the old fun races and then going out you know, we grew up next to like Andy McMillan and like Milan, so we just go out there with them and and go hang out with them who grew up playing baseball with them and stuff like that. So it always get the internet. Hello. I hear you know, hey, go over here. Yeah, Brian. What's up, man? Hold on. Sounds like he's running. Yeah, there we go. So all right, Brian, tell us how you met these hoodlums? Yeah, so I met Eric. Glen Helen. Well, as long story actually, I met to Eric the first Eric. I met shooting green army content for spline which then introduced me to Eric, when he told me about Eric when I met him when Eric's Hey, there's a lot of times when we were shooting, or shooting stuff for green army at the time, and I had I gotten my settlement. So long story short, I had a really bad work injury. And I had gotten a settlement and decided that I was going to spend all the money on a camera they had no idea. And I feel like that's the way it always works with us. Dang dirt guys, we just throw ourselves in the fire. totally right. So like it you know, and I admit, Chris and Eric they were filming Glen Hill and I don't I don't remember who it's for. And we were shooting for the studios. Rodrigo. Circle. Yeah. So graduates earbuds in Polly. Oh Izzy. Nowhere here. It doesn't want to switch over. So good. Well, yeah, the we were filming from your army and Derek did come up with the goal. You have a RED camera. Hey, I'll help you because I had no idea what I was doing. And RED camera. Yeah, like, it was fun like beautiful give this guy just comes in and nobody hears it. That's the way the racing community is, though not to interrupt you, Brian, but like, you see, all these dudes like coming out to the races, and they're just flexing so hard. And they get there and like, dude, how long have you been racing? Well, it's my first race, bro. You're like, Oh, my God, he looks so great, though. Thank you. And that's, like, I mean, for no idea what I was doing. And we, I think we were all having sushi, Eric and Chris, at the time were like, just a very, like, they were they were, again, they're under their, you know, their, their feet under themselves. And because they had previously worked for another company, and it didn't, you know, it didn't work out. And they were like, kind of fueled by the same thing I was were like, hey, you know, people was like you'll never saw can make it. Sorry, I can't say that for you don't make it say whatever you want here. You'll never make it. And I think all of us have really been fueled by that. And at least for me, personally, you know, because I think we I mean, I know, we've all had doubters. And so we, you know, coming up, and even now, you know, I think we really use that to say, hey, you know what, like, I may not be great at everything, but I'm great at a few things. And like Chris and Chris and and Eric glad all of us together. We're all like vastly different. But we're all really, like good in certain areas. And we take all that and we really kind of pool together and make one great thing. You know, I think that's very unique. I mean, we are have no problem. And we're a very dysfunctional family. But we've made it work very well. And I think that's why we've made it work so well, because we're so very different. And, you know, we're but the one thing we all have in common is that we're extremely passionate about the sport. Yeah, hard workers, and passion that makes everything better, though, that's not just I mean, if you're cooking a hamburger, it still makes it better. Right, like 100%. You know, and if you enjoy it, that's the thing, I think, you know, I think like, there's a guy guy told me like, the difference between good and great is just a little bit and I think because we love it as much as we do, we always want to be great. Yeah. It's, you know, in and that's the thing like we've we've been very fortunate. We've worked, we've worked on, you know, some very big projects, ones that obviously like, you know, I never thought we would do. And so, you know, it's been fun. It's still work. Yeah, but you kind of wing it, make it work. So you can probably get along with what he's saying right now, though. You probably are pretty proud to see your friends do all this stuff. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, it's just crazy how it all comes back around and and the stuff we used to talk about isn't stuff we've done together to like the Adrian Cheney barrel roll. Oh, yeah, that was so gnarly. I still don't understand how that worked out. We put that whole deal together. That was basically one day I got a phone call from Kyle saying, Hey, we're gonna go drive out to Arizona and meet this guy. That's barrel rolling and car. Okay, let's go. That's freaking bananas. I don't know who the comment was. But it said, Thank you being more for all the support. Oh, cool. I can't be video anymore. But I like that's cool. Yeah, we got about 16,000 monitors over here. You know, the way it goes. But yeah, so you know, you having the opportunity to do all that stuff with the guys is probably been pretty cool. Have you done any projects with Kyle? We haven't. Well, I personally am printing and we actually, the fact is, we're always like it is we all are all friends. That actually we did well. We had the chimney roll, which was Yeah, yeah. I mean, the fact that like, here's the thing, like, what's crazy to think about that is like, we literally that year, we did that we actually happen to park our I mean, we had our radar, our temp trailer, literally at the start finish of the of the ball. And like we were front and center, like, you know, crazy, right, like, and so, you know, Kyle had brought this to us like, hey, this, you know, Adrian went through this Crazy Bear roll. And we were in the position to basically go to Roger Ouma to hey, you know, this is like, we want to do this. And he let's do it, which was you? I mean, hindsight, you look at it, like I cannot believe it. Yeah, the police weren't so happy about it right before, try finding a forklift that you didn't drive down the wash before. Also, the logistical portion of it was even sketchier than people hopping over the fence and come and picking Oh, shit, really. And literally, like, we're able to get back far enough. And I was like, Go, and he did it. And it was it was not the safest thing to do. That's bananas. I didn't know that. Yeah, people were picking up the fences and walking in and hopping over. And it was a mess. And Roger was kind of he didn't know what he got. Yeah, he was. I think he would rather not happen. Yeah, at that point, but it was too late. Adrian was there and ready. Yeah, thank goodness that you guys made it all happen though. Because I was so amped when I saw it. I was like, no freakin way. I think that was like finally his 36th attempt or something like that. That yeah, built a tire pit and was training to do it for many moons before. It really Yeah. Motor crossers, do it in the foam pit. Yeah. Wayne so Brian was this the first time he did it to dirt clean Yeah. Clean time yeah the rest of it was total why body wouldn't stay on and it was it was pretty wild it's who's the one that handles all the I don't know what you call it like the science behind that the acrobatic line or you guys just say fucking is yeah a leader of his own circus. Yeah, I mean, you met Adrian he's very much like, let's let's just try it and then whatever is messed up, we'll try to fix it. So a tude Okay, so there's two crazy things that really like hit me with this is like, first of all, you guys know some pretty awesome people like some pretty amazing people right? The cool factor is high with your friends. But you guys also get to share those experiences together because of your off road mindset and the passion that you guys have. What do you think Brian? 100% I mean last I mean, like the first thing I can't say what we were shooting last week but I was I mean, I was with Ken Block last week shooting some stuff that you've got coming out and like it really like I'll say like we were in the smear house and like I'm just staring at the mirror house on the outside looking at my reflection like man like this is my job I'm with someone who really kind of pushed me to get into filming because that's just the truth like when Jim Connor one came out was when my when I got hurt and I was like man feeling would be kind of cool. I had to do a you know I had to do a come on let's say Adrian Cheney was way more inspiration because if you go online, the sequel The sequel to his barrel roll was actually hanging him under a helicopter and him surfing clouds you he told me about that still to this day. Happy socks gone. Happy socks YouTube page. Oh my god. Still to this day. I still cannot believe that story. I have a congress to like if anybody tells me dude, I want to do this or going to skydive. I'm like you have no idea the level that That dude is that he'd never flown a parachute the day before we seriously Yeah, we had a rush him go go buy a secondhand parachutes. I could jump out of a helicopter, do this stuff that you guys get the opportunity to do is still mind blowing to me. And that's because like I said, who your friends are, because you're so passionate. We're blowing stuff up the day before. Yeah, what do you say, Brian? Well, I just like I gotta say it like crazy because our golden Rolodex of friends. Like, you know, I never thought I would be shooting these projects. It was never part of the plan. Like, I just thought I was gonna like, kind of make some money on the side. And, and, you know, I look at things that like now, you know, like I said, I'm looking at this mirror house I'm looking at myself I'm looking on with. And it's like, holy shit, like it just kind of surreal moment. Because it's like, you know, you never think that these things are going to be a thing. And I think it was just a proof of like, Hey, you putting in the work and the effort, you present going the extra mile and having a passion and it all pays off. That's good. Well, thank you very much. You get a canopy. Yeah. So thank you very much for bringing that bringing it full circle. So you do have a good point, though. It is really how you present yourself, right? Like so you guys get these opportunities, because you're presenting yourself and being educated about what you're doing. You're working hard, and you're doing all these things, just like Kyle isn't his race program. But it does kind of go back full circle. And we're not this is not a sales show. But you do help people do that with your business. Kyle? Yeah. Treasure canopies, actually allows other people to have that opportunity. Right. And I try to be as good an example as I can on it. And yeah, I mean, it's, it's definitely a tool that will help people. So for anybody that doesn't know, Kyle has a company that's called Vision canopies. Like I said at the beginning of the show, they're supporter of the dirt life, so we want to support them. Kyle gives back a lot to the off road racing community. But he can also help you by Just allowing you to purchase a product from him that has branding on it. So if you go to the app vision canopies social media page and check it out, you can kind of get some examples of other people that have done it. Who are some of the people that well I know that Ken Johnson is you Andy McMillan? We're doing some stuff with Andy this year that's gonna be really cool and new and like that no one's really done yet. Oh, cool. Yeah 10 media we got them. Katie Katie Renaud we got vision wheel there's a lot of people that you have your guys's product so it's grown pretty quickly definitely go check it out and make sure that you Tom dirt life show sent you over there So Kyle can track it because that's how good things work when it happens right but yeah, so you can actually brand the some of that stuff what are some of the coolest canopies in your opinion that you've ever done as they're been like a camo one like a plaid one like any cool there's a unicorn one I'm big unicorn guy right here and Taco one. Yeah, I mean, I really liked my all my old race. I was extremely bright i Big fan of bright stuff, but the we did one for Lewis Chamberlain for his RC car stuff that was pretty awesome. It was so bright. And like fluorescent colors. Oh yeah, it was. It was. It was. It's pretty cool. fastline one for him. That's pretty cool. Yeah, yeah, it's on the Instagram and we were walking to the pits at the AMA race to a couple days ago. Yeah. And he's like, oh, yeah, this is Yuki ones. Yeah, that guy got to me late. Oh, nice. Yeah, he's got them done. Yeah, actually can hook me onto that one. Oh, perfect. Yeah, so just get it knock it out as quick as you can. Kelly, Boise tech said he's saving up for one. He needs one for his program. So dude, there's a guy sitting right here that you can give a give a call? Yeah, absolutely. Call me up and we'll set you up. Yeah, great. Kelly racing says. Let's see here. We can't wait to get our vision canopies. You may know Greg Kelly racing. Yeah. Got Haley. Jim. Oh, nice. He just joined us here. What's up? Hello, Jim. So, so yeah, so you guys can get your canopies there. So please, support the people that support dirt life show and go check out some of their their stuff that they have. So all right. How did that even start though, actually, so you're out here like living the off road life? And you're just like, I need a way to pay for it. No. I mean, I was working with Adrian and, and, you know, doing stuff and then we were doing racing and you know, it's always look nice when you have a canopy and you see people with with their custom canopies and stuff like that. And then you go try to get one done. And it was just difficult, like the process to seem difficult. It was extremely expensive. So I just worked really hard finding a way to do it easier at a more cost effective way. So people could really, people that wanted it could have it. You didn't like it's not to the people. I just absolutely needed it. It was the people who want it. It could, uh, yeah, could afford it and could do it. Yeah, then I liked that too. Because that means that you're open about thinking about stuff in a different way. Right. And that really lends itself to being a better person a better racer, a better business man. Like it really affects everything in your life. Right? Like because you're able to understand what people want around you. Yeah, and you're always gonna Yeah, I mean, if everything in my mind, there's a want and need category if you need something, I mean, no matter what it costs, you just gotta buy it. But there's that one category if you could, if you could place a product like this and I want category, it's gonna be more people are gonna be able to use it. Yeah. 100% Alright, so a couple other things that I wanted to talk about was like more a little bit about like the Baja stuff and the racing stuff. So when you decided that you wanted to go racing How old were you? Because you were quite a bit younger like and I don't mean that like You're old now. I mean, like you're doing it from a young age. Yeah the race I always trying to reach other people and go to races and help out where I could and stuff like that but I mean I've been wanting I wanted to do it my then a startup is one of those are four wheels for four wheels mainly did a some motorcycle stuff when I was younger. Just like your ride just going out to the desert and stuff like that. It was always into it, but I mean, we've always talked about it for as long as I remember. I don't know MX BMX anything we could do to race and have was better. You guys like switch it up? One person one one day one person out there more competitive with paintball? Yeah, paintball. We Yeah, everyday paintball. Big paintball guys trying to you know, they're big paintball guys. What's funny is that I was never a paintball guy and I had no like the owner of one of the biggest paintball freaking companies like in the world now. And I'm like, it's funny now because they're like, Hey, man wants to call them guys up and he's still fucking painful. They're really? Yeah. Painful. It's fun. Yeah, a lot of fun. All right, you guys gotta give me like did you guys have like huge battles or what? Oh, we had our own field. Yeah, we I don't feel we bring out the five foot tall nitrogen tanks out there. I mean, it was crazy. Because like the you're talking about, like, pretty serious. My dad would come out there with us like really? A few times a week throughout the week after after work we had spool spools out I mean, I mean, because I know zero about paintball so I can see is like you guys running through this like makeshift army setup like and trying to blast each other. Yeah. Doesn't that sound fun? Yeah, pretty much. I mean, it does sound kind of fun. As I said it, I was getting kind of hyped. Luckily, our street had a lot of kids that were all like aged and boys, everyone you all knew what we were getting for Christmas. Yeah, yeah. So really, it hurt really bad. It doesn't feel good. I'll take I'll take Ryan's advice on this. If you get hit below the belt, how nice your friends are if they keep they stop or someone starts freezing paint balls. What does that mean? Freezing paint balls. Oh, just so they don't break don't break. It's like getting hit with a rock like literally freezing them. Do you know I would not want that. Is there dudes that do that? Yeah, bad friends. Those are like the guys that are always taking the cheater lines out on the race. Exactly oh man actually not a fan of those guys. All right, so we were talking a little bit about the Baja 500. I'd like to get back to that. So now that one of our buddies he used to wear catcher's Eric forgot Yeah. Wait, he's, he's the free one. No, no, no. When we go play, he'd show up and he'd be wearing like a catcher's outfit from baseball. Oh, that's a good idea. That's a really good