The Dirt Life

Vegas to Reno Recap - Menzies, Isenhouer, Blurton, Guthrie, Brabec, & More

Offroad, UTV’s, Racing, Dunes, BTS, Sponsorship - Podcast & Live Show Episode 140

There has been a lot of progression in offroad racing lately, with the development of new SXS's, increases in speed, durability, it's just awesome to see the growth of the sport we love.   We get behind the scenes from all our guests and even talk a bit about 3 wheelers!  Great show with lots of good insight from the 2022 Vegas to Reno Race.

Thanks Mila for cohosting, all of our guests, and everyone for commenting in!

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Welcome to the dirt life show with your host, George Hamil to say we're live welcome everyone to Episode 140 of the dirt life show. Thank you very much for joining us. We got to Vegas Reno recap for you guys tonight stacked roster of people that we're going to talk to. It's going to be awesome to talk with everybody man. That race was just insane right in house. Today we are img motorsports, I would like to welcome my co host for the night below. What's up, dude? What's up, man? How are you? I'm doing awesome. How are you? Thanks for having me back. I enjoy it. Yeah, it was awesome to be able to get out there and check out the races. As usual. I have tested all of the technology for weeks and weeks straight and right when it's this we hit the starting line. Instagram fucks up so thank you very much Instagram for always being a piece of crap yet again, yet again. And I even tested it twice right before you got here too. So let's just go for it. See what happens right? So we're gonna try our best to let you guys know what's happening. The freeze the screen is frozen, so I'm not sure how we're gonna do getting all of our guests on but Willie, these have their audio and stuff like that as well. So let's just go through it real quick. I want to thank Ken Ham. They're sponsoring tonight's show. They did really really awesome at the Vegas Reno race. Pretty rad to see him and because Ken Ham has basically won this race for the last seven years. Good car. Yeah, it's pretty crazy, right? Like that, that record himself. We'll throw a little bit of love to Ken Ham real quick too. They just released their 2023 models. And one thing that I noticed on there was super cool, is they have two quads for kids that are fuel injected now. Really Yeah, so how stoked with your kids be and how stoked would that be if you had fuel injection they didn't have to worry about carburetor so thank you very much the guys are at camp so tonight. We're gonna get get our guests on just a second here we got Mila maybe you could check it and see if we got Lauren Anderson and Bryce Menzies are supposed to log on here at 505 and we're gonna see if we can maybe see if we can get some of this technology stuff worked out. But how's it looking? We live. Okay, so we're gonna see if we can get Oren and Bryce on. We also got Travis Saunders gonna come on Ricky Bray Beck, Andrew short, Moto dudes get into side by side, racing the race with Jamie Campbell and Darren Hardesty for the rainbow team, Bajaj and Phil blurton are going to come on. Nick Eisenhower is going to come on talk about his 6100 race. Want me I did. One of the people that I'm so stoked on getting is Chris keener. He wrote a two stroke three wheeler, dude, he was a badass man. So we're gonna talk with him a little bit. Brandon Sam Skyler Howell are going to join us via renew Leo killed it. He won the Pro Turbo classic and TV Mitch Guthrie and Curtis Elliot. They're gonna join us. They he? Excuse me both. They won the trophy unlimited class and a UTV. So that's cool. Max, Eddie and Austin Eddie both gonna join us as well. They won the normally aspirated class in the new TVs. And maybe a couple other guys will jump on to but it's going to be a really good show. So thank you very much to all of our sponsors and partners. Looks like we've probably got Bryce and Oren. So we're gonna jump on and have them come on real quick. See if we can. We can man I'm so pissed off the Instagrams not working good. Me what we can do is try to see if I can figure it out. Maybe I'll hold it like we did last time. Hmm. All right. Bryce is already on with us. Menzies. What's up, dude. How are you? Good. How are you guys? Good. Let me crank you up on the on the volume here. Oh, there he is. There we go. Let me flip the screen around real quick. All right, we're just gonna wing it did Instagrams being sucky for us, dude, so I apologize. But here's Mila. You know, Mila, and we really did or supposed to come on to so we'll get Oren on in just a second here. But man, you guys had an eventful race last week. Dude, Friday. It was a long day for a lot of people. But you guys really killed it. I mean, the truck was flying. You had good media coverage. I mean, there was a lot of positives. Yeah, I think the biggest reason was always one of those races where it's It's tough. It's long, long, high speed roads. This year we just had some issues with flat tires. But I think the biggest takeaway was kind of what we did with the live feed with the Starlink having an onboard camera and then having it from the heli was was just game changer. So super cool to hear all the feedback and hopefully deal Yeah, hopefully down the road. We could get it to a level where almost like f1 where you could have the top 10 trucks and have it all live and be able to bounce back and forth. So it's cool to see the sport keep growing and hopefully we can we can change it up a little bit. Did how much work was it to put out All that stuff together I know that like, Well, as I was reading through some of the comments, and just some of the stuff that comes out Mela, some of the stuff that was happening online during when you guys were racing, everybody was so hyped. And I'm not trying to take away anything from your guys race, because I want to talk about that. That's the most important thing. But like, you're saying, dude, it's like game changing? Like, how cool is it to share that with everybody? Dude, it's insane. It's really cool. I mean, when we first got into off road, we had to go raise short course, because that was the only way that you could make money to bring in sponsors in now. We can have that in the desert where people could sit and watch us live in the desert where they've never been able to see that before. And we've had a couple of years now where we've been doing it off a cell. But whenever you run out of cell, you lose service, and the feed would go in and out. So our biggest thing was to try to get this to Baja. And now with Starlink we'll be able to do live every single race so super pumped to hear the feedback. It took a ton of work. My dad Justin, they work tirelessly to get this figured out. And it was really cool that it paid off and it worked on our first run, dude. Yeah, I couldn't Yeah, I couldn't be more stoked. I got a funny joke, though. Is orange joins us. What's up Oren? How are you? What's up guys? Good to see you again. Sad. To that another dude, I really look up. So it's funny because talking about all this technology and stuff. I saw so many people and even James here at img motorsports today. He's like, What is this Star Trek shit that Bryce has in his truck. That's hilarious, but it's so rad. How did you feel about it? Oren? It's crazy. I mean, the the amount of the amount of effort that the menses motorsports team puts into, like the race program itself, but just to be able to share kind of the what the race is all about and what it what it's really like as it goes down. I mean, it's, it's very cool to be a part of that. Sometimes. It's like, I don't want to say nerve racking but when you're getting out to change a tire and it's live feed, you know, everybody's watching. Oh, please make this look good. Yeah, man. Well, in all honesty, this is what off road needs. It's so hard to follow. And even you know, the mortalities do a pretty good job meant whatever. But to be on there live and watch. The action happens when when you're changing a flat and Jayla went by and then you took the inside, going into Gabs, that's what we need. Yeah. Big deal. It was super, it was super cool to see. Did you make sure you had all your makeup and everything perfect? Or? I had my eyes closed? I didn't know what was going on. All right. So yeah, so you guys did a fantastic job, that media stuff is really, really awesome. It'll be see it neat to see if some of the other racers catch on. And some of the other organizations catch up. So I'm really glad that you started paving the way with your team Bryce, and everybody that's working on it, because it really is going to help open eyes up of the sport to a lot of other people. For sure. Yeah. Yeah. It's always whenever you finish a race, me and on us always talking, we talked about this crazy situations that we had during the race and tell the whole team and now pretty much the team, when they are going from pit to pit, they could watch us in the race truck and be able to see what was happening. What was going on. My mom was at home. My grandma was at home watching it. So it's so cool that the sport that we love, and we put so much energy into and dedication now people could actually grasp it and hold on to it and see what we go through how gnarly it is to be out there on the course for for hundreds of miles and hours and hours and hours. And for born to be able to jump out and change a tire and be able to see it live. It's incredible. So I think this is really going to be the next step in our sport. And I think it will bring a lot more partners sponsors new eyeballs to off road racing. I definitely agree with that. Yeah, that's actually a cool thing that I didn't even think about what Bryce portion of it that they can actually see what's going five right? So Bryce I love that you're that you're sharing it with the world. But this could be something that people do where they just keep it for their own abilities to keep track of the race track and stuff too. For sure in we definitely thought about that we could have you know, sealed it and held it often just use it for our advantage. But the big picture is I want to see this sport go way past when I pass away or when my kids are growing up and they're racing. I just really my family loves this. We put so much time money effort into this sport that we love. So we wanted to release this we wanted to show it My dad's a huge advocate on always innovating something new trying something different that no one's done before so it's really cool to see it pay off Justin. chasen works For many, many hours with all the people to be able to put this together and and also have the telemetry on there, we're working on that. And hopefully, the next couple of races, we're going to try to get somebody to do some, commentating to be able to give the people a little bit idea what's going on in the race. So I think it's endless where this goes, and hopefully, we can make it where other teams jump on board. And I think you'll grow our sport even more. Yeah. How scary would that be, though, if everybody heard what was going on inside the car? Did? I don't know if I would release that audio just quite yet. Like, let's take a little take a slow for a little bit here, right? Yeah, we definitely. We joked about that, that we were talking about putting it on there. And we had, we're trying to figure out if we can cut it if you know, we're saying the wrong things or talking bad or whatever. So I think for right now, we're just trying to see where it goes. And slowly but I think having the CO driver in the driver have some, some commentary on it would be huge. So that's kind of the next step is seeing what else we could add to it. We want people to get the feedback, give us your feedback. What else we do to make the show better? Would it be better if we had a tracker on the side showing what position we're in? Where other people were at? So I haven't got to keep doing that. I have a request. Pick me boss pick me up? How about we give Oren a button that says when he can turn the audio on and off inside? That's probably a good idea. The things I'm more worried about are like our pre and post race conversation. Okis like we're not there's no small chat. You know, we're not chit chatting while we're racing. But like when we're rolling after a race and sometimes, you know, I might say something that's pretty inappropriate. Really. It's fun, but it's cool seeing this sport grow and change. Alright, so let's get into the race a little bit. We got a pretty stack show here tonight. We got some good guys following up following up after you guys as well. But one of the things are two of the things that I actually wanted to bring up was dude Lofton gave you guys a little bit of love when you were coming into that little street section. 20. Yeah, I mean, we ran them down and I chased him down the asphalt and then I just made a clean pass, I could have obviously hit him and it made a clean pass. And then it was the speed zone. So I wanted to get to 25 before the speed zone because you're gonna get penalized and obviously, he probably was frustrated that we passed him right there. So he kind of dove to the inside and hit me and I honestly thank God there's no audio in the truck because I lost my cool for a minute. pretty frustrating literally, probably four miles later that left rear where he hit me. That's the tire we lost. Ah, I don't know if that had anything to do with it. But at the finish, I was really upset. And when I looked back at the video, it wasn't as bad as I thought just I was kind of confused on I just passed you I didn't touch you. And then you came in hit me but all good. We're all in the racing moment. And it made for made for a good show, that's for sure. Yeah, I saw that. And I was like, Wow, dude, like, and I, I'm sure Justin is just as professional as you are on the track. But I saw it and I was like, dang, that was a pretty ballsy move. So I don't know if you want to say like a racing incident or whatever. But like kudos to Justin for charging really hard, but also kudos to you for keeping your cool. Yeah, it's tough. It's tough in the moments when you got your helmet on, you're heated you're trying to to win these races. It's so hard to win these races nowadays. So little mistakes like that, or anything that can happen. It definitely gets you heated. But uh, yeah, and then honestly, right after that is when I found out pit 11 that our Sierra was nine minutes up on us. And that was the first time all day that I heard his name. So I lost my shit again. When I found that out, because I told my guys I'm like, in 90 miles, there's no way I can make up nine minutes. So a lot of time we have we tried, we made up, I think three or something I don't even know. But um, at the end of the day, it was we just didn't. We didn't have the look that we needed. We had too many, too many issues with stick flats, one sidewall that I got and that just what held us back room. I think winning this race. I was going to ask you about that because I talked to Dan afterwards. And obviously you guys have the same trucks and he said, all his flats were unearned. And I was like, Okay, well, Bryce is on different tires. Where was he? Are they earned or unearned? But it sounds like he got some sticks in there. Yeah, that's what it seemed like. I mean, we would see the pressure start going down. We saw to do that. And then we had one that just exploded on the run to about 125. We had a sidewall one so like I said, nowadays with the competition, one flat tire, it seems like you can almost lose a race. So this race is tough to manage to be out front with how fast the pace is, how high speed the roads are, and then also with all the rain, the weather, being the first guy to all these stuff. Definitely played a part Well, I was surprised when you guys came through for you and JLo you checked out there was no one for minutes and then I think Dean came by, and then our Sierra so I was surprised at the end to RCO obviously has some clean air, but I was surprised as well. Yeah, where were all those little like, like leapfrog or a rubber band like everybody was kind of going up and down. Yeah, me and Lofton just kept going back and forth. And honestly, I kept asking my dad when I got behind Lofton, I knew the pace was we were going pretty slow. To be honest. I kept asking him if he had an issue or he had a problem. But I think he knew that if he ran faster, he was going to have tire issues or something go on. So I kept asking my pit crew. I was like, Hey guys, is anybody catching us? And they kept saying no, you're good. You're good on time. Lofton has you but you just have to make up two minutes on him. And then like I said, pit elevens when I found out that our zero had nine minutes on us, I was like, What the heck have I just heard about that? So me and Warren had had a good laugh at that at the end. But Vegas Reno man, we really strive to win that race. Oren did a awesome job changing for flats. I feel really savage it out. I was gonna say like with Bill Gates. So yeah, totally. I was gonna say with all that pressure, because, dude, I would have never thought that that would have happened like all the stick flats you guys are talking about? Right. But Oren, like, let's just say in a perfect world. You didn't get any flats. How fast was the pace? Like, where does when you guys are driving home after the race? Where is the conversation going? Is it going like, alright, this is what we can do to do better? Or is it just like, man, it was a shit show. We just random flats. Like we did everything perfect today. It just didn't work out. Yeah, I mean, it's always frustrating. I mean, bryce Bryce is really good at starting out front and running his pace and controlling the pace. So like, we're having a game plan, he always likes to drive real conservative the first half so that we don't have issues like stick flats, and things like that. So he's really good at saving the truck. So we have something we can push at on the last section of the race. So they're kind of be sticking to our plan and have kind of free stuff happen, you know, free, kind of unearned flats. I mean, it's frustrating but ends up with before we erase it, like it's solid in and if it if everything goes to if we have good luck and everything goes to plan, it's gonna work out good for us. But that's the way that's so crazy. That's the way it is. Like these days Mila it's literally balls to the wall as much as you can give it to the finish line. It's not like the old days when I was in the trucks Jason Bryce, it's literally hammered down from the get go. That's why I don't go ride anymore because I can't keep up with orange you know, back in the day, when it used to be like a reward to co drive you know, if you worked hard, or depending on the team you'd get you might get a second is like, Hey, thanks for all your help. But now it's it is full throttle the entire time like you have to be so as a driver and I feel as a navigator to the pace of so fast. Like if you look up or if you miss one thing like the race is over well and then it transcends down into even the pit team because if you don't get the actual splits you need like hey ours heroes come on ours heroes come and then you really can't even make the calls in the car. So it's like, everybody's got to be on the same page. Yeah, that intensity level has definitely but it's kind of cool, though, that you guys are in this time because you didn't we just talked about the technology developing but the whole racing scene is developing right? The new trucks are coming becoming better like the gaps are shortening up between each competitor like the whole desert racing scene is at like a prime level of experience now and now that you guys have the ability to show it to people like there couldn't be any better things that are just all meshing together right. Yeah, it's it's incredible. We've been we've been racing since 2007. And to see where trophy trucks have gone is is pretty wild that we started in two will drive geyser and we developed that thing for seven years and then we went to full drive and now like I said, we're going so fast it's it's honestly scary. Sometimes that Vegas arena was honestly this one was pretty terrifying because there's there's parts Besson desert did a unreal job with all the weather remarking in the course, trying to to get us to even race. So when we're running 130 And we don't even have a road in front of us a map anything. So it's pretty scary nowadays. And that's why you really got to trust the guy sitting next to you. Because one one mistake and you're you're flying off the course at 140. So you really got to trust that guy and feel confident and yeah, I couldn't agree more. And yeah, you guys are the dream team, right? They're just like, like Mila was saying. Alright, so let's switch it up a little bit. I wish that you guys come across the line first. Next race for you guys is what? We're gonna head down to the Baja 400. So looking forward