The Dirt Life

Live from Sand Sports Super Show with JL Audio & Special Guests

September 17, 2022 Offroad, UTV’s, Racing, Dunes, BTS, Sponsorship - Podcast & Live Show Episode 144

Dune Season is coming quick and we talk to all the special guests about their plans! @blakewilkey357 @foremanc of @pro_eagle @buggywhipinc @bs247365 @hcrracing @nobigdealhill from @imgmotorsports @yellowrangerofficial of @4wheelpartsofficial @glamisveterans @jacob_zuccone @todd_zuccone of @evo_powersports @lgcreativeco @richardjeffries of @jeffriesperformance @tubesoxsteve of @shocktherapyusa @maddie.wedeking & @sierra_romo929 & @danny_______g 

Thanks to @fischebr and the entire crew at @jlaudioinc for having us in their booth and the hospitality! Massive thank you to @ryno134 for all the help and producing the show!

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Welcome to the dirt life show with your host, George Hamil Welcome to Episode 144 of the dirt life show thank you guys very much for joining us tonight we are live at the sands Ford Super Show 2022 sitting at you can tell the JL Audio booth we thank you guys very much for having us here. Super cool setup there's already parties going this vendor behind us over 100 Going ready for a really hard show for joining us tonight we are live at the sands for Super Show 22 sitting at you can tell the JL Audio booth we thank you guys very much for having us here. Super cool setup. There's already parties gone. This cannamd Defender behind us has been going really hard. Super cool to see. All right. Hopefully that works. Man. We can't wait to talk to you guys about some of this fun stuff. We got a boatload of guests that we're going to talk to you tonight. We're actually going to talk about some cool JL stuff to Brian Fisher all the way to my left. Basically the Head of Marketing at JL Audio man, it's been really cool. Avid bicycle rider now avid side by side fun however you like doing all of it, man. Yeah, I'm out to have a good time. Wherever did this awesome. Thank you very much for having us. Dude, it was really cool to that you guys offered this. Oh, this is great, dude. I'm glad it worked out. So yeah, so tons of cool stuff already here. Like did you get to walk around at all? I did. So we got a bunch of cars with a bunch of our products out here. So just a lot of cool stuff happening in the industry. So it really is like the industry is booming. And it's really cool to see everybody out here right now. Right? So we're live on Instagram and we are live on Facebook. Starlink hopefully Starlink hooks us up all night. But thank you guys very much for joining us. To my immediate left. Chuck Foreman a pro Eagle What's up dude? How are you? What's happening, brother? Good to see you. Good to see you. So not quite married yet? No. announced and proposed on the dirt life show. Parts Dude, that was so sick. I can't wait. Yeah. And then. So when's the actual date? It is sometime in February. Now I'm gonna I'm gonna be shot here. Yeah, I don't know the exact date. And I really really Jinx you about. You just ruined it for me. Ya know, when I got the invitation, I saw the invitation. I was like, dude, Jenny is pumped on this. He's so stoked. So congratulations on that. I can't wait to get to the wedding. Let's thank our sponsors real quick. And then actually, you know what? Let's talk about some JL Audio stuff first. You guys did some cool projects leading up to the Sansho Brian Do you guys have Lindsey geyser do just came in with the flow yellow cannamd x three. Do you that car is sick. You're not going to miss it out there. Do that in the sand. Do understatement. Hey, have you seen it yet? Nah, dude, it's wild. It's like flow yellow, like full fluorescent yellow like you will see it like anywhere in the sand dunes. Really? It's gonna fire. Yeah, it's right over here in the KMC booth. Actually, we should switch the camera angle so some people can see it back there. So you can see all this stuff going on behind us. We'll switch that camera angle. Wherever the camera Ryan, thanks for helping us out, dude. Appreciate it. And, man, that car is super cool. But before we like we're gonna have Ross from buggy whips come in. And before we kick you out, Brian, tell us what you guys put in that vehicle. So we do a little interesting setup with some of the JP cars. So Jeffrey's performance? Yeah, so they run a product line called NBI. So that amplifier line has DSP built into it. So with that one, we can go in and adjust the Les EQ on channels for that one. So we've actually brought Lindsay's car in to put a mic in there, we can meet her that one. So we have settings for when she's driving the car. And then also when she's at camp. Oh, you just like flip a switch and you can change it. Yep. So that'd be so six out the hill, you can just blast a blast. So she's get a little bit different tuning profile for when she's outside of the vehicle versus when she's sitting there driving the view. That's wild. I didn't even know that audio could do that. Oh, yeah. So we, we been doing it in other segments of our industry, but that's something that we're crossing over and starting to do in this one. So you're gonna see more and more of that come in. There's another product in her car. It's called self box. So we make it for variety of vehicles. So whether you drive truck, SUV Jeep, any of these side by sides, we make a platform for that one. So it's a fiberglass enclosure that's formed fitted for where it's going to be placed in that one. Oh, makes it super easy. Yep. So hers is sitting underneath the passenger side. But we also make it for the driver side. So if you really want to up your game, you can run a similar seven either location for that one. So but the passenger side of her best friend's ride. Yeah, that's super cool, man. I didn't even know that audio has like gotten that far. Yeah, that's really, really cool. Oh, and thank you for being part of the show, man. I really appreciate it. And you also said that JL is going to be in Glamis this year, right? Yep. So we're going to be set up inside of craniums booth space with them. So it'd be nice to partner up with them. It's part of this this rig that we have next with I can am defender so stands for it last year we came out here and showed that vehicle so in August they had announced our our solution for that that platform there so yeah, did super cool and we've already seen a whole bunch of people come by I saw you put like, I don't know three or four dudes in this thing. And they were like trying to video and you can see their phones shaking because they were trying to Instagram it couldn't even get a clear picture of it because it was shaking so much. Dude, that's awesome. Hey, thanks for having us at the booth. Man. We're gonna kick you out. Now. I think the sponsor will get rest in here. So look, I appreciate it. Alright, cool, man. We'll get rust in here. So thank you very much all of our sponsors. I'm just gonna get through them real quick. Thank you guys over at KMC wheels. If you're at the sands for Super Show come by and hang out the JL Audio booth get your brain scrambled by this some of the stereo stuff. It's really cool. What's up Mike Gardner? Good to see you, man. Yeah, thank you to guys at KMC for being part of the show. Our man behind the scenes today. Ryan Edwards he lined that KMC deal up we got the camera right on him. Thanks, homie. Yeah, here and then he's gonna be answering all your comments questions, so start throwing them out there throw some good ones. Thanks, guys. All right, Max's tires. They definitely wanted to be here. But, man, we're gonna see him soon at the Barstow or the California 300 at Barstow Thanks, guys. Motul they're definitely here. You guys can go check out Motul and see all their products that stands for Super Show. Thanks, guys. A shock therapy. Steve Sabina all those guys are over there at the shock therapy semi with Fox you can use the code dirt life by yourself some of the shock therapy products steering racks limits drafts BSD kits all that good stuff. Like I said before, thanks to the guys at JL Audio. Todd's calm for evolution powersports he's gonna come on with Lindsey geyser in just a little bit and hang out with us that's gonna be cool. What's it looks like we have a comment right? No big deal Hill wants to know what we had for lunch. Very high me yeah, very case. DSL had a footlong de Alder Baja and bug wants to know if we're ever gonna have Blake on any time actually. Yeah, so Blake is actually going to come on in just a little bit here. If you're talking about excited when he saw Russell, come on. Yeah, that was Blake. I make that fake him out. So yeah, Blake Wilkie is going to come out a little bit later. I'll go through the guest list in just a second here. But yeah, Todd's are calling from evolution. powersports gonna join us go get any of their products man. They have a bunch of cool stuff prior to talking about pro our stuff. Thanks, guys. Alright, so under racing products, we're gonna post some stuff on our Instagram that Zoolander did for my personal Pro are it's pretty bitchin man. The dirt life is the code you can use over there by some radius rods, some tie rods anything to match up with the shock therapy stuff. Thanks, guys, Vision canopies. You can see them if Ryan just takes his camera right here and pans over to the vision canopy guys over there. You're going to come hang out with those guys. And it looks like they got like the biodome set, dude, yeah, they got some insane stuff. Yeah, hang out with those guys. And thanks the guys over at Crowl he really appreciate all of our sponsors. Alright, let's get into it. So proper introduction. Russ from buggy was well, so what up? How are you doing? Good, man. Thanks for taking the time and letting all the power come back to everybody else that's here. Yeah. So zapping it over there. Fun fact follows him. Yeah, exactly. So fun fact of the day, Ryan is that. Unfortunately, nobody else has power in the whole facility because Ross has taken all of it over there. And he's he's got 17,000 whips lit up. I did. It's bright. It's it's legit. We're in the super star link on his roof too. We have a few starlings. Really? Oh, yeah. How much bandwidth do you get over there? Because it Starlink over here is sucking. I think you guys are taking all of it. Yeah, yeah, we just keep buying more Starlink. So Elon will just keep feeding it to us. Somebody wants to trade you for their 5150 Whip. So Don, let's do it. And it's happening. Yeah, I'm gonna break it in front of him. Everybody keeps saying get rid of it. Oh, yeah. Hi, Jackie. So Jackie from Reggie just chimed in. She's probably just ran over here too. Yeah. So one of the things that I want to talk about first and foremost is you guys chuck with pro Eagle jacks and Ross obviously with buggy whips. You guys offer a lot of products for the dunes. And do season is coming up quick. Like, personally, I'm super amped because I haven't put hardly any miles on my pro are. And then so I talked to the KMC. You guys I might be able to put some paddles on that bad boy. But I do need to get some whips. And I do need to be able to work on that thing out there. So Jack works in the sand. He's got a little demo over there. That's right. Yeah, we built a little sandbox. So you can roll it in the sand and check it out. Yeah, that's exactly where I was going with it. So you guys both have booths here that we can check out all the stuff that we can buy for the dunes. Yep. So give us a little bit of a breakdown of what you guys are offering Chuck, you go first. We actually had some really good prices the first time we've done any trade show where we offered sale prices. So that's kind of exciting. We'll see where that goes. But yeah, the new Pro bar has actually opened up, so I might be able to get a deal. Maybe you think it's possible? Yeah. I think I know a guy. Well, I'm at the show, so yeah. All right. Yes. Show deal. Yeah. So if you are at the show, that's cool, man. And dude, people pay 20 bucks to get in here. So yeah. All right, Ross, what about you? We got two booths one on the inside one on the outside a bunch of different color eggs. Do you hear that flex that he just laid down? That was a big That's what she said. But no, no flex and just big flag. Anybody to miss us? You know, we put like these giant flags on things. You know, we made that list yet. Wait a second. We just had a comment. Come in hot dogs over there. Dude, I'm telling you, why don't you get a 711 roller and just put it outside of your booth? That's a fantastic idea. No, no, no. Check this out. We built a so a whiskey chariot life is where I'm at boozy. It's all about the whiskey chariot life. So that's why I built a whiskey chariot with a trigger attached to it so I can smoke meat and drink Diet Coke while I ride the show. That's wild. You're gonna die on a whiskey chariot. Whiskey chariot is the life you know, creativity of this guy. All right. So real real quick, though. I do want to say Alder I can't read as he said he's a startling guy. He's a hook up. He does the plating from Hey, please. Oh, DM the dirt life show. Because we need to figure out Elan number to get this thing better, man because we're not getting any speed out of the phone. Yeah, that's the hotline. Get us a hotline. All right. So are you guys gonna go to the dunes this year? You guys actually going to participate? Have some fun. Are you guys gonna be working? Yeah, we're actually the official whip of Camp raiser this year. No way. Yeah, Vishal. And so flexing over here. Big flex guy. Yeah, it's these flexes man. Should we talk about his grand piano and for real piano, so you don't actually have to know how to play. You just gotta be able to move your feet. Like it's got all these things. It's actually legit. made of mahogany. Can you play the piano? Dude, back and forth. A little pedal things? That's hilarious, man. Well, yeah, so go into the dunes. And because I'd like to go for a ride with you guys. When you guys are out there. Let's do it. Yeah, for us in the dunes is a good time. Is it? Yeah. Russ knows every grain of sand and like, oh, big OG triple OG, big doing big Doom guy. I actually didn't know what dirt was. Because I only went to Clemson when I took over by you at five years ago. And I went to a show that had dirt. And like, cars were dusty. And I was like, Dude, this is not my vibe. Like I grew up where you like, roll the car in the trailer at night. You get it out. You dust it off in the morning. You wear flip flops and your drink in your hand when you get a car. His cat. That sounds like a good time. It's Ken Ham is beast. But what does it have? Does it have buggy whips Evo. Oh, really? Oh Evo. Evo. Yeah, so how wild is that? 10 Dude, it's wild. I can tell you that it's the fastest UTV I've driven really Yeah. Like 6900 horsepower 70 Really anything that's a really really good I've never done a wheeling a side by side can you take me stripped all the weight out of it. We took everything out can't see out of the thing. No, you can't see the seats. It's so low you just stare at the dash and then we put a hood on it because we thought it looks sexy. Do you do the containment seats? Oh yeah. full containment seats. Yeah, have you ever driven this thing Chuck? I have not no you don't want to I've written it a couple of times but that was before he went to that extra level with the with the new teacher and drove it in Oregon and I literally was shitting my pants the whole time that's crazy. Yeah, I definitely want to see this thing is it as bright as Lindsey geysers new rig. It's you know what used to be really bright because like I'm into the 80s like vibin like super bright colors know what that hair? I don't think so. If we go back to the 80s and live in it I would be just in heaven do risky chariot. Oh, for sure. In a trigger behind it, meat. Pellet barbecue is weren't around in the 80s though. We'd have to actually really sit future type situation Yeah. percent dude, that would be hilarious. Like how many times you guys gonna go to the dunes? Because it sounds like you go a lot. My wife's actually going to live in Glamis this year. No way. I'm not joking with Starla yet, but this is yeah, her