idea, because he's got all kinds of padding. Yeah. Can you still run around with that though? Just made him an easier target. Because it's all slow. Alright, so when was the time that you decided like, okay, like, I want to go race in Mexico, or I want to go race short course, like, because that's a pretty monumental task as far as like, resources, dedication of time, like everything. Yeah. So shoot 2015 or? No, I mean, I raised a couple times before the video that the 50th was like 50. The ball 1000 was like the first one was like, Okay, I want to go do this like, right, dude, way to pick the worst course ever. Yeah. It seems to be the way we like to do it. Yeah. And so for anybody that doesn't remember the 50th Baja 1000 was like massive, massive rainstorms before and just washed out the whole thing? Yeah. Oh, no, I think that was the 500. D or serce. Yeah, I think that was a 50. Oh, did I get it wrong then? Okay. The next year? Yeah. 50 F and then we had you know, set up and or plan. It didn't go great. I mean, you know, when good till didn't I guess like but it's like, you're in the trophy light. Right. And the trophy light and that thing is very, very, it was very hard to get through a lot of areas just because way underpowered winter tire size. Yeah, I was gonna say that'd be a pretty gnarly one to drive all the way down. Yeah. So I mean, it was it was, it was really tough. But it's just that one that I took serious, really made me think about like, man, Mexico is so much harder. And it's just so much different than the state's racing, which we're already doing, like states racing. I feel like it's designed for you to finish the race. And he raced amongst each other like Mexico, like you really have to try to just finish first and then and then happen to race. So like, it changed my whole strategy a lot year to year. And we had a lot of a lot of failures, with stuff, jumping aboard other teams and stuff like that. And then with this one that makes you learn a lot though, doesn't it? Yeah, you learn a lot, a lot. And then, with this last year, 1000, Rick Johnson, we had the UTV World Championship, Rick Johnson came up and like it was not very far before and was like, we raised 1000 This thing, like, Oh, crap, maybe really, a couple days later, like we decide to raise 1000 And Nico and Katie had a full brand new car to change a bunch of stuff on and prep and everything. Oh, we lost me more. But yeah, and we did it. And we had a great car. And it was a lot of fun. And, and we we made it the whole way down, which is like, amazing. That was that was what 12 175 miles. Right? Well, 27 So I'm not sure if it's the longest, but it wasn't the longest it was right there. Yeah, it was pretty far too. Yeah. And that track was brutal. Like there was so many frequently and at the end, it was like a real kick. And, you know, junk because there was like, what, 10 Miles oops, before he got to the finish line. Oh, I mean, they're gonna go through the hills like going before you dropped down to a pause. It was. I mean, it was, it was really, really hard. Like, I hopped back in for the end section, thinking it was gonna be like, alright, we're just gonna go and get to the finish. And, and that was a big understatement. It was so so tough that last little bit, but it felt really good to get across the finish line. Did it make it so that you really liked to race in Baja? Because I feel like that's like, well, I guess we already said it, like getting thrown in the fire, like times 10. Yeah, yeah. I mean, absolutely. is the best place to raise I think. Did you get to go down there and experience this with them? Eric And Brian. So I was in the helicopter doing all the TV show stuff. So helicopter can't fly at night. So I get to become a pumpkin. So as soon as the sun comes, goes down, we we go on the ground and sit so we're I think that year at old Rancho Relaxo. Our friends got a nice compound there and the beach just north of Virginia. That sounds nice. Yeah, so it is relaxing place a couple times this week. Yeah. So I was on the internet just watching and I saw when Kyle was stuck. And you know, you go to bed and you're like, Man, I hope not wake up. And obviously they were moving. So that was good to see. But you're just essentially kind of a spectator at that point. Yeah, totally. Well, the thing about off road is all of your spectators essentially can just tune into your race specifically. And that's I think how the majority of the audiences are for each team is their own little viewership, essentially. That's watching their mission, right? Yeah, totally. I know like tons of people that have 16 screens gone right. And they all have like their guys and they have the overall raised and then weatherman and like all this crazy stuff. We just had a comment come through Kyle and I don't know who was who said it because it went through pretty quick. But they said that you guys did graded the Baja 1000. That's all Yeah, thank you. Yeah, it was, it was tough. And like, we did the BFG pit meeting, I think it was like the Thursday be like the week before. And they're their main thing was like, whatever on the 1200 27 Miles don't get stuck in this five mile section of the tractor trail. And we get stuck right in that five mile section, 12 hour and 27 miles where the park failure right there. So it was like very difficult to try to get the part to the car to fix it. And that was like, other than that, I mean, it was pretty much you know, great run flawless run down there. But it was just like that one little one little hiccup and that's it. It'll get you in Mexico. It's like that one little thing. Yep. But then you have the opportunity in Mexico to try to save your race, which is nice. Like the US races are so tight. If you're down for you know, an hour, a lot of times you can't, you can't get back in and finish. Yeah, I was gonna say that same thing, too. It's less of an endurance race more of a sprint, right? Totally. Yeah, more of a sprint. What makes it better for you guys? You guys like to sprint races when you do the media stuff? You and Brian? I don't know. What do you think be more? I think that Well, I mean, mental runs have been nice. I don't know, last year was dope. I don't know. It's because you have individual Yeah. And just because you say like, you know, separate it like, Okay, this team can only get this section. That's what you're going to do. And then you're done. Whereas like, it's like, well, you can get them here and then just take a little break. But then you can get them over here. And then you can get them over here. So now you're on a 27 hour day. Yeah, I don't envy those guys and helicopter after we wake up at you know, reinsert relax. So get her a nice breakfast on. We go flying by him. And a lot of times to stay out at what's that point to bonda? Yeah, just south events, nada. And every time we go flying by him, they just all look like they're like, you know, kids that just got out of a rave. They're all standing on the beach. And they look like zombies. Flying. Yeah. It's like, yeah, they haven't slept all night. But they're so into it. Right? John Harper said, yeah, that was rad when the guys in the RS ones Iron Man. Did you see that? That was those guys. Those guys are gnarly. Yeah. I think we were talking to David Cole. We're doing some Bronco stuff up at his place. And I think he said his plan was to do the first 600 Miles get a hotel room. Yeah. Was guys completely rebuild the car and get back in and go? Yeah, the plan didn't work out as planned. But yeah, it was still around that right? You had one of those or No, I just tried to help David clay and like the whole help promote it all because I thought it was such a cool little effort. Yeah, we got them some sponsors and kind of got them lined up. So it was cool. All right. So let's kind of go back to some of the things that maybe the audience has questions about like, so you've been on the media side, and kind of being on the racer side in this instance, or for this statement is what do racers what can racers do better to help themselves with with their media? I mean, you need to be everybody needs nowadays, everybody has basically a tab on you at all times. Right? So you need to feel like if I if I'm if I'm a new racer, somebody's always looking at me kind of thing. Or they can always check. That's where it comes to. How do you present yourself at the races right? If you show up with a full vision canopy setup that just blows away everybody else's dirt life on it looks? Who the hell's this guy? Yeah, it's keeping up with the Joneses. I think that's kind of the Bama that most of your Southern California doozies or like, that's kind of the MO right is like, oh, barbers mom, or whatever comes home with the new Escalade like, what Billy's mom got? Yeah, that's true, right? You know. So that's the whole, how you present yourself. You know, if you have good presentation, then let alone you can go out and you can perform, people are going to talk about you, the more that people talk about you, the more you're going to get exposure, more exposure. Hopefully, that's good exposure and paddocks. Yeah, I don't think was it, Justin barsha made very many friends. The racist you know, but that's damned. And that's what he did. Yeah, but he also has fans that are with him, too. What's it, you gotta look at it as like a baby, and the only way the baby's gonna grow is in your feed. So you have to feed the, you know, like, when it comes to the content side of it, you got to keep putting out content to feed the baby so it can grow. That's the way we've always looked at it, like, you know, it's the more feed you follow, and people want to see, like, what you're, you know, who you are, what you're about, like, you know, they get nothing anymore is like good, you know, kind of doesn't matter what the content is, at this point doesn't always have to be polished stuff. Like a lot of it can be just, you know, really raw people like that raw being, you know, getting that connection with a racer, or whoever it is, you know, they want him to kind of be a part of that and, and, you know, it's, it's, that's kind of the biggest thing is just like just keep on pushing and feeding and feeding and posting posting, because that's what sponsors want, right? They just want they want to give their part they want people to see that they want their product out there they want, you know, they want to see how this person is putting, you know, putting forth effort and and then again, then you can go back to your response to hey, look, I'm putting this out, this is the numbers that I'm getting, you know, this is what I feel that I'm worth what you know, and then you can obviously go back and forth there, I will make a strong suggestion because this has been something that's upsetting me a lot lately has stopped with the self promotion stuff, like you don't need to be promoting yourself, as a promoter for whatever you're doing. Just be yourself. Like, that's all you got to kind of just be yourself, man. And if people want to gravitate towards it cool, like, I mean, if I was in middle school, I wouldn't be friends with everybody. I'd be friends with a couple people that are really nice to me. And I was nice to them, right? Like good friends, just like you guys, were when you guys were younger, too, you know what I mean? So I think that's fantastic. Advice be more. Yeah, I mean, we, we generally stick to obviously more polished content, because that's just what we enjoy. And, you know, but there is a time and place for that, you know, they're like a lot of you see a lot of the stuff that's been going around, there is just a lot of random randomness that gets put out, but there's, like, you know, like, you look at someone, like we'll put something out there that, you know, like Monster or Toyota was put a bunch of money behind and, and someone that literally just pulled his cell phone out and get the dummy and was rolling over, get run over and it gets, you know, 40 times the traction. So it's just very, it's kind of all over the place when it comes to that. And obviously, you got to deal with the algorithm. And, and that's always a battle. Like that's something we struggle with. Because it's like, you know, we don't that's kind of a part of our business, which is something you want to get, you know, part of it because that stuff's getting a little too technical. And I think our audience will just like the the baseline stuff, because, really, I mean, like, Well, you brought up a good thing before the show aired, because you were talking about like Axel Hodges and he will be the first one to admit, I just was filling myself with my cell phone when I got popular. And he had a million followers with a cell phone, right, like exactly. I think nowadays, people's attention spans become so much shorter. And a lot more, like you said to say that people are looking for a way to vicariously live through, you know, someone else that they aspire to be Yeah, right. Or they want to do like I got into filming because I aspire to want to be a racecar driver. Right. So I could precariously live through all these people through the camera. Well, nowadays, you're feeding that following and everybody that's watching any McMillan stuff or Bryce Menzies? You know, do you want to be that guy? Like, whenever I see Kyle stuff, I'm still pissed, because I want to be out there racing with him. Oh, unfortunately, I don't have the best track record. So I don't know how it's gonna be let me drive. I got into racing this year. And like, I do, I love it. It's a whole new challenge. And I think that's what it's all about is just challenging yourself to progress at something. And whether that was the media or No, I always did the media in order to try to become the racing and I've tried to do a little bit of racing this last year and but I have beat Kyle, the last two races that race. Yeah, that's awesome. Wait, hold on. Perfect. Hey, Eric, we're gonna get Ken Johnson on here in just a second. You got anything else you want to say throw a shout out before you dip out. I mean, just whatever you're passionate about, just go for it, you know, in teamwork makes the dream work. It's funny, we're talking about a different business models and stuff earlier. And I'm sitting here looking at this tripod. And we kind of have a dysfunctional arm because we have four legs, but that just makes us even stronger. You know, when a tripod goes to fall over, it needs a leg to fall on. That's true. You can't do it all by yourself. You need a solid team in your corner. And you know, that's what Kyle's got going on here with Nico and Katie and the whole shop and now what he's doing with vision canopy and promoting yourself and how you look and essentially we have worked with the best of the best guys in the industry and in most of the videos you've seen where you think wow, that guy's the best that the best of the best. You know, when you become a professional you can work with the best of the best across the board. So just be come a professional at whatever you're passionate about. Yeah, and you got to start somewhere to like just make sure that you're making the right decisions on the way up we always tell everybody life is just a sequence of choices right? So try to make those choices really count and make those little things matter so why at Hastings just chimed in and I he's such a sponge to all this stuff. He watches all this shows that he's really cool because he will come back and say hey, you know what, I learned a lot tonight. I'm going to do this for my program right so I think those little tiny things like what why it's doing will make a big difference in 10 years from now what he's doing and 100% You gotta you gotta water the better water the grass you know, it'll never grow. Yeah, exactly. You want to stay on be more for Ken Johnson are you gotta dip out? Awesome. Okay, sounds good. All right. Thanks very much, man. Yeah, thank you. I appreciate it man. Good having you. Yeah, so like we like we're talking about now though, is like just surrounding yourself with good people, right? Like you've known Eric since you were a little guy, right? And now he's able to really give you knowledge on different things and you guys learn together. are like it's so cool for me to see that kind of stuff. Yeah, it's awesome. And like he, he went in the media direction fully and it's just cool being able to pick his brain off stuff. And yes, you can call him up and ask him a question about how you can better your program or how you can help him whatever it is right. All right. Well, welcome Ken Johnson did it's been a little while. It's been what two weeks since we talked about the show at least two weeks. weekend was gonna be more it was happening. How are you buddy? Good, man. Good. Well, it's cool to have all you guys on the show. I really appreciate all you guys taking the time. I wanted to throw a shout out because we didn't get to at the beginning of the show to see each tool for cooking us such amazing food before the show. So thank you Cecil for doing that if Cecil if you want to come over here and wave to the camera. You can I'll get you. Get you on over here. Give us a big ol wave over here. Look at that guy right there. wave to everybody. That wagyu Tomahawk was insane. Yeah, not to mention how crazy that wagyu tomahawk steak was, but it was probably the size of I don't know my whole body. Yes. Yeah. I mean. Yeah, right. And the bone was like a femur bone. Like, you know, man, it was gnarly. So freaking. I'm a massive fan of chimichurri sauce. So I like tacos. And we already had a question about where the best tacos were. If anybody wants to give me some chimichurri sauce put on those tacos Cecil's the guy. All right, so we're just kind of talking about I don't know if you heard all the stuff we were talking about can win you over there. Or if you were actually performing duties on social media to better