to getting back to Mexico and I'm showing the live stream down in Baja where we've never been able to do it. That's going to be so insane right. All right, the last question of the night let's not or an answer first and then you go second, Bryce, what snacks did you guys eat along the way to the finish line? Boy, I'd say the only snack break we had was on that transfer stage. And Bryce nice shared a Trader Joe's Turkey club rap. Whoa, we're pretty good. We can bougie out in the desert is pretty good. Pretty good. Alright, so when we carry, we've got a we got a little gourmet for the MID RIGHT. If we get a break for lunch, we never get that. Yeah, that's true. All right. Well, yeah. So I guess he kind of already answered for you, Bryce. But we really appreciate you guys doing what you do for the off road community. Obviously, you'd like to come across the finish line first. But I know maybe we'll get to see a little bit more of that winning style. Coming up here later this year. It seems like Vegas to Reno the last few years. It's just been not your race. And I can't wait to get back on top man. Yeah, it seems like it goes in waves where it's, we do really good. And then we have a couple off year. So I think I just gotta go back to where it was. You gotta go slow until honestly, like pit eight or nine. And just be cautious. And that's the years that I want is I had a clean race all the way to those those pits and then we push from there. So I think this race, it seemed like when Lofton got biased with that first flat. We just tried to push the pace a little bit too much in the middle and it kind of just slowed me and him down and let everybody catch us. So appreciate you guys having us on. Thank you so much. And I look forward to growing this sport and keep it going. You guys are doing fantastic. Hey, we had a fan question come in from John Lewis desert squadron. Actually, I'm gonna let Bryce answer this one. How many times as Oren get a free flat until you owe him? Oh, man. Honestly, on the fourth one, I was like, I felt so bad. I was like we get one more you're not even getting out. It's tough man. Those flats and nowadays with those tires weighed 140 pounds or whatever they are. He man handles those things around. He's He's a beast. There's no way I could do it. That's why I just stay in the truck. Yeah, good. Give on a steak dinner one of these days. Hey, thank you guys very much. We really appreciate it. Thank you for taking the time out of your guys's busy schedules. We love you both and we'll see you next time. Good luck in Mexico. Thank you guys. Love it, dude. All right, man. So we're gonna get Travis Zoolander from Xanga racing products on so go ahead and jump on the feed Travis and we'll get you on here. It's super cool to see that though, right Mila because like, I always say this about the off road community like these guys are so humble, because everybody appreciates the wins. They appreciate the good races, they appreciate the competition. They appreciate their crew members. There's so much stuff that happens to get to the finish line that you can just see, like rice was a little deflated or it is a little deflated. But they know that they have so many things that they have to deal with along the way. Yeah, it's a it's a long list of all the things have to be in line and then just one of those things. It's just it just deflates you, but as those to know it's all on how you handle it. If you just you know take it in go okay, next time. Like he said, we're going to attack it differently. Yeah, absolutely. All right, so we got Travis Zoolander from Zoolander racing products on with us on Instagram now. If you guys are on on Facebook or YouTube, please feel free to head over to Instagram so you can see the live feed and you can see everybody's pretty faces. So Travis man How was your guys's Vegas Torino you drive a single seat can M and the UTV What did they call it now trophy unlimited class and you pull that what was it a fourth man that's pretty insane. Yeah, yeah, we had had a great run. No flats no issues don't gas in and went dared to dream race. Yeah, so we were just talking to the Menzies boys Oren and Bryce and obviously they you know have a little bit more power than then you guys do in the side by sides but he experienced a lot of flats that you didn't experience any so that like, it just goes to show that sometimes luck plays a massive part. You Yeah. I definitely I felt like I should earn two flats, but somehow there you go Mila talking about her new flat flats, they're easy to get it's easy to overdrive. I've been there I've ever driven get a flat and you're like, so we I didn't get to ask Bryce this question. But how is the track where was it easy to earn those flaps? Because what was the problem with everybody getting so many flat tires? Like what was the conditions? You know, one of them I was driving into the sun and I really picked up the two rocks that I hit. They were in the track and I just like I have no hope to avoid them. So I just drove straight over them and just sat and hoped and they stayed afloat. That's crazy. It was the track just super treacherous compared to previous years. In spots yeah the washers seem to be a couple spots were really really nasty at least in my car they they sent a hard shock through the front of the car. Oh man. But okay, so maybe give us a little bit more of some of the positive stuff that happened so did you guys come out with anything new at the at this race with the single seat car you know the cars new this year for us and we've been we've been racing through Ultra for and this was the second best in the desert race we put it in and yeah it's it's doing great we've got some billet trailing arms that are holding up really well and and ice we were doing our own a arms and upper and lower and we've changed the geometry a little bit and it's making it way easier for me to drive nice yeah. Yep, yep. And way less feedback into the steering wheel. So in the in the UTV as you know, we have the most of us are run on little power steering boxes over the steering rack. And in the cam. One of the things that it suffers from a little bit is it pushes more feedback back into the studio. Yeah, it's just it's so cool to see the progress of everything right. Hey, Travis, we're running a little bit behind we got a bunch more people we got to get on. So what was one of the funniest things that that you guys had happened during the race made with a team or something behind the scenes that we weren't able to see? Me and Austin Wieland ripped up Mount como at the end of the race. Oh, dude, how fun is that? Oh, dude, he's wild man. He is. That was the craziest part is I had just passed Cody Bradbury. And I had been pushing through some dust and I get up on the switchbacks and I looked down and I see two sets of lights. And I'm like, well, somebody else is probably coming. And I get head up there and I'm I was pushing pretty hard. And he's making ground on me and I was like, holy shit. I didn't I didn't lift up. Yeah, I didn't lift up and he kept coming and I talked to him after the race and we got to talk about it. They said I threw a basketball sized rock out and he didn't get a flat still. I'm gonna fly you That's so crazy. Well, we'd like to talk a lot more about your race. We got to get Ricky Bray back and Andrew short on here man. I appreciate you taking the time with us and fantastic ride man. I'm so stoked to see the program. keep evolving. What's the next race for you? And then we'll let you go. We'll be in Crandon for ultra for sweet man. All right, well kick some ass out there and Crandon and Good job man on coming home with the fourth clean run. Yeah, thank you. Thank you very much for having us on. Appreciate it. No problem. I later Travis. Okay, take care. Alright, so we're gonna get Ricky Ray back on here and Andrew short. Andrew is going to join us. And then we'll let Ricky jump on as well. Andrew short. What's up, homie? How are you? Hey, man, it's been rough over here for me today. It's not feeling super great, but stoked to be on the show. Oh, thanks, dude. I appreciate it. We're gonna let Ricky join in just a second here but alright, so anybody from the audience that doesn't know who Andrew short is? He I know. Yeah, factory racer on two wheels. Now he does a little bit of what he's done dat car stuff. He's done a bunch of other stuff and now he's venturing out and he did some co dog stuff with Ricky Ray back here at Vegas Reno. So how was it like? I don't know where did their nerves when you first started or where were you at like in your mindset Oh, there we go Ricky's on now. Looks like Ricky is on a mission to he's getting ready for Dakar. But I was super appreciative just to have the opportunity. Especially with Ricky and also with Jamie with racechip. Awesome program and it was totally nothing like motocross and supercross, but it was an experience I really enjoyed. I have a lot to learn. Definitely after the race of things I could do to improve but it was fun and that course overall, yeah, so he got to drive shotgun with Ricky Mila has got a lot of experience in the right seat to What suggestion would you give a newbie to the right see there's a long list. It'll come but my my main concern was keeping my driver calm and making sure I did not miss a turn. And then it just kind of builds from there. But those are the first two keys I can say hey, Ricky, what does it take to keep Ricky was Andrew short doing it? Short he did a great job. I was actually really impressed. He called out every single note on Good you kind of freaked out when the GPS went went south for a little bit but we had a great time. Is there a little bit of a rivalry because obviously you guys have a really both great mono background you guys, you know, do do car but you're like, that was an easy right? Well, I thought it was a hard ride. Is there anything like that in the car? I mean, against us Do I think we're just one more forensic competitor, so it's all good between us. I hope that's cool. Well, I can see what you're saying though, like going into a corner being like Ricky, dude, why do you pussyfoot around? You could have hammered it, bro. Like, what the hell happened? A little more guy? I think the big difference is, is we speak the same language from Moto, you know, so maybe me helping out? A car guy would be completely different. With Ricky, I think I can trust that he knows how to read terrain. And you know, for me, I just feel more comfortable with it, because I've written with them so much. And it's not so competitive. And with rally, you know, it's like this race, everyone goes off on their start time. And it's not like moto where there's 20 people on a game. Y'all going into the first throwing elbows. I think it wasn't so much competitive between race and poisoned, get banned. But we also really helped in terms of Yeah, it makes a big difference, though, right? When you have that same mindset, I always thought that same thing to like, it was really hard for me when I first started racing side by sides to translate the same moto talk that I always talked to the other guys that were on four wheels, because they're like, What the hell are you talking about? That's how it works. And I'm like, Okay, I got a lot to learn here. I think for us to like understanding the dangers, like a danger to for this is completely different rally, like at Dakar. So for me it just to learn to understand how the course was marked, and try to understand, you know, how to read that terrain and to communicate it so we don't lose so much time, but then also communicating where we really didn't need to slow down. That was one thing I definitely learned and I'm not familiar with the technical side of the car. So this is something that I would definitely have to improve on, in practice, just to be more efficient and faster. But it was something I really enjoyed something new, a lot of fun and just super appreciative that Ricky asked me to do it because it was a cool experience. Does that mean you want to get in the driver's seat now are you be good at it man. It's always the Moto guys they do so good. Yeah, it was no I would like to add some skills. I was gonna say Ricky if it's a long race would you share this driving time? Yeah, most definitely. You know, riding riding it like a long event like Vegas Reno or maybe like a bar race and a side by side to solo is a long day you know, it's it's a lot different than a than a dirt bike the dangers you have to slow down a lot more for in a side by side or also just tear the car apart. I mean, like, the double dangers on Moto, we can just really over those in the side by side. You got to slow down and like, kind of kind of do the whole motion. You know, we're not a truck. So it was it was a learning experience. It was fun. Like I said, Andrew did a great job and no, we got the car to the finish. Yeah, like pre loading and scrubbing and a side by side is like non existent. Like you try so hard. You like hit the brakes and gas it like try to wheel yet and it did. It's like an inch off the ground. You're like, dang it. There's a couple of times where me and Andrew are trying to lean back, you know? Do you read that? Yeah, that is super cool. Alright, tell us a little bit about the race though. Maybe give us a couple of highlights. Once you go first Andrew and then Ricky, you go after the highlight was just more or less the whole day and getting the anticipation and getting in the car because I'd never even been in the car. The first little bit was a little bit trippy. To me. It was really fun. Everything was coming at me really fast. And then obviously the course changed off the original course and so I lost the GPS and I panic a lot. I was really confused. And I never used that system before. So all this there was a lot of chaos. But as a racer, I love that because you're in the moment and you get to enjoy it and see Ricki drive and how he how he tackles the race in terms of strategy and how he does move around kind of like a dirt bike getting in and out of the lines and adjusting to the bomb. So it was it was really cool. And that was definitely the highlight was just making it to the finish I guess. And being done stoked to be there and overall, Mila talk about being thrown in the fire, right like just barely sitting down in the car and stuff. All this random stuff goes, right? Yes, yeah. But you get to ride with Ricky who's a savage. How what was your highlights? Ricky? I'd say the whole you know, the whole experience was kind of the highlight. That's my first big event in 100 talent You know, we had a lot of fun. But like Andrew said, you know, that dissipation, we were kind of just sitting there all day, waiting for our turn, tick to get in and enjoy the moment. You know, we, we did the best we could, even when we didn't have a GPS, and also when we were just stuck behind people that, you know, don't really respect the system that best and doesn't make you buy. But, you know, it was frustrating at times. But all in all, it's good experience. And, you know, I feel a little bit bad, you know, because I feel like on my end, you know, we let Jamie down. But, you know, we got there always to win and do our best. So, if we're not winning, then there's always No, just that I'm back here at burning until the next time. So yeah, but we can figure it out. Come out on top there, Andrew and you Ricky, both of you guys will agree with this. That's a racer mentality, right? Like, you always want to do better. Even if you won, you still would have known why what happened shitty during the race, right? But two good things that I got out of what you just said, Ricky, first of all, awesome that Jamie Campbell from Resco, USA gave you guys the opportunity both to be able to drive the car and share driving duties. That in itself is an opportunity for anybody, right? Even dat Car champion or, you know, a motocross race winner, like that's an opportunity that you don't want to pass up. So kudos to Jamie for giving you guys that opportunity. We're gonna have him and Darren Hardesty on in just a second. But what was the stuff that happened during the race? Like give us a little bit of a brace breakdown? Yeah, you know, first off, Thanks, Jamie. That was incredible. He even called me for this. And then he's like, Ooh, you want to code drive? And I'm like, God, I don't know. Then I called Andrew asked if he was free in August. And then he was asking me the dates and all all sudden, you know, the dates lined up. And here we are in Vegas. But for the race, the race was good. Jaime was freaking killing it. I think we started like 47th and literally right before we were about to get in the car, I think I think he's made his way up to about 11th Place physically, so we're super pumped and like, you know, anxious to get in. And then literally, right when I was looking at the tracker, you know, we got word on the radio that you know, Jamie got two flat tires. And you know, Carly holds one but again, this is all from that speed limit that no one respected, you know, three people smoked by Jamie and kind of put them in the dust for the section before minor. And you know, when you get past in a speech section that kind of frustrates people and you know, I was frustrated as well in my section because, you know, some issues but we got the car together. We just enjoyed our day. Yeah, it's kind of gnarly. Like when you think about it like that, like and especially from all of us coming from like motocross and there's so much less things that can happen out there. There's all these variables that come into play. I always always such a. I tried to be as humble and respectful as possible. But when it's somebody else's fault, like when you have a racing incident it dude, it deflates your confidence so much when you're in the car, it's hard to get that back. But one thing about you guys that are good racers is you can forget about the last corner in like two seconds, just move on and start pushing forward. Wow, I think you guys do a good job. I think that's more important like motocross and supercross, you're only as good. You know, if you make mistake, you leave it in that corner and you keep going forward. Yep. Maybe car racing the same. And I think it's hard just to control it as a driver. I'm just the only drive what you can see sometimes Ricky was pushing it so much, and I was scared that we're gonna ruin the race just because he's so ambitious. I like the word. Gus just because he's wooden. That's, that's awesome, though. Josh, Rick. Yeah, it sounds like we just lost the Ricky's connection or whatever. But yeah, just because he's wooded. It's, uh, yeah. Yeah. Charge. But yeah, I think he's headed out to the desert for testing and all that. So he's got a, he's already focused on the next mission for Dakar. But just like we said, moving, moving forward, right. What was your overall, like, feeling after the event, though? Were you just like, damn, I want to try this again. Afterwards, I just was trying to make a big long list of things I could do better. I was a little bummed. And I'd want to keep it all fresh. So I was stoked to make it to the finish. I was stoked for Jamie and his whole crew race crew. He had a cool group of people that helped out which was awesome and just to see them and celebrate was awesome. Yeah, he's a good dude. Yeah, for sure. It is cool to see that man. And when you see the team effort, right, you've been on massive teams and motocross and obviously the car and stuff. And this guy right here had you guys as part of his his team. So Andrew, we're gonna let you go. You want to say anything to Jamie before he? Excuse me? You bail out. Just superb He should have for him and his crew. I can't imagine the hard work that it takes to prepare for a race like this all the time. And he did a great job. So I was very thankful to be a part of it. And it was a awesome opportunity and also for, for Ricky, and so yeah, also, thanks for having me on. It was awesome. And I hope you guys have a good conversation with Damien. Again. All right. Thanks, Andrew. We really appreciate it. Yeah, just like Jamie said, we really appreciate it. Andrew, we hope to see you at the races more often. Dude, it's always good to see such a nice humble face of the races. So good to see you. But hopefully we'll see you there. The next one. There you go. Jamie answered. All right later, Andrew. All right. So welcome. Jamie Campbell from race co USA to the show. How are you? I'm trying to get the volume up on this thing a little bit. Crank it up, man. Hey, real quick. I'm kind of deciphering what Bray Beck said. I think he said he needed a bigger front bumper. I don't know if I heard that wrong. But yeah, so yeah, rig guys were awesome. I mean, it was kind of like, you know, Elliott was signed up the race with Mikey, you know, and I'm like, man, who do I get? And I I knew Ricky was Johnny, my brother at JCR onda. And Ricky been doing, you know, durability testing for the last few weeks. And Johnny had mentioned