telling her I have three links. And I actually got them centered for the BLM office so that she can live in Glamis. She wants to fully live there all season and not come home and find what Yeah, is this industry first, like just have your wife living out of glass? Roll Chuck proposed his wife now, Russell's telling his wife on live on it was her idea. She legit told me the other day she's like, I'm going to live in glamorous, like you can come back and go to work. I'm gonna stay in Glamis and have fun. I kind of don't know if like if my chick was trying to tell me that I'd be like, Well, does that mean that you hate me? You want to go live in Glamis? She's all about it. Like she she's all about the dunes all about you. You know I'm I'm an abrasive personality. So when she fell in love with me, she realized that the demons were going to become part of her life. Like there was no getting out of it. There's no going anywhere. So now it's a big takeover. She's, she's like, want to go to the dunes just as much or more than Yeah, but she doesn't like driving she just wants she actually asked whiskey cherry if they could put paddles on it so she could write the cooler to do Dude, that's awesome. I need to get on that program. The full whiskey chariot program that's where you need to be that's Georgia needs one to cruise the pits. Oh my god, I would love that. Sure. Yeah, all I got is the mini bike and that's too sketchy if you're like really on the west. Yeah, your vlog set up here. Yeah, get all that going. Mouth is on the whiskey carry show live from the whiskey the whiskey channel. And we do we can have the I forgot what his name was on the but the Starlink guys set it up so I can have Starlink on the chariot up and down Gecko road just stopping at camps parting with people on things I do not need the injured again. This can be this can be the thing well you can put big enough whips on it so people will see massive whips. Oh do that'd be hilarious five. All right. So whiskey chariot scramble to do there's been talk of it like we could fall on have been talking about. I'm telling you. There's been a lot of talk inside my head about it. Yeah. We talk about all the time. Billy Slade day one bought one from me. Yeah, yeah. Wait, I wrote it this morning. Yeah, yeah, how many burnouts all about? I got scared because like when you're wide open, it starts twitching and there's like if you get like a little bit sideways like, I don't know, though this morning he rode by and Brandon Twitchell from HCR was was holding on to him with like a big bear hug. On it. Five, five people. Yeah, five people on it last night. He needs to get like full bypass shocks like we have. He does get pegs like what do you do when you're a kid? You said you're about the 80s via pegs. I was a big bike guy back in the day dyno BFR. flatland guy. Oh, where are you? Like, were you? I was like three bikes and lowered cars street bike. Oh, yeah. I used to be in the bag trucks like really dropped the slam cut doors laid on the ground. Dang. Arizona that were like that when I was growing up to straight hood. Yeah, many trucks. Alright, so you're gonna go to the dunes a few times. Maybe not living out there like Ross's wife. As much as assuming that Jenny's probably going to stay with you and Southern California instead of living out there. But what do you get? When are you going to hit the dunes? You know what? I don't know. He's trying to get me to go out there to camp razor with him. I'd like you to to if that's cool. Maybe set up a booth out there. We'll see. He told me that the people from Polaris were going to email me but they never did. So I think I think coming up your scavenger hunt? That's right. Yeah, we're doing the scavenger hunt deal. Oh, yeah. Tell us a little bit more about that. What's it called? That's right. Right. Right on. That is see in November, November 5. It so it's a Saturday right after SEMA Johnson. And Johnson Valley. Yeah. So it distribute fun. It's something slightly different than what I think most we were, what's the concept? So the concept is, well, I gave you a list of 20 ish, GPS waypoints. And some of them we complete some of them well, so you'll have to go to the ones that are complete and collect clues there to fill into reach to the ones that aren't complete. They'll all be weighted, someone will be harder to figure out harder to get to. And those ones will be worth more points. So there's some strategy involved on which do I go to this one because it's difficult, but it's more points. It's further out or do I do the easy one? That's a quick and easy point. Some of the way points we'll have to do a challenge we'll have one that you're actually set up to your you'll jack up your car, remove a tire put it back on. Oh, that sounds like it's gonna be fun, though. Like an adventure. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, we're trying to make it as interesting as possible. We're throw some other fun stuff in there. You gotta get trucks, you TVs, everything. Everything. Yeah, overland vehicles. You could do it in a Subaru. We have some people to bring in some of those Sprinter vans out to do it for Sprinter vans, really? Desert squadron says right and seek it's going to be a blast. Yeah, so it sounds like John Lewis was gonna go That's cool, man. You guys have a lot of water in it. They're giving away a prize package for it. Oh, with the trauma kits and stuff. Yeah, sweet, man. That'll be cool. It sounds like you guys have a pretty big event already gone. Hope so. Yeah, there were cabinet 100 vehicle was just to keep it easy to manage. And I think we're just about there already. So yeah, that's gonna be pretty cool. November Yeah. Lots of people walking by. It's pretty cool to see everybody here out here at the sands show. I'm just going to turn the camera around a little bit so you guys can see given hugs in the background, Bella Borchard. Shelby Anderson and everybody back there. It's cool to see them out here. One of the cool things that we saw Well, I don't know if you guys got to saw to see it. Ross and Chuck was Ryan and I saw RJ Anderson has a I've ever seen Polaris general. With a loading jetski what you want to call it ramp that just lowers it inland? It's rad. Stand up, guys see it? Yeah, I've not, dude. It's wild for deployment anywhere. Yeah, it's crazy. So yeah, if you guys haven't got check it out. Come to the sands fort. Super Show. Check it out. There's a bunch of cool stuff. Cherry deployment. We are on the back have a side by side and Michael perfectly fits in the trunk. Get on your whiskey. Yeah. Yeah, dude, that's pretty sick. And so anybody that doesn't know what a whiskey chariot is, it's a cooler with a fast fast motor and yeah, on the bottom of it, so check it out. Is there a website for those things? Whiskey Also, you can buy him there? Yeah, I'm not gonna say I'm not a huge fan of the whiskey chariot. I think that's clear already. Yeah, pretty big fan over here. A little tab on your website. Chuck's chuck a fun of it till we were out at Oklahoma. Yeah, we had we had like some reggae going and Chuck like he got into it. For sure. Yeah. I fell in love with him pretty quick. Yeah, dude, they're pretty cool. I heard somebody who was a billy Slater. Somebody said that they need to put paddles on it. Who was it? I was saying, Oh, yeah. Yeah, dude, that'd be wild to put paddles on those things like hearing California people actually want the cooler for stuff but in Oklahoma they just wanted to seal it with a straw. Really? Yeah, they did not want to get straw into it. Seal it. margarita mix it it'd be good to That's wild. Wild they pets a lot of Margarita. A lot of Marguerite you need like 18 straws. Because that if you were able to try to take that down yourself. I don't know man. You'd be hurt. Share with friends over there though. Oh, they don't. They drink differently than we do out here. Can you guys just go on a trip over there? Yeah. What was that all about? Checking. I've done quite a few cross country trips. We've had a lot of fun together. This one was actually uneventful. I other than the fact that Oklahoma was hotter than death really? Did oh my god definitely gotta get my life right because I will not make it in Hell if I end up there. So I will tell you Mid America and what those guys have gone on Jason and Brad and everybody over there Mid America is is is some special Yeah, it looks like a pretty wild place to be out there. I mean, wild and I don't know like I've said it a million times even on the show. Like if I was out there and like all race prepped. I would probably miss my race because I'd be on the lazy river. A little lazy river was legit. Yeah. Did you go on it frozen margarita things in a pouch. Yep. Did you go on it? UTV source Kyle. Oh really there for a movie screen playing movies while you played around the river. We actually shot a whiskey chariot video there and Kyle nearly dropped it into the pool. Really? Yeah, he grabbed all the throttle and launched it into the pool. I really need to get on this whiskey chariot program. And she was like, I feel like I missed your lifestyle. George. Yeah, it does. I'm in Oh, we can build a little tow hitch for this thing. And yeah, it's towed it around. Yeah. For the for the new command center. Whatever we're gonna call it. Santa sound. Hey, guys is going to be a beautiful weekend. Yeah, this weekend in San Diego is gonna be good. But honestly, more important is going to be when we get out to the actual dens like so everybody's getting prepped up here at Sansho. Did you guys see any cool shit that you guys were interested in? Because I saw a bunch of stuff man I saw working all morning. Yeah, I saw a bunch of RAD but we just did one lap. I saw a bunch of RAD builds. Everybody was doing I saw a couple cars have 30s And I thought there was gonna be Yeah, pro ours out here. I saw some 37 inch tires on UTVs now, like holy shit. 37 just putting them on. Like it's freaking wild or 30 Did you ever think that on a UTV? No, it's good for me though. Yeah, that's true. The car has a more wheeled travel the better it is for me. Yeah, just gotta keep making those extent do they're gonna be monster truck. Extensions. Yeah, they're it's called the triple deck. We did it in Oklahoma. He did. Yeah. What do you mean? Any jacket? It's called a double decker. It's a whole vibe in Oklahoma. We had to try this at home. Hey, so actually, John from Desert squadron just chimed in and said anybody talked to Robbie about his car on display on its roof picture. So no, I didn't see anything but I got a bunch of text messages saying did a speed side by side tip over a forklift. Really? There forklifting it into place in it? No way. So I heard that it was done on purpose. So you can see the welds on the bottom side. Is that a story that was made up or not? Well, there's one picture of it on its roof. And there's a picture of it on its tire. Okay, so they're obviously trying to get it back over. Okay, so it wasn't so what the heck? Yeah. And everyone's standing around you when it's on its roof. Like know what to do it in themselves, though, so it was like a mistake. I got dropped. Well, yeah, if it was on purpose, like, I feel like they would have put something under it. Yeah, it's on the bare concrete. Yeah, nobody does that on purpose. But maybe I mean, Robbie, that's true. Dude, that's kind of wild. Man. That is wild. I would hate to have that but hey, why not just start the weekend off full drama style and get all the attention? Yeah. You know what I mean? Well, Robbie, but I it is cool to see the like on a serious note that everybody's out here right like there's everybody's showing all their new stuff there is actually saying that Robbie was on the forklift in the video. Oh, as well, and asylum says they dropped it. Yeah, who knows? But whatever the case, so it was a quality control check. Yeah, after the boat was in the well, not the last show. Yeah. 100%. Watch this. I'll just drop it off the forklift. It's rated. Yeah. But yeah, so it's, it's cool to see that everybody's showing all their new stuff. There's tons and tons of cool people out here, man. It took us I don't know Ryan, it took us an hour just to walk like yeah, not even a third of Alaska popular George No, not me. All of us. Were talking to everybody. So I hope that everybody gets to come out and check it out. You guys have everything on display at the booths though, right? And I warn you if you go into the buggy whips booth you're gonna have to wear sunglasses at night. Well when the power is on you know when the hours on I mean we've had some power issues but we're back and we're good you're sucking the system dry man give some back to us. He called Elon he dipped into the mainframe. Good to go fiber optic. At the same time. Yeah. You're lighting up the metaverse. Yeah totally taking all the power from Southern California to think about Chuck and I you know you can get lit with me get Jack with whiskey on your whiskey ceria hot dogs Chuck and I literally do everything he you won't know how close Chuck and I are together. You guys want to know this? Chuck actually is getting married on the same day that I got married in the same month that I got married. What's gonna be on the menu is not hot dogs, please. I was gonna say me eat me come in and out. Oh my God, that's hilarious. Fire so you guys are gonna stay the whole weekend. Hopefully a bunch of these guys come check out the booth and hang out. Yeah, we've got every product that we've got is there in a booth. Serious now like Ryan was saying you actually do have a display in the sand. So you can see how the Jack does in the sand. That was pretty cool. And it was cool. That's actually one of the bigger questions I get here is like oh, it's got to have balloon tires because it won't roll in the sand. I guess it will roll in the sand. Oh no, it doesn't my my you know whatever Jack rolls easily in the sand. Have you ever tried to lift an F one f 250 with it? Yeah, the tires go flat. Okay, well mine doesn't it rolls in the sand. Well, and then you also have wasn't like a skid plate or something that yeah, there's a solid bottom on the bottom. So it keeps all the dust and dirt and debris from getting in that and distributes the weight evenly. So yeah, exactly. Because there's a skid plate under there. Kind of holding everything up right now. It legit is the best Jack anywhere in the world. Get Jack used it everywhere. We use it to lift our trailer more than once to change tires. And that's a stat Yeah, that's a stacker with a ton of stuff in there. A lot of add ons for Russell. Hey, Ryan, I think we have a comment come in. From sand asylum. It was a pretty long one. I didn't read it but you you read it? I can't I can't see it. So yeah, you need some jail for the Lincoln I do. I definitely think you do Dustin like they got some good stuff here stuff are wrapping your head around that like awesome stuff. Josh from s pod. Yeah, Josh can cruise over anytime, man. Yeah, we were out here if you want to come by get on. Yeah, so just yeah, come by. It's got to be before eight o'clock, though. Because I'm shutting it down right at eight o'clock. So I can voice can only handle so much. Well, I need a mutual a lot. So, but yeah, so it'll be cool to see you guys out there. Like I'm really looking forward to it. Dude, I haven't had it like a solid dune season in three or four years. Like there's just been so much going on in life and stuff. And then, man, I just want to go read. Yeah. So I think that's what everybody's trying to do get all set up to go right. And I think that's the thing like we're finally back to like a traditional Sansho like, Yeah, everybody saved their money. You know, last year everybody's just buying because they were nervous that they wouldn't be able to get it and I think everybody has inventory this year. Everybody's back there. They've saved their pennies for this show. This is like the kickoff I've heard a lot of people say I just want to get back to Dooney I want to get back to be out there was I was blown away by all the dealers and stuff. How many tires and wheels they're bringing in? Yeah, I haven't seen it like this probably for the past five, six