your program. No, no, no, I heard that. So it'd be more I don't know if you're watching. But Cecil just gave me some sauce right now did a little delay. I'll see you here in a second. Okay, perfect. So we've been talking about how you better your program, right? How you have good branding at the track with you know, like division canopies and stuff like that. But it's not just that right. There's a lot more that goes along with it. Yeah, man, I, you know, going back to the branding, I mean, it's simple. You can start off with like, again, a canopy, you know, Sky flags, table covers, branding. And imaging is important, right? You don't want to go to the track and look like the Beverly Hillbillies, right? I mean, it's not going to attract any sponsors at all. You definitely want to have the best vision best image that you can have, that you can afford. And again, just being able to take that budget, like everyone has a race budget, right? Take some of that budget 10% of that budget, right, put it aside and get the things you need. Right, whether it's working on the monster side of it, dude, like, let's say they sell a can for $1. I bet they're spending 72 cents of that on market. That's a good point. Yeah. And going back, you know, taking it back to Lucas Oil, I remember for so spend 30%, I want to say he was spending 30% of his money, right? For marketing. And it was incredible, right? What what Lucas Oil did in the short time, right? over the 20 years. Actually, it's been 30 years now. But man, it's been incredible, you know, and, again, he put money back in to the brand and same with you, Kyle, I know that you do the same thing. You take a you know, a large percentage of your profits and drop it right back in whether sponsorship racing, whatever it may be. It's all about right reinvesting into yourself. Right? It's not, yeah, I'm gonna reinvest and buy another motor or this or that reinvest into yourself, I think a way that Kyle is doing is actually really good, because he's got his race program, right. But he's doing it in a way that helps other people too, right? He'll give discounts to sponsor racers that he has to help them and mark it out. Market better. And then, you know, he's investing in operations, like the dirt life, which is a really cool program for me, because that means that he's giving back and we're able to give back to the, to the people that are listening in the audience and stuff. So there's a lot of creative stuff that happens with with, you know, vision itself. I think it's super cool. Right? Right. Alright, so we had a couple of people, Joshua, hey, commented in KJ, I see so that's pretty cool. What's up Josh? Solid guy, man, I've known that guy. Probably. It's been 20 years I've known that guy. Even Pete from God san is crazy to think back. You know, it's been, you know, 25 at least bless yours. And that guy sold more teachers didn't Metal Mulisha and Billabong combined? Probably. Yeah. It's crazy, right? We're actually talking about it before the show is that Pete a lot of people don't know is from the town that I was born in. And so we have a lot of friends that are associated with us because of that, too. It's an off road industry was really small back then we're talking about Mudbox That's how far back Wow. All right, so be more you remember the first time you met Ken? Yeah, with Lucas Oil. When he was running. I saw I was wondering like what Ken did I was like, What does Kim Do? Know we were all races and like he was all over the place. And I'm like, what it can do? And then coming to find our candidate all the things I'm like, and that's what's cool because like, honestly, I'm not gonna lie. It was yours. It was like I don't really don't know what Ken does like the Wrangler. Oh man. I didn't even happen to remember there was conversations that Ken and I had during the Lucas Oil days, it'd be like so what's going on today? He goes, I don't know, I just showed up. Hopefully I can help. But go ahead. As I say, it's cool to see where kids can like can nowadays we got I mean, he really gets it like, it's funny, I still call him and kind of pick his brain. It's been a while, but like, there's times where I call him like, Hey, would like, what do I do? How I do this? Like, what do you think? And he's, like, always been super helpful. I think kids really underestimated like people. But and I don't think a lot of us still I think people don't realize what Ken does. But I just, you know, he's just, I think you're very, very well, on the back end really know how to make this work. And if there's anyone, when when Ken opens his mouth about advice, you should really shut up and listen, because he really gets it. So basically, he's saying you're a Silent Assassin. 100% I appreciate the more you know, and it goes back, man, it goes back to you know, and I and I learned from everyone out there, man. It's all about being a great person, right? Just be it. If I were to give any advice to anybody, like hey, how do I get a sponsorship, man? Be a good person? Be yourself. Yeah. And again, if you're if you're not a bad if you're a bad person, don't be yourself but be a good person. So, so going yeah, man be you know, be more is always been an awesome person. Everyone here has been a great person. So just be a great person. That would be my step number one. Number two, look around, right? I mean, I'm looking at I put a couple of notes together, right, like Diegans they do it well, right. Do they do it? Well, they get it they get the content. They got the imaging, you know, the branding, the whole deal. They got the whole package right and, and Brian has a it's pretty awesome. His vision is so long. And I remember Haley's first race you know, she raised one of the races I I produced him for SX way back. And she raised her trophy core. And again, it was, you know, he was he's like, and Haley's, gonna be the next one. She's gonna be a big deal. And I remember being in the spotters booth Deegan was so intense in the spotter group. That guy was insane. Yeah, yeah, that's because he's so passionate about it. Right. Steve live with the dream he loves trying to join us right now, Steve, we don't have enough bandwidth to be able to do the lives today. So sorry, man, Stevie and other rad dude, man. He's been man. He's been rad since day one. You know, that's another guy. I've known for 30 years. You know, he's, he's responsible for passionate about it too. Right. I mean, he's a well underestimated man. The stuff that he's done in the past, but, you know, thinking back and looking like the birdies right when they first came in, into into racing, their imaging and branding always was great, right? I mean, even if they didn't have a sponsor, they still look great. He had American flag, this is actually a dirty hat. You know, and, again, branding and imaging was important. We could look back at the Weller's, they didn't have the most money, but again, their branding and imaging was always great. They got the optimal sponsorship because of their image. Right. And, and the way they projected themselves. Sarah price. And going back to the people that have money, there's people that have a lot of money, that don't get it right. And there's people that have money, they get it, the mentees get it right. Strongholds, when they did their deal, they get it. One thing that I want to say about all that stuff is the same glue or conduit holds for all those people, whether they have money or not. They work their butts off. Yep. Like they are really hard workers. And they always have hustle, right, no matter who it is. And that's one of the things that I think anybody from the audience can take home with them. Just like Kyle does every day, just like be more than just like Eric does, just like you do can. If you work hard, and you have a plan, most of the time it will work out if you focus on it. That's two ingredients, right? Work hard and be a good person, right? Yeah, exactly. So hey, so when was the first time that you actually met Kyle, do you remember? Oh, man was a long time ago, man, you know what it was? It was with Jenny, you know, way back and we're gonna look at soil data and talking about working hard man. He's was the hardest working guys through, you know, working for Channy. You know, and, you know, managing that program. I mean, it was a lot of work. And you know, he got, he was up there setting the canopies up. He was out there laying the mast down, getting everything dialed in. And again, he probably didn't have to do it. They had enough money to pay someone else to do it. But Kyle was out there doing the work. Yeah. And you probably learned a lot during that time, too, right? Yeah, yeah, I learned a lot. And one thing with Adrian's program kind of there's no, not much of a job description for anybody. So everyone kind of does. Everything kind of gets fallen. So yeah, we were out there. We had set up we had teardown, we would run around like Canada. We see me just running around the pit, pulling out my hair pretty much I think, Oh wait, I got one question. Did you wear boots or flip flops? Because I've never seen you with any other flip flops? Flip Flops? Yeah, I can remember any Bucha flip flop guy over here. Yeah, it's on vacation all the time, but we're. So I think another thing we should do before More for Kyle's branding is maybe get like a flip flop patch for his outfit or flip flop patch some flip flops stickers for him so you can start passing them out when he goes down to Baja to race another 1000 has to be the right flip flops or has to be the Quicksilver one. You know though working hard man is crazy because I remember when Eric and Brian launched temp media man and it was it was a struggle to to launch it and man what they've done right they've made celebrities and stars they make those guys look good was Kim Kim block, I'm sure they've done stuff or Dan Brazilian, I'm sure they done stuff for BJ Baldwin and all the top guys right there behind the scenes and they don't get the credit right there. You know, I mean, you know, you see Ken Block doing, you know, some gnarly stuff, but it's these guys making it look even that much better. Right? I mean, it's cool, but they make it well, you know, just make it look, you know, five times cooler. So, man, it's, it's pretty awesome, man hats off to those guys, those media guys. And nobody really understands how hard these guys work. They're grinding, you know, in the dirt. You know, it's pretty nuts. So John Harper just commented in saying it's a 20 year overnight success, right? Like, that's just the way it works. But you guys love it. That's the best thing about it. Right? Like, we do love it. Yeah, I mean, the hustle never stops, like we, you know, it's always it's, you know, there's a time where you're like, Man, I really wish it would just slow down. And when it does slow down, you're eating yourself alive, because you're like, What am I doing? And that's how my brain functions elite, I'm, I'm very much I think I work my best 100 miles an hour. And you know, when it when you finally slow down, and you have time to think I think it's kind of lying to yourself up. And for me, at least this year, it's been, you know, the most as far as like, you know, I feel like we're doing, we're working on these massive projects. And we're doing really cool things. And, you know, we're, and but but a lot of it's like, man, like, you just get in the mental side of it, where you're just eating yourself alive. You're like, what am I doing? Like, you know, and it's not bad. It's weird, like, this year, for me personally, at least it's kind of in there, like, just trying to kind of find myself and see like, Okay, well, where where does this go? Now? What do we do? How do you kind of read, you know, not getting stagnant and trying to read reinvent the wheel to be better than everybody else? Or do you ever provide something different, right, like, and, you know, on our end, like, I feel like we have, obviously the most sophisticated equipment, I feel like we have the, you know, some of the best people out there. And so it's really trying to, you know, sell ourselves to these, you know, these companies to try to make this stuff happen. Because it's, you know, it's hard. It's tough. And as everyone knows, there's not a ton of money in offer raising. So, you know, we're trying to make that happen, you know, with the Fords and all these coding these companies coming in. That's kind of where, you know, where we're trying to get our feet in the door and the commercial side, we make all our money on the commercial side. Realistically, we do the off road stuff, because we just love it. Yeah, exactly. David vandal and just comment today in down from Australia. So teamwork makes the dream work. So yeah, we agree, man. But I think I'll probably operate more like 69 miles per hour. So I'm a little slower than being more like not quite as fast. My hustle is a little less strong than he is. But I agree with what he's saying. Right? Like that. That hard work really drives you and it goes to everything that you do. Like, I've always been impressed by your work ethic, Kyle, because you I mean, you didn't even know you were gonna start vision canopies, right? It just kind of, like, I don't want to say fell into your lap, you saw a nest a necessity for it. And you said, All right, I think people can get benefit from this by doing it better. Yeah, yeah. And then it just kind of popped. I mean, it almost feels like it popped up. I mean, now looking at all the work I've done doesn't didn't just pop up, but it feels like it just kind of naturally happened. Which I think is the best way and like, and that's why I always try to I try to be as involved with the sport as possible, because that's the fuel that goes and like, you know, like, like, be more of a saying like, you know, just like their stuff. A lot of the lot of the main finances behind it are commercial stuff. And same thing with me it's a lot of the main finance behind minor commercial stuff. That's not stuff that's extremely exciting for me. So that's why I try to get back into the sport and tie it back in always, always try to stay tied to the racing as much as I can with other race race teams with other people and with my racing with all that just to keep the you know, like the the tank full to keep on keep it's kind of like what why Hastings just commented and said he's if you're passionate about something, nothing will stop you from achieving that. Right? Like you just keep true. You never will give up. Right? Right. And failure is no option. That's the thing, right? Like, I will not fail. I will I think if you're like I said before, it's the doubters and people that said we couldn't do what we're doing and the people that that you know, are just constantly talk shit or whatever like that just fuels fuels us to work harder and at least for me, that's a big one for me negativity He is just such a good jeweler for me. Yeah, that's what happens when you know the top man trying to get you down. Right. One thing that I heard Ken, you'll probably get along with this is I heard Andy for Sela say the other day, the people that have a plan B are the people that are going to fail. You just have one plan and you just fucking kick ass until you get that goal, right? I mean, and again, you know, if you're passionate about your work, right? I mean, it's not work. So just, yeah, just me do what you love. Yep. So as far as like being able to relate a little bit of the simple stuff back to our audience can like, let's just say you're talking to me, I just got my first, side by side, I'm gonna start going out maybe doing a little bit desert racing or short course racing, whatever one I picked to do, actually, that you saw, of course, because it's a little bit more pits and stuff. Let's just say we're going to the short course races. It's gonna be my first race. Do I need a professional easy up then? Or like, how do I put it in my program? Like, where do you kind of advice can you give me to make it so that I kind of start things off on the right foot? You know, what I think is, before we even go to the race, I think you should have a plan, right? I think you should research it, I think you should go to the races to find out what people are doing. Understand what's happening, right? So you don't just go there with no information, right? Understand, you know, you know, get to understand, you know, laptimes get to understand the rules, right? Don't don't go to the race just I bought a car, I'm gonna start racing, right. Don't do that. Go in and and educate yourself. Yep. I agree with that. 100%. And then you can get visual cues to say, Wow, that was the best pitch. I want to be like that guy. Let's just say you walk by Rama Katherine's pits, or whoever it is like to, that's my goal. That's who I want to be. And then boil it back to her, boil it down to what you can actually afford to do. Maybe you can't afford to get a canopy right away. Maybe you can only afford the car. Maybe you can only afford one set of tires, wherever it is. And just keep building and inching your way up to that. Absolutely. Ask questions. The racers are most of the time. Cool. I mean, probably 99 out of 100 grazers are really cool. They'll tell you, Hey, I got my canopy here. This is what I you know I did for this, right? This is where I got my merch, they'll tell you because again, they want to promote or pimp their sponsors and say, Hey, or people that support them. So they're gonna lead you in the direction. So make sure you take notes when you go to an event. Right? And that's fantastic advice right there too. And like, if you had somebody like me, it was my first race and I came up and I was like, hey, you know what, I really can't afford afford a canopy. What do I have to do to get one you say, hey, you know what, we have this race or sponsor program or, Hey, you know what, maybe we can, you know, put our logo on the canopy, or