that he might have had a break in in testing for a few days. So it worked out, we did some testing and Barstow, Ricky was there with Johnny doing that card durability testing with the bike and all that. So just worked out and super stoked that both those guys got to be involved with it. And they did. They did way better than they're talking about, too. You know, ya know, and I know, as you're saying, like, and those opportunities like, well, you know, Jamie, those opportunities don't come that often. So I was really glad to see that you were able to put that program together for both of those dudes. We're gonna get, we're gonna get our boy Darren Hardesty on as well. But it's got to be, it's got to feel pretty cool for you to to, to understand that those guys want to be a part of your program. There he is. Darren Hardesty What's up, homie? How are you? Good. Hey, Darren, it's good to see you again. You do? We started recently in good time. But yeah, so Jamie, like having Darren having both of the Moto guys Andrew short, and Ricky Bray back on your squad. Like, as much as it's really, you know, they were appreciative of you giving them the opportunity. You're also on the other side of things, too, right? You got to thank them for being a part of that, because that's some pretty heavy talent that you're able to put in these Honda talents to be able to show the capabilities of the vehicles to show the capabilities of your products. Like it's a pretty rad deal. 100% I mean, you know, I would have never asked these guys to do with me if I didn't think they were 100% You know, ready to do it or talented. I mean, obviously, you know, Ricky driving it, you know, he hasn't raised a bunch of UTV stuff. And he's been doing DP fours and winning and stuff like that. So it just fell together. I mean, I would, I have a hard time letting certain people drive my personal vehicles anyways, but I had full confidence and those two guys and you know, I brought Darren along. It was kind of like I needed a co writer and, and Darren has been hanging out at some races. He's buddies with Elliot and Trey hernquist and all that. So you know, I was like thinking, who can I get? Who can I get? I'm like, Man, I'm getting Darren because it's gonna be a blast. The kids are full clown. It's all it's all good. He loves He loves a clown and make jokes and I'm like, This is gonna be a blast. You know, just having Darren in there. Yeah, hot is a hot spot right there is hot sauce joking the whole time when you're reading or what? Hot sauce was perfect. He got serious when he be perfect or serious. And I like to think I was every, every inch of the short course qualifying that he coached me and made me a better short course driver. So it was pretty awesome. I hear him qualify but I was gonna I was gonna say with all of it with all his short course ability and what happened to cutting break in the buggy and stuff like that. He's probably telling you to turn in like 100 feet before you're even thinking about pulling back and around to go through the corner. My own motions like I would like be telling him to do something just out of like, muscle memory, like reach for the cutting break where it would be in my car or something. Yeah, Jamie thrown in. Yeah, that's so funny, man. But that's cool, though, that you guys have that racing capability to be able to fire back and forth and how did it work during the race? Like maybe give us a couple of highlights during your guys's stint? Darren wants you go first and then Jamie can go after? Sure me and Jamie are probably thinking the same thing right now. But I think probably the highlight for me was our pass on Jim Beaver. We're racing down the swash right before raw I think it was and is long straightaway kind of downhill coming into danger three super good Eric ISACs notes danger three cliffs on either side 90 Left and we got on the Push to Pass and siren and he moved out of the way and Jamie just motored through and like, he hit the corner so fast and so perfect. We were both of us after we're just like, wow, that was awesome. Like, that was definitely the highlight. For me. That was a real racing moment. That's rad. Yeah, that's pretty cool feeling do when you rail a corner, and you're passing dudes at a high rate of speed. I was, I was charging hard, because that was I think, Ricky said something. So after restart, you know, as 45 for five and a half miles. And so we're, we're sitting there, you know, just, you know, our anxiety because we're going 45 miles an hour, and it's not, it's not racing, you know, and you're gone, man, this is brutal. But all of a sudden, here comes Jim, and I'm like, you know, what, the, you know, whatever. And then Maddie had a king right after him. And then I'm like, What is going on? You know, and, and, at that point, I'm like, This is bull because we had clean air the guy that's left I had caught and past a couple of those guys. And so the next card is Sir in front of us, but he had like two minutes on it. So I'm like going, we're gonna have clean air, we're gonna be good. And then all of a sudden, these guys pass us in the times in the speed limit zone. And then a third car comes in and passes us and I'm just going what is going yeah, you gotta be so confused at that point. There was a lot of people that didn't get that memo. I was yeah, you know, it made while I still give best in the desert huge props for pulling a lot of this off because they had a huge challenge you know, with the course changes and trying to make it all happen so you know, if it was the one mistake they made, you know, it's one mistake out of a heat I mean, it was you know, obviously there's so many things with the rain like you guys probably talked to Erica just as much as we did, but the amount of work that she put in and the amount of skill that she possesses like that in itself took her what two weeks three weeks like so much and she had to change everything the last day it's like you couldn't have been put in a weird crazier position right so for all you racers to have the ability to have that ease like I thank them for being able to give that ability to you guys like that's pretty insane and just as an overall I talked to Jim last night actually he was so bummed that that went down that way you know he's a vision wheel athlete like us and and he after that all happened him and Brittany were like talking to the car going oh my god Jamie's gonna be pissed and all stuff and we ended up we pass on like that pass that Darren Sargon about and then we pit while he went by us in the pit I'm like oh my god we gotta go do this again. So it was just like and then we ended up getting the double flat I probably should have been more patient I got double flat and we drove 30 miles per minute on a front flat we just had that was probably the right move though. Was that driving the company did yeah. Oh there we go back we kept trying to find a broken cannamd Because they have the same lug pattern but nobody was broken down you know we were we were it suck but we've managed it I think we lost probably an hour just just driving slow and try not to abuse the car and get it to the next pit. I thought the tire was going to come apart. I mean, did all I got I'll send you guys pictures the vision wheel the GVA It looks perfect. I mean, we were clobbering rocks with the rim that that you Yokohama tire stayed it lasted it didn't come apart. So I mean, it was amazing, you know, and then you know just having guys like Chuck chi you can see my precision making a lot of my components that just hold up and I mean did I mean Chuck's the man when it comes to some of this stuff and I put full confidence in guys like him and and you know, so it's it's just though this Honda Talon, how stock it actually is, is amazing. So Darren was even talking about it. He's like, Man, I gotta save my money and buy one you know, we were literally driving hitting rocks on the flat and stuff I told Jamie no matter what happens today, I'm still buying a talent with the right people behind them, they're superior. So something new to this thing. George was you know, we installed it a Jackson racing turbo on Oh, that's right. Yeah, so you know, we've been we've been pretty competitive in the unlimited in the trophy unlimited class, the last couple races but we're driving the car so hard to keep up and stuff. And so Jackson's approached me they say hey, we want to do this with you. They they they've been working on like a of a risk hit. It's more open and makes more one single issue with that kit. We worked with them on some other stuff as far as mounting the intercooler and some other stuff and and we did have a air filter that got clogged on Ricky in in we lost some booths so we had to he had to go slow for a little bit before we got to the before he got to the pit but all in all I got to thank those guys I mean we had the cars so much fun are now just pulls in the washers and it goes and we're gonna we're gonna keep working on that and making improvements and get better with that too. So Oscar and I have already been talking today and over the weekend after we got home we're texting each other back and forth. Okay, what's the next step and so super amazing that those guys are are doing this with us. One other thing we performance machine if you guys don't know these guys are a lot of Harley brake components and stuff but they made a brake kit for us for the Honda Talon and again, it's it's amazing. We could drive into corners so much harder and like this pass on gym and stuff it was there's no way I could have done it without those brakes on the car. Yeah, it's cool to see like we're talking about this a little bit with when Bryce Menzies won but like the I guess the forward evolution evolution Yeah, of the of the side by sides. One thing that what Trent I remember talking to Travis Zoolander a bit about before we had him on the show that I really wanted to mention, and sorry, Travis, we're talking about a little late. But the average speed when Travis one Vegas to Reno, I think was a couple years ago, maybe four, three or four years ago, when a UTV was like 30 something. And this year's average speed that he was it was over 50 Oh, yeah. Like, that's wild, dude. Because that's almost like, well, let's just simple simplify it. That's almost double, right, like, that's insane. Five years. Oh, it's evolving huge. I mean, the I would say the biggest issue that we have with the UTV now is I think tire size has to evolve, just like the trucks have. Because, you know, the crowns from the 40 inch tires are so big, that, you know, we have to ride up on the edges, which gets sketchy sometimes if the car wants to step out or something. And they just dig up so many big rocks and stuff. And it's like, you know, these organisms, I mean, everything's getting bigger with the Pro are and all this stuff. So it's like, the trophy unlimited class allows 30 fives I'm proud to say Yokohama is actually working on a 35 inch tire for us. So in the end mat locks, I think. So that's going to be huge at Koh next year, they're, they're going to run Max's 30 sevens did, yeah. And I know, you know, tensor has a 37 on a 15 inch wheel. I mean, it's got to happen. Because just like with the evolution with with the trophy truck tire in class ones running big tires, we're just working on the bottom of their cars, because we don't have a big enough tire. We're gonna talk to max Eddie a little bit about killing the bottom of the car too, because he had the same issue, man. But okay, so give us a little bit of your, your highlight, Jamie, because Darren kind of told you what his was maybe something a little bit different than that pass. My highlight was, you know, we really went into that event, as as a durability test for this for the turbo. And two, you know, try to evolve that. You know, there there was issues in the past, with with that kid with another team. And, and, you know, we really, really wanted to prove that it's reliable. And in the right conditions, it could do well. And, you know, Ricky said, you know, we were running in the top, whatever. But, you know, when you do look at how much time we lost due to the, the two tire flats, and the air filter, we were in the top five. So in that class, so the talons competitive. People didn't think it would be but we're making it competitive, you know? So it's wild and the amount, the amount of work like you're being humble when you're talking about it, but Darren, you know, this as far as the racers perspective goes, the amount of work that it takes to get to that point is pretty insane. Yeah, I mean, this is my first time ever co writing for anyone. So it was like a little strange for me. I made some weird calls. But Jamie thoroughly impressed me with the Honda. That's why I'm so confident because he's just like, compared to any other up I've written and he was able to set it in, like it was it was consistent, and was the word I use conservative, something that's not bound to go and break a whole bunch of things will break if you drive it too hard, but drive it like you should drive a UTV so yeah, so one of the things that I like about UTVs, in general is that they're predictable, right? Like as long as you know, and you have comfort and knew what you're driving that they can become predictable like that. And I know that that platform has a lot of those capabilities. All right, we got to get Bajaj and Phil Burton on here in just a little bit. You guys got anything you want to say before we Gotta let you guys both go. I just want to thank Darren for riding with me and doing such a great job and Ricky and Andrew hanging in there. And it's funny because those guys come from factory teams. I mean, I raced for factory team back in the 90s. But, you know, it's just it was cool to have all that talent like you were saying all that talent. You know, Darren being three time pro buggy champion, Ricky when in doubt car and just being a badass motorcycle racer, Andrew racing pro motocross and Supercross. I mean, it was just a cool looks like his Internet just bailed out a little bit. But that's what I was talking about Mela, I didn't even care if we, if we won, I just want. And, you know, our crew and all of our sponsors that I didn't miss mentioned, they just, you know, I wouldn't be doing it without all them. So, you know, it's huge. Now these guys on my side, and, you know, so but I love the fact that you're doing that Jamie because like we talked to Bryce Menzies, about growing the sport, you know, he's helping with the media stuff. He's given a behind the scenes perspective, like he's opening up his race program, but you're also doing it well, a different way. But you're given the opportunity for some of these mainstream motocross guys and sharing the audience and being able to pull in new people. So and I think that's what all three of us are all four of us here. And everybody has come on the show, like, we want to grow. Yeah, man. Yeah, it needs to happen. You know, like, Elliott, Elliott has some crazy ideas. And I want to do some of them. It's just, it's so hard to do. I'm trying to run a business we're racing, you know, making products making apparel, all this stuff. So it's, you know, you know, obviously my awesome wife helps me with all this and it's like, we're this cool team, but you know, it's, it's, it's gonna keep building and and, you know, I can't wait to go to sands for show we're gonna have a cool setup there and show more products. And you know, we got our website up last month, which was huge. That'd be pretty cool. Oh, hey, I wanted to I do want to give John a shout out though that shirt I don't know who designed it but the shirt with the Mexican guy on the back with that says race go on the front. Dude, I couldn't I can't tell you how many the brachial or whatever. I can't tell you how many compliments I get on that shirt, dude. Like so. If people want to get it. I think they can go the race go. USA website. But that shirt is badass. Yep. All right. Looks like the internet might be bailing out a little bit for these guys. You back. We're here. All right. So thanks, boys. I appreciate it. You got anything else? Or we should let you go. That's it. Me. I just appreciate you guys having us on. Yeah, absolutely. You guys for having us having me on the show. All right. Thanks, Darren. Thanks. Thanks, Jamie. We'll see you guys later. Thanks, man. See it. I love the way that the community like bands together like that, like because they're saying the same exact things that we would we do? Click it and then hit the X up at the top. Oh, good. We got to get Jen over here. Your technology genius, right. But it's the same thing that we that we always talk about, right? Is that everybody wants to grow the sport. Yeah. So talking about growing the sport. These guys are always doing it pushing side by side racing where you're going to get Phil Burton on here and then we have Bo judge on with us now. What's up did oh, there we go. Phil's on with us now. What's up Phil? How are you? Good, are you these two are pushing the envelope I chase these guys for two years in the in the UTV when I screw in for serratus Yeah, these guys are pushing the UTV market right now tell you that. So first of all, congratulations, boys, you guys had a new car. It took a little bit to get some of the bugs worked out. I saw you guys at Tech and contingency and obviously qualifying and I don't know if you guys were like stressed out or not. But it looks like you were calm, cool and collected just getting things going with the car. It was a brand new car. So we just as cars a little bit lighter than what we normally run. So we had a good shock package for Silver State but we just didn't have a good shock package yet. You know, for a little bit rough. So we brought like, we bring both 12 sets of shocks and I think we tried every single set of them and funny the last set we put on we're like yep, this is what we're gonna race with. I think that was about right when you showed up. So your stress until about that moment, and then everything was good from there. It didn't take that long to work. It was only I think we only have 10 miles on the car before the start of the race wasn't that long. Isn't that the way it always works though? It doesn't matter how many hours you put in. It's just gonna always be that last minute but I don't know like, like your team name or your fab shop says no limit man. You just keep going and going and going. Alright, so let's, let's go over a little bit of how the race went. So, where did you guys qualify? We were first impro turbo. So that put us third off the line. Okay, so that was actually a pretty good starting position. Is that where you guys wanted to be? Or did you guys want to be chasing a little bit more? No, we wanted to be very first want to be first overall, but, but we settled for that? I don't know, I'd always rather be the first one off the line if possible. Yeah. So that way you can make your own make your own way. What was some of the stuff that happened during the race? That was pretty eventful bow. I mean, for sure. We've never done the whole changeover thing where we had to load on a trailer and do all that stuff. I mean, that was pretty wasn't it, like 100% sure on how all that was going to go down, but it actually would best in the desert, I really think they did a good job. And it actually went fairly smoothly. I mean, we noticed we had like a little issue once the car was on the, on the trailer. So we decided to once the green flag dropped, I just kind of rode up on the seat real quick. And once the green flag dropped, we just pulled over real quick and made the adjustment and I got back in the car before veto could even take off and pass us so we just thought it was gonna be a better decision and trying to make it out to the next pit. And but yeah, other than that, I mean, we had a pretty good battle with Joe, you know, that was pretty fun. We've uh, we've never battled with him so when we caught up to the back of them we were just weren't 100% sure how it was gonna go down but they were actually pretty nice and moved over and let us go by before we had to bump them but other than that we just pretty much after that got out front and we're just kind of by ourselves and the rest of the rest of the day. No dust a little bit we caught you caught a couple of slower cars but when you catch the slower cars it just seems like we get by him pretty quick. But there was one at the end I think we we lost what was it three minutes to veto when we were leaving Top Gun to to to pick 12 son was coming down and it was writing like I kept asking Phil Can you see because I can't see anything. It's the hardest there when you cross the highway and it's always dusty right there. And you're looking right at the sun. Oh, because Yeah, cuz it was at the evening time at Top Gun. It's always the evening, right after Top Gun. They told us we had three, three minutes 30 on veto. And then it was like, we caught that 4400 And there was nothing I mean, the