years. Yeah, usually people are. Oh yeah, you're saying like not the manufacturer like dealers. They have ton dealers. I mean, there's piles of powder. was out here. And this I mean, um, yeah, what 2014 was maybe the last time I saw it like this where people are bringing products. Yeah, totally. Usually were just kind of like stepping our tone it like, oh, maybe we'll bring a little bit. Yeah, absolutely. Great Kelly racing. What's up? Ryan? Maybe you could take that camera for Instagram and do a little pan around so that everybody can see kind of what's going on. But yeah, man, it's been cool to see like everything coming back. And like you guys said, like, for 20 bucks for a ticket here. You have the opportunity to do all of your shopping. Yeah, right. Like, that's bitchin. Yeah. Coming from Arizona. Like, I never even knew this existed. And now like, this is a second year I've come like, I'm hyped on it, ya know, and you get to actually talk to manufacturers. I think that's one of the things like you talked about, you get all your shopping done here. But you actually come, you know, let's call it what it is. But there's, there's a lot of whip companies here, right? And everybody's always like, Well, why is this? Or why is that or? And I'm not gonna say anything bad about my competitors. But you can actually come in, like, touch a buggy whip and know, and actually ask me questions like, Is it made in America, and we are the oldest whip company as the Amazon product or whatever? Yeah, you never know. That's actually a good point, though, too, is like, because I always have the question. Whenever it has anything to do with electronics. I'm like, is this stealing too much from the car? Like, do I need to like, but then I could have asked you? Yeah, there's, there's so much like, it takes very little power drive, you know. So if you compare us to some of our competitors, you'll notice, there'll be like, Oh, we're just as bright as you if they're not. And statistically, we can actually show it with real data, right. But on top of that, they pack three times as many LEDs to try to get it there. So we design our own chips, and we make chips that are brighter and use less power, so that you get that visibility mean, you know, you bring up a good point about being nobody's been in the dunes, right. And so if we take a second, one of the big things that we're trying to push this year as safety right at the end of day whips are cool, and they're bright, and they're fun. But at the end of the day, it's really truly about safety. Yeah. Well, and when you're out there with like, when you're parked, it's almost like a scene light. Yeah, you're everything around us lit up. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I've never seen a whip, where you turn off the car. But everything around you is still like, completely daylight right now. I don't think anybody else can compare to that. And like you guys are talking about cars on 30 sevens that are so much faster. Now cars are so much bigger. There's no training for it. I mean, you can walk in and buy a pro are today, which is incredible. Go out there and drive as hard as you want. So you're coming over doing and if you don't see the whip, or you don't see some you know, we talked about this all the time. Eric goes, Yeah, but does a whip really matter? Well, how many near misses happened in your day to day life that you never know about? Right? You may have somebody may have seen the whip and a dune. And you avoided you were you didn't know it. So you're like, Oh, I didn't need the whip. Well, maybe that whip saved your life and you really don't it's kind of funny. You mentioned that yeah, like back in the day the dunes like whips were for safety now they're for like flexing like it's Yeah, way different. Right. needs to be about safety. Yeah, that's really missing. Yeah, yeah. So side by side guy said please tell Russ luscious locks. Hello. Squadron says 30 sevens a lot of rotating masks to slow down most people forget about Yeah, like breaks and stuff like that are true. That's a good point. All right, we're gonna get James Hill from img motorsports on here. Which one of you guys are wanting to get kicked out? I'll get kicked out. All right. He's got a whiskey chariot waiting for him. Yeah, that's true. Hey, Ross. Thank you very much, dude. Appreciate it. Have fun. So you guys if if you do come down to the stands for Super Show, make sure you get over to buggy whip. Check it out. How Yeah. Go check it out. And make sure that you get over there and get some products for your for your whip before you get out there to get some whips for your whip. James L ing motorsports was up. Is it too late for my glasses? No, you got buggy whips guy just left. Yeah, you gotta follow up Russell. And he was looking pretty cool over there. Yeah, not to mention, he's probably still blinding you from halfway across the show. Yep, indeed. Alright, so you are big Doom guy to James. Born and raised. It's pretty much unglamorous. I mean, I'm a Niner for from the heart. And yeah, so glamorous every year for life. And I learned all my tuning experience joy. I'm not the fastest in the dunes, but I can get with it. You're the most I don't know like people's champ. I'm yeah. 100% people's champ. So last year, they had what was it called the rebel sand scramble. I think it was. So it's a race in the dunes. And I think this is kind of the first of its kind. So like, maybe I don't know, but anyways, it was pretty badass to see. And you almost run down the leader that bad boy almost ended up with 30 Move and he would have been in first one dirty move and you could have had victory. Yeah, that's I'm too old for that though. Yeah, keep it clean. Yeah, we keep it clean racing and try to get them the right way. You know, and we didn't so second place it was and it was still a great time. Yeah. And there's next year this year. Yeah, and December's comment. Yeah. Yeah, there we go. George. Yeah. Brittany, what's up? How are you? I mean, December. Glamis again. Oh, cool. Are they doing it at Camp razor? No. Yeah, still in December. That's what I was told. Yeah. I think it's gonna be on its own weekend. One thing that I did have to say is I think pro Eagle. I'm just going to be the marketing genius here. It should get out there. Because everybody was fucking up their cars. Yeah, for sure. Smoking cars left and right. Setups all over the place. Didn't know what sizes to run get wild. Yeah, yeah. The last time I was there, we had probably 30 People in the weekend. I was there. wanna borrow my jack? Oh, that's how it goes. Yeah, I'm like, bro, I'm here to sell them not blown them out to people. Next rental program. Yeah, exactly. We should do that. Brittany St. James is awesome. Yeah, James was totally awesome. It was Britney. Britney. But anyways, yeah. So sand scramble is going to be coming up. So when you see stuff out here at Sand sports Super Show. Are you looking like ooh, that can improve my race program a little bit? Well, so all I've gotten here about sand scramble is the competition's going to be stiff man. Yeah, I was just getting threats right here on Tinder row saw it. Oh, really? already? Yeah, these people are talking game. They're coming. Really? Yes. Dude. We went up to the Utah one the high desert scramble. And they were there were some kids throwing down some heat up there. Really? Yeah. Like I mean, like, what was that one kid's name? Riley Palmer, whatever. Snow snow Riley snow. Yeah, some hotline. He passed me like a little sissy at the UTV World Championship. Know what I did in Craig's RS one? Oh, okay. Dude, he was freaking he was holding it why I eat food flung so many creosote bushes in my face because he just went straight through the desert Yeah, yeah, there was there are some guys up in the Utah no sympathy on his car whatsoever those kids run Oh, there was also there was guys that were at Glamis in that race the sand scramble there. And they were ripping but they would you know, either break the car out or which is wild did belts blown and then overheating cars? I think the biggest thing James had going for him was the line selection. Stock tune as well. stocks. Stock 10 by 10. Hey, so talking about getting tuned up. We got to have Cory Simone for all parts come on here. Gonna show us a cooler so Chuck, we're kicking. Hey, thank you very much for letting us know what you guys got going on here and we can't wait to see you at the desk to go check on your booth because I heard wrestles over there. Oh, dude. Yeah, watch out is doing things away. All right. Thank you. Yeah, thanks. All right. Yeah, Brittany, I definitely want to come back up to central California. That'd be cool man. Hopefully one of these days plus we have a pro are so we're gonna get Cory some on from formal parts gonna come on. Maybe show us dude James. Have you seen those coolers that you can just plug in a 12 volt super cool. Yeah, we'll have to see what which one it is that Corey brings up here but it's like the perfect thing to have at the dunes. Yeah, you can just have a 12 volt and then you don't have to worry about ice if you don't want to like it. They're pretty badass man. I mean, I would say all around you know if you're the guy that goes in does the Explorer 108 It's got wheels. Yeah, they just bring it right up here. Do we got some wide camera angles? Chase trucks side by sides any of it? Man these are wild. Yeah, put that thing all the way as close to your face possible. All right, so of course small and formal parts was really how are you doing? Good make me nervous. Georgia cheer good looks bro. Oh, well, thank you. I appreciate it. I thought it was because we need to go get tacos soon. Hey, so stands for Super Show this year is pretty wild. We were just talking about it with the boys. Everybody's kind of got a different vibe. Like they're ready there's more inventory here. Like everybody's out here to get ready for the dunes because it's coming up quick. Yeah, it seems good. We're stacked we got a lot over there. So a lot of people coming in I was just over at the fox proving grounds thing and it's getting rowdy dude, Blake was just sending it over there. Oh, was he I just text Blake No wonder he's not answering sending in his car again getting wild. So one of the things that we saw earlier today we walk by the formal parts booth is the Anderson brothers RJ and Ronnie brought a what is it a player's general with a jetski tray slash launcher on the back of their car yeah with a transport pump for fuel just in case they want to get rowdy Oh want to go for oh my god seriously for into the woods. Yeah, they get this thing is ready to go man. That's wild. My gardener says that big jam Hill. That's the people's champ right there gardener big time. Alright, so talk about some of the stuff that you got in front of you here like what is this cooler? So this is our new Smittybilt cooler. This is the waypoint we have 255 liter and then we have a 75 liter which this would probably be good for inside of a cab and can I fit like 30 refreshments in there? I think this one will fit 88 Holy smokes Are you seriously drink if it's Nick Eisenhower? Probably going to be some Miller's. Bye rule your beverage of choices. Yeah, I'm gonna go with those meats a lot is actually they have sold mutual Ladas. premix for you. Yeah. Delicious. Tallboys I don't know what the ratio is 69 you can put 69 of them in here. Perfect game. But these things are pretty cool, man, honestly, like, no joke. I've been wanting to get one of these for a while for the Sprinter van that we have for the deer live. Perfect. So you can just plug it into a war mountain in there and you're done. Plug it in 12 volts, or it hasn't but this one has a battery in it right now. So it's actually cooling. Oh, right now I was getting really saw the blue light. Well, yeah, it's all lights powered on. Right? Yeah. So was there any turkey sandwiches in there? This was our demo. I don't even know what's here. Oh, there's a little cutting board. Oh, yeah. And the circles, right? No, I don't know if you can want to take these cameras but just like put it right there and like so people can see what's what's all on this and I just pulled the tops. Yeah, it's a little cold in there. I just turned it on. So and it's kind of like a display right here with all kinds of degrees. Yeah, crisp. Dude, it's it's coming down. But these things are super cool, man. Like because literally like my cooler is over here off camera. But it's clapped out the zipper doesn't even work. Like it's all bad. Like, I want to get one of these for the van big time. Yeah, this is perfect for that. And then if you want to, how long does the battery last one it's not like a couple hours, maybe years? Six hours on the battery? Really? Yeah. And then you just plug it in 12 volts in the car, or you know, wherever you're going to keep it and then you can also run it on like 110 for power. That's roughly 44 Tallboys. Row. Perfect. How did you do that math so quickly doing the math Instagram is freaking genius over there. Hey, Kyle, don't leave just yet. So one of our buddy, you want to Chuck's buddies, Kyle, son and 67 He actually I promised him a hat. Dirt life hat. So I don't know if Emily wants to give him one there. They're over there in the shirt. Yeah, give them a hat and a shirt. We're putting you to work. Sorry. But we did promise people if you Kyle, how are you live right now? Yeah, Kyle's going live too. But anyways, we sent in his pocket, as we promised. You gotta go up. Yeah, exactly. We promised that if people come and bring a taco over to the show that they get a free hat to Oh, that's a reasonable trade. Yeah, I think it's a reasonable trade as well. Especially because the hats you can't mine. So exclusive. That might be a two taco trade, actually. Yeah. I would love to have a two taco trade because Oh, you want to share? I see what you're saying. I'm just saying you're getting tacos for hats. Are you gonna hit the dunes at all? Not a big dune guy because my Ranger does not have enough power to have fun out there. So if I if I did, I would I would definitely go out there more of a heart pack guy. Road, Barstow. That areas where you're more than welcome to hang out with the people's champ or crews out with us one of these times. George has a car now that's rippable on the dunes. Yeah, all I got. I will treat you tacos for a ride. Yeah, yeah, that's reasonable. Oh, we'll take me slot is for hats too. Yeah, that's actually not a bad idea. Yeah, that sounds good. All right. So you've been seeing a lot of cool stuff out here. Yeah. Like, I mean, like, this is like a legit Sansha like it's back. Yeah. Good. I'm pumped. It seems like we're finally over the road. You know, downwards. Yes. Yeah. And it looks like we're getting some inventory back, which is good. Have you seen how much inventory restroom buggy whips has over there? Just draining the power grid? I haven't walked over there yet. But I'm sure it's that whole side of the Sansho is out without power. Yeah, he's just sucking the power head dry. Is that right? No, that air conditioner is working. 