you can give advice back to them as what can like lend a hand to what they're doing? Yeah, absolutely. I'm always looking to, like, help people out and like, figure out how we can co brand something. And, you know, I think if someone come came into, you know, I can't I can't quite afford this. It's either enter the race or, or buy a new canopy and like, you know, that is, I love hearing that because and especially when they come to me saying like, but I can offer this right, you know, you can offer I can offer, you know, I can't afford one, but I can I can help you chuck tried to sell three of them. Yeah. And like those are the people that I really like helping out. And, you know, I try to help out. Some kids. I've been trying to help some kids lately that they can't do the plan that it's like really hard working kids and they seem to try to they're not they're not looking for a free canopy. They're looking to expand, they're, they're looking to race and help out and partner up with me. And I really liked that. Because it's a long way. It's a win win, right? It's a give and take so you get to get some benefit from them and they get to get some benefit from you. Right? Yeah. wheels moving. So Lucero just joined us to talk with Cheryl Lucero was a big mountain bike guy. I don't know if you know who he is. But he worked on the goats. Rob McCracken struck for a long time. Yeah. And he's, he's also a big big Eli Tomac. guy. He lives. He lives man though. He used to ride mountain bikes with John What's up Lucero why Hasting dad's a two way street? Dude, you're right, man. It is a two way street. Both of these guys will tell you that. They've been on both sides of the spectrum to can use to talk with people and they would give him no answers all the time. And finally, you know, let's just say 10 years later, they need some from him so he gives them a yes answer they give them yes answer. It works both ways. It always is a two way street. You always want to again, try and pay it forward. Right try and, you know, like I said, be a great person try and help others right. You never know when it's gonna come back. You know, it's funny because I'm here today. We were at pro motocross this weekend. And you know, that's one of actually one of our you know, company accounts. Brittany Westhoff myself we got social media and we you know, did the promotion for that the online promotions and I had, you know, some tower passes some VIP passes. I had to in my pocket and it's funny because I was walking in and I was like I seen you know, Eric and Kyle. And, and I was like, Hey, let me you know, we just started chatting. I was like, here let me give you these passes. They were there for someone else. But man, these two are way more important than my and other people all handled but but yeah, man you know it was it was really cool and now I'm here today right and got me a free tomahawk steak man from that it paid off and now I'm on the dirt life show so oh look at that. So you're crossing all the T's and dotting all your gotten all your eyes. That's pretty cool. Yeah, so it really does work like that and I don't want to talk too much about the marketing stuff because that's not really let me we kind of already had a show on it but it really does benefit and I think that you as a racer and a business owner and the way that you're giving back is relevant to the stuff that we're talking about right but it really means a lot to the people that do you need something and that you can help with? So I'm proud of you for doing all that stuff. Yeah, thank you. I'm glad to do it. I stuff that people have helped me out in the past and stuff that I wish that people would have helped me out in the past I try to do that as much as I can to up and coming racers are established racers are, you know, there's always room to work together in this hole. So I'm gonna I'm gonna need a canopy for my 12 year build look for Bill. Oh, explores down we could probably talk about it. But that's how it works. You only knew the funny part about it was it took Kyle about, I don't know, 2.3 seconds to be able to figure out the marketing value that was in his eyes to be able to go back and tell you Yeah, what it's done. Let's talk about the journey. Man, I you know, I just got done with my five year build of my Nova man. It's it's been a journey. I was pretty awesome. stoked. And so by the way, so thank you. Yeah, we went to SEMA this last year. And, man, I've been a fan and going to SEMA for many years, many years, just supporting content, you know, getting content of other cars. And finally, I you know, we're able to be there in the box of booth and it was pretty awesome to be able to, you know, is that like a checkmark that you're like, Yeah, man. It was a major, you know, monumental deal. Like, I can't wait to feel that, man. I'm so pumped. So yeah, you're on your way. Did you on your way? Probably like three year, maybe three to five years, you'll be there? No, no, no, no. We're gonna say we should talk about can you know what I wanted to so so branding, right branding and logo. So let's go ahead and go back. I'm a New racer. And I want to approach Kyle, my advice to them would be like, hey, I want to get, you know, a vision canopy and, you know, Sky flags and tablecovers. My advice, though, is work on your logo, right? We're get your logo dialed in your presentation, and at least have that. Right. And again, just having your image and visualizing everything, whether it's your Chase truck, whether it's whatever it is, like, hey, you know what, I'm gonna go real big, and have all these assets, right? Have everything you can digitally render him now today, you can find someone that can render everything, make it make your vision, you know, there and then basically bring it to Kyle and say, okay, Kyle, here's my vision. And, you know, and Kyle says, Well, I can't build you the trophy truck and I can't you know, I'm not gonna get your airplane right your private jet but all your semi but hey, you know what, we can handle your canopies, we can handle your sky flags, your table covers your blow up inflatables, all the stuff that you want to have. So I would say be prepared, right? Rather than saying, Hey, can't pay Kyle, can you make me a canopy? Right? And then not have anything else past that? Right? And I'm sure you've had many people approach you like that companies or, you know, I'm gonna build a T Shirt Company, or where's your logo? Oh, no, yeah, that's really important and really shows the professionalism that you're bringing, and your preparedness and yeah, so do research. You know, get your ducks in a row, and then come to me and we can figure something out. Yeah, I mean, it's the same kind of thing. Like we always talk about it, just be prepared. Like, no matter what if, if you're going to ask for a canopy, you need to make sure that you have all your stuff there just like you would if you were going to the races, you'd make sure your lug nuts are tight. You'd make sure you fill the tires with air you make sure that your car is operating and it turns on right like right and again you know some advice if you want you're like hey, I kind of figured out how I want to get some free canopies. Man come to Kyle and say hey, you know what my business my uncle's business needs 100 canopies Can you hook them up and I guarantee will will give them a deal and give you a free canopy so right I mean absolutely yeah, right yeah, then the day I gotta keep the lights on so absolutely. But I tried to get back as much as I can. So again it goes back to ROI you know, and how does Kyle when and how do you how can you win and Kyle wins same time Yeah, totally. Alright can so we're gonna go to commercial break in just a little bit here. Can you give us any like stories that you remember with Kyle maybe when you guys were working together or doing anything together or even maybe like some from the races? Man is just you know, the wild man Cheney do this. That's the wild man. How much time do we have? Oh, yeah, you know what, and I I go back, you know, one thing that I think back to and you guys were talking about the barrel roll, right? And I think back about content and Eric, and you know, Brian will attest to this, right? I'm going to do a major stun. Okay, and I'm going to spend the money on the film guys, right? I'm going to have all that dialed in, we'll have a plan and have money for marketing that video, right? Don't Don't say, hey, you know what, I'm gonna spend 25,000 or$50,000 I'm making the most epic video. And then you're like, hey, well, what's the budget to promote it so people can see? And you're like, Ah, it's just gonna go viral? Yeah, I mean, I need budget for promotions and marketing. You know, again, you know, and again, it's all about pre promotions and marketing, you know, post promotion as well, you know, so it's again, you got to spend money afterwards, after the fact. Right? Yeah. It's like buying an all wheel drive Mason Trophy Truck and not having a crew not having tired not having spare parts, not having a semi not having anything. Hey, you know what, I got a, I got a trophy truck. But I don't have anything else. That's still looks really good. And you're you're totally right there, the follow through matters a lot. And when you're talking about spending money, like let's just say that I'm the new raiser and I don't have that money to spend, right? Well, I can still use my network. And I can still try to push it through people I can ask other companies like my sponsors, or people that know me to share it, I can ask all my friends to share it, I can call my family and ask them to share it. And absolutely, all of those things will trickle out and make it better utilize your network. And again, if you can't use the guys at temp media, there's this thing called an iPhone with the newest one. And you know, go ahead and start off with that first and then, you know, grow to these guys at 10. Right? But have the plan, right? And again, just make sure. Make sure you just like I said, planning, planning and preparation is the most important. You guys don't just show up to the, to the to the film location and just say, hey, you know what, I'm just gonna start shooting and turn the cameras on. You guys have a plan? Yeah. 100% the big one. Yeah, massive plans for you guys. And I wanted to mention it again. Always be yourself, guys. Always be yourself. So I know Ken, you got a busy schedule. Dude, I really appreciate you hanging out with us and throwing some knowledge out. Dude, you were awesome. Thank you. Thank you. Let me be honest with you guys. I wish to live would like to put them above my people on here. Bad word. Good. We'll try next time. Yeah, no worries. You want to throw a shout out to anybody been more? No, I just think so me and be on here. You know, I'm super stoked. And I cannot wait to like I said, my trip to be done. So I can we should be cool like everybody else. And, you know, we're getting there. So we're, we're ahead of the ball up. I'm this week, and then it's gonna be time to breathe for a little bit. We're gonna have a pretty hectic July. So when you guys head down to Baja? Well, think Thursday, Wednesday, Thursday. Well, I think we recruit leaving early and then we I know I leave I get there. Okay, I think I'll probably end up seeing you guys down there too. So all right, man, if we have if you guys aren't bit too busy doing all your work and stuff, and I'm not too busy. We'll go get some Tacos. Tacos is now my new favorite. Amen. I hope you guys I appreciate all right. Can you get a shout out so you want to throw out before we go to commercial break? Man, you know, thank you for having me on. It's pretty, pretty awesome to be able to be on here. Katie granola, thank you. I got to check out her Nico shop here today. And it's pretty, pretty awesome. Yeah, it's rad. Right? Yeah. Yeah, man. It's awesome. And again, CMP. You seen Eric and Brian Moore. Pretty awesome. And this guy right here, man. It's been a good day. So Cecil, thank you for the tomahawk steak. That was delicious. And the cherry cherry did look good. Yeah, that's a special sauce. I'm so high. I've been involved for a week that chimichurri. He's like, do stuff for me. I had to split. That was me. All right. All right. Well, thanks, Ken. We're gonna take a quick commercial break and we will be right back with more dirt life show are you guys on Instagram keep hanging out. We'll see you guys hello, I'm Justin, the founder of shock therapy. shock therapy has been around for five years, but we have personally been tuning suspension on off road cars and race vehicles for over 25 years. We tune between 10 and 15 cars per day, every single day of the week. Our concentration is tuning shock systems and supplying components that improve the ride quality of your car in many ways. Not only do we work on the average UTV, but we also tuned suspension for race teams and professional drivers. We currently tune for over 87 race teams invest in desert and score. Our clients and race teams rely on our suspension components to allow them to win races and keep them safe. Suspension is a moving target, we are always trying to hit that target with every customer that we work with. each customer's needs can be different and we tune our kits accordingly. Our research and development never stops. We improve our components every single day as the industry evolves and improves. So do our parts and kits. As of right now we have over 100 products for UTVs. So when you bring your car to us, you have the satisfaction of knowing that you have the most experience the highest quality products, and the fact that your car is being tuned specifically to you. The new code shooter from evolution power sports puts the power of ECU tuning right in the palm of your hand. Available for can and Polaris the industry's most innovative app based ECU tuning device lets you flash your vehicle's ECU, read and reset diagnostic codes and monitor critical live engine data all from your smartphone. Additional code tutor features for cannamd include optional dash flash real time monitoring of air fuel ratio and belt temperature and adjustable launch control for the ultimate advantage off the line. Code shooter unleashes the full potential of your vehicle putting you in complete control wherever Wi Fi access or 4g cell service is available. No more waiting. No more sending in your ECU download connect flash drive, the power of ECU tuning in the palm of your hand. at EVO power. music is a powerful force. It can turn a morning commute into an inspirational wake up call and a road trip into an unforgettable journey. It provides the backdrop for epic moments and makes every mile more enjoyable. At JL Audio our love of the musical experience drives us to pursue great audio. It's not just about being loud. It's about dynamic accuracy, intricate detail, and a complete immersion in the spectrum and texture of the music and the space it inhabits. Introducing JL audios latest endeavor in our pursuit of great audio, a complete family of car amplifiers that combine powerful digital audio technology with exceptionally clean power, all controlled from an intuitive interface. It's our most ambitious and sophisticated project ever. VSI from JL Audio, great audio simplified. Zondra racing builds the best aftermarket products available products for your UTV or snowmobile, including billet radius rods, billet tie rods, built in steering knuckles, billet steering racks, alternator kits, and much more. All manufactured in the United States in house at their headquarters in Nibley, Utah, Travis Hollinger and his team test in some of the most brutal conditions, racing in places like the best in the desert mint 400 Ultra for King of the hammers, UTV world championships, and many more. Visit Zoolander racing and use the code dirt life to get 10% off your next purchase and join us on social media at Soldier racing products to see our products in action zones or racing the best products period finally we got Lance from solder weld in the studio. Thanks for coming down but why don't we just record a commercial now? Yeah, why not? So good to be here man. It's been a lot of trying to get down here for ever and wanted to talk about the off road kit dude, I love those things. I got it in my pack. Yeah, we're running hundreds of vehicles now running them whether it's a UTV or some guys got an A backpack on was motocross He's got everything he needs to make a fix right there on the fly out on the trail or in the desert whatever it is, well since I've already used when I kind of know what to use it for but explain what it does. Alright, so let's pull one out real quick. You've got your aluminum rods remember their rods, right so you know light torch, small torch, you can throw it in there, throw it on the rig with your flocks, it decontaminates and cleans, like let's say a radiator. You get a random rock chip runs through as your race and you get a rock chip and radiator you got fix it right there. You're out of the race so you can patch it up and patch it up. Good to go. Yep, just like welding. Yeah, also as well with that you've got a brake line fix. So with your flux, you can fix a brake line stainless steel, steel, and then your hot block heat absorption, buddy. So yes, you from getting burned. Number one, as well as keeps the heat from traveling. So what it's really, really not to use, it's not even to fix anything. So it's that stuff works. So good, man. Listen, it's easy. It's it straps in nicely so that you will have everything you need in one little place. And you don't have to carry a big bag. And it's like a first aid kit for your vehicle. Yeah, Chase trucks have it as well. So that, you know, if they need to make a fix on the fly, they can get it done and get it done quick and get you back in the race. Those things are so cool. All right. So at solder weld on Instagram, Facebook and Awesome. All