sun was just right in our eyes. And I honestly would say that today. That was the most nervous I've ever been with Fiddler on the car just going. I couldn't believe that were some of the stuff we were driving through. I was just like I just said screw it. I'm not even going to look Oregon I'm gonna watch the GPS and give the best direction I could give and we went for it but it just didn't work out by the time we caught him. We had lost that whole three by the time it was it weeks is 12 Pick 12 When we got there, we had that. We had a grace three minutes and Beto was only 30 seconds behind us at that point. That's wild. How did it feel driving into that? Oh, or excuse me, Phil. Oh, we can't hear Phil. Yeah. Phil maybe get a little bit closer to the to the phone. I can't hear you. Dude, is it pretty gnarly driving through that though? I want to hear what? Yeah, why do you hear me now? Yeah, that's better. We got a better connection. So how was it driving in that stuff? Phil, I don't know if you can hear Bo. Pretty gnarly. We have sunvisors that flipped down. But it's like that son was literally like perfectly right in our eyes. And I'm trying to like split the steering wheel split the sunvisor bows gone. Can you see because I can't see I'm telling ya. I can see I couldn't see. Just hold. He was telling me what's the move, then you just hold to the floor and just hope for the best you gotta trust your co dog. It was I mean, what do you say about that was like a pretty Fresh Cut section. So it's kind of like silty ruts the whole time. So that was just kind of like roller coaster. And through there. Oh, yeah. Cuz it's kind of the car feels all wishy washy, huh? Yeah. You're just kind of bouncing from side to side and following. The bushes fly by on the sides following it. We didn't take any crazy chances and there but definitely it's frustrating to enter the race. And all of a sudden, you're like, somebody that's not in your class you're battling against, you know, and you know, the rest of it feels like the whole rest of the world is catching up to you. Yeah, that's true, right? Because there's so many other people on the track. Actually, that kind of brings up the same point that we were talking about with Jamie Campbell and Travis Zoolander, who brought it up off air with me. The pace that you guys run now compared to what was it was two or three years ago, four years ago, like that pace has gotten significantly faster, like maybe even 33% faster. Can you guys tell that or do you guys even notice it now? No, it's definitely I mean, don't you think both from when we very first started when we first race Vegas to Reno one. I mean, we kind of just babied it all day and then say this race, maybe the first 200 miles we kind of took it easy. And then the last section, we just kind of went hard the whole entire time. Yeah, for me, I feel like all Bessemer desert races now are just a long works. Raise. I mean, you're, you're pushing it hard. I mean, maybe I don't know if you guys follow it too much. But um, you'll notice like Joe and I will, we could in the first 100 Maybe 200 Miles fall back to as far back Back in seventh place, and they're you know everyone his dad, everyone's like, what's wrong with you guys? What's wrong? You know something's going on. But it happens every time and I'm right about race mile 300 and costumes, like everyone starts falling off and next, you know, we're in the lead again and it just kind of taught kind of always seems to go down all the time. But the pacing best in the desert now is so fast. I mean, you pretty much you have any one problem even a flat or what I mean, you're just like us. I mean, the last 50 miles, we got a flat. We got second. We were in, you know what I'm saying? It's just it's just you can't even get a flat anymore. And it's, it's you're getting second or third. Yeah, it is wild, right? And you'd like to think about it. One of the things that I wanted to talk about was, I was telling Mila like at the beginning of the show, Ken Ham has secured seven of the top 10 spots overall in the UTV category Vegas arena this year. And that means that Ken Ham has been the winner of this race for seven years in a row that's insane dude and you guys are a huge part of that. Yep. Yeah, yeah. Like those stats are crazy right? Yeah. The cannons work really good in the heat you know, I think the cannons have a little advantage on on belt temps and also keeping the engine school so I think you know, platform to platform we can run a little Yeah, what No, how was it later? And especially those high temps? How was it like yeah, we got to like, win and it's cooler. How was it in the heat? Like how was it for you guys in the car? I mean, I'm like body temperature wise. I was fine. I mean, yeah, I didn't feel physically drained at all. Definitely. I mean, yeah, we still had to watch build tents and stuff. Engine temps were totally fine the whole entire day. I mean, you're definitely consuming more water than you are like most races will go I won't even touch my Camelback that one I think we're draining them But Bo unfortunately has decided to pump itself out in the seat so here's a wet the next day was I got a diaper rash around my whole stomach soaking wet for like eight hours was it water or was it like some sort of drink no just water but it this this is one of the first times to that I feel like in a long like Phil and I we didn't eat one single time usually I'm passing food and stuff and we did not eat the entire time like it was it was a it was a fast paced the entire time and we were we weren't even thinking about food or anything we were just paying the whole time. That is kind of crazy man a little bit of a we fought a little bit of voltage issues. So we started like we turned off the pump or we ran the whole day with our visors cracked and no pumper so that kind of sucked. Oh really. But so we were cycling fans on and off to try to keep the battery voltage where we needed it because you know the car drops and you know the 10 volt range it starts pulling power out of it. So yeah, somehow this new car, the way we ran this vent tube, it's the same way our ended on the previous car, but somehow it's like the vapors are lighting on that thing. So every time we went in a fuel stop that thing went into a fireball from the vapors. I unbuckled because the flames like shot up between my legs. Oh, next time we just like expected it. And it was like every time we filled it the vapors just boom, big old fireball. Yeah, definitely rerouting that but first one is a little scary. It's big, too. It's not just a little one like literally the whole inside of the cab was filled up with fire or I was like I was starting to get out and then right away the flames went out and then we we take off and I'm driving from the passenger seat so Phil could buckle back in. So we're smashing out of what was it pit? Four or five? I think there's five right? I think so. Maybe you're sick. I don't know what what I'm driving from the passenger seat while he's buckling back in. I'm like I'm buckled I was getting out for the flames. You gotta grab the wheel but dude, that's the worst. fires the scariest? Yeah, it's so scary man. I'm the usually the first person to get out like I'm just bailing out of their hate so well. First of all, like you guys did a fantastic job. Did you guys have your family at the races? Any of the kiddos there or did you see him when he got back home? Just my wife and Beau's girlfriend came up to the finish line. My mom came up to the finish line. My kids are little so they stayed home. They're not gonna be out at the finish line that late. So they stayed with my sister in law, but the rest of the family my sister and brother in law and everybody came up to the finish. I was just asking because I knew that Ken Ham has come out with those little ATC quads or those excuse me, ATV quads that they got with a fuel injection. I was wondering if the kiddos are already chomping at the bit to get one of those bad boys. I don't think they've seen him yet. Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to get you in trouble, dude. Now you're gonna have to tell if the kids heard about it. Yeah, those things look super cool, though. Plus dad doesn't have to work on them. If they have fuel injection, they just go car. Alright, that that's the one race where we finish you know, all of our races are 10 hours away. So that's the one race where we finish hour and a half away from home. So we do get quite a bit of family and friends and stuff that come up and see us and hang out after the race. That's cool. It's pretty rad. Right? Bo, maybe you could tell that's when you're gonna be up at the shop with Phil, because I'd love to come up there and hang out with you guys. Maybe we could do a show from the shop to where we're at each other shop for three to four times a week. So, anytime perfect then All right. Well, I definitely want to get up there and do that. That's pretty cool. Maybe I could get out of some of this summer heat down here in Southern California. Come hang with you guys are gonna be miserable this whole week. Oh, really? All right. I'm not doing this week then. Yeah. Well, so All right. Give us Yeah, exactly. We got Nick Eisenhower is going to come on the show in just a bit here. So tell us what your favorite portion of the races and we'll let you guys get back to the family off and the internet just starts cutting out a little bit right. Never fails. What? What was your favorite part? My favorite part? I guess my favorite part of the whole race is just I like the longer races I feel like the longer we have it. Our team is so good. You know, we've got so many good people, they're helping us and I feel like the longer the race is the the more advantage you know the advantage that we have over the competition. I mean, Phil does an amazing job to even in the shorter shorter races like Loughlin and stuff like that too. But just there it's so tight there where Las Vegas Reno kind of starts stretching out you know and it's like you get there where you're just battling with like, possibly three guys. But yeah, for surely I like the longer races like you know the 1000 and stuff like that, but I that's what I liked the most. I think the longer the better and you're always in that canyon for a long time. And that's fun. So what about you Phil? What What were they actually let's change it up a little bit what was your favorite portion of the course this year? I don't know I always like kind of like the inception going into that whole Fallon area and then like the rocky section at the end that fell on racecourse five out there this race on like a buzz word all started like I literally met Bo at the powdercoat shop we didn't know each other and I was like we come race some more race with me and we that was like the first time we ever hung out was on that felon course he co drove so we get back on that section and it's like going through those big ol if you've been there but the big giant rollers and the fun part like that was that was mine both first race together so it's fun to go back there nice to when you make when you make the left like off of that and head in the sand wash section two if I really really like Sandy and real sweeping turns and that's always pretty fun to you. It's the belt killer but it's super fun to be in there. Yeah, that's cool that it brings back those memories for the guys. Alright boys. Well thank you very much we're gonna get Nick Eisenhower on you guys kicked ass this year and I'm glad to see that you guys made it up there and help Ken Ham get seven of those 10 spots. Yeah, thanks for having us. I will see you guys later. All right, let's get Nick Eisen hour on here and as the fall we'll start talking some 66 or 6100 here what do you think? Yeah, man All right. There he is. So I don't know man like whenever I start thinking about how fast you TVs go it just gets me so excited. Alright Nick Eisenhower what up homie? How are you is I'm good. I'm very good a smile and now yeah, sorry challenging the phone I'm high not my car. I got the kids with the grandparents house so I can get a little quiet time. Well, thanks for thanks for hanging out and waiting on us a little bit these shows do they get crazy sometimes so we appreciate you being flexible. All right, so give us a little bit of a rundown you put a lot of work into the 6100 truck obviously all the time but before Vegas Reno and Dude, it looked like it was doing pretty good for most portion of the race. Oh, he was a little stressed out when I saw my qualifying he didn't really have time to talk it looked like he was really in his head a little bit. Yeah, so yeah, so obviously leading up to Vegas Serena we took the whole truck down to like a bare chassis and powder coated every part piece and part of the car because I'm just tired obviously we do all this after work we do in our shop so anytime savings we can make we do so powder coating the car cuts down and all the sanding and all that stuff and all the Scotch riding and W 14 So we decided to do that put the car together it took us a you know like two months or so to get the car together. Went down to plaster city ran our normal test loop. Everything was perfectly fine. No issues high fiving each other the whole week leading up. We ran from the hotel parking lot. Over to the Buffalo Bills park a lot of qualifying morning and the truck just wasn't running like popping sputtering like I heard that wonder it never fails. Dude, like, I don't understand how they literally just happened before the show for us, like technology tested at 169 times and like everything's good, right and then all of a sudden well and here's the worst part because I saw Nick running up and down and I wanted to go talk to him but here's the worst part is now you're showing your cards to everybody gets on center stage my truck together even I don't know it seemed to clear out but it's like, oh, yeah, so we sat there in the parking lot. We had we went there early. So we had like two Two hours. So we sat there and I went through all the plug wires, all the plugs, all the electrical all, like literally everything went to the whole truck. And we ended up swapping out the ATMs thinking that maybe that was the issue. So we went from like one of our more hot ECM we use for qualifying to a normal one. And it just, I don't know, it seemed to clear up a little bit on the asphalt road. But then luck would have it. I call it the staging. We did the parade lap ran. All right. Then I'm sitting there next to Sam Barry kind of loading the truck up into doing little breakout same time. And it's like, whoa, dang it. Right. There it is. Yeah, let all that get into my head. I got the jump on Sam. But I flew two corners away. Just thinking too much, you know, just didn't have the confidence. I was kind of setting up early just trying to be prepared for the throttle not to hit Yep. And they just kind of, you know, we ended up staying in front of Sam for qualifying. But we landed in like 16 or something miserable like that. Yeah, but I saw you get out of the truck. I'm like, I'm not even gonna go over. So how temperamental are those those trucks and that's usually usually you just fire them up and go, they're like going to the store. Okay, so there's some there's some we still haven't figured it out. Because even after qualifying Justin being Smith was you know, nice enough to let us use a shop for a couple hours. And we don't so deep into that car like went through every ground added redone, like redundant grounds went through all the electrical, never found like the smoking gun. But we did like all 100 things that everybody suggested like, we replaced the pressure regulators, the filters, like I said, all the grounds, all the everything. And then you know, by the time Justin came back with graft from qualifying, we ripped the truck around the parking lot or beans neighborhood. And it seemed to run okay, so we threw it on the trailer and, you know, headed our way up to bat. Yeah, it's like somebody sprinkles like sucky fairy dust on your car, and then it just wears its way off. Because like he said, two months, he's like thrashing, to get it going, get it going, everything's fine. And then all of a sudden, and it's not like they change anything from when they do get the mental stuff either. Like, it's like, oh, you know, like, it's so crazy to me when that stuff happens. But alright, so let's, let's talk a little bit more about some positive stuff that happened during the race like, I mean, dude, that video you posted online, sending it next to the fence. How sick was that? So that was my brother. Actually. I like Chris drive. I didn't let him Chris drove the second half of the race. That was the plan from the beginning. But yeah, so I ran the start to pit eight. And luckily, we decided to do it there because we actually broke an axle. Oh, 10 miles outside of pit eight, which is kind of wild for 6100 truck to do that. But I broke that axle. Our crew like a bunch of good friends like nobody's paid or anything. It's all volunteered fun time. These guys knocked out swapping both axles tires, fuel in like eight or nine minutes went by time. That's why it was while these guys, you know, had three dudes on the driver's side, three dudes on the passenger side. And they were just working like super fast. Got a bunch of pros in there. So we lost a couple of spots there in the pits. But after that, like my brother was like on a sick one. Like we were all watching the tracker and it was like never below like 85 miles an hour. I was like, Oh my gosh, he is making up some time. So he was the one that I guarantee you any cool video clip you get from this race. It's gonna be Chris driving, for sure. It was just on fire catching everybody. So that's fun, though. When he's in the zone like that. We were just talking about it with the other guys too. Like how much the pace is increased in all the classes I guess you could say Right? Like, you gotta be pretty much full would like your brother and you were there in this race? Oh, yeah, that's that's the scary thing. So every talks about 6100 It's like a bigger, heavier version of 1600 Because nowadays, like I literally use the throttle stop as a foot rest on those trucks on the trail brake like You're like the Family Fun Center. That's exactly say we got up. We got a pretty awesome comment that came in from Tyler aka stinky said, unfortunately, you're gonna need to run bigger axles with a mustache like that. That's true. That's true. I felt I had the biggest ones I could bind but I'm gonna have to hit up those monster truck dudes, I guess and see what they're running. Exactly. I guess I guess one of the issues we had to during the day and I don't know if any of the other like 1600 Guys can chime in or trophy truck guys, but it felt like that first half of that racecourse was just wet. And so like all the dirt download was just making so much traction and just slowing the truck down. So it just felt like we were just towing a boat all the way my whole section. And so the whole time I'm in the truck with my buddy Keith marigold we're just like there's something wrong with this thing. It's got to have a down a cylinder the converters wrong. Something's broken. So when we swapped seats I gave the truck to my brother. Oh, hey Chris. Just you know be prepared. This thing isn't running perfect. And they seem at the finish is like you're I don't know what's wrong with you. This is the fastest truck have ever dreamed of this. He was perfect. And I'm like, man, maybe it was all in my head. And then the more guys I start talking to, they're like, oh, yeah, first half, like the dirt was wet on the bottom. So you'd be digging, then as soon as the converter would lock up and break loose and it was upside down. Yeah, you're saying the same thing. But yeah, it was just total mind games there. Did Yeah, that is kind of crazy. Like you'd never really think about it right. And like, off roading we always think about all the cars are getting wild out there. But like there's a big difference between 1100 horsepower or and then a spec truck horsepower, and then a UTV that has four wheels, driving instead of two wheels driving, there's all kinds of different things that I love here in these little idiosyncrasies, because this makes what off road what it actually is, because there's so many different little things, right? 