100% Yeah, just hot because all those whips are lighting up the universe. Yeah, you can see it from the text messaging was like, Hey, man, you gotta you gotta turn it off. Well, I heard that you were looking on your phone, like on Google Earth, and you could see the buggy whip set up from space. Yeah. So I believe it, man, but I am like I was talking with the guy's earlier before he got here. Cory like, I'm actually really pumped to get to the dance. Are you James? I am. Yeah, I just, I mean, I didn't get out there enough. Last year. We you know, we went and raced. And then I think I got one other trip to Glamis. And that was it. You know, my trip was San scramble. Yeah, we went up to Idaho. Yeah, those dudes were pretty cool. But we are there to try and race when did we go to I mean, sorry, I'm sorry, Utah. If you go into the dunes whenever James goes just gonna hit red. I'm like Cory, I'm only have a truck now. Yeah, no razors. No razor cannamd life. Yeah, JL is how you play. Yeah, I couldn't agree more, man. They actually have some pretty cool stuff here. So they actually have a roof mount for the camera accessories that you can just bolt in. I don't know that. Well, I don't want to be the one that says yes or no, but it looks like it's just a symbol. Yeah, it looks like it might be it. If you guys are at Sansho are coming to Sansho you should definitely come by this booth, and sit in this thing. Did you sit in there because I have before it's wild dude, we're setting up these cameras earlier and they were letting this thing eat every camera. Cory was doing pretty good. You could see the waves going through the game like your camera couldn't even see the screen because it was shaking so hard focus. Everything out. It was badass, though, man to see all that. Yeah, makes me want to get a stereo system for the pro art. You're talking about being ready for dune season? Yeah. No, no, I'm not gonna be ready at all. Like, I'll be lucky if the paddles are on there. Like it's gonna be close. But I'm fine because either way what paddles or not, I'm going perfect. But I do need a cooler. So I'm happy to talk to you about this bad boy. We can work some Hey, what other kind of stuff do you guys have here? We got speaking at paddles. We got paddles. They got paddles inventory is coming in. Yep. Yeah. So it's what's getting fat on inventory? Right. Hey, all right. So may I do any of you guys know what size paddles I need to put on the Pro are like 333 What size ran? 33 Okay, so and then what size wheels? 1515. Do they have offset like what it does have in front? 1510 rear? Okay, perfect. All right, actually dialed right now. Yeah, come over. I'll write you a ticket. We'll get you sold for what's the retail on these coolers. So this one right here is 799. And then the 75 liter is 999. Sick. So yeah, that's right with the battery. And it comes with a cover as well like an insulated cover. I didn't drag it over here, but it's all included. That's the deal. That's it. This is removable. So are the wheels. So if you want to like hard mount a fan on a rack all comes off. This also can flip. Oh, so it could literally be like a frigerator Didn't you have Yeah, in the F 250? Yeah, in my Chase rack right in the middle under the jacket just slid out. Dude, that's wild. Yeah, so it is you know, you're not always searching for ice like Mexico. Yeah, that's super cool. You can throw your food in there. You can get it down to a freezer so you can have ice cream. Yeah. I have a fridge and a freezer Can Am life just said 944. Yeah, I just talked to Phil today told them good luck down in Mexico. So good luck and be safe to all the guys that are racing the Baja 400 Tomorrow. It looks like it's gonna be an awesome race builder here, Lucas. Hey, did you see any of that ball? 400 stuff. Speaking of racing, I only saw some videos of people at the time trials. It looks wild. Yeah, they're getting Western here. They were getting lesser Caden Mac. Save of last time. Yeah, it's pretty wild. Right. All right. Well, I'm stoked. Dude. I can't wait to get one of these bad boys are heavier. They're decent, but they're solid. I mean, he loved it over here from the booth. So do the wheels are. Its premium dude. I this thing is great. It always rings or wherever like it's cool. You load it in the car. Bring it to the beach. Bring it to the park and you can take it out. Yeah, that's cool that it has the battery. Neat. Big, big help with the kids. Probably yeah, the kids and yeah, for sure. And having like, sandwiches and stuff in their sandwiches? Mix whatever, you know. Let's see here. Elders. I don't know by him bug. I think it is building a class 11 need a sponsor? Or Life Class? 11 I don't know if I could sponsor a class. 11 just because I just like when I picture class 11 I think my back is just going to be toast. It will be it will be done for sure. Yeah, so I don't know if I can sponsor a class 11 Man, that's pretty hefty investment for somebody like me that has so much back damage already. Because I would definitely want to go for that manager. Where are you raising that thing? Yeah, it sounds like he wanted to go to baz. Let's see. He says bah bah bah humbug on his on his screen name. Yeah, we should start with some bi TD first good good now it was straight to oh, this is a perfect sponsor plug right here. So Alder, actually who said that? Somebody told me to go get some XCOM tires. No, man, we only run maxes over here did only Max just Max is big maxes, guys, so yeah, we're gonna skip out on those ex cons. Thank you. Don't let Blake now. But yeah, it's cool. Like there's so many good tire companies out there. But we really appreciate Max's for being a part of the show. To watch a new sponsor, right? Yeah, new this year, man so we're stoked to have them Yeah. Big things over here. Are life climbing. Ladder Yeah, we're trying six new cart this cart is legit command center 169 Do you need to do a tour around this thing? Did we probably shouldn't do it. I think a build breakdown. Oh, hell breakdown on command center. 69 Yeah. Get it wrapped first though. Yeah, I feel like a wrap is necessary. Dude, I love the I love the brushed aluminum. I don't know if you can put the camera over here so people could see it right we leave the top a little that top. Brushed well how about not a full wrap just to just do like some parts like the van we could do it sideways to do that could be legit real advancements here? Yeah. How? How would img do the creativity on this thing if we were wrapping up he would do it spray paint two minutes before the race and probably pull out a spray paint I would rattle unit there. We can have Nick Sawyer has come over here just paint this thing. It's not a bad idea. Yeah, that would be legit, man. Yeah, but I'm pumped dude, I can't wait to get out the dens and like I already asked the other guys like Chuck and Ross when they came up what other cool stuff that they saw they said they didn't get too much time. But I saw tons of stuff like Ryan was saying there's tons of inventory on paddles like I saw people running really big tires on their cars I saw like the buggy whips I need to get like just a bunch of rad stuff that I need to go to the dunes like I already had in my mind. I just already emptied my bank account because there's so much cool shit. You could do it here in a hurry. Callaway Aztec I'll be up the show tomorrow. Okay, cool, man, we try. I'm going to be walking around tomorrow. I don't have to work so it'll be rad. Alright, cool. So let's see here. We had some Oh, he just brought all this stuff by so 19 Daniel Veterans Day gathering Saturday 1112 22 at 11:11am at the sunset flag on Friday, the 11th at 2pm. So go ahead and go support your veterans man. That's actually super cool. Yeah, those are some of the guys from ASAP Just dropped that. Yeah, that's rad. So I don't know, Ryan, if you want to show that to the camera. But that's a pretty cool thing that they're doing anything that we can do to support the veterans. That's why I allowed them to come up and and give us those two. So it's rad that that they're out there doing it technologically? Perfect. He's got the screen on the other side. So they can even click the QR code if they feel like it. See that? screenshot that? Right. I'm gonna drop it in the chat later. Yeah, I'll drop it in the DMS. All right. We're gonna have him come up here on stage. Which one of you guys wants to get kicked out? I'll I'll get whenever you. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, we're gonna have him come up. Senator. Senator, thank you very much for showing us this. Thanks for letting me crash this. I may be calling a dude about this cooler. Thanks very much, Cory. For coming up, dude. I've been the James. I've been wanting one of those coolers for a while now. So I really liked him. I remember Ryan having him in the car, an F 250. Back that pack built in. Yeah, that's pretty rad. That was the only bad part about the one I had. It didn't have a battery pack. It just had to be plugged in all the time. All right. So my name is Jordan Campbell. James Hill. Let's put this as close to your mouth as possible, man. Right, right. We got to do I was just like your comps in the garage and the military. So all right, give us a little introduction. But cool. Wow. This will be our 19th annual Glamis Veterans Day gathering. I started it with our writing group going out to change out the flag out there. It's flagged that had been put up in memory of Chuck Boardman. Yeah, for Boardman Ville, the boys trip, but that up in about 2000. And writing group started it just completely organic. It's grown over the years. And if you joined us last year, you would have seen about 10,000 people. Like what's the support mechanism that is supporting the like, give us a little bit of background that people can get into like, what are we giving back to? Oh, wow. So So part of it is is with that particular event, we recognize the sacrifice that all of our veterans and their families have have given to us over the years, allowing us to enjoy the freedoms that we do. Every veteran in the audience, we invite them to come down to the flagpole. They get a handshake, a custom minute challenge coin, and a thank you from ice from 1000s of people that have taken time out of their recreation schedule. You know, how chaotic and how hectic it can be out there and to have 10,000 people descend in that valley? Yeah, at 1111 with the missing man formation, flyover singing in the national anthem, knowing that they're not forgotten, they are appreciated the sacrifice that our men and women have made. Big or small. It's appreciated. Yeah, absolutely. And so so that's really what Glamis veterans is about is is supporting our veterans and supporting the the other people that support us as well, like the American sand Association tread lightly start well, it comes full circle, right, because of all the families and all the everybody that may not be a veteran, right, and you're giving back but you're also showing them a good time. Absolutely. Absolutely. And so I mentioned this will be our 19th annual event. We've only been a nonprofit for about two years now. So we're, we're coming on I was actually the one that started the event 19 years ago got out of the scene for a while now we're back we started the nonprofit and, and the idea is to keep that true to form and in recognizing the veterans but also grow the support that we do. So we co sponsored the Martin Luther King dunes cleanup, and just this this MLK coming up in 2023 will be the 25th annual so so we're putting that on helping put that on and then this last March we hosted six veterans that are families brand new to off roading, little unglamorous. Yeah, that is like that's one of my favorite thing. Just the new people right because you're growing the industry. Absolutely. And we're teaching them the right way through the stewardship programs and outreach. We took you know, not just unleashing them into a side by side that we rented for them. But we covered their trailer rental the the side by side rental and fed them and everything and getting them out there and exposing them and getting them just as hooked as we are in a sport. That is so freakin cool. Absolutely not just not just throwing them to the wolves and let them figure it out and getting to hurt and hurting themselves or hurting others but letting them know that that just like the military just like groups and clubs and everything the entire off road community supports veteran Well dude, like that's one of the things we're just talking about. Like I'm hyped to go to the dunes but like honestly, one of the main things is to hang out with my buddies like James and Ryan and everybody like we want to have the group the camaraderie like all that stuff. Because even when you're not writing, you're still having the best time. So I can only imagine what it's like for all your guys. Yeah, probably elevated, elevated knowing that you've got that you miss that when you get out when you retire or you you've done your time and you move aside. You miss that level of camaraderie and understanding so being able to share a campfire, share his story. Yeah, listen to him and let him know Hey, fair beverage, whatever. salutely Absolutely. You know, that's that's really what it's all about is and then what about like the actual writing? He has gone through pretty good rides? Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. We ride with Santa Salem guys, and we haul some mail. You know, we've got laters we've got followers. One thing we're gonna do is make sure that everybody in the group is saved. Yeah. Leaving no man behind kind of that same mentality. If somebody breaks we all break and we'll get everybody home in one piece and I love that man. So you guys are gonna have that are you guys gonna go to the dunes just hanging out like heavy other? Yeah, yeah. Can't be all work. Right? Right. And not that this is work or whatever channel it is because it can people want to go out to the dunes. Maybe they can't make it to this. We're at Glamis veterans. Okay, so So that's set Glamis veterans on the IG, Glamis On the website, and Glamis veterans, I'm assuming people gonna send you a DM like, if they can't make it that weekend. They want to go out and figure out a trip or whatever. salutely figure out the next trip. It's it's open everybody that? You know, I don't think you're gonna be as hardcore as rest his wife that's gonna live there all season. Like, I'm trying my wife. My wife says I at least have to come home to do laundry. Require make sure the yards move, you know, so as long as we get that covered, so I'll be I'll be living out there. Thank you Elon Musk was Starlink Yeah, we'll plug there. That's gonna help me telecommute. That's gonna be ya know, we're out there. So we've got some got the big events going all the time, but definitely hit us up if you're new to Glamis and and patriotic and not a complete hos, then come out. Come out. Join us. Well, that's cool. Yeah, cuz you can bring people in right? One of the one of the tips that James was telling me is like, whenever somebody that's a newbie goes out to Glamis. He just tells him like, Dude, you don't have to be the fastest, like, just go out there and chill. No, yeah. And that's it. And that's it. And we're, we've got fast guys, we're not always fast. Right? You know, it's sometimes I do just want to, especially after the wind blows you get out there listening to ripples. Yeah, I don't, I don't I don't want the music blaring. I don't want any of that. I want to go that 15 mile an hour cruise and listen to ripples on the paddles and just enjoy it. Yeah, and then other times I want to hold a male with the wind blowing through the helmet and you know, my hair on fire. Hey, so James, have you been to the Hill anytime lately in the past couple of years when like at the bottom of the hill, it's just a big light like with well buggy whips like everybody's like just partying having a good time. Oh, yeah. So that's one of the things that I was thinking like, Would it be super cool for the newbies to see that because that's like something that you never get to say? Absolutely. And so it's funny so when we when we brought the people out I expose them to everything Yeah, the little dunes the the if you just kind of take me out like on a little ride first or Oh yeah, yeah, for sure for sure. Want to make sure that you know how the car responds and what to expect. Not I can't teach anybody to read the dunes overnight. I know that's, that's a lifelong lesson that you you keep perfecting every ride but but getting out there knowing what to expect and part of the beauty of Glamis and the gland is seen is that you can get out there and and ride with the foxes, Sharon the deer down in the south and be away from everybody or you can also get into the chaos and the confusion and all of it you know the Beyond Thunderdome kind of scene? Yeah. And that's a cool way to look at it. Oh, it's it's, it can get a little nuts. So it's really whatever you want it to be as family as friendly as you want it to be or is absolutely upside down and chaotic as you want. It's all of it and it's everything to everybody, whatever you make it and and that is to me, the true beauty of glass. That's rad and in the That's one of the things