right. Thanks, buddy. Appreciate it. And now back to the dirt life show. Yay. Yeah, we are back for episode 131. of dirt life show. We appreciate you guys hanging out and hanging with us tonight. Man. Steve really wants to get on with those limited dream he loves. We can't do it because we don't have enough bandwidth. But we appreciate it. Maybe next time, we can do it when we have a little bit better internet connection. But yeah, thank you guys very much. I really want to again, say thank you to all of our armed servicemen that pay the ultimate sacrifice today's Memorial Day. We're all celebrating, having a good time and a lot of people at the lake all having fun during the weekend and on this Monday. But we really, really want to make sure that we're giving a shout out to those people and their families. We really appreciate everything that they do to help us with our freedom in this country. So all right back to Episode 131. We have Kyle Aaron's Berg vision canopies. And now we have Katie fanola joining us Hi, Katie. Hey, what's up, guys? Thanks for having me. Yeah, we're stoked to have you man. Did you like the food that was prepared by Cecil? Yes, He always spoils us. So happy to have him come here except. Oh, man. I don't think I can make it like that again. A lot. Right. Well, this chimichurri sauce, dude. Alright, so what was the first time you met Kyle? Oh, boy, maybe 10 years ago? Longtime friend? Yes, a little bit. I've known his wife since high school. And we're at an off road show. And she's like, I got this new boyfriend. You know? Whoa. Everyone knows racing. Right? Let's do this. Drill him and he passed the test. Nice. That's cool. So I want to actually bring that bring that up. Because it was one of the things that I had on my list is so was it been over a year that you've been married Avalon now? Right? Yeah. Almost. Almost almost a year timber will be Oh, okay. Cool. dang good. Is coming out quick, then. Yeah, it's like crazy how fast one by does it mean that you have like all this pressure on you to have like a good first anniversary now? Katie's over there saying? Yeah, absolutely. I'm coming along. being created. Oh, really? Yeah. No way that actually pretty fun. Are you gonna go to Korea to then Katie? Absolutely. That'd be cool. And it's still on my bucket list to go to. Ms. Chap says, Hi, Katie. Alright, so along with some of the stuff that we've been talking about, like we've been talking about self promotion, how, you know, Vision canopies ties in and giving back to the off road world and stuff like that. What are some of the things that you've done throughout your motorsports racing career, that kind of align with what we've been talking about that Kyle helps with now, a couple words that come to mind as look good, feel good, do good. Something that has stuck with me along the racing years, we all want to do our absolute best out on the racetrack. However, everyone has their good days and bad days. When you have your bad days, you want to make sure you're looking good still, because no matter what people are always going to be taking pictures. And I just got to keep the positivity going. So if your look good out on the racetrack look good off the racetrack. And you are confident and you're having fun and passionate about what you're doing. You attract the people that want to help you and you help them and it becomes a real circle the way yeah, like it all. It all comes together. Right? Like and I agree with that. 100%. And you know, when it goes back to my dirt bike days, you could probably get along with this. Kyle is like, I was a little kid, you know, I think I got my first dirt bike when I was 12 or 13. Right. But like, I wanted to make sure that I made it mine. Like I wanted to put my cool stickers on it. I wanted to have the coolest outfits. Like all of that stuff meant so much to me because I thought the exact same way Katie did the cooler I looked, the better the better. I felt you know what I mean? Just taking pride in it. Yeah. And then you feel like you get up on the starting line. You're like, Yeah, I'm the bomb and like you get out there and start shredding. It's so fun like that. So I agree with that wholeheartedly. But there's a lot that comes along with that though, right? And you have to make good decisions you have to associate with, you know, good companies like Kyle's company to be able to execute on all that stuff. But when you first started, you started from the ground up. And so how did you approach it? Like you said, I truly had no background in racing whatsoever never read in a dirt bike quad. Still haven't. And I look into this as if anyone wants to try to do something you want to try to do it. However, with racing, there's no entry level of hey, let's go pretend this is a race. Yeah, there really isn't any of that out there. So it was very scary. All or nothing, a lot of a lot of failures. That's absolutely sure. However, just go out there and try and I thought, no, this doesn't work out for telling my car's broke over and no one will ever know. And ever since then, I just kept on trying and trying and fails in between way have gotten to where I had nothing. barely afford the razor, let alone the trailer came on. It's so crazy, though, right? What's up, Jeff? How are you guys? Hopefully you guys can make it back from the airport. You and Vicki. So Hi. Glad you guys are watching and joining the show. But Kyle so when you see the determination and the passion that somebody like Katie has, that's gotta be like a cool attraction because it's like, wow, I can actually see the passion in her eyes that she wants to do this so bad. Like, I want to help that. Yeah, absolutely. And like it's just crazy what all that brings. I mean for ketamine chi created from nothing created the massive program she has. I mean, this is Ray shop. I mean, her Nico are absolute experts with Polaris vehicles and any really any UTV vehicle. I mean, they already taught me like 10 things. I had zero ideas even existed on razors today. Yeah, I mean, it is just hard to believe that she came from square one at one point because she's, there's so knowledgeable about it. And it's just awesome. Because, I mean, Katie does it just is the face that shows up to race. I mean, she's out here in the shop every day working wrenching. Yeah, they were hustling already today, too. Yep. That's cool that you got you associated with them now to be able to help your program. Yeah, I couldn't do without them. Not even close. I mean, I came into this thing and this thing popped up on race desert and the first person I call was Katie, Nika. Like, should I do it? Oh, to like, get a new car or something to get into the whole UTV world because I was did the truck stuff and, and they came down and looked at it, and it was right. It was a good fit, and then just kind of snow moving thing you wanted to go UTV racing, or No. Um, well, like the UTV stuff is always fun. I've always had them to play around in and stuff like that. I gotta say you TVs always be sucking people in. Always. Yeah. And then I did a few races with Katy. And every time I came out of the car, it was always a ton of fun. There you go. So big UTV guy over here. Yeah, kind of turned out that way. Nice, dude. Well, I'm glad that you are in the ATV scene now because it makes it so that I can watch somebody grow with our program. You're obviously doing a fantastic job you've been? Well Katie, you're probably proud of him. He's been winning races lately likes like really doing good and short course. And doing well. It doesn't now to I'm not gonna lie. I do tear up a little bit. Really. I mean, it just means a lot to see someone that has watched the sport so many years. And to get into it. It's a whole nother animal. I mean, it looks like a lot of fun. But you tie in down there. Your nerves are going your blood pressure's in the air. And so it's a lot more than what it looks. Yeah. And so for him to get in the seat a couple times. I I was I was screaming, that's for sure. Super, super excited. And you were probably stoked to see everybody like pumped around you. But how did it feel for you like when you came home with your first short course victory? Now I felt great. The short course thing is hard. Yeah, really hard. Like, it's intense to it's very intense. And just the how the track changes in the car changes and everything like that. So just being able to go run the car. Well for that hard because I don't think my car had ever even finished the race before. Katie Nico had lay their hands on it like literally. Yeah. And we should kind of talk about that a little bit to the difference between short course and desert racing to so like, I always called short course like MMA with wheels, right? Like, because you're just battling and it's so intense. And every single lap is 110%. Like, I don't know what you want to call it like level of focus and execution because you're just wide open the whole time. And not that desert racing isn't any like it's just different, right? Like, and so you have to have that same level of focus, but you can dial the pace back you can have more logistical changes you can have more games being played like all of these different things, right. So don't know man when I first saw when I saw you when your first short horse race I was pumped because that's a new level of driving and expectations for yourself. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I was I was really be pumped to and I mean, definitely a team effort as weird as a short course doesn't seem as much or doesn't look on outside as much as a team effort. I think it's every bit of a team effort as desert racing or any any form of racing is just because I mean, it takes so much to get into like, not just the driving but the having the car run the whole time and kill mode at for 20 minutes and it was a hunt. I think there's 100 degrees or something like that. Probably 100 Sneeze your last. Yes, exactly. And it's probably 140 in the car. You're like, dead, like just heat and exhaustion stuff. We got to get you guys lined up with the fluid logic guys. They have some really cool stuff that really helps out with your body and focus and stuff like that. So yeah, but yeah, man, Cali Boise tech says I'm hoping to go to at least one deep before race this season. Hope to race against vision canopies did yeah, competition are better. Yeah, come out and trying to get it. So more people come out to these races, gentlemen, you know, yeah, right. And Tommy do a good job with TV four. They're fun. They're really fun. It's a lot of new TVs out there. And it's really cool that you TVs are the only thing out there. You don't have to worry about a 6000 contract coming up on you. Yeah, it takes away the stress of being out on the track with all these other vehicles. It's, it's a good, it's a good series, and I'm a big proponent of trophy trucks. I love them by and all the big cars, but dude, they tear up the tracks on the and the UTVs have to go through that stuff. It's so crazy, man. So what's some of the stuff that you guys have planned to be doing more deeply for stuff like short course stuff? Yeah, I mean, we're going to do more short course stuff. I want to get out to the Midwest and try that I just had to kind of get my feet wet out here and try to you know, learn learn a whole new form of racing. Yep. But we're gonna go out to the Midwest and try to hit that and do some champ races. We're helping with the Outlaw Series in Texas, and we're helping with that last series coming out west to you guys. It'll be awesome to see you guys come out some of those races to definitely a bucket list. There are some of the tracks are gnarly. They're building a new track at Oak Hill for the Texas series. It's like Dude, it's like chocolate cake. The dirt. Like I might have to come out of retirement for that bad boy. It looks so cool. Like moto track with side by sides to be so sweet. Yeah, I'm up to all forms. Like how do you think your skill levels we get now like you think you're kind of building on or like I think a lot of it is is tracking. We raised the Glen Helen and you know, I've seen too many races like Glen Helen, because I've been part of the short course stuff for so long. So my confidence level on Glen Helen was definitely much much higher than the Victorville Yeah. But because you have a little bit more time there You mean I just I know the line from watching 1000s or hundreds of pro for racers out there. Yeah, exactly. So but by the car controls getting there I want to try to practice some more but but it's only gonna get there if I go out there and throw myself in with it with the guys who are really good with the Midwest guys are really really good they are there's a lot of really good drivers there. I mean, and honestly like I feel like the off road scene short course or desert like everything is getting so like legitimized and tie in the battles and all this stuff. Yeah. I don't know if it's Patti or Chris, but they commented in laser racing services a DP four is awesome. It really isn't good series arrays to add, I always suggest on camping and yeah, it's a whole weekend of fun. When are you going to get in the car next, Katie? You know, I'm trying to get in soon here. surgery took me back a little bit. But um, I'm getting ready to get back in the driver's seat here soon. Yeah, that'd be nice to see you back in there. And plus, along the way, even if you can't get in tomorrow, you can help out with Kyle's program. You can still be at the races and you can still mingle with everybody and say hi, it's super cool. Yeah, it's crazy how life things happen. One thing took me out but Kyle said hey, what do you think about doing this spa? 1000 raise for like sure ha whatever. You know, we're talking about it. No, it literally took us two weeks. I'm sorry, not took us. That's all we had. We had a lot more time. So with him this little phone call laughing jokes of talking about it turned into this. And now we have I call it the vision canopies, crusaders fleet here. And that's cool. I like it. But that goes back to what Ken and I both Eric were saying earlier and even Brian too is just like being a good person. Right. So now you've like made these decisions. You made lifelong friends. And now you're sharing resources. Now you're sharing effort levels. And now you're like building this thing together. Like, to me as a human being not even being a part of your race team. I think that's fantastic. Because I love seeing the smiles on your guys's faces. Oh, it makes it I mean, like you guys were talking about earlier. You're not working a day in your life if you're enjoying what you're doing. Yeah, and having our friends with us definitely makes those blood sweat and tears couldn't say it any better. I mean, that's off road racing for us and to be able to do it with our friends. You know, make Still a little bit better when those tough days come because you know, we all want to win. But things happen. We can't make it that way. But so I'm excited to get in this car soon. And I don't know we'll have to race against each other and see what happens. Oh, yeah, these cars both the same you guys gonna be on the track at the same time? Oh no, that was kind of a little bit of a thought. Maybe we're gonna have to have a recap on this conversation. Oh, we're gonna have to have team tactics like f1 now. They're helping each other out. Yeah, that's what they said. I think it's so funny, though. Like how that stuff works out and not to get too far off subject, but like, Chieko having to let Max bio couple races ago and now Chieko winning now. It's like, oh, did we make the right decision? Or do we shoot ourselves in the foot like Red Bull has to be like double checking themselves? Right? Yeah, they're doing good there right now. So they are really doing good. Yeah, I could just see that. battling it out for first and second place at a raise. That'd be so funny. I mean, he really fun. I mean, yeah, I mean, I think we both have a good time. Yeah, but I can guarantee like, all of you guys are thinking like, crap. We're gonna go balls to the wall. And then who's gonna work on the car on Monday? He goes, Man, were you pulling his hair out? Please don't break it, both of you. That would be hilarious, man. But it would be cool to see right? Because you guys would be like, Oh, we're the team to beat right. So yeah, that'd be fine. But hopefully, now this part of the year has been all the longer races start coming in. So the you know, up until now, it's been the ones we've done have been shorter races. So it's hard to have multiple drivers in there. But but now the long races are coming on. Hopefully, we'll just you know, pick which car we want to run it in and then just get a, you know, a steam up and go run it. Craig Spitz come out to he's been Oh, cool. Yeah. I think he logged on earlier. But yeah, so what's so kind of going back and what I was asking, so Vegas, Reno, maybe? Or like, what kind of races? Do I really want to do the Baja Nevada? I really like you know, best. And there's a great series with legacy. I really like you know what they're doing. And I partner in that series as well. So want to go out and everything that I heard from that race last year, everyone said it was one of the most fun right? Yeah, hold on. I heard it was a super cool race. Yeah. So I really want to try it. I think I think that'd be a fun race to go start our long races for the year. Does that mean that you set up vision canopies and branding, get all your sponsors all taken care of? And I'm happy? Absolutely. Where we go being tight. Hold on. Perfect. Yeah. So I'm stoked to see that you guys are doing all this stuff, man. And the level of effort that you guys are putting into this program is pretty phenomenal. Like, it takes a lot to do this, right. And I know from personal experience, like we were operating my professional short course program out of a three car garage, we had like at 1.6 