100%? Well, yeah, yeah, it was rough. And and it made like cornering was tough, because like, you know, we like our trucks are pretty low slung truck, it's got the weight balanced pretty well. And you can really slide that thing around. And so I'd be like, the first couple miles, I'd go to set up for corners, and the truck would just make traction and go that direction, like it wouldn't slide into the corner. And so the game kind of changed a little bit from you know, kind of rallying the roads to more like just driving in the to try to be as fast in and fast out and trying to use, you know, we only have three speeds. And the trucks are this using all three of those gears, so their potential would be good to try and save fuel and stuff. Yeah, when you hear him talk like that Mila, what do you think about like, because in my mind, I think that that has a lot of prowess to the driver, you give a lot of credit to the driver to be able to feel and understand what you're doing at that exact moment. And to be able to adjust Yeah, that's what you're used to, let's say, let's just knowing first, right, knowing what the car is doing. A lot of times guys will test with a half a tank of gas, and two tires, right? That's or maybe five eighths and then a lot of guys for qualifying, they'll pull all the tires and the jacks and they'll run like low fuel and then then the truck is totally different. And they don't do qualifying because they don't test that way. So to be able to decipher what the truck is doing. You go okay, I have to drive it a little different. That's gonna make you go to the front 100% It's crazy. Absolutely. Yeah. Do you do you guys? Do you guys have like a, I don't know what you want to call it. Because like, to me, like when you're going through a race like this, you have to make so many split decisions, like in the middle of the race, like change up your whole plan or whatever it is that you guys are doing. Do you guys have a pretty set plan? Or is it just like, hey, you know, we've been doing this for a while we're just gonna go with it. Yeah, it's kind of both we I mean, I'd like to say we're really professional. And we have big plans, but we wing a lot of it like kind of on the fly. For this race. Specifically, we had two plans. So our fuel strategy our truck holds, it pumps out almost 100 gallons of fuel. So we can go pretty far with the truck and it gets Okay, mileage. So we had planned to take fuel at Pitt for at the transport section. And then Chris was out of the truck. So it was up to him to do all the math. So he did the fuel math. And that's what I was saying. Luckily, we hit it at eight instead of nine. Because it was basically we could have taken fuel at nine and gone straight to the finish. And so that was changing. So luckily had that transport section to communicate. So Chris has called me on the phone. He's like, hey, you've got fuel to run tonight if you want and take it straight to the finish or we stick to our plan. And luckily we stuck to our plan to send out 10 miles out of eight we broke that axle on those dudes. We're all there ready to do a full pit? So what are the original? I mean, you don't really hear that too often. Dude, it is wild rice 100 At least. Yeah, we're gonna find out what's going on with that. We're gonna dig into that. There's got to be some sort of material issue or something. I don't think it's anything too crazy. Yeah, but heat treat every now and again. You'll get like four dudes, they'll break axles. You're like, oh, we just had a bad heat treat. It's really easy, dude. I actually have a funny story because I'm not a big trophy truck guy or even a spec truck guy but I got to do a tour with the guys are brothers. And Rick was showing me around or just give me Jeff was showing me around him isn't wreck shop and like they showed me that he's like, here's a trophy truck axle. And I went to just like, go pick it up. And I was like, oh, no, I was like, Dude, no, like, and I was like, How thick is that? He's like, it's about two inches thick. And it's almost solid steel, right? And I went to pick it up and I couldn't pick it up physically. Like I'm not like that week, but I couldn't pick it up with one arm. Yeah, like and even with two hands. It's a full two hand curl to pick up one of those axles. So when you guys talk about it, I don't know if the normal audience can be like, dude, that is a really hefty task to rip on the driver side and then get all the grease off it and then try and pick it up and put it in like a barrel without hurting the splines and stuff, y'all because you gotta because it'll slip. Yeah, because it's just covered and gear oil. It's pretty fun. Yeah, that's so so wild. You're gonna think that X was probably the size of that Motul can right behind you? That's like the diameter of the roughly Yeah, it's so crazy, right? That it's that big. Yeah, I was looking at those things going. Oh my god, like when these guys talk about breaking an axle? That's some serious driving. Yeah, it's really it's crazy to do like, you know, we this this is a topic for a whole nother conversation but like the 6100 trucks, you know, they were supposed to be an affordable small horsepower way of going racing. But literally, that's a full trophy truck with a little motor in it. And exactly. It's cool. It's great. It's awesome. But man, is it a lot to take care of and to prep and all that well did just on a side note, you should have a little bit less 6100 show you should. It's a big, big, big class. There was more fun There was more specs than trophies. But Chris and how many were there? Do you know? Well, the 2629 Chris really qualified and Nick, do so much with. I don't know how little but I'm just gonna say with little because you guys hustle. And I respect that so much. Oh, the work ethic is what gets it. This is what these guys do is just grind to go race and that is so respectful. Yeah, but that that shows us what you can do a little bit of elbow grease, these guys do it. So that's why I tell everybody like if you want to do something bad enough, just work to get there like you go. It's all doable to pieces and time. And it's just, you know, energy, go work for a team, figure it all out, figure out the little nooks and crannies of how to put a car together start putting your own car together. It's not I mean, you know, meal. It's not rocket science. It's just nuts and bolts, well put together the right way. Yeah, and I bet you learned a little bit when you were racing with Rudy Cambro road. Yeah, you know, you just picked up a little here, pick up a little there and just kind of put it together. And then when you get mad at your truck, you just go drift your 240 or just kick it, you kick the side of the truck as hard as you can. Hey, so both of you guys are talking about it on a pretty humble level. But you guys have to understand too, that a lot of the people that listen to the show where we get direct messages from they haven't raised before they're beginners and getting into the side by side world, I have a bunch of people that direct message me that they don't even know where to get a seat, you know what I mean? Like they don't know where to go purchase it and stuff. So a lot of the stuff that you guys are talking about really could resonate with everybody, like you just you start in the garage, you start tinkering with stuff, and then you work your way up. And then you know you didn't start yesterday, this is years and years down the road that you've got all this experience. Right. So I think it's really cool that you're able to show shed some light on this to show them that it is achievable. Yeah, absolutely. Like for us. I remember being like 13 years old, I guess and like being on the internet and looking at Desert rangers and race desert and just absorbing everything I could and like going through all the build features and just screenshotting it you know or right say right click save settings, desktop back there, like all that. How many times have we all done that? I still do it. Yeah. You know, it's really good to go on the forums and just ask the dumb questions and just learn so much from that. I mean, that's like, like I said topic for another conversation, but like, that's what got us started. Like this whole thing for us started is just an F 100 that turned into a racecar from the internet. Thanks a lot. Well, it's funny because the first time I saw you we never met or anything but it was down at MDR you were racing the original bro dozer, it was white. Said bro dozer on the side. I was in a class one with Ryan Thomas. And you won your class and I was like, Who is this guy with this garage built truck? I mean, that's exactly where you say so we're talking about like doing stuff in the garage. We're gonna let you go, Nick. But we got Chris keener on with us from Phoenix, Arizona. And I don't know if you saw but Chris drove 250 Our three wheeler to the finish line. Yeah, it sounds pretty round. What's up, Chris? How are you? Stay humble. I'll talk to you guys later Later, homie. Good. So Chris, man, I've been looking forward to having this conversation with you. We've been having a lot of fun talking about Vegas Torino. But one of the things that some people may have seen may not have seen maybe it's gone viral. I don't know. You drove a 250 yard three wheeler across the finish line homie. Absolutely. Yeah, we did. This at six to 50 yards. Lyles bike we're the only original bike there the rest of them were trike conversions. Dude, they're all like that. Newer 450 motors and custom frames yeah the way we wrong they're really bad ass but for the originality of it we're the only only one that was still like trying to three wheeler did I get like I saw these videos and stuff. I could not believe dude how rad it was to see him out there like to me just thinking about we just been talking about the cannamd that fuel injected you know ATVs and stuff they have come out with this is a carbureted piece of equipment from what year is it? 1986 or so many 362 That's that is so wild. How was it on your back? Not that I mean I always got that thing dialed this suspension the seat on it are pretty much set up like we just did the normal 1000 A few like two three months ago. Wow. Prior to this race on that same bike, same cylinder and everything we actually had the cylinder built down a grill and a grill and it blew up three top ends during the race. So the guy who built it Emilio that got it dialed like within two thousandths of an inch a thing is perfect. So to finish the race we go to Vegas or Reno and she fires up first kick and that's it. Dude, it is so wild. I can let people hear it on the microphone right here. That That sound is just the best sound on the planet man. Like I did, it's probably so like ingrained in your head like Just hearing that wind of the two stroke for what it was They're 400 something miles well and the smell just the smell. Yeah and the castor oil so it smells like division seven with some VP in there did I remember as a kid growing up that of course was just like wide open Yeah and like for that three wheeler I just had that thing paying I think Nick to Nelly or allowance now they were telling me that I hit like 75 or 79 I had that thing six gear wide open just pay time the reliability of the old trike then the death machine. I mean yeah, we had some issues, Lyle early on in the race, he hit a rock and cracked waterpump case like the cover on it. So he came into pit three, they changed that cost at some time. Julian got on the bike. He brought it to me at pit eight. Well by that point, he broke off the rear rack and nail the rock and a crunch the exhaust pipe like literally just beer cans that had a hole in it. It was completely crinkled. He's like Dude, it's losing power. So we're sitting at pin eight or like, I didn't want to get on a trophy trucks to come and Menzies and all of them are coming and we ended up taking the pipe off, grinding it out the car park and went down to DFR Chad Dorman in them helped us weld it up. We had the steel just hammered it on there welded it up. Luckily, I mean, it worked out best for us because all day I knew I was getting on right when the trucks would probably be passing. I mean, luckily for us it worked out that Menzies and all those fast dudes and class Wednesday anything went by while we're fixing it. So when I got back on the course the bikers 100 tips I really didn't have much to worry about every truck I saw come in I mean they they hit the racing tracks thing so I knew they were there but I gave them plenty of room got out of their way like had no issues at all with that I mean it was a great great time I mean all the truck user Give me thumbs up as you're going by do because there's so hype like all of us, I'll tell you from a truck side guy I would have been hyped out of giving you the thumbs up about the net to it was bad and like they go by and then all of a sudden like cameras do a blast by and then a few miles later I go back I used to broken down and I got blasted by him but he's out of the truck just waving me or giving me the utmost encouragement like just cheering me on like and that right there like I was like halfway through my section just beat and you see that you're just like all right. Yeah, you know did give you way more inspiration to just keep holding it wide open. Exactly. Especially out in the middle of nowhere and like this race is definitely a little bit different than Mexico and there's not as much spectators on the middle nowhere it's just you in the desert in the machine and that's it you know, like there's a spectator sections and split SEC sections. But other than that, it's just you and that machine it's quite peaceful to be honest for me, but it's it's definitely cool when you're out there and you see somebody like your idol, a camera still broken down cheering me on, you know, you're just like, yeah, that's motivation that are right there. Yeah. Hello, Ambassador. So Mila, I don't know if you're wondering the same thing too. So we always have a question in the rapid fire segment of the dirt life show. Cranston we asked if they want to ride three with the guest wants to ride a three wheeler quad and they have to pick in 30 seconds or whatever, right? And a lot of them pick quads, and a lot of them pick three wheelers. So give a little bit of our audience and understanding of how gnarly it is or what it feels like riding a three wheeler for God knows how many miles it's it's intense, man. The thing is, it's bouncing all over the place. You know, I mean, while we have the suspension dial has a steering stabilizer but still like I took from the dirt bike background like I raced Baja and dirt bikes and stuff to do desert racing and stuff. So I get in my mindset, right think I'm still on a dirt bike, because this thing is so smooth, and all of a sudden you come upon some gnarly, gnarly stuff, and you're just like, holy crap, hold on for dear life, you know, and you're kind of at the mercy of it. And I've, I've passed before on it, and you know it, it happens, you know, we've all probably crashed on a three wheeler at some point in our lives, right? But it definitely is. It's you got to put your body weight around and you know, like my legs were getting cramped up from just putting my butt halfway on the seat to each side just to get the corners right and then from the beginning of the day, it was rad but then towards the end of the day after the trucks made the track come through like you got to track and then you're just you're fighting it, you know, going back and forth and like the last 20 miles of the biggest arena was in pitch black was extremely gnarly. Yeah, Rock City through there. Yeah, man. Yeah, we did it. You know the desert unlimited. Hell, the lamps are amazing. I'd like to give a huge shout out to them because that freakin light saved our race. You know? Definitely. Did it just so crazy to me to think like, actually, you know what, how gnarly is it on your arms and your legs? I was going to ask about the cramping because on a quad even on a quad you can kind of stand up but on a three wheeler. It's sketchy to stand up. Right so you're always sitting. Oh, what's the move? Sit down. On a three wheeler. You're always sitting. Yeah, I was getting Charley horses on the inside my legs like real bad. And I asked out as Julian allowed because they're more they've been doing three wheelers forever. Like like I was like a three Be really your legend. And you're like stretch your legs, us put them over the nerf bars like their use of this happening and like, it was like locking up to the point where like hitting the brake you'd be like, like, Yeah, I've been charley horse. It was unbelievable. So how about your arms? Like how did you feel towards the end? Or like you and Lyle? Both? Yeah, wasn't bad. I had pretty nasty blisters on my hands. I mean, just on the outside, and I guess I was gonna pop it, but they're like, still popping. You never know. You might have to get back on the bike and serve should I to get back on the bike? I didn't. I mean, I think if I were to pop my blisters, it would have definitely made the ride a lot worse, you know, but other than that, it wasn't not as bad as I thought it would be. You know, not as, as people like me. I mean, people are definitely dangerous. Don't get me wrong. The way that the way that he while he's got this thing dialed in, it's it's kind of like riding a couch, you know? Wow. I mean, still some photo is a twist, though. It's some bottles. Holy smokes. No, I mean, the only thing that's new on it would probably be the GPS. Everything is like what you'd get to these guys. Heavy Metal dude. I cannot believe my thumb would have fell off after like 25 Miles my stomach just cramped about Yeah, just thinking about it. Oh, man. Put on the inside of my thumbs. It was just like, I was getting wicked cramped up on my wrist. But wow. That's so wild. Man. Props to you. I couldn't even do it on a dirt bike, let alone a three wheeler. That'd be a part of the show. Man. You guys are awesome. And following you guys forever, you know, and oh, we appreciate the opportunity. He may be chiming in. I told them to come in. But all right. That's cool. But for Yeah, don't take us dude. You're the one that put in all the work. We're just couch racers right now. We're just putting you on a pedestal. That's pretty insane, though, man. I am just thinking about it. Like in my head. Because I mean, the last time I rode a Three Wheeler was, I don't know. 1989. But yeah, so like, it's crazy for me to think how much effort it takes to get that thing? Well, actually, you know what I want to ask? Because I was kind of looking at some of the videos that you guys posted. How did you guys set up your pitch strategy and all those different things right because it looked like some other people were helping you fill the fill the bike. So we had a good strategy going viral was gonna run one through three, this and they were at the start, we had to go in and dial the water pump gas. Like I said, Set us cover set us back like 40 minutes. So excuse me by the time we got to like pit eight, all the bikes are gone. I think we were last bike on the course except for some broken and injured riders. And we had to do pit repairs. So like everyone at all the pits from there on our truck pits, like they had welders they had fuel towers, you know what I mean? Like it was it was like your dirt bike. Or just like fat ass hot pit were in and out. You know what I mean? These dudes were setting up fuel masks and towers. So there are definitely a lot more people there and they're willing to help preserve and sit in there for hours you know, so we pull up to while and Adriana What's up pit nine and get abs. And these dudes I think are like in the class 10 Or they're in some sort of car and they're willing to help let's use a fuel man. They gave me waters and everything. They're they're like cheered us on. That's solid. That's because we're all in awe. We want you to finish Yeah. And that's what people were saying. They were so stoked to see us there. Like so many teams are willing to help you know what I mean? It cheered us on especially at night like go through there. I was the last to stroke I was the last by going through and like people were like, Double Take and looking like is this really my eyes deceiving me? Or no, this is like 10 o'clock at night and you're coming to three women are cheering me on. I'm coming down to the course cheering me on you know, like, it was really cool. So rad. Dude, it really is man it just to think about how much effort it takes to get like all that stuff going right? I mean, well actually how hard is it to work and get that thing prepared? As long as you love it all worthwhile has been doing this for years and we like I said we raised them over 1000 and we hadn't touched him since while probably I think he put new tires on it and new axle and we raised it that top ends got 300 miles on it before the race now 71 or something but it still fires right I like hearing the story makes me so pissed. Like why can't we just have two strokes still all around like it would be so sick? Hey, I wanted to say to like we're always at the same we got no flats either. Dang look at that awesome. Yeah, that'd be another issues but yeah, no flat slime definitely decided to use Ross and Joe Bowen those games definitely helped while out for sure. So we're probably in the same place as a lot of some of these races. So I didn't see you guys in the pits. This time. We're so busy. And you're so busy. But if we see each other if you guys see me walking around, dude, I want to do a freaking build breakdown on this 250 or three wheel or one of these days. That'd be so sick. Our audience would love that. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I'm sure I'll be soaked about it too. I mean, he'll definitely bring up like any red bikes, got some miles on it, and he's got some stories to tell with that thing. Well, yeah, so we'll have to do it. We only got like 30 seconds. left. We're gonna get Brandon Sims and Skyler Powell on but man Yeah, I would love to see the see the vehicle a little bit more. I think it's one in the background there. No, that's oh no that's that's a two wheeler. Yeah, I can see it now, but they did I want to see that thing. And dude, I'm so stoked that you guys came on the show this was a highlight for me just seeing you guys bringing back the old school stuff and just ripping did you guys must have so much fun. For sure it was a blast, man. Totally such a blast. I just want to thank Lyle again. Thanks. It was so awesome to be part of this opportunity and experience and thank you guys for having me on the show. You know I mean definitely be in touch. Let's get this thing out there you know we're gonna try and do it again. We're gonna do the normal 1000 are probably biggest Srinu again, I mean we're having a blast you know, so why not keep keep the ball rolling? It's fun man. Yeah, I agree. I agree 100% Since it's a Honda we got to get Jamie from race got to give you some stickers and some apparel to throw on that bad boy and oh ramp. Yeah. All right. So before we let you sign off what was the favorite part of the event for you guys? Finish it after all the ups and downs and the things that like the thoughts in our head like Oh man, we're not gonna get through this but we did we the diversity we came overcame all of it. You know, just so badass that we all came together and did super cool. I can just see the I can just see the whole team. If I was at the finish line. I'd be cracking some hydration with all the boys man. Yeah. Oh, it was great time. Yeah, definitely. It was a great, great time to me. Well, thanks, Chris for joining us. I really appreciate it. Man. You guys kicked some serious ass It was awesome. So alright, man. Well, we'll see the way actually went what's the next race? We're gonna see that? I'm gonna do the Baja 438x No. Okay, so you're gonna be able to Wheeler. Yeah, dirt bike pro moto so we're doing that program but then I think for the three wheeler program. I want to say the normal 1000 nor 500 isn't allowed on bikes this year. So that's why we didn't Vegas Reno. Okay, I think the more 1000 is gonna be our next shot. But that look at this. You want to put a new top end on that one? Yeah, we're gonna leave it Emilio killed it. I mean, it was awesome. So rad. Yeah. Could you imagine just leaving that thing running? That just keeps going and going? Yeah. All right. Hey, well, all right. Well, we'll see at the races, homie. Hopefully we get to shake your hand one of these days. Yeah, for sure. All right. See ya. Later, dude. So rad. It really is. We're gonna get Brandon Sims on here too. Enough to Know I'm not man enough to do the biggest three and on a three wheeler viewed I don't know if I could eat and dude, just knowing just knowing how tired your thumb would be. Brandon Sam's What's up, homie? How are you? What's going on guys? Good. So Vegas arena has been insane. And it's been insane for the trophy trucks, the UTVs everybody but our previous guest Chris Keefe and her dude, he was riding a three wheeler with a thumb throttle like did to anything we could complain about. It's out the window now, buddy. Yeah, I was just watching that I did. Back in 2006. I did like 500 miles on a quad at the Baja 1000. Throttle game, but I couldn't imagine doing it on a three wheeler. Did you do some throttle? You know, I think we had a twist. Either way, that was a long time ago. But I'll tell you why. I really wanted the quad to break down because I was tired. I didn't want to go. Oh, that's hilarious. Skylar Howell is also with us. What's up Scott? How are you? Good. How are you doing? We're doing awesome man dad just talking about this three wheeler with Chris Kiefer, that just on man just gives me a massive smile to my face. Because that's what desert racing is all about. I mean, like, we talked about a whole bunch of stuff on the show, like how close the trophy trucks are, you know, in times it's balls to the wall. UTVs are going twice as fast as they usually go, you know, or they went like three or four years ago, but dudes are still holding this strong for the old school bikes. Yeah, sounds like a lot of work. This guy brand this guy talking because Brandon is doing all the work for the side by side and then this guy just shows up and sends to the passenger seat right? I mean, I beat the crap in passengers seat. So I couldn't imagine being on a three wheeler. The the level of enthusiasm with sky right now is just off the charts right, Brandon? Yeah, yeah, that's yeah, this is Skylar right now. All right. Hey, purple beard though. He really lights up. Yeah, I was gonna say did you get a hydrated with all the guys in the three wheeler at the finish line? What time did they finish? I arc Yeah, it was definitely dark, but alright. Hey, let's talk about your guys race a little bit. So how did qualifying go first of all? Evidently, qualifying is just not my jam because qualifying didn't go very well for us. Actually. I think I'm qualified like 20th Overall, I I think I might get a little nervous on either wrecking the car in front of everybody being on Livestream right skiing and or, you know, hurting the car before the race. So I don't know if it's that I just don't go all out during qualifying, but I never seem to qualify that great. I do all the work on race day apparently, the one thing that we ran into on qualifying was, we got like the 15 seconds to go the sign. And they were like counting down and then folks runs out in front of us and stopped us real quick. And he was like, hey, so we just rolled over on the course. So we're gonna have to stop you guys for a minute. So we sat there for like, maybe 10 minutes. And then I see three water trucks come out. Oh, they just totally soaked to the entire infield. I mean, it was like perfect. Before that. It was almost like glue groove. I could see tire marks. I was like, alright, this can be perfect. And they came out with those water trucks and absolutely watered it. It was just completely slick. I felt like we were racing on ice. So we took off and qualifying. It was just completely ice. We had no traction. So that didn't help. I'm not making up excuses. I probably still wouldn't have got top qualifier or anywhere near that. But it definitely slowed us down a little bit. We qualify 20 I think like 13th in class. And then race day was obviously a whole different story for us. Yeah. So what was the official or the official finishing position for you guys? Guy? Is 13,021 class? No, no, not for qualifying for the for the overall on race day? Oh, yeah. So. Okay, so that was a, I don't know, an achievement in itself, right. But where did you guys make up that time? Because to come through the pack, like that is not an easy fee on a course like this? Oh, when we were checking at the transfer section, we were like third on time or something like that. So in the first 80 miles, we'd already gotten up to third on time, I think roughly around there. I know that a couple of people weren't tracking so it's really hard to tell exactly where they were where we were. But we were in the top five for sure at the transfer section. Did that's pretty crazy. Okay, so you say you're not like a good qualifying guy. But what is it like 20 minutes and that's when you get your mojo and start moving or what I think just I'm not worried about hurting the car before the race. I'm in the race. It's already the big day if I hurt the car, it is what it is. I don't want to break the car before the before the main day I would be super devastated if I if I hurt the car bad enough in qualifying that I wasn't able to repair it in time for for the race. So I think I kind of hold back a little bit in qualifying and just let it all out during the race itself. That and when I'm chasing people through the desert, I can push so much harder. Yeah, I guess Yeah, cuz you got a little carrot, right? Mm hmm. Well, we went out there. The original disco crew we used to not really trip on qualifying we qualify like 15th because we knew we would get either a break halfway through the race with no dust and we would make up and we always podium. That's so crazy though. That's the Baja 500 I think we started 22nd I mean, we always usually start you know mid pack and I don't mind that one bit to be honest. Everybody this race in the UTV class is kind of cool because we kind of like had our own race just about because we started an hour after the last 10 car we so we basically had our own race and all the everybody that we caught and gave the Push to Pass to we didn't have to bump on this was like everybody was super good about it. It was super nice not having to hit that was a buggy though, Skylar, that doesn't count that was a class one I'm saying every UTIs nerve to class one yeah that's pretty cool. Tried Yap rabbiting us and it was just getting ready to get dark. So trying to make up some time got real. Yeah, we didn't know for class one, the only guy we had to nerf all day everybody in our class actually was super polite, moved out of the way. Good. Good job. Tell the UTV guys, for sure. We went from I think 20th position physically and I think we worked our way all the way up to fourth physical at the finish. Wow. That's freaking wild. Yeah, that is like, how was it in the sitting in the passenger seats guy then were you? I don't even know, like, what was the main thing that you were thinking about the whole time because when you're moving through that many people and you're keeping such a good, fast, consistent pace, it's got to be like a lot of focus, like because you can't lose that little bit of focus. Right. And it well, obviously about winning. So that's number one, right? And then overall, it it's, I mean, first of all, it's hard to just stay focused on reading of course notes. And we there was a lot of course notes and a lot of terms to read. And so yeah, I get a little sidetrack sometimes but I never miss a serious corner. So at the towards the end of the race when you knew we had to make up time I pretty much just looked down and called everything just so that Brandon could drive as fast as he could do the dust. Yeah, no flats. No we did. We had a Tire going low in the pit. So we changed it in the pit Oh person. Other than that we had a belt that took us out of contention for the overall that was the one issue we did have we did change a belt unfortunately took a lot longer than I expected or had hoped for. We haven't built on a belt like three years, but we were pushing extremely hard this race. So I kind of in the back of my head, I kind of planned on it happening and hoping that it didn't but we pushed hard enough and we did Bluebell right after what is a Gabs or I forget what whatever pit that was. Do you remember sky? South Gabs going through that little town? It's seven. After pick nine Yeah. So we were on were we blue belt there and in we were running I think right with Vito ish on time, I think we're kind of battling back and forth on time with Vito, and we were we were and then we were just kind of battling for the podium at that point. Yeah, well, the patient had the head veto. But that pace was insane, right? Like, because I felt like that was a pretty freakin rocket ship style pace that you guys are all on because nobody was letting up at all. Ya know, the to run at the top are the top three, even the top five, you can't really, I mean, there's no room for error. There's no room for any kind of mechanical issues. The pace is just insane. I mean, we this was probably the hardest I've pushed consistently in a race where, you know, lots of times you kind of you kind of get in the groove and you're kind of back it down a little bit. But this one and then, you know, we lost 100 miles. So it turned into the Vegas, Reno 400. And we all pushed extremely hard knowing that it was a 400 mile race rather than a 500 mile race. So I mean, our pace, I don't think it could have been much faster. I dealt with dust a lot during the day, but then there was times where we did break through, you know quite a bit of traffic and got to know dust also, we were on that 45 mile an hour speed zone and we did get passed in that speed zone. So we had to repass some, buddy, we had to repass somebody that we'd already passed, which kind of sucked. Yeah, that does. I know. I know. One thing that helps you out though, is that evolution, power sports power, trying to get past those dudes Always. Always. So what was some of the favorite portions of the track compared to what you guys have dealt with in the past? Because I know this year? I don't know. I guess there was a lot of what do you want to call it? Unknowns? Right? Because the weather had washed out some stuff. But like most of the people love that end section of the course. What do you think Schuyler? This sort of course was I mean, it was fun. It was kind of interesting, the transfer section because going hard for 150 miles and then getting out and taking a break and then getting back in and that was quite interesting. But the course was fast. It was fun. The the the one area that wasn't really marked was a little sketchy. But I heard especially, especially when we had to turn around on course. That was pretty scary. But other than that, it was a it was just fun, of course, or what about when you're calling and you see a trophy truck on its side in a ditch. Or a 600. That was pretty wild. Who was out over it. Yeah, that's what I heard. Wait, what did you say Brandon? He almost made a bridge. It was so weird. We came up the hole was so deep that the truck was completely upside down. Yeah. And had there been like a piece of plywood across the tires. We could have just drove right across. He was like completely flushed with the terrain. That's how deep the hole was to no way real. Oh, I think I saw basically, was it the picture where he was on his side? Yeah, racing. on his roof in this hole. Oh, you put a picture of him when they were getting them out? To no way. Dude, that's so wild man. What was some of the gnarliest or some of the sketchiest moments out there, Brandon. So one of the sketchiest moments was there was a course change on this high speed dirt road. And Skyler obviously isn't looking at the course. He's looking at the GPS. And as a driver, I'm looking at the course and I'm usually reading the terrain, you know, 100 yards in front of me. Looks like we lost the hole in the road. And I don't know we make it tight like a quarter mile maybe half mile scholars like Dubroff course we're off course. And I'm like what you mean we're off course. He's like, I don't know. But the Course says go right back there. And I'm like, What do you want to do? And there was really not a lot of course markings or anything. So I was like, Dude, I'm gonna turn around. I don't know what else to do. Because you couldn't you couldn't tell that the course was going the way we were going. So I turned around and got off the course and went as far off the side of the course as possible and started driving back up to where the course looked like it had merged away from where we were at. And I got up there and there was a course worker and this Dodge pickup, and he was there by himself. He had no signage. And I kind of like waving my hands in the air and I was like, which way do we go and he turned his back around. And that was pretty sketchy because I mean, you We weren't on the course I got off the course as far as possible, but it was extremely dusty. That was like the one complaint I have in the course was that spot was terribly marked. And I had no idea if we were on the course off the course. That was probably the worst part. That's gnarly. And right after that, you make a turn off the to go head back towards the normal course. And there was so many big rain ruts and like that rut that the truck got swallowed into. You know, there were so many of those that weren't marked. You didn't know. I mean, I couldn't help him out. I'm just sitting there going. I was staring ahead going. I think the danger up there. Danger careful. There's not much we can do. Yeah, cuz he can see it. You see it on the computer and he sees it in real life. It's like, oh, man, there was no there was nothing on the computer. So yeah, looking ahead for him. Just trying to I danger. What I heard too was it wasn't on the GPS and it was old school markings on the tree. So pink ribbon up here, left turn. And you're just fiddling with the ribbons on the trees. There was ribbons. Well, you guys were in the dark but during the daytime you could see the ribbons and also they did they had old school stuff that we we were almost in Dayton when it got dark. We finished right after dark. Oh, so through the spot. I just guess I wasn't paying attention. I was just trying to stay alive. Yeah, way to go did why did you Why don't you look at that one tree branch. Man. What the heck? I probably was like, Man everybody's littering with these pink ribbons. Yeah, well allegedly. I wasn't on course. But that's what I heard because my driver co driver we're looking for ribbons. Here. That's wild, man. I guess I wasn't even looking for that. All right, we gotta finish it up. We're gonna get your competition read our new is gonna come on in just a second here. So what was or what's next on the schedule for you guys? You know, we've got probably that California. 300 Oh, yeah. And then Baja 1000. And if I get wild hair, maybe I'll go race the loss and race the best and desert might have. Oh, look at that. Fine. Well, now you know to look for pink markers on trees. At least. You know, keep my eye out for that. Hey, remember racing back back in when I did Baja. 1000 back in Oh, six. I do remember seeing pink ribbons down there. Because we didn't have GPS on a quad. I didn't have much of a choice. Right? To be diligent and look for pink ribbons. Dang. We just needed to remind them of it now he's gonna look for him all the time. Every now and again. I'll make sure to not look at the course. I'll just be looking at all this every night at a pink ribbon if I'm not paying attention. Hey, but they're on a serious note. Did you guys really did kick some some acid you guys have pace was insane. I just I still can't believe like, I don't understand how you guys go this fast in the desert. So kudos no matter what. Yeah, well, we'll see if we can step it up. I've got a new car in the background that I'm building so I got a new Pro are that that'll be out there. And, and that'll be the next one. Right on man. I'm hyped to see that thing get built did. All right. Well, good job, boys. Really appreciate you guys coming on the show and hanging out with us. Thanks for taking the time away from your busy schedules. Appreciate it. Thanks, buddy. Thanks for having us. We'll see you at the next one. Yeah, see you guys. Later. Thanks. Alright, let's get Vito renewal on here. Looks like Jason Coleman might want to come chat with us for a little bit, too. I know he's time. He's a busy guy. So hopefully he can. He can wait up for a little bit veto renewal. Yo, what's up, man? Welcome to the dirt life show. How's it going, guys? Oh, dude, we're doing good, man. Not quite as good as you though. You had you had a pretty awesome Vegas to Reno coming home with victory in the Pro Turbo class. Oh, yeah. We're stoked. Flawless day all day, flawless day. And then too bad to to run up front like that all day. And then and then first in class. And overall, that was that's pretty big for us. Ah, yeah. We've been we've been we've been running good over the last I would say right all year long. We've been running strong. Started mid year last year. And you know, we've had a good a good run good momentum. Been on the podium? Pretty much since say October of last year. Yeah, consistent. Yeah. When you guys have been doing really well. But you guys are doing also forward thinking as I was, I like to call it for your race program. So you had your previous car that you've been driving and you've been driving the heck out of that thing. And usually, you know, in the podium positions at the races, and you got a new car and you're able to take it to victory. Like how does that feel? Yeah, there's a little controversy from my teammate team here that they didn't wanna get rid of the car. They're like, Oh, well, how could you get rid of that car? I mean, you're leaving points. It's been winning for us and now we're gonna go to a brand new car, you know, untested um, I was like Well, right now the car brings best best money right? So and and not just the money but we had all we had a brand new car built sitting here ready to go. And we didn't do testing on it. We