that I've had a lot of complaints with friends, right? Like, Oh, it's too busy now. And I'm like, man, if we're at Road Runner, or somewhere off Gecko, one of the pads, like you can take off and go to Nunes and not see anybody for six hours. You know, like, I've been out there and just just trucking along by myself and you're like, Man, I'm too far out. I gotta get back. Right? Some of the best students that we hit Well, I kind of shouldn't blow the secret live on the show, but like, is between Gordon as well. And like, I don't know what you call it the west side of Glamis. Like coming through there. Okay, dude, there's massive flowy dunes there you can be like well in the WAGs. Yeah, was fourth gear wide open for probably 20 minutes fun and glam. 20 minutes, just like just cruising the whole day was so fun, dude. That's rad. Like, get sketchy down in there. It does. Like it's pretty big like, but those those rides are fun, like so maybe some of the newbies you kind of elevate up to that. And then you have like a goal that work up to absolutely, absolutely. Where some of the cool stuff that you guys have driven James. I personally like that spot. If you take off towards what is it called? Paradise? The food place down by the eight. Yeah, but it's in that section, you know, towards the eighth, but just I guess it would be South rec south like big flow. He did. Yeah, I'm not sure exactly what would you would call it from, you know, Road Runner out there. But there's just big stuff, man, and you can just have a ball by yourself if you don't want to be crowds, you know. All right. So I'm gonna flip the camera around a little bit here. And we're gonna see right now. But we're also going to wave to the camera, Emily. And then oh, you're brighter behind Ryan so they can't see you. But we have a whole bunch of stuff going on. You can see all the people in the background. Oh, and hardly anybody's walking by right as I flip the camera. But yeah. What's some of the cool stuff that you've seen so far? Here? Yeah. I haven't seen anything, man. Just work. Yeah, we got to we got we got the booth set up. We are over with the American sand Association right in front of the raffle trailer. Super cool. Genesis. Supreme has built this fifth wheel overnighter. And it's that first trailer on the back. Yeah. So it's a flatbed on the back. It's an overnighter it's there. It's they've been making the tag trailers for a while. This is the very first fifth wheel that they've ever built. And they're in production now. But this is number one off the lot. Have you seen those ones that they cook up back east where they put the camper on front of the trailer and then have the back? It's like a done up version of that? Oh, yeah. So this is like 30 a 39 foot fifth wheel trailer with 16 foot of cargo on the back as wide as you want to go? It'll fit anything here. I wouldn't be surprised to see those things down in se with those mud bogging guys on portals. Why they making those ones back East? Their cars and Exactly, exactly. So Genesis supreme, kick that down and all of the proceeds are going towards American sand Association. And in supporting nonprofits and doing stewardship and taking care of what we take care of, you know, it's, it's a good deal. They're also given with the same car over there. So that's where Glamis veterans is that we'll be here all weekend. Swing by give us a like, hit the Instagram. Stay tuned. Big things coming up this season. We've got that flag run on Friday the 11th. That's actual Veterans Day and then on Saturday, the 12. That 1111 That's when it falls. That's all okay, got it. Yeah, so we'll have American flags rolling all down to 78 right now to sunset. It'll be a really good time. Perfect. All right. So if you get a chance, would you mind just like tagging us on Instagram story we can share to our audience to Oh, cool. Yeah, that's cool. Dude, keep doing such a good job. I appreciate it. Appreciate you guys doing anything. All right now. The RAD thing about it is though, is we at least have a little bit of a platform to at least release some people Yeah, so literally, we would love to have you guys come out and join us on Veterans Day weekend. Yeah, we'll try it we'll see what we can do out there. With Elon. Hopefully the Starlink works better out there man. to the roof of the probe. You know what we saw subi Mike he's already chopping up star links getting it all dialed in Trophy Truck. Yeah, get everything ready. Well, thanks for cruising by. Guys really appreciate you keep doing a good job. Yeah, don't forget we got to take the headphones off. We got next. Well, Wilkie was going to come over here and then Lindsey geyser is going to come over here to she's probably like white claws and tacos right now dude. Yeah, who knows? You want to come sit next to me James for Okay, I got my night yeah, just hanging out right here. We can see what other guests are gonna come by. It's funny because like, there's so many guests that were like, Dude, I want to get on the show. I want to get on the show. When can I get on the show? And I line everybody up and tell him to come over here and they're just out looking at all the cool products and stuff happens where they just start cracking bears and oh, that's actually probably exactly what happened, right a little too tight. Let's get it cracking about what I saw here today. All right. So let's spill. All right. Is this a PSA by James? No, not really. It's just, you know, I mean, to be honest, you you have the most experience out of all of us to these guys out. Yeah. At the show. No at the dude. No, no, I'm saying I'm saying fabrication wise. Oh, fabrication. Why don't you TV specifically? Well, I'm just going here. Six when I walked around, Hey, Ryan in the US, Jacob, if he wants to come up here, I saw you want to come. I saw the Polaris booth. They've got the Pro are ripped down. Right. So you can really get your hands on it. And yeah, check it out. Right. And I thought that was pretty cool. That was pretty cool. All the OEMs that are here. Everybody brought some bitching cars. Yeah, they really did do it's kind of cool to see I own him for Lindsay because obviously she didn't Yeah, so All right. And I just welcome Jacob. George. I'm James. Jacob. He Jacob. bringing to the table man. Power, power power. Just straight up power. So big power. I don't want to steal that spotlight because yeah, he's here. He's gonna take Okay, well, yeah, I mean, he's late, so it's fine. You can steal, steal, steal the spotlight. But yeah, so Jacob is gone from evolution power sports. Todd's gonna come over here in a little bit talk about some stuff. What do you guys have at the show? Oh, we brought a lot so we brought a lot of power a lot of power. Is there like 6900 horsepower over there at the booth? Yeah, well, I mean, if you add it all together, probably like 69,000 Yeah, perfect. So we brought out our drag car or outlaw drag car or the MA car Okay, so dude, I want to talk about that because that thing looks wild. So give us a breakdown of that like so side by sides have like legit drag racing now? Yeah, yep. Dude, it's wild. Yeah. So we mainly compete in Santa last areas. There is some street stuff we want to get into. But what will explain the sand Outlaw Series do hold on though. Ran. Oh, that's That's wild. Yeah, they were running up in Utah when we were there. Remember at night? Yeah. Well, so here's what I saw when I walked by you guys booth. There's some shit which is wings everywhere. There was the bottom thing like it's fast and the furious. Then there was the rear wing and there was some more shit going on by a wheels or something. Yeah, so it's that wild. It's wild. We're getting the arrow now. It was very arrow are too high horsepower cars is dad's new street car, which we finished today, actually. And then we also have the MA drag car. Dash street car. It's one of our off the shelf turbo kits. But we just made it look really, really cool. horsepower on that. I believe it's a DS 355 kit. So 355 Yeah, they're gonna fit the five horsepower RMA car is our like bread and butter. It's our new kind of like shiny toy. It's a 1200 Rotax engine with compound turbos on it. No way. Yeah, you That's freaking wild shit in the desert now. Yeah, they really are. So we're gonna kick you out. Jacob has your dad just got here. But hold on. I got one. I got one last question for you. Yeah. When's the next race? I believe October 20. Laughlin Laughlin Yep. Okay. Oh, hype. Do you. Is that a night race? No. They're doing a two day race. So four laps one day, four laps another day, which dominated that last year? Yeah. I think you won. No, no, I did not. I was doing really well. No, no, I did not do really well until I broke. I was second. I was like, second or a second on corrected time. Yeah. And then I broke. Oh, that's my best race. But your game has been getting elevated like so big man. Alright, James, we're gonna kick you out to we're gonna get Billy Slade and Todd's con. So hey, thank you guys very much. Thank you have fun boys. All right, so we're gonna get Billy Slade and Taza Cohen on here and come hang out. We'll talk a little bit about that was more generic boy. Yeah, you can sit there. Let's get Billy go up here to Todd. What's up, man? Guys fire in some questions. Yeah. Laughlin. Yeah. Greg Kelly racing. There we go. Classic. It was good until it wasn't raised. We've all been there. Yep. We've lived that life. Alright, desert quad. Yeah, exactly. Alright, so since Todd's cone was late, Jacob already stole all of his thunder. He has nothing left to talk about. Todd's going What's up dude? How are you? And then players Ambassador Extraordinary Ability. Slade, what's going on? buddy? How are you? Good. How about yourself doing pretty good. I was we're talking about it earlier like the sands show is getting wild this year. Like it's like next level compared to what it was last year. I agree. Yeah. There's a lot of people here for a Friday night and there's a lot of activity so 100 and being like coming from a company standpoint, evolution power sports, Jacob said you guys have about 69,000 horsepower underneath the tent, which is fine. fantastics a lot of math on that too. Yeah, the raddest part about that though, is like that means a lot to me because I know all of the freakin work that you put in to get all of that horsepower under the tank. You guys have been busy. What's some of the stuff you guys got here? Man? We finished building a car this morning at 7am and loaded up in the trailer and got to here so Billy, you've like you've been there before? So we built something a little bit different this year. We built what my interpretation is of a like a street race car out of the next three. Oh, nice so it's pretty cool to have to come check it out. Definitely like the wings and the arrow on it and everything all full arrow Yeah. Oh, wow. Like a real like a real street. Or wherever almost Formula One status now. He had it in a wind tunnel. That's why so late. Like f1. So that's why I do wear a hat because his hairs Yeah, his hairs peeled back back. Pull f1 style. Yep, that's where we're at. But we're talking to Jacob a little bit about like, because I did I didn't even know until you guys started doing it that like side by side has legit drag racing in the sand now. Yeah. Like it's drives cars there as well. Yeah. So tell us a little bit about it. Because like, to me, that still blows me away. How insane these things are in the sand. Yeah. And they're fast. I mean, there's a lot of cars that are really fast out there. They their races range in, you know, from 300 feet to like 550 Feet flat drag to, you know, Hill drags. But it's a sanction event that we participate in. And we built a center seat x three chassis that's been lengthened with, we're using a SkiDoo 1200 cc engine really with a compound turbo system. Yeah, it's insane. Do do you think you could even hang on to that power? Really? That's insane. And I'm not saying that you're a Ken Ham guy, but like, that's back. You imagine driving that we're just talking to Russ. Whiskey, Russ. buggy whip. So just talking about his evil bill that has I don't know how many horsepower but he was saying he could do wheelies like that's one thing that I've always wanted to do is a wheelie and a side by side I know you're probably on that program too. What was cool about wrestles car because I drove it. It was drivable like it wasn't just all power. Like we went we went out and rip that thing and it was fun to be in the dunes. Like you weren't scared you were like oh shit like it's there when there when you need it. Yeah, I think it's amazing that this industry coming from like in 2008 Nine a razor 800 Yeah, what you had and what you have now like that machine that that x three that you built, I was at your shop and I saw it and it just it just blows my mind at the fabrication that goes into building something like that. And that's where we're at right now. So another five or 10 years where we're going to be I mean, it's pretty crazy like putting jet engines in these right have you seen these things on the drag strip that like when I saw it? Oh, you've seen it in real life? Yeah, I still have yet to see it it's it's pretty amazing. Does it blow you away how fast these cars are you built go there fast dude. It's freaking wild. We're still on a bell should you they do an audit like you go up a hill or do you do some some of them are flat drags some of them are up a hill How long are they usually anywhere from 300 feet to 550 feet to That is insane. How hard are those cars to hang on to? You definitely have to pedal them because they do want to lift the wheels off the ground so you got to have the chassis setup right and yeah, I mean they're they're a handful. That's insane. All right, so enough talk about all this power. When are you guys getting the chance to go to the dunes first bill you answer first. canneries camp razor Yeah, so we leave from here go home. Then do rocks at trail hero UTV takeover, then camp razor go right on Yeah, that's gonna be cool and you got all EVO stuff on your rigs? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, boy always takes care of me. That's cool, man. And then so when are you gonna get out to the same thing? Yeah, so I think I'm gonna head out there to that's gonna be awesome. I actually need to hit you up because I want to get an exhaust for that Pro or that we got so yeah, it'd be cool to talk him into putting a little baby seat in the passenger of that center seat and mean you could ride on each side like a three seater here. Yeah. Like a McLaren? Yeah. That would be wild right. So quick product plug first of all thank you for sponsoring the show but I was looking at the website for pro our stuff that you have dude black ceramic coating on exhaust that is so up my alley. Have you seen that? Yeah, dude, it looks so sick it's Yeah, so good, dude and then those carbon fiber tips I can just see like because the Pro are that we got is all black. I could just see how sick that would look just all midnight. Yep. Just murdered out. Yeah, dude. Yeah, come check out our Pro are Yeah, is it pretty sick? Yeah, dude, so check it out, too. All right. What about what about? What about we just talked Jacob just said you got 69,000 horsepower. But what about a dude like me? Like what kind of tunes Should I just put on my beginner car you need 24 horsepower. Yeah. THAT'S ALL Yeah, turn it down. But like what's, what Pro are? Yeah, like, what do I want? Like the complete Pro? Our package adds about 18 horsepower to the wheels, so it's good. Yeah, it's definitely a lot more responsive. Exactly what I was looking for because I drove down the street and we didn't have any bottom end. Yep. So got some clutching for it. That really wakes it up. Sweet, man. All right, so we're gonna get some of the girls on the show here. But thank you very much. Both you guys. Really appreciate it. Course. You guys get back to work, man. Sounds good. La actually. Looks cool. You stay. Yeah. Stay Stay for a second. Okay. So I gotta have to stay after class. Yeah, you're in trouble. But I heard that you guys have some pretty cool stuff coming up in the next. I don't know. Eight months. 