cars on it, you know what I mean? Like, it's a lot of work to be able to do it. So I think the most important thing for me though, is that you guys are giving back to the community while you do it. Right? You guys aren't being selfish about it, you guys are being good human beings in general. Well, the races, we all plan and prep to try to be there and win. Obviously, that's everyone's plan. But when we're out at the races have something happens, or you know, someone's having any issues. When I first started racing, I didn't know what I was doing. And when someone would come help, I would just be overwhelmed with joy, thankful if it was good advice or bad advice, taking that and try to have anything was helpful. And so to be able to learn from all of our, I say mistakes, failures and putting it into his team, our team that we've kind of created from learning all these small things that no, we raised Lucas Oil regionals when the razor 901st came out. And that was the head honcho, and to see how far I mean you've come and how far we've gone and taking these things. It's kind of crazy to see but it's a full circle of Yeah, but now you're giving advice to him and you're helping to escalate his program, so maybe he doesn't have to step on his feet or make those same mistakes. Like that stuff means a lot like and it's really cool that you're able to do that because you still have the same humble mentality to be able to help Kyle's program so that means you're both they're gonna learn together that much quicker. Yeah, cuz he pushes the car really, really hard. And you know, I'm not as consistent as you know, some of these guys out there. Not racing for that as long so to get in the driver or ride with him summon him ride with me we learn a lot and vice versa. Yeah, totally. Kelly boys, AZ tech says enjoys doing the AMA district 38 stuff for his rookie year and then John from Desert squadron also commented and said that you and your co driver I forgot what your co drivers name, Craig Smith. Yes. Greg Spence are fantastic. And especially because John's a big trophy like guy so yeah, I met the whole Spitz family out in trophy light, and they're great family and good people. Yeah. And Craig rides with me a lot and then drives and longer races with us. And he's, you know, a great wheel man and nice because I can, like he tells me what to do in the car. So like, I just trust him completely in the car, which is, is he gonna change your tires fast? I don't like tacos. Like, I need to know all the backgrounds on this guy right here. I don't think I've got any flats. Craig. Yeah, dude, right here. Here we go. Yeah. I may have maybe, I don't know. That'd be a fuse holder. Pretty good. Yeah, that's a good dude. Sponsor plug. We're gonna go in. Perfect timing. Yeah, so actually, that brings up a good point then. So you're kind of fresh in your UTV prowess, and your UTV racing career, we'll call it. So what have you learned up to this point, because we just gave a couple examples with Ken Like, like, let's just say I was going to enter my new UTV racing program or whatever. You basically did that. Right. So what are some of the things that you've learned along the way? Paris about for the right people? Yeah, like we were, you know, my wife and I are so lucky to have Katie Nico's friends is going into it. Because they're just like, an encyclopedia of knowledge with these things, especially the player says, which that's platform I want to go after. Yep. So it is. It's, you know, here's all the right people, number one, have a plan number two, and just, I mean, just do what you got to do to get it. Yeah. So make sure that you have the execution portion of it be accountable for what you guys do, even if it's a failure or a win and be accountable for it. Pair yourself with the right people. And so it must feel good for you to Katie, because I mean, that's that's a really cool thing. Like you're helping another racer in his program. Now him saying that a lot. I'm like, Wait, is that me? And he goes over here being like, Dude, I gotta work on all these cars. Katie's gonna have to help me like we got a lot of work to do, girl. I mean, it wasn't easy. Definitely took a lot of hate. A lot of negativity, being a girl, not race or no racing background. And so I think it doesn't matter what it is. Yeah, you just have to go at it. Yeah, always go out of, you know, forward or whatever you call it. Yeah. But it's cool that he's like approaching you guys to help manage the program now. So that has to feel pretty good. Oh, yeah. Super, super thankful. I never thought in a million years that someone would, you know, trust me with their fleet. I barely knew what I was doing when I first started. So yeah, it does feel really good and nice to know that all of our hard work is paying off slowly. We are in a big shed at the farm. But hey, I'll take it whatever we do to go play. So one of the things that I noticed for like myself personally is like over the past you know, I've been a racer almost my whole life, right started with dirt bikes, and then bicycles and then side by sides. And then now I'm kind of doing a little bit behind the scenes. Right. And so one thing that I've noticed is I get a lot of enjoyment still, of doing work behind the scenes, whether it's media work, or whether it's helping pre run like I did last week and all of these different things right. Like I still get like, I'm passionate about it right? Is that still line up with what you're doing when you see him being super successful? Oh, yeah. When we get in the car, and he's ready to head out. I'm trying not to be in his wife's way giving them hugs and kisses goodbye. But I'm, you know, I'm making sure his Parker pumpers on and everything because I know what it feels like, yeah, you want to have that done. So I just have a mental checklist that's been created throughout the years of racing. And if I could do those things to help him not have to worry about those little things and just focus on, you know, getting in the car, it makes a huge difference. Focus on the business of being heavy with the right foot. Yes, I mean, it's always not about I did a lot of coaching with Troy Adams. He said, Okay, everyone could go fast. But it's how good you could break. Yeah, exactly. Your brakes. You know, everyone could go as fast as a car could go. But so yeah, it's it's a lot of different things. But I don't know, I think we're doing good so far. Yeah, I think you guys are doing good. And one thing that I noticed, especially with the newer players, razors, and stuff like that, especially with turbos and stuff is not to get too technical, but like rolling speed, right? So when you let off the gas and you keep the rolling speed, so instead of letting all the way off and letting the secondary clutch disengaged, engage, you can keep it going. Just that that little spot and it'll never ever disengage so you can keep that rolling speed like little stuff like that. Always helps, man so I'm stoked. You guys are learning all that stuff together. Who would have thought just barely a little bit touchy touchy. Very gentle. You wouldn't think you'd be gentle with gas or brake. But did you learn a lot of stuff like that from what they experienced? Yeah, I mean, just so much little stuff and And then they take it apart and they're like, Oh, we're hard on this or harder than that. And like, you know, mazing little stuff would be so aggressive. All right, or just hitting rocks or hitting whatever to Well, here we notice a lot of people, for example, you know, in the trucks as you want to trail brake. Yeah. And, you know, I'm, I've been really lucky and fortunate with my clutch setups, that I haven't had too much failures, but just crazy to think that little, that little adjustments, and it's really hard to explain, because when you explain about the belt driven, it's kind of technical, unless you really know what it's about. So it's, uh, it's kind of interesting. But yeah, that's cool that you're able to share that information with. Yeah, it's cool that you're able to share that information with Kyle though and it get kind of put you on the fast track to be better, right? Yeah, totally. Because I came from a world like Chuck like the trophy light world, which is really fun platform. Yeah, but your pin and you're shifting the whole time. Yeah, you ring those things neck and tell it until it hits the rev limiter the whole time. And I mean, you just I mean, you can't drag those things hard enough ever. Yeah, exactly. And and they just take it, there's an overbuilt chassis with a way underpowered motor and then these things it's, it's a little different. Because the power to weight ratio, there's way more power than the fast Yeah, then you really can use or you should be using when you go into some sections. So yeah, it depends. John Harper just said left foot break. Yes, of course, he left foot break, but dragging the break is not very good with the CVTs. So maybe not left foot, brake drag. But there is a lot of stuff that you can do that can I can help out. Maybe we should have a show one of these days on just technique, man. Because even his pre running and talking with a lot of people in Baja last week, like, there was so many things that I forgot that I knew until people asked me those questions. And I was like, Man, that's cool. I feel cool now because I can share the expertise that I've learned over the years. It made me feel really good about it. So and everyone has all different opinions. So it's nice to hear someone say Oh, well, I don't drive like this. Because you know, axles usually break when you're on the gas and they land on the air. And so everyone has different ways of doing things. And it's really interesting to see like, oh, well, if I tried that, I thought I would break Yeah, maybe I shouldn't try that. And you know, maybe it will catch you. But it's it's so cool to see those totally different tips and tricks and clutching is everything. Yeah 100% But I like how well you're thinking though, too, because you can use anything as even if it's a bad thing that somebody tells you to be like, No, I'm good. Like I'm not gonna do that. But you remember it right? Or like it's advice and you can apply it to your program however you want to do it. Mattie William I think it is it is that one of your guys buddies. He's from New Zealand ama oh wait I want to I want to go to New Zealand. So maybe he maybe he can hook us up with some passes because I want to go over to Dan. Yes, please. I would love technics episode. All right. Well, we'll think about it Kelly, Boise tech remind me send me a DM right now and let me know it'd be cool to do a technique step technique episode on a side by side perspective, a truck perspective. Open like a class 10 car perspective. That would be cool. But we're gonna have to get a bunch of people because I'm only side by side guy. No driving techniques, but I've only drink. I have never driven a trophy truck. I've just sat passenger. Yeah, no, he's just be interesting to hear four different people talk about four different to that same line, the same place in the desert, but everyone has a different perspective of looking at it. I feel like it just pre running in Baja, like I feel like the trophy truck guys are just completely mashed over everything just squashing bumps. Just crazy driving through the amount of stuff and then you hear they're like hey, yeah, I was doing 115 120 through that and you're like, Oh my God. Yeah, I was thinking 35 was way too hard on my back. pullers is can really take you anywhere. There's not a job. That's too tough. Our however, it doesn't matter. The suspension. Yeah, not that young anymore. So we were doing the pre running last week. It was kind of cool, too, because like we were thinking I was tracks from you suit. Well, it was super rough. But like our average speed was almost 10 miles an hour quicker than what we thought it was gonna be. So we're actually doing pretty good. And you guys are the San Felipe San Felipe area. We did both. We did. Yeah, we did about I think almost 800 900 miles in three days. So we did a lot. It was cool, though. We saw a lot of stuff. And it was neat for me because a lot of those sections I had never been on to Oh, it was rough. Oh god, why it wasn't in the rough like loop part of it. And there was some that was going down the gas lines headed back up towards the windmills and stuff that was like pretty rough. But that was about it. So it's going to be a cool course for the Baja 500 This year, that's for sure. I wish you guys were able to go down there. But I know you guys got your program to work on. Yeah, yeah, we just I think we were talking about it earlier in the year but the main one, I mean, other did 1000 again, get the team back together. Last year. It was fun and do that peninsular run is gnarly this year. Just because it's a loop it'd be way less logistics for first ball, homerun. 1000. Yeah, they get me to do it. Little did I know it was 1227 7075 Miles time. So 175 Yeah, it was long. Like the hardest part was just staying up the whole time. I remember saying, hey, let's hit let's go drive to Cabo. Yeah, exactly. The summer rocker says, how about some Jeep speed love. I don't know too much about Jeep speeds. But I love all those guys take a beating you there? Well, it's amazing how fast those cars can be. The jeep. So you guys. Yeah, I think that class has been around for a long time. I still don't know too much about it, man. So maybe I can get some education from rocker. That'd be cool. Yeah, those cars are they they? You see him out on the course. And they surprise me every time I do not think. You know, stock looking. I mean, so So most wants to get to where it can be built. I hope so. I was gonna say, Yeah, but those things skewed across pretty good. I know that class has been in there for hey, let's talk a little bit about the Baja 1000 that you guys did since we're talking about Mexico racing like so. How do you guys even come up with it like, Oh, we're just gonna go down there and do it. Ricky is Rick Johnson. Yeah, he's excited me for that one. Yeah, Hurricane Rick Johnson. Yeah, Rick and Brenda. They were just like, you guys gotta go do it. Yeah, yeah. I mean, close to them and their son Louis, for for some time now and ran into Rick and he was actually at the UTV world after I got this car got wrapped up, put it in the in the booth. And he was like, he's a genius, this years. And I'm like, yeah, just got it. And then he's like, let's race 1000 Oh, God, I'm like, okay, dude, let me let me see. And then that stemmed from there. But I've always, I always want to do a race with Rick. I'm like, the total likes sourpuss. Like if he had asked me, I'd been like, Nah, shut down. Like, no, I can't believe that. You were just like, well, maybe it was like, I'm gonna thanks fine. I mean, I got spares. And not not knowing like the whole car had to be changed to be survived 1000 Because it's still wrapped. We got the car. And Rick is like, Mr. Baja, like, you know, we're still talking about ambitious. Yeah. Yeah, that's questioning our friendship. Two weeks to prep this car. I don't want to leave us stranded. But we're still friends. I think the next day or two days after we went actually, like actually tested the car for the first time. And oh, my gosh, Miko and Katie came back with with pages of stuff to redo on it. And it was worth it. Yeah, they did it and we Yeah, made the whole way. Okay, so when you guys went down there did you guys already have a plan? Who was gonna drive what like? Like everything was all set. I did not know that. I was gonna be racing the night sections. Otherwise Oh, yeah. We did it by miles. Not by not by not by time. I've never raced down here. I've been fortunate to vacation but I guess I'm I'm wanting to do it. I'm sure whatever you say voice. I don't want to be the one that's like a Debbie Downer. But I won't race at night. Like I just won't. I probably wouldn't have been gung ho but hey, that's cool, though. You guys completely. So what section did you do Kyle? I did this star. Nico hopped in with me. Start to to 20 to 30 or something like that. And then and then Katie hopped in with Jesse Newton. I just met him so that was a great ride. We Yeah, he had a nice new clean. He had a nice new clean helmet. And then yeah, oh, no. And then they unfortunately had the part failure on the worst spot possible for the whole whole tire. 12 175 miles. Yeah, just five miles don't break there. And of course, so let's go there. And then. Yeah, so you know, I think it was five hours probably. Where was that? Did you say on the tractor tractor trailer as I was driving down the mountain. Their goals are white and blue wheel like how many white and blue wheels are there? It was very shocking, because we are just going on about 100 miles an hour. Oh man road and I'm so thankful. I mean, not thankful but thankful it happened where it did because it could have been much worse. Yeah, that would have sucked. Um, yeah, that was a bummer. But we we got to go to put together somehow some way we did. And so you guys got you switched four times. So it was so Katie, and Jesse gotta go and again they hopped back in, completed their section and then it was Rick Johnson hopped in with Craig Spitz writing and then they did their they As essentially finished the night out, or night into the morning, so they had all the fog. And then, and then Craig went from the passenger seat over to the driver's seat. Oh, he did a double stent. Yeah, gnarly, triple. Whoa, yes, St. 20. These are 22 or 23 hours. Oh, my God. Craig's been a part of all my Baja 1000 failures. So it was like, I was like, Craig, well, you got to finish the race with me. We gotta cross the finish line together. Because like we've, we've Oh, so you took the last step? Yes, I took the last 10 as well. And he hopped back back in the passenger seat for that. So he's probably already been in the car for 18 and a half, 19 hours, and then you're just like, hey, you know what, we can go through this 10 miles of oops, it's not gonna be fine, right? You're not tired. And yeah, and the car was tired? Definitely. But then he hopped in with me, oh, Craig's very, very, they're all the time. And he was blown bubbles. Really? Like he's saying stuff. It's like, we're both kind of kind of out of it. But we were saying stuff. And it was like, Hell took us 36 hours. Yeah. And then all of us were a lot of people. It took a long time. Yeah. But he was saying, I think after the second one, he's like, I don't think I'll give you a ride with you. And then like, he took a little break when he went, got a coffee looked at him. It's like, yeah, you know, you got to cross the finish line with me. He just knew he needed just a little bit of energy. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, so he's a beast. Yeah, we made it and. And then. Yeah, after we got a little bit arresters actually seemed fun. It that's cool, though. Yeah. I mean, well, it actually seemed fun. Yeah, like 1100 miles into this thing. And you're like, I'll kill me now. But I gotta finish. Yeah, totally. I love Hey, definitely love it. I feel like that's like everybody in Baja, though, man. So you think you are gonna do the 1000 this year? That's the plan to do 1000 again this year. That's cool, man. And now you've got a little bit of expertise under your belt too. Yeah, excuses. Yeah. And having a loop race, I think will help a lot. That is gonna be like, Yeah, I'll do the whole thing. No problem. He's like, 20 I think it was 2122 hours in so I mean, I mean, my first session was 13 hours. And I was surprised that you guys were still my friends. I cannot imagine kudos to Craig. Yeah, that is pretty cool, though. So like, not to shift gears that much, but like, you've driven quite a few different off road vehicles. You do have a short course desert. What's been one of the favorite ones that you've driven in trophy lights to Yeah, I mean, I've had a lot of fun in these in these UTV views in fact, you can go anywhere and they and like it's really weird concept to think about where you point the wheel the cargos Yeah, like most trucks not it's not the case that I've driven you know, you're chasing it. It's you know, job you like to short wheelbase or narrow so you're always trying to find, you know, he's trying to be in the right one side and the wrappings you can't fit both sides on the wrath of judo. And he hasn't know where the next corner is. So you can swap it. Yeah, exactly. It kind of feels like driving a motorhome to through the desert. But like these things, you know, the Desert Car I've always had a blast and but this short course car. sighs Oh my gosh, yes. So fast. Yeah, it is just a complete rocket ship. I'm glad that you get to do both, like short course and desert. Like, I feel like that's a dream for a lot of kids. Yeah, yeah. I mean, that was that was Yeah. A lot of adults too. Yeah. It's, it's really fun. Now that I got the right equipment to do it and the right people to keep the equipment alive. That's like, you know, most of us 90% there. Yeah, exactly. What are some of the goals that you have? Because like you were talking before about the program operating? I think you're very keyed in on the marketing stuff, you understand how to present yourself, but what are some of the goals that you have maybe in the backend of the program, the racing portion of the program, anything like that over maybe the next year or so? Yeah. I mean, try to keep on developing the cars. I think we got really good platforms right now. Would you say developing are you talking about like to fit more of you to fit for your style? Yeah, yeah, I mean, to fit more my style to make the car faster to make it live longer to you know, do that. Explore and other new things like possibly newer models? Yeah, stuff like that. Try to build those and develop those. One tip that I can give you is use your right foot more and manage the car better. But I also got a tip that I was knowing unknowingly telling other people this in Baja, is that with the razor program or even the Yamaha y, z 90% of the time, you're not giving it full throttle, like if you're fully matting it. It's not going all the way so you have to adjust all of this stuff to make sure that it's giving it full throttle. I had so many people come to me at the races and be like why is your car faster. I have the same tune, saying are you given a full throttle and they go No. And I go, Okay, let's just read it real quick. And they were like, oh, it's only showing 77% throttle. Oh, wow. Yeah. So you got to make sure that you give it a full throttle. Yeah, these things normally don't like, it's not the motor that slow me down on these things normally. I mean, Nico, and I got Desert Car out, clear over 100,000 cars that had gone 100 miles an hour, and ETV it was it was sketchy. Yeah, it was it was we it was cool. It was cool to do it. But it was not something that that you want to do for a while because it was really loose. Was it? Yeah, it takes Katie Skatey Yeah, yeah. Dancers on asphalt. And, and it was, it was just Yeah, it was kind of sliding all over. But we got we got to clear over 100 And that's like, these things aren't the moat the the speed wise isn't really slow me down. It's like I need to start slowing down for the holes. Yeah. We got to like he was saying the brakes. Yeah, I need to use the brakes. That's hilarious, man. Well, I'm glad that you guys have some goals and stuff that you're looking forward to in the future, because that's going to be a big part of the success of the program, right is to make sure that you hit your milestones, your marks. Yeah, yeah, hopefully we and I just, I like racing. It's super fun. I'm fortunate I get to do it. It's great to see the kids come out to the races. And the fancy canopies are really inviting. With all the bright colors, it really brings up, you know, we're all out there in the dirt, but you get the kids coming over, they're excited to see all the different colors and exciting things that you do with the, you know, the table settings and that kind of stuff. So to be able to have the kids come out to the races, and really enjoy it and say, you know, I would love to have one of these. Because when I first started racing, I couldn't afford it. And I thought like, wow, like you are like your factory. Yeah, the canopy like wow, that's like legit. Because that was crazy. And you're making it more you're able to give it not so make it so scary to have this big thing and be able to just come up and say hey, I want to canopy you know, give the kids or colors or like you're talking about the brand or prestige Yeah. And to, you know, it makes it more easier to come up to you and say, hey, you know, I want one of these, like, how do I get one of these two. And so going out to the races and seeing all the people if it's a race or it's at a car show, I think going to all these events will definitely be more fun for everyone to be able to come out and see. And that's actually two good points to bring up with your comment was like when I was a little kid I would like I would I mean I'd be there to race a dirt bike right. But the whole other time I was looking to go into get stickers like hanging out and like talking to those guys. Yeah, whatever it was, like I was so hyped on that like, so you're right, because it does create a that attractive, you know, area to go look at. But that's actually a good point to bring up on the other end is you're talking about doing events and stuff, right like so let's just say I don't know, you're sponsored by Johnny's feed store down the street, or whatever it is, right? Like you can offer to your sponsors, hey, you know what, I'll bring my race car, I'll bring a table and an easy up down there and will have the giveaway stickers to all your customers and like things like that, that provide value back to the $500 that he gave you to go to the races that year or whatever. And you go out to these small mom and pop shops, Reiki or parts from inviting them out to the races. I mean, they're the ones standing behind the tables doing the work giving us these parts ago build the race cars. So you, Rob, you know, I scratch your back, you scratch mine, we go out to the store, you invite them out here again, stickers. I mean, we all want to go out there have fun and play. But we got to help everyone else around there. So you could go ahead and do that. Yeah, and plus you grow the industry, right like, and that's one of the last things that I wanted to say was I appreciate the stuff that Kyle is doing. I kind of brushed on it before but he's not just doing a business to be selfish and to support his racing program. He's literally helping grow the industry, right? He's giving back he's doing all these great things. So I think that's fantastic man, the way that you operate and the way that you're building your business and your I don't know your off road career is pretty cool dude and the prize purse at the you know, the last race we went to to be able to have a big award like that the end for all of our hard work for you to give back at the end of the race. Tell me what happened. Oh, the last year he's I mean, you could go ahead for the was it the overall winner the DP for for every every race overall winner, give it to you on your box to really that's, that's so sick. I didn't know about that. So I mean, not only is he going out there and racing, but he's going to the events he's supporting the people that are out there for an example George Lamont as we build a lot of his cars out there kids kick him but he's out there extract didn't have a canopy, we helped them out. So little things like that we try to try to make it all right. So if you win a DP for $1,500, if you win one of those things, go buy a canopy with that 1500 bucks and help build your racing program back up. So then he can turn that 1500 And give it right back to you guys and keep recycling that money. Like, that's so cool that you're doing that man will take photos, you know, posting and markings and you know, they got a canopy. Now we're sharing it on our page. Well, other companies that want canopies, they'll be looking at his page. So it's really like a cross, you know, kind of cross market kind of thing. Yeah. So if you do help people, you probably like it when they take pictures of their canopies, or their race cars and their setups and just post it on social media. Absolutely. Yeah. Content is hard to get nowadays. And like the more content the better. And that helps me out the most is when is when people that buy canopies, and help them out, whatever it may be. Post and tag me and you know, I can use that content for you know, everything else. Yeah, exactly. That's so cool that you said that, because we were talking about that a couple shows ago, man. But it all goes back to just being a nice person, right? Like everything goes back to that. Well, I appreciate everything that you guys have talked with us about. I want to do a rapid fire q&a, but you guys have anything else that we should mention or throw out there. I'd like to do a giveaway contest because I see you got a nice hat right there. Man. We should do something on social media in the next week or so. Yeah, absolutely. All right. So yeah, so you guys that are watching or listening to the show right now pay attention to social media guy, he's got some pretty sweet swag that we can try to put together some sort of swag pack or something for somebody's lucky listeners. Right, any other shoutouts Thank you. I appreciate you having us. Thank you for coming out. I want to thank Pete for being such a hospitality type person. I think Pete's gonna come and talk. Right? Yeah. Pete if anybody doesn't know who he is, he really doesn't like being on camera, man. Yes, he is a genius and he helped out a lot of people and kids and stuff so and thank you to all the family friends, everybody that came out thanks to Cecil for doing everything. All right, so we're gonna go over some rapid fire q&a. Katie, I think you may have answered some of these questions, but let's just pretend like it's brand new. All right. Okay. Let's let the ladies go first and then Kyle you can go second. tacos or hot dogs Oh, I thought somebody was gonna pick Are you gonna pick hot dog? Taco you're gonna taco to chili dog. Finally somebody gets it. I've been waiting for somebody to get this for like I've had 131 shows. And somebody still nobody gets the hot dogs and tacos. No Hot diggity dog today. Chicken or a SATA? Tiki on SATA. Oh difference there alright, so on the birthday you're gonna have BOTH Hmm I think Katie's gonna have both Cecil's gone you can just ask him to bring both MAN Yeah. Dude into the river. Oh I would like to say the river because there's the dunes in the back of Parker what month that's actually a really good question. How about right the second river? You're going river you guys have moved on river. Yeah. Yeah. MZ chap said he wants tacos too. Let's see here. Three Wheeler or quad. Oh, that can be fun. I like a three wheeler sighs You give me anything you want me to open platform right here three wheeler quad this little three wheelers are pretty fun. The ATC 70s etc. 70s Oh, are you like big campfire guy like going over that like launching over the fire? Three Wheeler. Aren't you? kind of sketchy? out over the fire? Oh, you could have it like a 200x You could have a 250 or you could go full dune mode if you want it to. Yeah, that's sketchy on three. Now he's backing out. Backing out action shots or still shots. I liked the action. You liked the action shots like blown berms? Yeah, still. I mean we can make it all perfect set of no raw either not Lea. I agree with you that there's value but like I just still picture the Hoonigan trophy truck like as a still shot like with all those colors like just like the aesthetics of it. Like if you can make it look that good standing there. Like just think about how good a look in person, right? Yeah. So but I do love action shots, man. action shots all day to pizza rolls or jalapeno peppers. Jalapeno Poppers and your poppers. Well they get coffee or tea. I don't drink coffee. I'm not really a tea person, but man do. Okay, Mountain Dew. I'll take it if there's a cherry in it. Yeah, what's your favorite drink then? I like dirty Shirley's What's that? That's a dirty Shirley. Shirley Temple with you Dang that's actually sounds pretty good though right? It is good. We had a good meet you a lot of down there and Mexico man. Holy cow. Full custom made. Alright, so what are you going with coffee or tea? I don't drink coffee, so I have to be tea. Yeah, fun fact I've never even tasted coffee. So they're all three of us, right? Do you like coffee? Ice cream? No, no. Have you tried coffee ice cream? I mean, I've tried it. I do not like to taste the coffee. But coffee ice cream is a big coffee ice cream. So what drink are you doing though? Like if you just had to go buy a drink? And you're like, oh, like, kinda, if you're going for a drink sponsor? Oh, yeah. Do you like Red Bulls? You live off of Red Bulls. How did you not think of that one? I used red bull vodka. Oh, that sounds pretty good. That's what I should start asking people, not the kids but start asking people what their favorite mix drink is. Alright, if you're gonna or if I'm going to the bartender and I'm making you guys a drink right now. What are you ordering? right this second? Just need a tomahawk. John. What the heck is the daily back? Is it John Daly? Green tractor what is the John Deere? It's a real Palmer with its oh it is or no power vodka. Called like John Deere, though. It's called John Daly. By the way. That's in Victorville John Daly. So all right, yeah, I found the bartender What do you order? I'll do a rebel vodka right now. Right now, I want to right now a favorite movie? I think just all Top Gun yesterday. No way. You saw the new one. And I cried. I was screaming it was it was amazing. It was so good. I cried everything so I heard when we were down there I forgot who told me it was one of the guys that we were prewriting with was saying that they learned how to fly those jets themselves the actors did like they like they took all the time like a year or whatever it was time to figure it feel the fly on themselves. Timeout the G forces it pulls you back. I mean, well, I don't know even if it's true. Like I might be saying something wrong here but like, that's what they told me and I'm like, No freaking way that is so bad as I like to look into that because that that would be unbelievable. I want to see that movie. How do I how do I go watch it? Like you can eat on Netflix or something? kick it old school good movies. Get some popcorn. Alright, favorite movie? I mean, Christmas vacation. You can't go wrong with that. That's a good one, too. I thought you might have said home alone. And I was like, Oh, I mean, because vacation. You can watch any time of the year. Chris was vacation. It was good. That's not the one where Nick papageorgiou from yuma arizona, is it that's Vegas. Oh, that's, that's top five for sure though. That's top five. Okay, Instagram or Facebook. I I catch myself looking at Instagram more but I like Facebook because the marketplace Oh yes. People already know Chevy Chase has cars. They did do all the flight training, but the actors did not fly them so Okay. Wow. Okay, that's still so intense meeting. Yeah, that's crazy. Like do you think you guys get a handle that I'd like to try? Okay, so fun fact we're at Wild Horse pass and I had my tracker on it's called a lip Pro. And we're measuring GPS and G forces and all this stuff on course right? So that we can do the ghost mapping and all that stuff around the crack the most G forces that I ever pulled going into turn one in Yamaha AgZ a side by side was something like 16 or 17 G's going into the first turn a wild horse