Real World Behavioural Science

27. Dr Rachel Carey (2 of 2), Chief Scientist at Zinc VC

Stu King

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Dr Rachel Carey is back for the second of two podcasts, hosted by Stuart King and Dr Tiago Moutela. The first podcast (episode 26) was recorded back in 2021, and Rachel kindly came back on the podcast to update us on progress at ZINC VC.

Now Chief Scientist at ZINC VC, Rachel is a behavioural scientist with a background in health psychology. Following on from our previous conversation about how she applies (and advocates for the application of) behavioural science within start-up environments, Rachel talks about her experiences of and challenges with the often-binary perception of “academia” and “industry”.

Rachel, Stuart and Tiago discuss:

  • Putting research & evidence at the core of new ventures 
  • Benefits and challenges of moving from academia into “industry
  • Experts vs generalists
  • Changing the narrative around career paths for researchers
  • Robustness and rigour of research 

 Ultimately seeking to help mission-driven individuals to unlock their own impact, Rachel and the growing team at ZINC VC are doing fascinating and exciting work.

You can find out more about them here: or contact Rachel directly on twitter via @Rach_Carey.