10 months. Yeah, you want to get you want to get Brandon up here? Yeah, let's do it. So Brandon from ACR. Yep. From ACR come up here. Yeah, I want to I want to talk about this too, because you gave me a little secret about some of the stuff that you guys got going. First, Brandon, get put your headphones on first. Shake his hand. Yeah, I don't want to do I want to do it on air so I can shake his hand. I wasn't ditching. Definitely have my hand open. So he's gotta hear you. All right, Brandon. What's up dude? How are you? Good to see you. Welcome to the show. Put the mic as close to your mouth as possible. So you guys do some sweet stuff with your HCR suspension kids man, and I've seen him on dude I don't even know 69 cars out here already 69 is the magic number. But it's it's rad to see right you do stuff for the Pro are like the stuff that you got on Billy's rig and man everything in between? Yeah, yeah, we we enjoy what we do for sure it's fun to enjoy your job and you know get out and use it. You guys definitely get out and use it. Yeah, I've seen that. Yeah, and that new Pro AR kit the especially the front the lowers are just absolute works of art. I mean, when you when you if you haven't seen one up close go I went looked up close. It's amazing. Yeah, it's like a diamond ring for us. Right? Like it's pretty bad. I want her to hang one from a chain but like a smaller version. Get it all TIG welded up all miniature TIG welds on it, actually, yeah, that would be pretty sick. Alright, so what some of the stuff you guys have going on at the sands show? And then we'll get into the breaking news. So yeah, just Pro are I mean, everything's Pro are is everyone's you know, every booth I think has a pro or in it. Yeah. And that's been our biggest project over the since basically KLH. We've been working on it since the first of the year. Well, and it's just been a completely different arm to develop. Exactly. It's probably it for sure is the most challenging, right? We've ever developed everything. Yeah. And I think we've gone through four revisions or so when you guys are usually the fastest to market with a long travel kit. Yeah, I've been bummed that yeah can be stalled out on this. You're like, you got to know something's going on. But we did. Excuse me. We went through Well, we we started doing FAA analysis is so everything the heck is that? Testing? Yeah. What's the FAA simulated simulated test? Oh, simulated stress testing so you can find the weak point Yeah, that sounds pretty official. See? Like all the colors? Yeah, on the screen and they like that. It's hard. It makes no sense to you because you're like oh, cool Rambo all day. Yeah, but to me that's like that's one of the best things dude I love the detail work is like I'm all about detail work. Yeah, yeah. So that the fun part about this kit is this is our first kit we've designed with that technology along with that you know, we still got to make it look pretty good what everybody would expect us to do stupid way to take the next step in business. Like That to me is I'm pumped on that it's fun in fact, like we don't have specific stats on the strength of the OEM arms right but roughly ours is 50% stronger than any other arm we've developed. Oh really? Because like on a wheel for instance, you have to FAA anything and you have standards to meet so where you guys are just like kind of shooting in the dark but you're comparing it to other stuff. That's crazy. Alright, let's get to the breaking news because we got Wilkie and Lindsey geyser and then Sierra Romo Maddie where they can come on so air coming out. Yeah, a lot of flies over there. I think everybody has long locks come up on the show neck so yeah, so you guys have been doing some cool stuff together. Yeah, yep. I actually just found out we're actually headed to Louisiana on Thursday. Oh, really? Breaking news big. Yeah, big mud guys over here. Never been even know what to bring. I heard that it's bad mosquitoes and mosquitoes love me. You just show up. I was gonna wear like a bee suit. I'm just gonna wear a bee suit the entire time. Just show up and see what happens. Yeah, yeah, but you guys have been working on some cool stuff. Yeah. So you want to you want to announce it or do you want me to go for Okay, So officially, myself and Brandon Twitchell as enthusiast are going to race king of the hammers. 2023. Yes, that is crazy. So like I got a couple of things you already like, let me in on this little secret. First of all, you guys are fucking nuts. But second, but second, like there's a lot of people that want to do this James Hill who just left the show from img. He wants to get out there and do it too. But what I think is cool about what you guys are going to do is it's an enthusiast based task, right? So you're not gonna go balls to the wall, you're not going to probably compete with the Miller brothers and like all like RJ Anderson and all these guys for when you're gonna go out. You're going to do your best and you're going to try to come home with a Koh finish because Koh is gnarly. Yes, yep. Yeah. And so our biggest goal is is to take a as close to stock vehicle as we can obviously making modifications that we have to to make it you know, race safe. Yeah, showcase those sponsored products but also bolt on parts, anything that we can bolt on to the vehicle not changing the structural chassis of it. And just going out and having a good time and bringing our friends along for the vehicle you guys using. It's either gonna be a pro XP or a turbo Artusi nice. We're shooting for a turbo are Yeah, good. Good combo with those those solid platforms. Yes, yeah, absolutely. And we yeah, we really want to be in the turbo or I just think it's the most capable right out of the box it kind of like I hope you guys are doing some content with this too, because that's gonna give a lot of people information on how to be able to tackle this race. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Yeah. Like, I'm not just talking like the build, like what you guys are doing, like a little bit behind the scenes because like, I would love to learn from that process myself. Right. And I think it's gonna be a learning process for us. I mean, he knows a lot of racers I do, but we've never actually been boots on the ground. Hands, you know, physically in a squadron says we're gonna need some onboard audio. While we already thought about that, I'd say probably 80% of it won't be usable. But the other, the other 20% will actually be some good comedic action, dude, I can't wait to see it. So we'll follow it throughout the Instagrams real quick so people can follow both. Yes. So mine's my Instagram. I think it's Brandon dot twichell or betway. Yeah. All right. And then obviously ACR Yeah. Yep. And then mine is BS 24/7 365. And for those what are the best Instagram handles? One of the best Instagram handles It's Billy sled all day every day but you know I mean you run with it how you feel you you need to run with it so well God yeah, I hope you guys like I want to see you guys the dunes first and foremost. But I hope you guys kicked some serious ass on it and get as much content as we can out there because well you get Lindsay and Blake's come up real quick. We're gonna we're gonna learn as we go so it's gonna be trial and tribulation and there's going to be errors but we want to document the entire thing to have a good time. I can't wait to watch your show some other people that they can actually go out there and do this at a somewhat affordable cost. So yeah, I think it's gonna be based on what you guys are doing. Yeah, yeah. No, it's gonna be thanks, Billy. Thanks for sharing. Thanks, Tommy. Don't forget to take off your headsets. Thanks boys All right, so we're gonna get Lindsey geyser and Blake Wilkie on here. You guys can see all the back. Everybody here once you sit over here next week. Man there is so much stuff going on. You can probably see everybody getting lined up to come on the show. Back behind you here. We're gonna get Blake coming up here in just a second. Lots of fun stuff man. All right. So first and foremost, Team neon Lindsey geyser. What's up girl? How are you? Welcome to the show. How are you? We're doing fantastic. Right as all heck today. Everywhere. All the neon Gaul the neon yellow by me all right. And then man that he needs no introduction Blake Wilkie? What's up, homie? How are you? Oh, good to see you have fun out here. 2022 sands force. Yeah, do we just got to do demos out there. And what do you mean demos? Like what are you doing? They have like, little proving ground area with this sketchy wood ramp. right up your alley? Yeah, no, I was like, Heck yeah, this is I hope it holds. And then I saw a big heavy truck hit it. So I'm like, we're good. In the middle, and then like a bunch of barriers that are filled with water. And one of the trucks ran him over. But yeah. Just smoke. Now we get Russell on the whiskey chariot to hit the jump. You think it could actually happen? It will not. Have you read one of those things. Yeah, but I can't have you written the whiskey chariot. Let's get em all around. I feel like well, I got to write build. Yeah, dude, maybe? Yeah, I got twitchy. I'm like, I've painted as hard as I could. And he dude, if you get like a little twitchy, you're going over. Like you could take a digger on one of those things. We live on the dirt life show. Yeah. You want to make it live. Alright, so let's get serious lens. You came with a fire car. You got Matt fluorescent yellow. And we're gonna talk a little bit about the we're gonna talk a little Have a bit about what you got in that car from JL Audio back. So let's just kill that first and then we'll talk about the bill. So what system do you have in that bad boy? Um, so I have the M sixes. So it's those speakers I've got four in the back. So it bumps there's a sub under the passenger seat. How wild is good. Are you put a passenger in there? As well as loud? Ryan and I were talking about it today. Ryan, we heard you tune so you have like Yeah, did find the LG tune on it. It's really cool that well and so right now we're all jealous too. Because right now we're like trying to think of like, like helping out our marketing and Instagram game and I was like, Dude, we need to be more like LG here earlier like David I don't know any of this. To use analogies level. I'm like, Okay, do we need to hire? We need him. Give him a business. Yeah, exactly. I was like her music is so much cooler than mine. I'm the old guy All right, so Blake, what's been the vibe so far for you at the show? Obviously you're out there tearing it up but what's the vibe so far? I mean it's sick a bunch of the partners wanted different assets so I got the boat Jaws Megalodon and then the new Pro are and so they're all spread out it's cool to be able to have 69 trucks to pull all that stuff here. Yes that one big dig everywhere got everybody I feel like a big old trucker last time I saw Blake I think was all the way in South Dakota man. Those get wild over there a lot of twisted tees love their twisted Yeah, everybody does too much sugar. So what are you guys gonna go out to the dunes first? Camp raiser. Sam This sounds like it Ryan it sounds like a fire and it's gonna be a good man George it's gonna be we're gonna have to figure it out. But it's gonna be fun out there like I'm pumped because I saw all these new products I have a stock Pro are like kind of like you guys getting rid of do all your bills and stuff I saw Blake you got some ex travel? Yeah, all kinds of stuff going on? Yeah, did LFK and US did a cage together. Front Bumper with SF PRP seats like a lot of the basics but I'm gonna dive into it make it a very mild built race car because I'm gonna go play with it you know? Sometimes you overruled it you're like yeah, we're not touching that Yeah, you don't even want to drive it I wanted to be a bi sports tool vehicle yeah our board shortly we got a marked out what what time is it 733 Mark that I'm going to clip it for tool Yeah 733 Just per 733 on the time clock so we can clip it clip in the baseboard. Yeah, I think we're going to talk about what has happened over here. We got like all kinds of fun clips over here. trade market show build over here Yeah, we call we call this command center 69 Build breakdown on it okay yeah video to you and just tear the whole thing down and do it a different color a new car money rapid but yes yeah so like I was talking about like at the Sansha like it now I have like a walk to did like a quarter lap. I want to come check it out tomorrow but like I have all these ideas of shit that I could put on the car now perfect. And I do want to do the jail system kind of like what you got already. You got to realize what booth he was no he No, he knows. Tammy and we actually we actually okay you're allowed to say Rockford on the show we actually okay with the guy so? Yeah, forever. It's like these two are the dominant. Yeah, exactly. But so when you guys get out to the dunes, are you bringing your whole fleet except for the boat? I mean, like, what's the deal? He's taking the canal and the dude, you probably would bring all four legs together out the side. It's got a skid plate for a reason. All right, so what's going on? Sansho for you guys. Let's see. We brought six cars out with Jeffrey's performance and then seven cars out with EVO here parked in the booth. Yeah, exactly. You can take you can take the camera just show everybody flip it? Yeah, you can just do that. Yeah, that's fine. Big media guy. You got a stabilizer and got everything handled. That's the car's owner right there. Alex wave on Yeah, Alex. We got a bunch people waiting now you can see in the background here is that Lindsey is car glow. I don't think there's a corner. Yeah, there's a lot of safety colors here. But I liked the yellow. Did you get to see it. Blake. Did you see her bill? You won't miss it. Oh, go check it out. It's wild. It's this color this color? Yeah, it's matching. She's sparkly. What about the toenail? Yeah. All right. Well, I'm glad I can't wait to see you guys at Camp razor. Thank you so much for coming, Lindsay. Appreciate it. Thanks, Blake. As always We'll see you. I'll probably grab a Nutter Butter too when I get to the gym, hang out my trailers. stock stock. Hey, what's your favorite snack of the day? Other than tacos? I was gonna say we make good festival pizza rolls. Pizza. That's a good one. Pizza Rolls are pretty good in the air fryer. Bomb the airfryer I still don't know those things confuse me so hard. I get so confused. I don't understand. You can literally throw anything in How Does it even work? Better microwave oven. I feel like Yeah, but it's quick. It's like how does it polytrack ran on the Plymouth work. It just does. You can't explain it that complicated. All right, well, thank you guys very much for hanging out. We're gonna get Ciara Roma Matty Wedekind could you grab them real quick right? We're gonna get them on but have fun guys appraiser. See Occam's razor. Let's go. I'm gonna host her right. Oh, watching this. We're gonna we're gonna announce some details on Yeah. Or even if they're listening to it next week. Yeah, so you're gonna do what you're gonna host around and you're gonna announce it on Instagram? Yeah, we'll probably start at comp just because it's like an open area where people will be by spiritual by sport. Yeah. So it's like three wheeler. Yeah, all the by spiritual thing. Alright, later guys have fun. All right, so we're gonna get Maddie whatta King and CRO mod here as well. This is really appreciate everybody tuning in. We're on right Yeah, exactly. in common. long blonde hair. Yeah, so we got Yeah, we got all the blonde hair. Oh, yeah. So all right, Maddie Weda King Welcome to Dirt life show sands sports high. Sierra, how are you? Good. How are you stoked to have you guys on so first? Let's get it out of the way both of you guys have players pro our desert cars now. Yes, we just released hers this week. You release yours a couple of weeks ago how are those bad boys? They're amazing it's it's so crazy how well they handle right out of the box dude wow all right. John Lewis from geysers got it already said no Starbucks. Yeah, we exhausted I know. It is 