pass could you imagine that? It was only for like point three seconds or something like that but it hit that amount of G forces like in a short course cover what are those? Keep doing it those those jets those things are they get way up there? Don't they know this is like on par with that like Oh really? Yeah, like crazy. So David were like special suits and stuff like that to keep them keep their blood and where it's supposed to be. Oh, I'm sure yeah, like those Red Bull jets and all that stuff. Yeah, the air monitors. Yeah, like it was crazy though. For me to see those numbers. I was like no way but like those the jet guys they're like sustained like that. But like for us it was such a split second that your body doesn't even know what happened. Okay, so let's see here. So can you imagine like a pro for like, we're just in these little UTVs so yeah. Oh, if you had one superpower, Katie hasn't answered this. What would it be to fly? Everybody picks flying? I have birds. Okay, perfect. So yes, that sounds horrible. There you go copilot. Mafia said he is the you know Nick Papa Giorgio. So what are you picking as your superpower than to never get tired? Ooh, big red little guy, big superpower guy. Dang, man. You just want to stay awake and just be getting stuff done all the time. Do you get text from him at like, 1130 at night being like, Hey, I got an idea. What a haircut. The other day when we were like, Hey, I saw a car for sale. Why are you out there? I'm like, we just got home from the race. Kind of, yes, it never dies. Okay, actually, that's a question that I have that's not on the rapid fire q&a is progression of the team. Like when you guys are done with a race? Do you guys do like a race debrief? Because I know like every drive home is three hours, five hours, six hours, whatever it is, like, I always wrote down everything bad and everything good that we could do to improve. We do that between my husband and I on the vehicles 100% of what we saw what we would like to change some things that we really liked that we do not want to change and make a note of that as well. I mean, between between the two of us. I mean, I kind of feel like I have setup tell me if I'm wrong, but I kind of feel like I know when he feels like something's off or I could kind of just tell. I feel like just and I'm trying to get better at feedback. So like, it's cool. Like, we're trying stuff with the cars. And like, like this last race, we just felt that massively like a big change. That was cool, because I got to like, finally say, like, oh, man, that's the feeling like, I've been wanting that change you did? Just the feeling I've been wanting like you hit it right on the nail right ahead. So like, I'm trying to get better with feedback. But I'm not great with it. Yeah, you guys use data to help with that feedback, like video or actual data from the car. Yeah, we I we kind of keep a book or a log together. Pretty much that the race track and the clutch setups, the gear setups when I used to race ProLight, for example, used to write all those things down. And then as well, including the photos, sometimes you could see when the tires are folding over, add or take out air pressure. So we include the photos in the videos, because that does a lot of explaining to the things that we're writing down. And so I try to every race has its own little booklet and so that way I could go back at Glen hill and he ran this clutch setup. This was our tire pressure. I mean just those little kinds of things and even make little tiny changes against that because depending on how the track conditions and everyone, you know, my driving us may be a little bit different than his driving style. So we got to take into consideration you know, I I may drive in a little bit harder, but he picks it up a lot more faster than I do. You probably learned a lot Kyle from like Adrian's program and things like that, like on how to be able to operate to write. Yeah, and then a lot of like, a lot of Adrian's guys too, you know, he has really good guys on his car that are you know, extremely knowledgeable and you know, I've been lucky enough to kind of use his guys on some of the on some of my racing coming out there in the in the driving data portion. There's a Chris Hatfield that works for him that is in the karting or he does not just in the garden, but he coaches. Yeah, kind of like Troy Adams does. I mean, he ate with line choices. Yeah. So he can break the whole course down into like, you know, five or six different sections. So he's like, Hey, you're gaining a little bit here, but you're losing double. And this next turn? Yep. So I mean, that that's really, really helpful. And then also, like, I'm a big fan of like, trying to get as many people in driving my cars as possible. Because like I'm not great at feedback, but like having Nico go drive and Katy go drive and all these people go drive it that like, so I'm just not like I have experienced Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna sound like thinking I'm feeling something. It's like confirmed that yes, I am feeling something or I'm not feeling something you know? Well, if your seats not too far forward, I'll help you out to get an adjuster on it. Perfect. Netflix or YouTube. Netflix, I like YouTube because I like to watch music videos. Oh, perfect. But do you get stuck in the whipping wicked ring? And just like all of a sudden you're like, what? How did I get here? Why am I why do I know the words to this? It's like the weirdest song and you know the words to it. Yeah. videos or photos that go along with my action shots, I guess kinda but I mean videos and photos are totally different though. Because like photos could tell 1000 words and you just don't know what saying it's not moving. So maybe that one I'm still waiting for somebody to be like reels. I didn't think of almost Yeah, but yeah, so photos or videos for you. I like to I like videos. Yeah, I'm just I'm a huge fan of like a solid photo because like Katie said, it says so many things in one photo, right? But I think as far as like, utilizing social media for what it is and what it needs to be used for videos are really taken over. Yes. So let's see here. Most memorable race. What was your most memorable race? Katie? Definitely would be the race where I won my perseverance award back here. It was the UTV World Championships and I won the world the 17 or 18. Oh, I think it was I think so. Good call not one. But yeah, what were won the warfighter made perseverance award and that, thanks to all the boys that were fighter men on this Memorial Day, got my hat on. And he's talking about the perseverance ward. Yes. So that race was very important to me, because the perseverance award for more fighter made is, doesn't matter what you go through doesn't matter. The struggles doesn't matter. If you feel good or not, I rolled down the cliffs for an example. And I tried to push my car back over on Luckily, no, I was thankful to have walked away from that incident. Obviously, we've learned a lot now through racing. But I somehow finished that race. So long story. I'm so proud of you, too. Yeah. Thank you so much. I was the very last personnel on the entire race course. And I don't know why never part of my mind was leaving my car there getting it towed off and option. Like, I don't know, I don't know what happened or what it was that not finishing was just not even in my head. Like, I don't think that wasn't even an option. So to me, just to do what I felt was right, and I'm getting rewarded for it. That's super cool, though. Yeah, you're just like, Oh, I gotta get out of here. Like I just, you know, after that long race, I wanted to be done. But it's just it's no different than everyone that's fighting for our country. They have Yeah, never give up in the bad days usually outweigh the good days. You know, battling so long story. I know. But that is definitely my most favorable race and the meaning behind Yeah, totally. And that what Rob always tells tells everybody it's the best award that you don't want to win that you can win. Absolutely. So crazy. And I know college your show, but you're sitting next to two perseverance award winners, buddy, so like Yeah. Hey, don't do it. Don't do it. Don't win that award. All right. So let's see here. What was the question? Oh, your most memorable raise go. Race? I would. Are we talking like UTVs? Are we talking trophy light are we or maybe even just as a or even one of the races that you were helping with? Like with Adrian or somebody? Yeah, I mean, probably my most memorable that sticks out in my head. I guess there's, there's I mean, ball 1000 was great. Because it finally got it across the line. And on that long run, but in 2016 or 17. The first year they brought prompt back in trophy light as memorable not in a good way. But I think I got eight flat tires, eight, eight flat tires on it. What were you doing just driving over nails? Or like, I mean, everyone in the trophy like class was getting these flat and we weren't even popping the tires. We're bending the wheels. Oh, holy smokes. Yeah. And either the driving the silt you had to keep so much momentum going through the sill you hitting these rocks, they go inside. Yeah. And the next thing you know, I got flat and another flat another flat. And Jason Duncan was riding with me and I felt so bad because it was hot. And he had to change eight flat tires on the course. That's a 50 mile race. I know. After the race was he like Gosh, dang it, man. I'm surprised he talks to me. Like he. Yeah, I think I think it was eight flats. I know. We ran out of space between myself and Todd Jackson. We ran out of spares. And there was a call I had two flat tires. And there was a car rolled over a trophy like rolled over on the course that had the motor was gone. And they were like if you flip there Can you flip me over? I was like, I'll flip you over but I need one of your spares. Whoa, I was making deals made a deal. I got a spare we put them over and then I only had to go another 20 miles on one flat tire. Yeah. When I finished the race I had a different color wheel on every corner. That's insane. That is a pretty memorable race. Yeah, I would like to forget that though. I haven't been a fan of ever wanting to go back to prom since two that's great. Oh favorite snack and where you'd like what okay let's do favorite snack in general and then favorite snack driving across country because those are two different times right? Because you walk into like a loves truckstop and you're like oh my god That looks delicious and you never would have thought it before. My go to is Hot Cheetos with lime. Whoa, that's a good one. And what if you're in Oklahoma driving to Wheatland Missouri she used herds There you go. See? I told you do they offer that? Yeah, that's perfect snack. Yeah. Cheese. I can see like, Kyle's just gonna be like yeah, Red Bull vodka and Skittles. Yeah. Funyuns and Skittles like skittles short term finance for driving across the country. Yeah, okay, perfect. Let's see here. Oh, Supercross or motocross? Supercross. Yeah, like, I wouldn't have done the first motocross racing until last weekend. That's the first one you want to person. No way and I was blown away and how sketchy those guys are, like are gnarly. Yeah, so seeing that in person. I would say live to live. Motocross was pretty cool way gnarlier Yeah. On TV. Supercross is yeah is definitely more covered but like the those guys are hitting those ruts at full speed I see him coming in you're like oh no this guy's there's no way these guys got it. Yeah, like how's it even possible somehow he gets through it and land perfect and keeps on going it's like oh my gosh and that's every lap yep every single lap that's why dirt bike guys do so well and for will racing. Yeah. Well, I think so quickly to the visual receptors in your brain. I did all the brain studies on this stuff. Well, other former racing would you like to try? I like to go rally racing. Yeah, rally racing. Good. Andy McMillan was talking about it to my bucket list. I bought a Subaru just to learn stick just so I could try to get my hands wet in it. What do you think you think it's good. It was so much fun by ProQuest during rock out here on the farm, but I don't think I was supposed to do that the farm. But um, yeah, that's definitely a bucket list. That would be super cool. What about you, Kyle? I think rally racing be really fun. Yeah. What about if you can't pick rally racing since you already picked it? Probably those called the circle track cars and cars. modified the single single speed images midgets. That'd be pretty cool. Let's see here. What are for Oh, speedboat or dragster speed boat. Yeah, dude, you guys are big late guys. Right now. We did have a su recently it was spoiled. So yeah. All right. We got one last question for the whole night is the most important question. chips and guacamole or french fries and ketchup. chips and guacamole. Oh, I make great guacamole. By the way. We're gonna have to have a block of making contests and depends on the guacamole has onions in it. Yeah. Hey, onions, ketchup, and fries. Right? No onions. Yeah, go draw. Mine doesn't have onions. So if this is a competition, and Kyle's our judge, I'm probably gonna win. Sorry. I like him. Yeah, there you go. Do you like onions? I do. All right. Well, I appreciate you guys taking the time and obviously inviting us in to hang out at the shop. I don't know what the technical term is for the shop, Katie shop, Vision shop, whatever it is, there's a lot of action that gets peed shop. There's a lot of action and a lot of good things that come out of this, this shop here and you guys have a good facility here. Even more. So though, the thing that I appreciate the most is the vibe that you guys are laying out. You guys are giving back. You guys are working hard. You guys are doing things the right way. So I really appreciate that. Because that makes everybody grow. It makes the whole sport grow. It makes the whole industry grow. And there's nothing else more that can be wanted, man. So keep doing what you guys are doing. I appreciate it. Thank you same to you. I mean, yeah, you do it every every week, at least least every week, you know? Yeah. I hear bouncing all around. I travel the country. I just want to say for anyone that is watching these. Don't be hesitant to ask any questions on my social media, Vision canopies or KTB racing. We all did it learn this overnight. So if anyone has any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I always try to help someone else out and try to keep a full circle. So thanks for watching us and thanks for taking the time. And yeah, that was a really good thing to say to that offering that because that means a lot to all these people. I mean, it's scary, who's you know, walking out to a I'm not saying I have a big team but walking out to a big team or credible sources. You know, it's it's, you know, it's intimidating, but it doesn't even matter the level of expertise. I learned a bunch from you guys today. I learned so much from you, you know, the radio stuff at the regional races back in the day. So Brian probably kudos to thank you. Thank you. Alright, so yeah, like I said, keep doing the good work that you guys are doing but throw some shout outs for the people that are helping you with your program or the people that have helped you do it too. Yeah, I mean, again, Katie Nico KTB racing Katie speed shop. Pete You know he's always he's got his head in there whenever anyone has questions you know, Vision wheel. They're a big help out. impact safety BF Goodrich tires, Vision canopy. I mean, I have to do Atlanta. Thank you for letting me do what I do. George for coming out here and doing this. Appreciate it and big thanks to Cecil two massive Sox. See? So I mean, I've never tasted a mediocre meal ever from that guy. So good. Yeah. So if you guys need like good food, well first call my sister because she's doing stuff in Los Angeles. So hit her up if you live up there, but then call Cecil if you're down here in the 951. Yeah. Yeah, so thank you guys very much. And John Lewis also said from Desert squad and also said, Thanks, Katie for lending that, you know, fact out that people can contact you, because there's not a lot of people that do that. So that's why you guys are doing so well. All right, so next week show, we're going to have a Baja 500 recap, I'm sure you guys are gonna tune into that one. So that'll be a fun show to have, we'll probably be down there. If you guys are attacking contingency, will probably see you guys on Friday. I think we're gonna head down there on Thursday. And if you guys want to get any deals, you can always go to the dirt life and hit the sponsor deals button and you guys can go, actually, you guys can even learn how to get sponsored over there too. And you can get deals from any of the people that support us that are willing to help you guys out too. We also have a sponsorship Summit coming on June 17. And that's something that you can sign up for. We're gonna post the affiliate link we already did, as well on the dirt life show Instagram page, but you can check that out and go sign up for it. That's gonna be a whole gamut of things like similar to what we talked about today on how to get your marketing and sponsorship stuff lined up for your program. So please check that out. That's something that Alex trailer is putting on and he's a fantastic resource to have as well. So we really appreciate everybody that hung out with us tonight. I really appreciate all the guys that came on. Eric, be more. Excuse me, Ken Johnson. And both of you guys, too. So thank you, Katie. And thank you, Kyle. Really appreciate it, man. Thank you. All right. Thank you very much for tuning in with us tonight. We will see you guys next week KV racing. Good night. Thanks for listening to the dirt life show. See you next week.

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