went out and put about 100 miles on it. And the car works flawless. I mean, there's some pretty cool changes we've done to this car versus the other car. And it rails. I mean, it's it's a quick little car visit, what's the difference between the two cars? Speed secrets? Yeah. Well, we just we really just brought down the roof, the center of gravity way down and to the center of the car was a lot of changes we made. Yeah, I know. I know, a lot of guys are trying to do that in the UTV class. Yeah, yeah. Just we've been on the long travel kit, and it works great actually works really well. It's just we're trying to go back to the 72 inch car to take stress off the car stress off parts. And you know, just try something a little different. Yeah, well, you're doing a fantastic job, man. What were some of the highlights of the of the race for you guys? I mean, first of all, I think that best highlight is, is that you guys are just pushing and pushing, like you guys are creating a pace that is just insanely fast now. But what are some of the highlights for you guys? I mean, the whole race, a highlight for me, you know that the pace is intense and intense. I mean, right out of the gate, you know, first mile in I mean, we were in it a whole day. I mean, I was shocked at the cars handle it and but really what we're gauging our pace, because we had no radio communication. So we never knew we never did, we never had split times, we never had anything throughout the whole race, we were doing it off the field. We were doing it by what we could see. We had Joe and Phil and you know, the people started in front of us, right that we could see. And really, when the race started, we just kind of kept at the back of their dust trail. And kind of kept that, you know, within range. So that's kind of how we ran our whole race. Highlights. I mean, that's actually a really good way to explain it, though, too, is like so you guys are I don't know how you're getting that information. Or if you get to see him in the dust. And you're actually like have a visual cue. But that's interesting, because that's a good race strategy is to understand the speed of everybody else and kind of just gauge it that way. Because that gives you a pretty good competitive advantage. Yeah, I mean, you have to have something to gauge yourself off of if not just running around in circles, right? So there's, you got to have something that's the hardest thing I found coming into desert racing, right? Because you can visually see your competitor all the time, right? You don't know what's happening out there. So you know, the pace though, is, I mean, like I was talking to Phil earlier, I was like, I couldn't push it anymore. I gave it everything I had the whole time. I mean, you know, I saw, see Gus Guthrie, I must have an issue of flat or something. And we got around him. And then he stayed behind this whole time. And then I see him starting to creep up on us, right. I'm like, Man, he's back there. I'm telling my coach or he's back there. And so I'm having to push on it. When we get on those big wide opens. I'm like, I'm really have to lean on the Karlova more than I wanted to, but what that Pro are, I was trying to really stay in front of it. And then as we got in, coming across the last road crossing, I think on corrected time, we were just within seconds of fill and or minute maybe or whatever it was, and then we saw them pulled over the flat or like Alright, that's it game over. Right. It's, this is our race now. And yeah, but that's so wild. Like to me when I hear that, like, that's how competitive it is. Yeah. You know what I mean? Within seconds, we're seven hours into this race. Right? And we're second support. That's all I'm saying. That's wild, right? And now the mental game kicks in on me behind me. Yeah, because you got a push, but you don't want to push too far. Because now you have track position. It's it's so adrenaline filled. Yeah. So once I got around filled, and we start I saw Oh, that's it. I'm gonna start backing down my coach. I was like, What are you doing? Let's pick this back up again. We got an overall to get. And so images in the background, right. I'm like, shoot, man, I'm just pushing pushing, then, you know, we go up both for the past week in the rock section. And, I mean, literally, I turned it up in the rocks. I was like, that was probably the worst thing I could have done. But I did it. And I had to do it. I mean, we were past I ended up passing a class one. Class One I think it was or whatever it was. to the finish line, like down the hill like that real tight areas of I'm chasing a guy down or KMC on that side of that cliff, right to stay in front of Mitch. I mean, you know, the pace I know that he runs and, and and Phil and his guy run I mean, you have to be pushing the whole time you give and you give up on one corner, and they may ground on you. And so what's the what does it feel like inside the car when you have that level of focus and that level of intensity? Do you think it was gonna be like that race and UTVs because for me, I see it as a different level. You know, I didn't I didn't think I thought desert racing was a little more, a little bit her pace, but I don't know if all desert racing is like this. I just think that our class and you know, all the guys are taught to decelerate today. I mean, it this so competitive. I mean, you have one problem, and you're done. And it's wild, though. But in the other classes is kind of like that too. Because Eisenhower saying 61 heart, it seems like it's gone. Way down the board with everything is just so reliable now. Is it? You gotta just go and just make sure your game was on point. Did Yeah. How did you guys qualify? Did you guys qualify? Well, I think we have a qualifying fourth and class six overall. Okay, so you weren't too bad, then? Yeah. That actually, in my opinion, that sets up the whole weekend right there. Like that's what I thought it was super cool that best in the desert allowed the pro UTV guys to qualify, I think they have to, yeah, cuz it's, it's better than the random draw, right? random draws the worst? Because, you know, you have a fast guy, and then you'll get stuck in last. It's like, oh, whatever it is. Yeah. Whatever you draw. Yeah. So that was actually qualifies at the end of it, for sure. I mean, no, Brandon is a prime example. But it does. It does. I mean, it can set you up to, you know, for much better race, you know, if you call the veteran, and I haven't qualified very well, in the UTVs. Prior, I'm getting better at pushing the car. But I mean, again, there you go. So we got to qualify, we qualify this car, we run what three miles, it, we bring it back in the parking garage, tear the suspension out of it, put new axles and a new differential in it, service the car, put it all back together for the race. That's a lot of work, man. A lot of work. But that's the level we're at now. I mean, it's sad. Yeah, that's it's not sad. But true. But that's just the level. It's a lot of work. Yeah, well, that's off road racing. When you do it correctly, you get the top spot, and you can come home victorious. When did you know that you guys were, I don't know, in contention for the win. Once I saw, I didn't know it. But I pretty much kind of calculated with just by who was still in front of me. Once Joe Toronto he had, he had an issue and pulled off. So then, and then offset fill in front of me. So it's just filled and me. And then whoever was behind me, which was Mitch and my team, you know, we've gone through the pits, we're looking here behind us, we're trying to get things we can hear our team at all 00 communication. So you know, we're just looking over our shoulders, you know, here and there. And we got chances, and we never saw anybody creeping on us. And we're like, Well, you know, we're running a pretty awesome pace right now. So, you know, for someone to close the gap on us. They're pushing, they're pushing hard. Yeah, I totally agree with that. And then like, we just had a text message come through from Skyler who was just on with us now, too. And he said, yeah, please tell him, you know, congratulations, because that was a wild and harder and race for him. So, like, the level of competition and the I don't know, prowess and the driving skills and the respect level of the competitors, dude, you gotta be feel pretty good about that when your fellow competitors are telling you you drove that good? Yeah, no, I mean, it's, it's extremely rewarding to to gain the respect from all the guys, you know, over the last year, you know, between all the top guys they've been really really, really good to us. So I'm enjoying it I enjoy the competition. I mean, I I hate that this pro our came out because it's it divided our class you know, because it took some of the drivers away from us and I if I'm gonna go compete I want to compete against Yeah, but it also best right always, to see if I can be the best, right? Yeah. But it also gives a level of I don't know challenge to right, because then you got a different vehicle that you compete against. And some of these guys you still will see him on the course there's all kinds of different things that happen in desert racing. So to me like I agent as a spectator, I love seeing the versatility. I love seeing you go out there and beat match. I see. I love seeing Mitch beat trophy trucks and class ones like all of that stuff really adds to a bigger storyline of the progression of off road and now with like, the things like that Bryce is doing to capture all of these visuals and to help out with the promotion of off road. All of this stuff is going to come to fruition in the next couple years, dude, and you're part of that right now. Like that's got to feel so rad. Oh, yeah, no, it if people ask me to today, oh, you're gonna move up maybe to 6100 or, you know, the big trucks? I'm like, No, the future is a UTV. Yeah, that's true. It is. Maybe it's ignorant to say, but really, I feel like the UTV is going to keep the sport alive in the future, right. I don't feel like that's ignorant inerrancy at all. Mila has been through more than all of us sitting here with the desert racing stuff, right and the stuff that he's seen and that he speaks about. He is a 100% in agreeance with you, I agree and if someone would have told me in 2005 when I'm sitting in a trophy truck, that the rhino is going to change off road race Seems like 2022 out of said you get out of here. Yeah, you're, you're crazy 100% It's a whole new market. It's a whole new field and it's taken off road to a whole nother level. I'm 100% and grants don't you're on the trucks are dirt. They're They're freaking awesome, right, everybody, but not everybody has 2 million bucks and it has the operating budget to run one. So it's it's hard to relate to one right? So you know, the average guy comes out to races they relate to us, right? They talk to us, they want to see our parts what we're running. I mean, it's it's it's Yeah, I see the real future there. I agree wholeheartedly. I don't have money for Trophy Truck. I just latched on to people that did. Yeah, dude. I love it. I love the UTV I mean, it's just I mean, I mean, it's it's I mean, it can be workout there are some serious enough to seriously scare you. Well, we were our guests that are gonna come on in a little bit like Curtis Elia and Mitch Guthrie, obviously, and Vito is doing it too. You know, like any brand new talks about nerfing a class one like and, and yeah, that competition level. Hey Vito, we're gonna get going, we gotta let you go. Because we're gonna get the other guys on here. But just give me like one good like one overall favorite part of the race week, I guess you could say maybe it's not even on the track. Maybe it's with your crew or celebrating at the end or with your family. Like because I know that there's a lot that's happening behind the scenes that we don't get to see on Instagram. And I'd like to give our audience a little bit more in depth level of you and your family and your team. I mean, yeah, I mean, my family contributes a lot of their time to help me get get to the races. But I think a funny moment and a good moment. I mean, it's always been that kind of a thing for us to have a steak dinner before the race right? So I always make sure I get pretty awesome steaks we bring a barbecue we cook I've totally prepared my guys like you got everything. I'm like, Yeah, I've got everything. Don't worry. So I get there. I'm starting to cook these beautiful, you know, flames that are about two and a half inches thick, you know, in the parking lot. And like Where's where's the plates? Oh, I forgot the plates. So one of my crew guys goes and by the dumpster fights and cardboard boxes and cuts up cardboard boxes and make plates are sitting out there like dirty cardboard eaten just before the off road in front. Yeah, but that's it. That's the way to do it. Man. You didn't forget the lug nuts you got nice new tires. You got the car you got the oil change. Everything's good. You just forget the plates, man. You gotta improvise. Oh, I love it. Dude. That's super cool, man. But hey, on a real note, dude. Congratulations, you kicked some serious ass you kept all those guys on their toes all day and your competitors I have a new carrot to chase so to speak for sure. Well, thanks for having me on the show guys. Yeah, we really appreciate it man have a good rest rest of your weekend what's the next race for you? We're just gonna run the best of the desert stuff so whenever that I don't know what's happening on the next race really? I mean I guess there's possibilities got canceled now or moved or something I'm I'm not sure I mean the point the best the desert so I want to stay obviously stay in that and finish it out. How can an bring home a championship? Well, that's good on you didn't gratulations at the races and congratulations to your whole team did. Alright man. Congrats Vito. Yeah, we'll see you later Beto. Have a good one, man. All right, so we're gonna get Mitch Guthrie and Curtis Elliot on here in just a little bit. It's cool to see though, man. We don't have very much battery left. I don't know how long the iPhone is going to be able to last. I really wish the technology was just a little bit easier for us. But it is what it is. So we're gonna get Curtis Elliot and and Mitch Guthrie on here and just a little bit. We'll talk to them about how fast that pace was in. Let's see here. I'll invite him real quick how fast the pace was in the UTV class as well as being able to chase all those guys too right so we'll see if the answer here we'll get him on the show. There he is. There's the guys right there. So Mitch got three and a courteous Elliot What's up boys? How are you? Good. How are you guys? Doing great. Yeah, we're doing awesome over here too. We don't have that much. Battery life left on the iPhone as we're doing two and a half hours right here. But the race seem like it was pretty intense. Did we've been talking to everybody from Trophy Truck drivers 6100 UTV drivers and everybody is saying the same thing. It's just balls to the wall from the start. Is that the way you guys felt to or did you guys have a different plan? Yeah, definitely. It was a it was a really fast Vegas Torino, usually Vegas Torino. I mean, it has a little bit of everything. But overall, it has a lot of fast stuff I would say and it's you know, a lot of rally roads, fast rollers, that type of stuff. So and then also with the trailer section and that whole deal it really made it into like a sprint race. Because the first 100 Miles went super quick, and it was kind of everyone, I feel like everyone kind of stayed, you know, in everyone's does. And then it was kind of made it into like a 300 mile sprint race towards the end. Yeah, it seemed like that right, like, what was your guys's pace? Was it just like 100% the whole time? Or did you guys turn up at the end? I mean, I would say in that first 100 Miles kind of just settled in and tried to make up time on the leader. And then from there, the last 300 miles, we had that we had a flat tire, I don't know, 30 miles in or something after pit one. So from there, we kind of just kind of pushed it to get to the trailer section, you know, it's kind of kept the car in one piece. And then kind of wanted to spend that 300 Miles section is like a, you know, pretend it was Silver State 300 And kind of send it so that's kind of what we did. Yeah, I kind of thought that that's what your guys's approach was, like, what were you thinking in the passenger seat, Curtis? Like it was it just, I don't know, keep the car together? Or was it like what Mitch said it just go as fast as you can to see if you can make up some ground. It was more like a good mix of both. Silver State was like a sprint. So after we got through that transfer transfer section, it was pretty much like a sprint race and just go as fast as you can with also a lot of luck involved and not getting any flats or breaking or even just blowing one corner and you could lose the race right there even by seconds. So it was really a fast pace with a lot of competition. And lots of rocks, too. That's what yeah, you gotta be super. Gotta be super careful with your tires. I think my gardener just commented in saying the sexiest deal on UTVs or something. But we had a comment come in earlier that said, you definitely definitely need thicker axles when you have a mustache like Nick Eisenhower does. I think you guys probably are lucky that the Pro are has thicker axles too, because those mustaches are looking pretty sweet. onpoint never heard that one. But that's a good one. Yeah, handing out speeding tickets with those things. You want me to? Oh, he's got a right there. He's ready to write you up and be alone. What were some of the funniest portions that you guys had inside the car during the race. I mean, for me, the whole race, the whole race is a blast. I really look forward to the history now just because it's, you know, one of the longest races we have of the year. And we're able to you know, that one's more of like a real desert race, it feels like although this year, we cut out 100 miles so it was more of a sprint race. But Vegas Reno is a cool one. Because, you know, you can you can have some small issues and still be right there. Like, like we had that you know, flat tire, which is just, you know, one of those ones where you go through a corner and he randomly have a flat and you know, you catch the wrong rock and that silt silty corner. And that's kind of what happened to us. But they get Serena is one of those ones where you can still fight back and have like a lot of time to gain. So that's what we did this year. And I mean, I had a It was unfortunate. We had that flat in the beginning. But it was a really good time pushing the car hard for the remaining 300 miles to try and make up as much time as we could and, you know, basically just see what we could do. Yeah, and I think Mila I think we kind of forget to like, since Mitch and Curtis are like such professionals out there. This is really still a new car for them. You know what I mean? Like, it's not like it's got a million miles on it just yet. So Curtis knowing that, like, how do you feel like things are progressing? Do you feel like there's still a lot more speed you can get out of the car? Do you feel like you guys are doing well with it? Like when you I guess maybe a better question is when you get off the track after having such good success. Where do you look for and what do you look forward to future better everything? Um, it really, I mean, we've got this thing pretty dialed in now. So there's not many obvious things that we can do to it to make it that much faster. But I mean, it's just gets down to the small tinkering and making it either handle better, or there's just the suspension or thinking of something new that we can put on or clutching keeping it. The belt temps lowers, so we can just go faster and the silt and stuff like that. So all that little stuff can add up to, you know, five miles an hour faster, or, you know, 30 seconds off your race, which can mean a first a second or a third. Yeah, or just I guess, just being able to even push it just a little bit harder, like 2%. Right. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, that's pretty wild man to think about that. And that's probably why we're getting all of the stuff that we're talking about today about how fast the pace is because everything increased CES like in those little steps and it is what it is now. Well, if you can increase it 1% For 500 miles I mean, jeez, that's a whole nother level, dude. Yeah, he mentioned you gotta be pretty stoked on all that did you've been a part of this stuff for a long time man to see the future of UTVs is pretty impressive. Yeah, that's crazy. I think like our, our second place 12 by 12 seconds it's overstate was like a big one for us. I'm just super stoked with you know, we put in a ton of work behind the scenes and we don't really show show a lot of that. But we put in a ton, especially for this Vegas to reach out and make sure the car was dialed. And you know, one thing we do after every race is, you know, look at what we could improve and do better to, you know, go faster at the next one. So like, to your point about the Pro are it's like, yeah, we've we've got it dialed now. But, you know, after this race, we already got a list of what we can keep improving to go even faster for the next one. And, you know, keep doing that every single race. So, you know, the car is always evolving, and we're getting it to go faster. And yeah, it's just insane to see where the sport is that now, you know, compared to just a few years ago, that the pace that we run, how durable the cars are, especially that pro AR It's insane. So the pace and the size, the competition, just I know, I feel like Yeah, amazing. I feel like it's pretty massive now, like, I'm so stoked, like, and you saw Bryce and all his setup, like how they're doing the live feeds and stuff. Dude, I can't wait until like two years from now. And all of this stuff is available for the public to see it's gonna be so sick. And it makes me feel good to know that you guys will be on the forefront of that people will be able to watch you guys do that. It's gonna be rad. Yeah, it's amazing. And it was really cool as best as a race. You know, they put a lot into all that live streaming and stuff. So that's kind of the evolution that we need for desert racing, especially to get more eyes on it. But it was really cool to see to you know, like this Vegas Torino felt like a really big one to me, at least on the UTV side. You know, you had the south racing guys and then also the threes and beome and Christina and a lot of people didn't even notice but Dani sordo was out there who do you need any sort of I do not Yeah, me neither. Oh man images audio just broke up top WRC drivers for on dice. Oh, there we go. Okay, I got you guys now Yeah, so we got like we're growing like that's awesome. That's big. Yeah, exactly. So I feel like this Vegas Torino was a huge one and it brought in a lot of a lot of people and you got everyone from Baja that's in the desert you know all that different stuff and Polaris brought all their best guys can an brought all their guys and it was just a battle out there. So that's what makes it fun like Vito was saying you know, you want to be racing against the best people you know we're additive and we want to be that top guy and you know big congrats to Vito, he was on it all day long. And we were we're pushing him as much as we could and it was it was just a blast. This was a really fun one from a racers perspective. Curtis you think you could push any harder Are you guys think you were maxed out? With the list that we have to make the car faster after this race? Of course we're gonna be able to push luggage that Spoken like a true race or I like to hear it what is something that you guys can tell us about Curtis you go first that was behind the scenes. Maybe it wasn't even on the race track that was funny kind of like veto and having to cut cardboard and row trashcan for paper plates when there was some funny that happened for you guys during the Vegas Torino week. I think a lot of people underestimate how much fun you can have with your crew off of the track. Yeah, just going at the hotel in between, you know, walk in, like through qualifying or like tech and getting ready and stuff like that. It's really the small things like, you know, people dancing or messing with each other on the radio and all that stuff. All that is really underestimated to me all the B roll stuff. Yeah. I really get a kick out of that. And also just during the race it I bet people pits just have a good old time in the trucks together. So I mean, all the B roll stuff is really really what matters to me. And I love hearing I love hearing him say that because that's literally what the dirt life is like it's exactly that so I love hear that you say that man Mitchie when you guys come home and never come across the finish line. You got to give respect to all the racers but we had Chris Keith neuron that was riding a 250 cc two stroke three wheeler 250 R and he crossed the finish line and he told us that he had a thumb throttle on that son of a gun did could you imagine crossing the finish line with a thumb throttle holy smoke with your thumb be dead? No, I can't imagine and some still hurts. I think we have and I was I think I mentioned to Curtis I was like, that's the three wheeler guy you know, but he's got to have some strong subs for sure. Don't get into somewhere with that guy. sighs man, can you sit down the whole time? Yeah, just grouping the tanks. Did you guys thrown a few shout outs out the window I think we threw some silica we were in like kind of a silt bed there Biomet just as it was getting dark. But props to that guy though because I mean that's that's insane being able to race that entire race on that thing. And so while by so what's on the next on the roster for you, boys. Man finishing out 2022 We've got some international racing coming up. We should be gone to Morocco and then we'll see I think Andalusi rally got postponed and move toward October so hopefully we'll do that as well. We've got some of the scramble races. I'm really looking forward to. I'm hoping in December we'll have the sand scramble back in in Glamis, which was an absolute blast. Yeah, I look while Yeah. Gotta fight old James Hill for that number one spot again. Yeah. And things are kind of winding down and then it's like back to you know, King of the hammers to car all that stuff. And the beginning of the year gets super super busy. So looking at building new cars, all that type of stuff here Well, I'm glad that you guys have like dudes like Curtis and your dad and everybody else out helping because it takes a team to make all this stuff happen. So you guys are really kicking ass man. Again, I want to say congratulations to you guys for obviously taking home the W and the UTV Unlimited, or whatever. They call it trophy unlimited UTV class. But overall, like I would I genuinely want to say thank you because you guys are helped pushing and elevate this sport to something that we haven't seen yet. So please keep doing what you're doing because it's making all of us much better and look looking good on the forefront of off road. So please forward Yeah. And moving forward. Like that means so meaningful. I don't know if you guys realize what you're doing on a daily basis how far you're progressing us, but keep up the good work. Yeah, man. I appreciate that. Guys. Thank you very much. Don't forget about Mila next year for Red Bull Formula One. Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. He definitely did. He's big Max Verstappen fan over here. You got to help him fall. So Max is there. Okay. Perfect. All right, boys. Hey, thank you guys very much again. Thanks, guys. Have a good one. Later. All right. So we're gonna get max Eddie on here. Hopefully we can have this battery lasts on the iPhone for a little bit more and get your buddy Jason Coleman on as well. So Max, Eddie was the winner in the normally aspirated UTV class What's up Max? How are you? What's going on? Dude? Congratulations did thank you. So how was the actual race for you? I didn't get to see you much during the weekend. I saw some of your pick guys got to hang out with everybody but was it all business or do you guys have some fun to know we man we have we have so much fun our our group of guys that we have it's we have a saying it never stops right like every single day there's something new every single hours there's a new saying there's someone messing with someone else on our team and it just it literally never the BS never stops on my team. That's rad. Yeah, it's good. All right, and makes you happy. Did you have to cut any cardboard? Because you forgot paper plates like Vito did for some badass steaks. No, no we didn't. We didn't unfortunately, I know I know all my guys are bummed but we didn't do no camping on the side of the road this trip. We took it a little bit more serious we're staying in hotels so we can all get some rest and stuff so it wasn't as adventurous as sober state was because we camped on the Extra Terrestrial highway there. Hey, so it was good. We got speaking crew we got your code dog Austin Antion as well what's up Austin? How are you? Doing good how are you George? Doing pretty good man. So the race was pretty rad you guys obviously came home with the victory but what was some of the funnest parts that you had with Max during the event? Obviously the finish that's always the best part especially coming out on top and then I think just hanging out with the guys all the all the crew I think that's the funnest part. Yeah, I agree with those statements wholeheartedly but like when I think about it from your guys's standpoint, like, you guys will take racing very seriously. Max has awesome program. And when you guys go out there, you're set to win like you're getting ready to win and so when you're in the car Are and you guys are going as fast as you are and competing at this level that we've been talking about all all show. There's a you can't slouch you got to be like 100% full wood the whole time. So what is it like when you're going through that? Are you asking me or Austin I was asking Austin but once you go Max um, you know, it's for me for me I've been doing it for a long time and edit at a really high level you know, coming off a bike so to be 100% honest, you the side by side is a little bit relaxing, you know, not super super intense, obviously you got to be pretty pretty focused on your task at hand. And you know, and but it's not so much on and on dirt bike a rock is going to possibly send you to the hospital on the dirt bike so that aspect it's a little bit relaxed but I'm new to the side by side program I'm starving for for victories and to climb that climb that ladder up into I want to race with the fast guys I want to be with the best of the best in the in the unlimited class and I want to fight for wins in that class. So I'm working my ass off to you know, try to prove and dominate this the NA class which is super fun, super competitive. And that's that's my goal. Yeah, but you got you guys are pushing those cars pretty hard, man your pace is not slow at all. So Austin when when you guys are going that fast in a car? How does it actually feel? I don't know. The race goes by really quick actually. I guess it felt like we were in the car for maybe four hours. But we were in there for nine hours. And it's it's pretty intense. We just were just like hammering down the whole time but still trying to save the car to go 500 miles or whatever. But it's it's still pretty intense. Yeah, and then you guys are obviously both thinking about Max like saving the car and making sure that it crosses the finish line. Did you guys have any incidents along the way that scared you know, yeah, we did they. So I'm thinking this whole time I'm like, There's no way this car is gonna last we're pushing pretty hard. I mean, everyone was at the restart. I was sitting sixth on corrected time. Physically second, still, you know, and I thought, Oh, well, we had a pretty good pace go and I was pacing off of Josh the dude in front of me. And I was like, this is a pretty good pace. And at the restart, we look at the timing and we are six on correctly time. I'm like, Oh man, we gotta we gotta go you know, so we start pushing hard. And I'm like, well, there's no way this car is gonna last with us pushing this hard. It was wild. It was literally like a 400 mile sprint race George Mila it was it was crazy. He's in a class is kind of no joke. Because these cars you almost can't hurt him right? Unless you unless you run them into a ditch or something or rip a corner off but you can just stay flat footed all day long in these things in a cars and then that's pretty much how you have to drive them. Yeah, and I was I was gonna say but like, and not to discount than a class but that's the way that it's getting in the trophy unlimited UTV class as well as the Pro Turbo class like it's crazy and there is little spots though that like some of the normally aspirated cars can naturally aspirated cars can catch up or learn the switchbacks and stuff they go faster but like what Max is saying is exactly what we've been talking about all night is that everything is getting so competitive Yeah, when as soon as a green flag drops man everyone is hammered down Yeah, it's wild right yeah, they it really is it's it's insane that the beating these things can take and and we look at the overall results were up in the top 20 overall out of all the UTVs there was 100 and something new TVs that started Vegas Torino and then we finished like 20/20 Overall the first in a car but it's badass these things move along pretty good for what they are. Yeah, totally. You never probably thought that you TVs are gonna be that fast. Did you awesome? No, they impressed me every race this race we hit a couple like big ol rain ruts or even the tires. The tires impress me I thought you'd hit a couple big rocks and I'm like unzip the unzip the pouch get ready to take the impact out and I just wait for it to go fly and it never even fly nice that's pretty cool. What were some of the highlights of the race for you guys that max you go first and then Austin you answer as well. Um, you know I was I was watching your show with with Mickey and Dude, the only dude that crossed the finish line on the three wheeler we passed him in the last eight miles and that last eight miles come and going up to the top of the hill before he dropped down to the finish line is absolutely brutal and gnarly. And we caught that guy, you know, and he's seen us come in and obviously he's been watching back he pulled over and he was hanging off his three wheeler giving us the sign and stuff and he was still just as stoked as he was when he took off from the starting line I would imagine so that was pretty badass, you know? And then obviously, being able to represent my sponsors to the best of my ability and get them my sponsors and my team and everyone that's worked so hard a another our second in a row win with this brand new car is probably the highlight of my race for sure Spoken like a true race are just always looking forward pushing for more right what about you awesome. Did you have like a specific part on the track that you were stoked on? I pretty much like the whole the whole course. Really. I liked the all the locals. They were so excited. And they they stayed out all day just watching people go by. I think I forget what pit it was one of the last pits the visual. There's just a dude in like a wheelchair that has probably been out there all day just watching everyone go by and he's so excited when that's on his way. Right? Like he was like hanging halfway out of his wheelchair just like waving a sign telling us to go. That's that's so cool. Like, I'm making fun because I because of myself too. But like that's one of those things that gets you so fired up. Like I wouldn't be surprised if the dude in the wheelchair stood up and cheered you on because he was so stoked on it. Right? Like, I love hearing those stories because it's like the next level of happiness for anybody that's watching. Yeah, it's kind of like it's kind of like racing in Mexico all the all the locals and all the fans are just so excited to have a race come to their town pretty much. Did Yeah, that's that's super cool, man. Well, and so you're gonna race the rest of the best in the desert series on max. Yeah, yep, we're we're leading the points now going into the to last 200 mile races. So we will definitely finish out the best desert series and continue to chase that championship. 200 miles of racing is basically a sprint race these days in the desert like Yeah, yeah, it's freakin wild man and to air miles. I mean, it takes a long time, but you're wide open all these cars and you'll probably have a real small gap at the end between three people. Yeah, exactly. When you guys crossed the finish line. How did it feel? You guys pretty tired? No, no, I mean, honestly, not really. These things are just super relaxed. Man. I've I've done Vegas to Reno and the trophy truck and been more tired. I think it's the trophy trucks are so intense and so hot. When you get out you're you're physically drained physically and mentally drained just from being in that in that truck. And with these UTVs you know, a little bit slower. I think our top speed was 8687 miles an hour. And you know, it's considerably slower. It's not hot. It's just they're more relaxing. So I felt I can go another 400 miles when we cross the finish line. No problem. What I heard that when when he was saying that whole thing was these Fox shocks are badass. That's exactly what I heard. Yep. In our car, our car works so good. I was a little worried about it being a little soft, because it's so good in that job, you know, and, and the braking and accelerating buttons. So get in there and I was worried about it being too soft and the big bumps and the big rollers and stuff but that car works. Amazing. Vince Vince and all the guys at at a fox have got that thing working really, really well. And our Yokohama tires are unreal that came we'll save my ass. In the last eight miles I made a driving mistake and and slid into a rock with the sidewall. And it plowed right in with the wheel and tire. And it bent the wheel pretty dang good. Where like you could see daylight through the wheel and I run on bead locks on my car and I was expecting to get out how to get out and change a tire and we never did. Yeah, that's rad. Did ya go KMC Yeah, for sure. All right, we're gonna let you guys go do you congratulations. Is there anything else that you wanted to say that before we get you excuse me before we let you guys go Austin you know, just a big thanks to all the all of our pit crew and all the sponsors that let us keep racing. One of the best pit pit pit crews in the business man you guys are doing a fantastic job so kudos all those guys. I can't wait to see you guys at the races. It'd be really cool to see you guys wrap up a title this year. Yep, that's for sure. We're going for it. We got it. I think we've got a pretty decent points lead after the double points in Vegas. Reno so we're gonna keep pushing obviously. I think race race wins are more important. For me I like the race wins over a championship. The championship comes if you win. So I look at it Spoken like a true racer. I boys. Well, thank you very much for hanging out. We really appreciate it. Kudos on the win and we'll see you soon I'm sure. All righty. All right. Let's see. Uh, dude, I don't know how long this battery's gonna last, bro. Do you want to even get Jason on or you want to do it a different time? I think we should do next week. Okay, whenever Yeah, why don't we do it a different time. So our time Yeah, give them more time and then I appreciate everybody that stayed along with the show and hung out with us. We didn't get a chance because of the technical difficulties. I definitely want to thank all of our sponsors the guys over at KMC wheels like we had mentioned before, so please go check out we'll merge and get some of the cool stuff like this hat that I have on go to your local for rural parts dealership and pick up some KMC wheels and some Max's tires, Max's news partner of the show. You can see in the background right here so please go get some of those things. They got some really really cool 33 inch tires that you can get for your UTV that's what we're gonna probably put on our UTV thank you to cannamd for sponsoring this episode man. They did such a fantastic job of Vegas to Reno but they have some cool products like their ATVs for the kids that we talked about the fuel injection ones, and their cars are phenomenal. Yeah, exactly. Doing a really good job. Thank you very much to all the guys over at cryo heat. Thank you guys division canopy appreciate that Travis soldier and his whole team as ERP. Man, just everybody that's part of the show, dude. You guys all that watch at home. And it's really cool to see the show growing and how much you guys are caring about it. So really appreciate all you guys. Thanks to James img for letting us use his shop and hanging out. Appreciate you coming in and always doing such a good job. Well, you're in. Love it. And thank you to all of our guests, man. We had some fantastic conversations with some really great people. So we really appreciate everybody. Man, we had so many comments coming in talking about other people wanting to get on the show and stuff. I'm sorry that we don't have a million hours that we can talk about this stuff, but we love you guys really appreciate everything. Yeah, one of these days, man. Off Road is a small world and we love everybody in it. So we'll see you guys soon. Thank you. Thanks, guys. Good night. Thanks for listening to the dirt life show. See you next week.

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