730 at night. Here we find it we did like a few laps around this show. We almost did not make it so you should open up your own Starbucks franchise and just bring it with you wherever you go. This is whiskey chariot Starbucks edition. Oh my god god we're just hire one employee that just think cruises around delivering you Starbucks wherever you go. Right marketing ideas. Now we're onto something. Yeah. All right. So let's get back to what you guys really sopro are builds What are you guys doing with them? Racing they are pretty like show vehicles quality like they look straight from the box. It's insane. Like what players came up with and I know Maddie just released hers. Beautiful to machine. Thank you. But I raised mine investment as your I'm doing the full Besson desert series this year. And then are you gonna run the 30 fives? It looks really good. I know. It looks good. I just haven't decided can you run 30 fives and best you can 30 fives. I know. Everybody's saying Do 35. So I it looks very proportional. It does. It actually does. It looks really good. Yeah, your next race is the California 300. Right? Yes, that works in Barstow and I think like three weeks, four weeks. Yeah. October 14, or 15th. We race on the 15th That'll be my first race in the pro R. So I'm excited for that big car for big oops. Yeah, yeah, I have that rear fuel cell too. So I'm hoping that that really helps at that race just to carry the front end through ups and all the big stuff I think in Barstow we're gonna need all the suspension help we can get exactly we just went out there and like just just to do some testing when Scanlon was out there I took my stock car it's not like a race car or anything but dude, it is nasty. That's the first time you've like drove out there GEORGE Yeah, it's the first time I drove out there the first time I ever drove the Pro are Yeah, so yeah, and do the heavy stuff right off the bat just 6065 miles an hour. Like it was wild though. I was like holy cow like this is gonna last them four to six hours no effing way do I want to do that? No. Well, it gets better on the backside but we took some like hills and stuff that were fun. Yeah, yeah, if you're gonna race Barstow it's gonna be in a pro are so that's the way to do it. Yeah, I would not want to race in any other vehicle, but we're definitely spoiled when it comes to cars too. I like cars or you can take to the dunes. I do. I like Sears got a fleet of cars. Yeah, she you know, for every occasion, you know, run every day of the week. It's a new car for her different colors, different models. I know that I know that he got rid of one of hers because it's in my garage. Oh, yeah. I want to spare Yeah. Thank you Sarah for sparing when I appreciate that. I have a question. All right. Well, what's your race cars are built by different people. Yes. By fusion off road, finds a lone star car. Yeah, nice. I gotta get for at first sight. I thought they were the same, but they do look alike. Yeah. He's the rear. Yeah, but I have there. Yeah, the rear fuel cell. So that kind of, I mean, it makes it look like a mini car. Just you know, it doesn't even look like cool though. I'm impressed with it with that rear fuel cell. I've got 500 miles on it. Oh, yeah, I'm Georgia it's nothing for her. It's just like, it's such a new car. I'm not used to driving it. We're making so many different changes with the cover. You love it? I absolutely love it. Well, because your last car was in a or was a turbo. So it wasn't at a car and then I converted to turbo for the mint 400. But you were in NA for years for years. You're pretty much going to NA to this pretty much, which is technically still an ad a car? Well, yeah. Yeah, that's wild. Because that's like going like just full tilt. Literally, it's out it was a transition, you feel like it's good. You can, you know, it's Well, the way that I look at this is from like a beginner standpoint, right? Like, when you're going that fast? Is it harder for your brain to compute that speed? A little bit, it takes a little bit of getting used to in the beginning. I mean, I've always no matter what the speeds are, look, as far as I can see. Yeah, the dirt bike mentality. Yeah, there's look further and further ahead. That's actually good. Because then like, I caught myself looking as far ahead as the y z can see, which is like right over the hood. And then I was like, and I was driving the pro R and I was like, Whoa, I need to take a step back because I'm getting all twitchy here. But like, that's a serious thing though, right? Like, the big thing that changes is your line selection too. Because you're going so fast that you can't take these you know, crazy tight lines. You're just blown by him and I think things come up a lot faster in the art world like Holland but through the desert I'm like oh crap, like there's a GL that are just soaks up everything. Yeah, and it's crazy because I mean, I'm sure you can relate. I still check up for some things were my car yeah, that is crazy. Well, dude, so we're at sands sports though like thinking about that for the dunes though. That's like the best thing to think of the dunes because you wanted like see way far ahead and go as fast as you can. So I feel like that's gonna be so fun our prior at the dunes, no matter what the terrain is that prior is going to be fun and anything and everything. Yeah, that's gonna be rad man. All right. So when are you guys getting to go to the dunes on Sierra? I think my first trip will be camp racer. Oh, yeah. You have any plans to go out there or not? Yeah, I have a Turbo S play car. Okay, so I'll just put some paddles on her and go rip. I'll go make I'm gonna say her with her. Last time we I went to the dunes with her. What was it like your second time ever to the dunes? Oh, and she was freaking out the whole time. I got freaking out, like fun freaking out. Oh, I get really carsick. So I was like, No. is the worst place for that. Yeah, I was so sick. But I mean, do you get carsick when you drive though? Oh, yeah, I do. Oh, while you drive while I drive. Yeah, so Silver State. That is my least favorite race of the year. Well, yeah, cuz you're floating over those turns. And you lose your stomach. Yep. And I lose my food with it. Mr. Trophy Truck racer throws up while driving. Really? Yeah, we can relate. Yeah. What do you do in that case? You I guess? My stomach's turned, but I've never so I like lift up my face. Get it out. Yeah. You kept one hand. I take my gloves off first. Yeah. Oh my god, you got this dandruff. Oh, yeah. And most the time I could like, you know, and that will take the wheel and then I'll like get up and then swallow it. Or you just I've tried to swallow but I just got the bag in the airplane. Just yeah, yeah, it's just, you know, I get so carsick you just gotta suck it up. I don't know how to deal with it once once it's out. You're good. Most of the time. Yeah, that's why you don't go back to like round to rally type situation. Depends if I you know, I have a couple more snacks. What's your favorite snack? Applesauce inside the car might squeeze Oh, you just Yeah. Really? Gives you a little bit of sugar and oh yeah, you get like a little bit of energy where you need to go Yeah, dude, that sounds so to me. It's like apples applesauce squeezed Yeah, that's it. Yeah, no, it's more of a drink than any day ride moto just said chunks chunks were your you were Starbucks queen now to hopefully people don't call you chunks oh my god that was suck don't give them all right chunks. It is changing your contact contact pops up screenshotted and posted we'll share it is good dude. I'm stoked for you guys and all your new racing endeavors and stuff like that but I definitely want to see you guys at the dunes to the Dunes is where I started honestly, I think the Dunes is like what got me into racing and the whole off road community so I will be there. Where are you gonna go to Camp razor them and like I will I'll be at Camp breeze off on everyone. Usually my go to is like Dumont dunes. That's Is my my go to but I know players razors hosting the big camp razor this Yeah, it is. Yeah, it's like I want to say eight, nine hours. I mean it's three hours for us. Yeah. Yeah, we're close and do Montz an hour and a half for me. So that's in my slots. You bet Ryan, will you get Steve and then RJ? Yeah, man, do you? That's so cool. All right. So what are you guys gonna be here for the rest of the weekend? I will. I'll be here. You guys got going on Saturday. Okay, so tomorrow. Yeah, yeah. And then so what do you guys got going on? Because I know that you guys are scheduled pretty busy. So thank you for hanging out. Of course. Thank you for having us. But what do you guys have my cars and a chupacabra off road booths. I do like autograph signings there. So I'll be here from opening to closing every single day. Yeah, so Greg Kelly racing just said it's good to see you guys. But yeah, so like, if anybody wants to come hang out, like over your fans or whatever, they can come over there and hang out and say hi. Like, actually shake your hand. That's pretty cool. Yes. Yep. The one and only hand. I love seeing everybody and it's nice to see my Instagram followers in person and get to actually well that's what I mean. Yeah, like into like, actually have a conversation right? Yes. It's awesome. So what do you have going on? This is the first year I haven't had to erase it. So sorry, race at work it Oh, sorry. Costly race. Now you used to get to be loved status. Yeah. So now like my car's at fusion. So today, I've spent most of the day there just answering questions about the car meeting people. Tomorrow I'm gonna walk around. Say hi to some sponsors. And then go back to the car and, and shake hands shake hands kiss babies. Yeah. Speaking of kissing babies, we RJ from Jeffrey's performance gonna come up here with his baby. Super cute. Thank you for having us here. Hey, have fun at the rest of the rest of the weekend. And don't forget to buy Alright, so we're gonna get RJ from Jeffrey's performance up here and then we're also going to get Steve from shock therapy. Come up and hang out. Talk a little bit about what they have going on. RJ Why don't you say here in the middle since you're bringing up the baby to man that dude there's so much cool stuff happening so we're going to just show you guys a little bit of stuff. It's going to sound great. Yeah, put it as close to your mouth as possible. All right, so welcome to this show. RJ from Jeffrey's performance how are you? I'm well I'm well. This is our friend here. This this is hardly the otter give you high five learn. I'll say our because GRC hates when I say my. But there Yeah. The new CEO is she? Megan Megan big moves over here. Right? And then we got Steve from shock therapy tube socks. It's just shock therapy. It's two socks. Steve. He's his own brand at this. He really is. He gave me some some socks and they are so official. Some of the best are pretty great. Some of the best. If you guys don't know. tube sock Steve has his own line of tube socks. Yeah, and you gotta check them out. I'm at shock therapy. Yeah, shock. Shock Therapy USA or shock goes to either. They are the best and for every eight he does a thing like Tom wait a second here. RJ you have your toenails painted black? Yeah, no, we all went and got pedicures today. Oh really? Lindsey she didn't get the knit she didn't get the orange she didn't get it. She didn't get her toes. Oh no, she just said it. She said it didn't match. It wasn't yellow. It doesn't match Yeah, Lindsey doesn't let the you know her. Oh no, I got it. Lindsay Lindsay got it to match the fleet. The fleet or Yeah, Alex's car which is the orange one. Let me here let me turn it around right here so Lindsay can show us your fish. We got a camera this is gonna get some views. This is gonna get some views everybody. Lindsay showed her feet if you guys didn't know too not only does he have his own tube sock line Lindsey is doing only feet subscribe live you just found out it's a weird economy. We need to put our eggs in different baskets here she's not doing enough so I'll manage it right right pig right down 7:50pm Oh my God we're clipping this one Lindsey is doing only Fy is going viral. So and then she's gonna head she'll sponsor she'll take your tube sock off. Oh, Jesus. We're gonna sell honestly after this if you guys are even working on their marketing. Listen, I don't claim to be a genius. I just claimed like some of the profits. Really though, so if anybody's listening to the podcast and they're listening to it, please go back and check out YouTube or Facebook because you can actually see everybody in the background but you can't see Lindsay's feet there's snow covered with vans they're like oh yeah put RJ and Steve on this took a wild ride will usually bring my own usually yeah usually other weird oh there it is. Yeah this is his microphone usually bring my own microphone. Jordan trouble last time well I actually so the last time you had your own microphone, and I get a call on Monday from our from on Tuesday from Ryan Edwards our producer today. He says George, can you please not have that happen again on the show? Oh, you're the fun sponge I brought it surprising that Ryan answered his phone. You got him on the phone. Oh, that's wild. Oh, we got blue. Which means that didn't Daddy's here. Daddy's over here. A wild night. Dude. It is poppin off. It's been doing pretty good. Looking at you guys. Todd's a cone out there. Did you guys you guys talked to Todd yet? Yeah. We already talked to Todd. Did he tell you about the streetcar that he built in three weeks? We heard 69,000 horsepower. So we heard 69 horsepower. That's right. And and he's only like 69 grand over budget. So yeah. Oh, man, Todd is actually in the background laughing so you know, but if anybody's at this show, that's the car to see. I mean, yeah. Or even if you're not at the show, check it out on social media or check it out whenever they post your lenses or whatnot. But yeah, hands down. You know, between that and Danny G because there's so much cool shit this year. There really is, you know, last year I felt a little bit like it was like everybody was kinda like just wait yeah, you know, like like they were wait like everybody was on edge about what was coming out from from both camps. So it's just they both call Yeah, but they couldn't finish their bills weren't released last year. Yeah. At least here know what the Pro are and turbo or? I don't know. I don't think they did. I know that. Yeah. Your cannamd guy. Sorry. Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down here. There's it in real spicy. Oh, listen, I'm not for anything. There might be something on the horizon you guys don't know about? Okay. We don't know secret stuff going on. Yeah. If you want to know go over to Lindsay's Instagram. And ask her in the DMS but it will be blacked out. Ask her in the DMS. More DMS. You're gonna look like if you want Have you ever seen her text messages? She has 964 unread message dudes on like slept mode for usually everybody on read everybody on guy on? Like, good. And then you go to her J to leave. I get one more responses or look. It's like or no okay. Or? Yes. Yeah. So thumbs up. Like, hey, like I do I walk into rows. I'm like, like, like, I'm begging for something like, Hey, like, you know, how do you feel about this? Well, I did it last month. So does she make you like pull a ticket? Oh, man. And we got the camera angle over here on Lindsey too. And she just looking all calm and collected like, Yeah, well, man. I don't know. Was this supposed to take a directive somewhere because we just kind of ran well, we were supposed to talk about like sand cars like when you guys are going to the dunes but it got all wild. It gets you know, I mean, tube sock is speaking of going to the dunes. So you're making a trip here soon. Right? That's a good segue. Yeah. Fantastic. Yeah, we're we're gonna be heading out to the dunes for Halloween for camp raiser. Do you get to ride it all us working on people stuff working all day. I haven't seen him ride anything but flip flops all the way to his his toy hauler after drawer guy. These guys work if you if you go by the shock therapy tent. Those guys yeah, they got a lot of stuff going on. It's cool, though. Because like I was just thinking about it. Like if you want to get your stuff done, you can just knock it out all there and like don't have to worry about shipping it like seven months in advance. Yeah, they're it's insane what they produce in the middle of nowhere. I mean, I think we've always talked about like, you guys create your own city. But what is it 12 or 13 cars a day? Yeah. So we averaged about 16 cars a day last season, and we're gonna try and try and let's face it. There's nobody in the industry doing that. Nobody that kind of there's people who've trialed, but nobody touches that kind of volume. Not at that level to know that stuff they're doing. Oh, yeah. And not only that, it's like, imagine doing that kind of volume and you nail it. Most of the time. Of course, there's gonna be there's five or 10 percenters that are coming back and being like, yeah, like I just don't feel like I can run it up old as fast as I need to. And then you come back and he's got the clickers all the way sit too soft. Was that me? Yeah, that was me. They do my suspension they and they're like they they give you that they're like, oh, it said in the middle so like adjust it. I just cruise straight to old hold it wide, and I almost get bucked right over the bars right first set in you notice I did it, dit, dit, dit, dit, dit. And that's what I was skinnier. So that's actually, that's actually a pretty confident like thing to do, man, you never go wide open. No, all the way. Right. That's it in my younger days prior to having her so I hit it and I come back and I'm like, Dude, I don't want to be this guy. And I pull around back like, you know, because I didn't want to be like, show up front. Pull around back. You I don't want to be this guy. But I'm going to totally be this guy. Yeah, you know, I'm taking it to this. I'm like Mitch committee. And I'm like Mitch. And Mitch also works for shark there. Yeah, this. This thing sucks. And he looks at me and he goes, that's weird. And you know how Mitch is right? If you say anything in the negative context he's about to make you look like an idiot. And I'm sitting there talking to you about like, the situation like everybody does. Yeah, I was like, so that typical person I'm like, Yeah, dude, this is what I was doing. I was setting it up. I was like, three quarter throttle. I did. I didn't have a tool bag, giving you all the stats. And Mitch, he's like, Yeah, you gotta sit all the way to saw dude. And it's like, right in front of you. And it's like, he said it loud enough that the whole camp could hear. Yeah. And I was like, Yeah, I'm making that mistake again. So if anything if my suspension is ever wrong, it'll never be wrong again. Yeah. I'll never say anything again. But thankfully, the guys that shock therapy, absolutely kill it every time and I haven't had a car that set up wrong in five years. Yeah. Yeah, they got a lot of stuff going on. Hey, so we should get Danny to come up here but there's a couple girls that want to see the baby two out there. You want to show off your I have a fiance and she's right here. So you want to see the baby? You go through the warden first. Oh, that's me up for on camera. Like what a move. Hey, there's some girls who want to see like look at Jessie she's like say yeah, go give that baby. They were just on the show. They were already talking about show. Like are you crazy it looks could kill. Yeah, it looks to kill you. I'm not looking that good naked anymore. I lose that route. Okay, it's so funny because I didn't even mean it close to that you took it way over. Anybody to set up? That is the setup. Like you either got paid by her or somebody out there is like, Oh, look at the money later. Guess what? I don't care. That's right. We'll get Danny G up here. Out. Yeah. I've incriminated myself too much like hey, tube socks from tube sock Steve shock therapies. The best EVO has a great car. Lindsey is still partially partially single. I don't know. It's like, it's a weird thing. Perfect. Lindsey. I actually did get her gone like this. With these like, she's gonna get that big fucking thing that you pull the guy off the boat. But Danny's got some great stuff to talk about. Always get down here and get down here. All right, get me off this thing. I'm gonna appreciate it homie. You stay up here. Yeah. Danger you're watching come up and hang out with us for a little bit baby to sleep and bring the puppy bring blue. Yeah, bring blue up here. Alright, so Steve, did you and Danny coordinate we're just always fresh. Yeah, we're always fresh. Did you always come with gray Hi blue. So this was my we're setting up today so this is gonna be like setup for anybody that's listening to the podcast version on audio Yeah, keep the mic as close as possible to your to your face. We got Danny G what's up man? Welcome dirt life show how are you and then tube sock Steve and you guys both did. You guys pass each other notes can you know connect in a text message black shirts, grey shorts, uniform, manly and tube socks. It's the kid. I grew up in the late 80s, early 90s startup kit. Is it okay, blue walks around. It'd be cool. It's gonna be good. Okay, cool. Alright, so first question is since RJ is not going to take over the show now. What are your plans to go to the den? I'm planning on going as much as possible this year. That's why I went with basically teaming up with chalk therapy and RJ to build the most I said I want the most reliable bulletproof machine you could you could build me Give me a breakdown. It's a 2022 KMM with the I got Smart shark he's got the RR with the smart sharks. Yeah, how wild is the cars let me so so the thing is like I got to drive the car a couple times bones pretty much bone stock you know it had like the the basics on it last year or last season and I was highly impressed. Yeah, so doing what we did do it I can't wait to get out there man that thing is gonna be those are so much fun man. Dude I can't wait to get are you so you're gonna go to Camp razor then? Yeah, I'll be at Camp razor, but I kind of lay low there, you know, because you gotta you gotta like an off weekend kind of guy or like what usually I go is I just go as much as possible. Like my plan is usually three trips a month, or three trips a month. And as like I got I got my whole routine. Like I store all my stuff out there. Glamour students. Oh, you just show up here. Yeah, I do the full Yacht Club style. My friend taught out there is. That's the best dude ever. Like, I don't want to blow up my seeker because everyone's gonna copy what I'm doing. Because it really does. It makes it to where you could do. I probably do eight or nine extra trips a year. Because of doing this. Like, you store your shit out there. You just make it simple. You bring a cooler make you leave your car out there. You maintain your car out there. Anything breaks like I got my pit crew like I got enough like able guys out there to take care of it. So yeah, it's basically you're just doing your living. Yeah. And in the club style. Like, I take care of Todd. He's a big fan of vans shoes, and I happen to know somebody that uh, that uh, yeah, get dance. So I keep them laced up and, and, and I take care of them on the cash thing. And so it is Yacht Club style, like, hey, rats live and just show up and ran out. We need to get on that program. Want to be on that race for actually Steve needs to get on that program too. He's just working the whole fucking time. He's out there. Yeah, I'm shaking hands kissing babies. Yeah, there's no way I can run it. There's no way I could run like the way they run it because they they're working super hard and you never see him like bigger in a bitch and at each other. Like they're having fun. They got fucking Prince Michael Jackson blasting the best tunes. They're having a great time. And they're just putting out rad cars all day. It's CRC the best crew. Thank God that Like honestly, I think their suspension is is the best. Well, we're just talking about like for the consumer that's you doesn't get any better you just knock the once one hit and then you're out. Yeah. And it's like I've never had an issue. They raised her like, for what it was she would face it suspension is kind of like an art form. Yeah, so taking it to these guys and then you actually can drive your car to its ability. Yeah. And what I do my style of driving out there. I only have one interest it's 100% Fast dude. Rob Hell yeah, that's it. I don't go I don't fuck with the Hill. I mean, I'll go hang out with everybody show. You get like a good line going on some of those like, like, just like smooth flowy rides. Yeah, so you know I roll with like Nick farmer try and get on some of his ride. You know, what I still don't understand is how that fucker goes so fast with one eye one eye. Like, he goes so fast dude. And he can only see out of one eyeball and you've also got the other the only dude who's faster than him out there is David kordansky If you've ever ridden with him, and he's on like, what? He's got just the animal Yeah, dude. And he's just the animals a true psychopath. Or they just pan the whole time? Yeah, full word they don't live would lift their lines are insane. Nick's are a lot more technical. So you get tired chasing him. Dave is he figures out like the high speed lines through there. yourself like you'll die if you've if you've it's over you got to have full trust in Him because it's it's odd man. He's you know I've spent like end of the season him and I just went on full endurance runs together just me and him that's what I got back to camp. I was just like, had to like peel my hands off dude, you were just death grip all time. He is a fucking psychopath man. When you got back my cursor No. Yeah, you can say whatever the fuck you want. Yeah, absolutely. Man. Dude, that sounds good. Well, we can curse now. Kelly boy as text says let's go I can't take all the credit though. We got a great team behind me like I got I got Michi I got Lolo. I got all the guys doing the shocks. We got the guys out front. I mean, we got a good team behind me. So it's not it's not just me there you know, but we go out there and it is a full deal. Yeah, like I got a full team and I appreciate all the hard work that you guys put in because you're actually putting the customers first like that means a lot. So it I worked for I don't know if anybody knows but I'm affiliated with vans on their southern California sales rep. Southwest gonna cover and vans is known for being like, we're the smallest big brand out there. You know, we're a massive brand, but we have a very small brand mentality. It's very family oriented. It's a I mean, it's like the best brand new work forever. Shock Therapy has that same vibe. Yep, that's a crew like these dudes. And girls are I mean, they're putting it down and it's like there's everybody's on the same wavelength. Yeah, you know, it's super cool. I love the way that that went environments are like that in any form of company, whether it's five employees or 6900 employees like industry. Yeah. And then they just hired the guy we were talking about Dave like, that's his, like, the missing piece of the puzzle, you know, so yeah, they got the best suspension with the baddest dude out there. ripping through the dunes with it. Like, it's undeniable now like who's gonna? Who's to deny? Yeah, works good. All right, so you guys are gonna go out to the dunes. You're gonna go a million times this year. That's gonna be patient. That's my goal as possible. That's how I stay sane. It's 100% fun for me, but it also what the dunes does is like, you know, you get out there, I'm gonna fuck that. The, it's, you go out there and it's 100% fun for me. But it also like, after like Sunday, when I'm pulling out of the dunes, your tire head is as clear as it can be. I'm ready to go back to work. I got goals. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, glamours will keep you on your fucking toe refresher. It doesn't make you a lazy person because you're like, well, I need this, this and that now, like whatever. So it keeps you motivated to 100% and you know, the family environment My friends. My best friend just happened to go to the dunes. That's exactly what it's all about. That's we're just talking about that before you guys showed up. Like that's one of the reasons because I haven't been to the dunes like a full season and so long, and this year, I got a good car to be able to go out there and that's what I'm looking forward to mostly is hanging out with everybody and going on bitchin rides like you're talking about? Yeah, it's kind of like it brings you back. It's a nostalgic kind of thing. Like, you know, when we were kids, we all just got up every day, our agenda, your bike, snacks, everyone ride your bike, you see what you can get into. And that's what you're doing in the dunes and we go on a crazy ride and we come back and we're all laughing at each other. Until we go on to the next round. We're laughing because it's like yo, you're talking you guys are so fun. It's so much fun and it never gets old. No it never never gets old. Yeah, because every single ride is a new ride right all right, so one up that last one by Lindsay Alright, so we're gonna close out the show. Hopefully we'll get to see you guys at the end is definitely want to go for rides and Steve if you do end up getting anytime you don't have a car you can just switch with me because I'm not going to ride at night you can just drive the Pro are. So dude. Thanks so much, dude. Danny appreciate you coming on the show. Alright, so yeah, we're gonna we're gonna close out the show real quick. Rana wants you to come over here and sit here and let Emily press End on the on the iPad when we when we close out. But man, we've got a good time over here. It stands for Super Show. Appreciate it. Thanks. Thanks blue for coming on the show. We really appreciate it. Man, that's so sad. Sports has been pretty wild. It's only Friday night and it's mega bigger than it was last year. Dude, How sick is this? Look at all the people out there. It's rad. Let me hear let me turn around. And if you want to, like grab that and turn around. You can see all the people out there. Watch the cord. Yeah, watch the cord. Just turn it around so everybody can see. It's been a pretty fun night ran. I really appreciate your help. It has been cool. I like I like our setting too. It has been in a studio. It kind of does feel like that right? We need to get more breaks in so people can like eat and have fun. But yeah, I really appreciate your help. Do you do crushes fun? And yeah, so anybody that's listening to to this afterwards? Definitely. Slide into our DMS hang out. Please check out all the partners. Yeah, get down here. Check out all the friggin awesome stuff going on. Yeah, definitely get down here and check it out. But thank you to all of our awesome partners KMC Max's tires. Motul shock therapy. Almost all these people got to come on the show tonight. JL Audio evolution power sports owner racing products vision canopies cryo he anything you want to tell the audience before we bail. See at the dudes. Yeah. I love that. Emily saying we got a couple of comments. Oh, Ryan, where's the shout out? Oh, it's John Doe adventure off road. Yeah, Harper's rad dude. Right. All right. So thank you guys very much for tuning beers, eat some tacos. Yeah, definitely wants you. On Monday. We're not gonna have a show because we did today. And we don't want to set up again, it's too quick of a turnaround. So thank you guys very much for joining us. We really hope that you guys have a fun day and season. If you need to get out there and you don't have any options, please. You know, slide into our DMS we'll talk about the best thing to do change your oil like all these crazy things with the right people. Yeah, exactly. So we can help out as much as you need. So we really appreciate everyone. Thank you guys so much for listening to their live show. You guys are our lifeblood. We'll see you guys at the dance. Thank you. Good night. We out. Thanks for listening to the dirt life show. See you next week.

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